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That's what these social networks are doing.  You know Ning sold out to Glam, Inc.  Don't know what their new policies are regarding privacy. 

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Sheldan Nidle's Upcoming Webinar Sunday

Catch it if you can. There are benefits to participating.  Scroll further down to see the bear that had quintuplets (usually it's only two cubs at a time). 

 Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . .

Sunday is fast approaching~~time for another webinar with Sheldan ~~ Technologies That Will Transform Our World.

There are a lot of new people registering for this webinar so they have some questions on how this works.

How do I access the webinar?

After you register, you will receive your personal webinar link. 5-10 minutes before the webinar is to begin, click on the link. This will take you to PAO's waiting room. Just sit there until you hear my voice and see Sheldan's presentation on your computer screen. It is that simple.

Please note:For first time webinar attendees, sometimes when you click on your link, you will be asked if you "agree" or "accept" the terms, just say "yes" then you will be taken to the waiting room.

We offer the same webinar presentation on two different dates and times to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Your link is good for either or both dates.

Hope this helps clarify things.

The importance of Live Webinars

Most every month for the past several years, Sheldan Nidle has conducted a special live Webinar. The purpose of these live Webinars is to bring together at the same time as many people as possible to share a common energy and hold the light. More and more, it is essential that we as Light Workers not feel
alone or isolated and that we connect with like-minded others: during each live Webinar, we are able to join together to collectively bring about the necessary world changes that will lead to our becoming fully conscious Galactic humans.

During Live Webinars:

• Galactic Federation teams heighten the energy fields around our planet.
• All Webinar attendees are immersed in a special energy field.
• Galactic medical teams attend to each of us.
• The Ascended Masters bring in Angelic joy.
• Sheldan does not channel his message; during each Webinar he is directly linked to the Galactic Federation.

Remember, when people from all around our world come together for one of Sheldan's webinars, we create a grid of Light anchoring in a shared vision for our new reality~~a reality based on cooperation, sovereignty, joy, Love ~~ UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Please join us.

Selamat Ja!


Bear Quints~Once in a lifetime photo

Black bears typically have two cubs; rarely one or three. In 2007, in northern New Hampshire, a black bear sow gave birth to five healthy young. There were two or three reports of sows with as many as four cubs, but five was, and is, very extraordinary. The photographer learned of them shortly after they emerged from their den and set a goal of photographing all five cubs with their mom - no matter how much time and effort was involved. He knew the trail they followed on a fairly regular basis, usually shortly before dark. After spending nearly four hours a day, seven days a week, for more than six weeks, he had that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and photographed them. He used the equivalent of a very fast film speed on his digital camera. The print is properly focused and well exposed, with all six bears posing as if they were in a studio for a family portrait.

The photographer stayed in touch with other people who saw the bears during the summer and into the fall hunting season. All six bears continued to thrive. As time for hibernation approached, he found still more folks who had seen them and everything remained OK. The photographer stayed away from the bears because he was concerned that they might become habituated to him, or to people in general, and treat them as approachable friends. This could easily become dangerous for both man and animal.

After Halloween, no further reports and could only hope the bears survived until they hibernated. This spring, just before the snow disappeared, all six bears came out of their den and wandered all over the same familiar territory they trekked in the spring of 2007.

The photographer saw them before mid-April and dreamed nightly of taking another family portrait, a highly improbable second once-in-a-lifetime photograph.

When something as magical as this happens between man and animal, Native Americans say, "We have walked together in the shadow of a rainbow." And so it is with humility and great pleasure that I share these exhilarating photos with you.

Tom Sears



with Sheldan Nidle

At the end of each live Webinar, Sheldan will disclose up-to-the-minute information on our timelines as he receives it, directly from the Galactic Federation & the Ascended Masters.

Welcome to Webinar 28

Over the past 100 years, we have witnessed many major technological developments. However, technology that we really need now has been systematically suppressed by the cabals. In this Webinar, Sheldan will explain the technologies that will be made available to us after the Announcements and Disclosure.

Sheldan will discuss:
• Suppression of technologies
• Technologies the Galactic Federation are using to help us now
• Replicators - Communicators - Healing devices
• How technology will restore Gaia to her pristine condition
• Inner Earth - living quarters - metamorphosis Light chambers
• Consciousness and technology

Sunday, June 24, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Thursday, June 28, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

For your convenience: Time Converter

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited...Register NOW!

You won't want to miss it!

Cost: $15.00 U.S.




Sheldan's webinar on Starseeds was well attended. In fact, many more people wanted to participate in this webinar but for the first time we filled all the spots and many were turned away. So we at PAO decided to post the video on Youtube.

We asked our regular webinar attendees to share information on this webinar by inviting people you thought were ready to receive this information or understood about our Ascension but didn't know much about being a Starseed or the Galactic option. ZaZuMa! Heartfelt Gratitude. We thank you for spreading the word about this webinar.


Here's what a couple of people said about the webinar:

Excellent webinar. Lots of information. My friend told me I am a starseed but I really didn't know what that meant and he didn't explain it very well. After watching your webinar presentation, I now know for sure: I AM A STARSEED. I fit the profile to a "T". Thanks Sheldan. I feel excited about life again.
Tom B.

Dear Pao Team,
I really enjoyed the webinar. There was this whole lovely energy around it and I felt incredibly peaceful. Actually remarkably I felt like I'd come home! (something I try to avoid feeling) and that things made sense again. When every day I find the opposite........ And finally I found somewhere that people are nice (PAO TEAM), you don't have to be defensive, or soldier on. Thanks for an amazing experience. Anyway, I loved it, and yearn to have more of that in my life.
Thank you!
Love Taj



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©2012 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
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SaLuSa 22-June-2012

Some people who do not understand our technology are feeling that the time for action is "now or never", believing that there will be insufficient time left to carry out all the changes necessary before Ascension. We must re-iterate that for us time is not such a crucial factor, and we are able to adjust to whatever time scale we are allowed. Our current plan is to start the action within a matter of days and not weeks, but nevertheless there is no question of it "never" going ahead. However, as you have learnt there is a line drawn from which we must get started even if it means becoming more directly involved. All along we have tried to encourage your participation in the preparations for Ascension and that has not changed, but we will move into action when given the authority. You will know when action is imminent as our allies intend to give a public announcement beforehand.

Our tasks are looking a lot easier now that the dark Ones are no longer the power they were. The work of our allies has been extremely successful in breaking down their power structure, and they no longer command such large forces as previously. In fact their capitulation has taken place in all but name, and we await their final admission of defeat. So whatever news you hear do not fear the consequences as we are in control. and short of minor irritations we will not allow our efforts to be interfered with. There are still those who paint a picture of catastrophic happenings, but be assured that any physical changes will be more in the way of local changes and not world wide. Bear in mind that we can moderate the affects of earthquakes, and contain them to ensure that only the minimum of damage occurs. A long time ago your seers saw massive changes coming and prophesied them accordingly, but with time those possibilities became less catastrophic. So when people refer back to them remember that they are no longer in line with the current view on physical changes.

Now you are so near to the final stages in your journey through duality, and many are already lifting up out of it. Set your goals high as everything is possible within the higher vibrations that you now exist in, as literally nothing is beyond your grasp. Even as this message is being relayed to you the energies have once again been increasing as a result of the Summer Solstice. There are more high points to come and for each soul many opportunities that will lift up their vibrations. These are intense times all with the intent of giving you every assistance to prepare for Ascension. After all whatever happens the only object of the changes is to get you safely into the New Age. That goal will be achieved regardless of any other events that take place.

Whilst we encourage you to talk amongst yourselves about the present period, we would also ask that you make allowances for other peoples points of view. Remember that there are numerous time lines that are gradually coming together, and until a souls seeks help it should be allowed to progress through its own endeavors. The lessons learnt or knowledge acquired is best from personal experience. Naturally you are a mix of so many souls at different levels and there are those who love to share what they have discovered. That is fine providing you take only what resonates with you and is intuitively acceptable. There are many truths at this time but ultimately only the One Truth, which all shall understand as part of the One Supreme Being.

Dear Ones you are adored by us as we see the real you, a magnificent Being of Light. You entered the lowest vibrations of your Universe as a challenge to your ability, to still rise up and bring back remembrance of who you really are. That many of you have now achieved and others are quickly awakening with the result that the Light upon Earth is at its highest level ever. It is instrumental in transmuting the lower energies and removing more power from the dark Ones, so that their attempts to carry on are doomed to failure. We would not in any event allow them to rise up again, and their days are finished. In one way or another
they will be removed and placed where they cannot interfere with the Divine Plan.

To some extent you can sit back and enjoy the coming period, but be aware that once the fun starts it will come thick and fast. The main point is that whatever takes place now is ultimately for your good, so do not see disharmony and danger where none exists. Have faith in your allies and our presence, as we have waited long for these moments and intent on keeping you well informed. Hitherto, we have had to exercise some constraint as it never pays to let your enemies know too much. However, when they are confined in places where they cannot affect our plan, we will be more than happy to give you as much detail as possible.

There are still things happening on Earth that were instigated by the dark Ones, such as the problems in the Middle East. They will not last much longer and peace will be declared and enforced by us if necessary. There have been millions either killed or injured in mad wars that have benefitted few people except the Arms Dealers, although the seizure of countries and their wealth has also been one of the objectives. You have had your fill of such experiences and will never need to have them again, unless you choose to serve in the lower dimensions to prevent wars. Service to others is the highest form of love and once ascended it is a way of life that comes quite naturally to each soul.

First however look forward to a break to pursue your own interests and enjoy being back in the higher realms. Sooner or later you will then find the call to service too powerful to resist, and you can decide in what way you want to do it. Undoubtedly you will find that you brought various talents and skills such as healing with you, and use them to further your experience. Naturally you will normally find yourself working in groups, and they could well be comprised of those whom you have already worked with on Earth. Friendships carry on through many lives, and account for that instant attraction between people when they first meet.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send best wishes from the Galactic Federation of Light, who are getting nearer to you with each day that passes.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Wanderer Of The Skies Message - 6-21-12

The time of doubt is at an end. The time of hope has begun. Now, you will begin to see real change occur, palpable and observable by all.

There are several more massive earthquakes yet to occur, all with minimal damage to life, as these changes continue.

Your nation of Iceland is being used as a testing ground for the rolling out of financial strategies for the betterment of your planet. It would be wise to follow their progress in this respect, as it will be the fate of all nations in a very brief period of time.

Greetings from the Federation:

There is a great sense of hope developing on your world today as your collective thoughts focus on the arrest of the Illuminati and the restructuring of your financial systems. These are as have been intended. They are being played out all over your world in an orchestrated manner that would overwhelm you in its strategic development if you could know its depth and breath. We are here to speak about that which we can without jeopardizing actions already in play that you will see come to fruition over the coming weeks.

Prepare for great movements of information all over your globe that will focus those who are not in tune with what you have been accomplishing all this while. This will be the next, and greatest to date, mass awakening of individuals who have been asleep through the process thus far. This information will come from many sources, including your media, which has even now begun to unravel the Illuminati control about it. Truth is rolling over those that resist, and those who have always wanted this information to "get out" now see no impediment to their actions to make it so. This trickle will now become the floodgates of information that are a precursor to disclosure.

Indeed, we have had our hand in the rocket launch recently making news and it is now abundantly clear that there can be no reprisal from rogue military operations on our actions in the world. While fear mongering will cause many to focus on nuclear weapons and their potential use in terrorist activities, we say, as we have always advised, that there is nothing to fear at all.

Your nation of Iceland is being used as a testing ground for the rolling out of financial strategies for the betterment of your planet. It would be wise to follow their progress in this respect, as it will be the fate of all nations in a very brief period of time. We have always advised you that such an action would never come from the larger powers and nations of the world, but they will follow in lockstep once the actions begin their domino effect.

The time of doubt is at an end. The time of hope has begun. Now, you will begin to see real change occur, palpable and observable by all. These matters will come on so quickly it will spin your head. Hold on now for the beginning of the beginning. And as these changes come, so will Gaia react to your hope and love. She is already making changes that will benefit all. There are several more massive earthquakes yet to occur, all with minimal damage to life, as these changes continue.

We are forever with you, our family. We look forward to our reunion and the chance to share with you our love and excitement for your future.

Be at peace.

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Operation Stardust 2

It's getting wilder.

"Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth. Stardust is the codename of a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nanodust can not be removed by any technology known on Earth. Its activation has two phases. The first phase blocks the central nervous system immediately and a person can not move. The second phase kills the person. It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm. In vast majority of cases Phase 1 activation will be sufficient."

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Greek Healthcare System Near Collapse

The Greek economy is in full shutdown mode. Virtually no commerce is taking place. Most ATMs no longer work. Checks no longer clear the bank. People aren't getting paid and therefore also not buying anything.

The entire (western) medical system in Greece is nearing total collapse. Hospital workers are going unpaid, medicines have all but disappeared, Big Pharma has started to pull out.

Why does any of this matter? Because this is a preview of what's coming to America in the next few years as the global debt collapse unfolds:

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Galactic Interplanetary Waves = Ripples Through ALL Dimensions = Your Ascension  (As Upon Earth, then Outward to All Dimensions and all Universes)

If you want to ascend with the planet, sign up for a
Mission now with Project Eagle Triad, by emailing:

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)

Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad*** (Ashtar's Trinity) go here:

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                         ASCENSION CLASS 47

       by SANANDA (Lord Jesus the Christ, Ascended)
              channeled through Rev Deb Wright
                       "The Domino Effect"


This is the lesson that you shall have concerning planetary,
galactic, universal, All That Is ascension. Technically, each and
every one of you, individually, are that first domino of a whole
table full of dominos that bump into each other until all of the
Grand Design is effected. However, for some of you, we shall make it simpler.


Each and every one of you are the one individual drop
of rain that lands in the middle of a calm ocean, that sends out
minute little ripples that get bigger and bigger, and bigger and
bigger, until eventually there's a tidal wave caused by that one
drop of rain. I know I'm over-exaggerating here, but I think you
get the picture. <grin>

Now, as you know, someone wonderful came in and taught you a little
bit about the parts of personal ascension that some of you may or
may not have thought of before. And those are things that you can
do to assist yourself up that ladder. Once so many of you reach the
top of your ladder, does that mean that the planet herself ascends?
Ahhh… this is a trick question. Each and every one of you affect
this planet before you're even halfway up your ladder, you do not
have to reach the top to affect this planet. Well, once you reach a
certain point on your ladders, the planet feels the pull. And when
she feels the pull, the rest of those living upon her, whether they
be animal, vegetable, mineral, whatever, they feel the pull, too.

We have discussed this at quite some length before. However, we are
now here to warn you, too.
There comes a time, when you're climbing
up your ladder and you're pulling the planet right along with you,
that you're pulling something else along… something else that comes
along with all of those that feel the pull of the planet, coming
behind you, or with you. And what that is, is those that perceive
'evil' as something of great power, as something of Divine
Providence, or as something they consider themselves to be. And
since they're being taken along for the ride, sometimes you shall
encounter this. It does not necessarily mean that you shall
encounter evil incarnate face to face. It just means that you will
feel the pull of the energy pulling you back, because there are
many that have that energy within them. Your job, your mission, is
to carry on and to do the best that you can to continue onward and
upward up that ladder even though you feel that pull. The higher
you get up that ladder, the stronger you feel the pull.

Let's consider it as we would consider your basic physics, your
basic science. You're fighting the pull of gravity. Many of you
consider the fact that this will make your trip up the ladder
easier once you reach that certain point, when in actuality it
pulls on you harder. I hate to fall upon your clichés here, but no
one ever promised you that it would be easy… we just said it would
be worthwhile. We said that it would be beneficial once it is
complete. We have not played word games with you, we have done
everything in our ability to warn you that there are times that you
will feel that pull and there are times that you will be weary of
the climb. Those are the times that we do our best to come in and
make you laugh, or give you a distraction, or sometimes even just
hug you at night while you're asleep… give you that little 'boost'
of extra love and care. The best direction that we can give you
concerning this is, with each step that you take up that ladder,
you get closer and closer to the power of the Love of the All That
Is. So keep looking up, keep your focus point up. If you look back
down to see what it is that's dragging on you, you lose momentum,
you lose the sight of your goal that you are striving so hard for.
With each and every step you take, if you keep your eyes up, if you
keep the focus of your mission up, if you keep your heart up, it
will not be easier but you will have less doubt which, in the long
run, makes it easier on your personally. For many of you have
doubt, which is one of those things that is drawing you back down.

With each step that you take up that ladder, you're pulling more
and more on the energy of this planet and those that reside upon
her. But are you the only ones? We have spoken of your soul's song,
we have spoken of your split-aparts, and we have spoken of soul
fragments. Each and every one of you has fragments, counterparts,
split-aparts, that are doing essentially the same thing on
different levels. Some, very few though, on lower levels than
you're at. Many on much higher levels than you're at. And their
energy, as they move onward and upward on their ladder, assists you
in pulling you up your ladder. You're magnetized to those pieces
and parts. You're magnetized to the energy of the Creator. You're
magnetized by the true physics of all Creation, and that true
physics being, the higher you get, the lighter you become… the
lighter you become, the more Light that emanates from you.

You keep your step light, you keep your heart light, you keep your
sight light, and you aim for the Light. And, as I have said before,
every once in awhile you'll find a ledge and you might step off
your ladder and take a breather for awhile. And when you look down
to assist those that are coming up behind you or along side you,
you do not look down for what it is that you have bypassed, the
lessons you have already learned. You look for the Light that is
getting brighter and brighter as it comes up the ladder also. You
encourage that Light, you tell IT to look up, you tell it to keep
getting there, that you're there and they can be, too. Do not look
for the dark, look for the Light within the dark. Encourage it. Pat
it on the back. Allow your Light to shine a wee bit brighter so
that it might see your Light ahead through the dark that it is
surrounded by. Allow yourself to be that beacon that the Creator
uses to add more Light to Itself. For you never know, as you are
looking up your ladder, and you see that Light, it's just another
beacon in between you and where it is that you are heading. And if
you pass a ledge and you see someone taking a break on the ledge,
and you feel refreshed and do not necessarily feel that it is time
for you to take a break, shine your Light for them. For those that
stop and take that break on the ledge are the ones that are being
the beacons that call others on up their ladders. Do you understand

Once all of you reach that one ledge of YOUR ladders, and this
planet is finally able to reach that ledge on HER ladder, and all
those creatures upon her reach that ledge on THEIR ladder, then you
shall be the forerunners that begin climbing your ladder again. And
it starts all over again. However, there is something most wondrous
that happens when all of you reach that ledge. When you reach that
ledge, your Lights become very bright and it sends out a Call. And
that Call awakens all of those others that have not even begun
their flight up from many other different places in your solar
system. You see, there's the ripple, there's the domino for the
next level. You begin pulling them, and then they, in turn, are
where you began. They're just waking up, they're just getting
started. And then, as you begin your next level, and after some
time goes by, and the entire galaxy reaches the level that you had
just left when it woke them up, you will then be pushed to your
next level. And as you being at that next level, it will push and
wake up even another galaxy, and another, and another, until soon
you're entire universe is affected by this push and pull effect.
Now I could, but I have been asked not to, tell you how many
systems in your universe are above or below you, for that makes no
bit of difference. Each and every one of you is all doing the same
job. You're assisting each other, whether you're the one that's
pulling them awake, or they are the ones that have pulled you
awake. And then once your entire universe reaches a specific level,
it begins being either pushed or pulled by other universes. And the
one that is pulling and magnetizing each and every universe, each
and every solar system, each and every planet, each and every
Being, is the Creator… calling back unto Himself all those that
went out to educate Him, to teach, to learn, to share, to assist.

Some of you, at this point in time, may be saying that this sounds
like an exhausting affair. It is. Very exhausting. Ahhh… but well
worth it. Very well worth it. For those of you that have come here
to assist this planet, some of you will reach the top of your
ladder much quicker than others, and then you shall go home. And
when you go home, your home is doing the exact same thing.
Technically, you will each be doing it all over again. It's just
that the vast majority of you are from places that have far
outreached the more mundane levels that you've had to deal with
here and now in this reality. But the experiences that you have
here and now in this reality, are the experiences that you can take
home with you, that will give you and your reality just a bit more
of a push in going to the 'real' Home… the end of the puzzle, the
last domino. The last domino being the full picture, or the full
ocean, however you wish to look at it.

This one, when she teaches her Kabbalah, uses the ancient term of
Light as being: you get closer to the emanation of God. This is
true. I myself much prefer to say that you keep getting closer and
closer to the Light that gets brighter and brighter. The brighter
it gets, the closer you are. And, at times, you shall reach a point
to where that Light is so bright that you will feel that you cannot
even take it, for it is SO bright. But you know that it is Home,
and you keep on and you keep on, and then you are consumed by the
brightest Light of All. And many of you may feel that when you
become incorporated back into the Creator that you lose 'who you
are'. As far as a body, as far as a soul, you become incorporated
back into the One. However, it is a One of great Knowledge, a One
of great Experience, and the way that that Knowledge and that
Experience is incorporated into the One is so vast and
incomprehensible that it is hard to explain to you how. So you may
trust or not trust, you may believe or not believe, it makes no
difference to me. However, you will still know your 'self', and you
will still know your Creator… each and every part and parcel of
your Creator. You will know the ones that you have met before in
past lives, and you will still carry the soul memory of each and
every step up those ladders that you took, and all of those
different part and parcels that you met along the way.

I guess the best way I could explain it to you is this: Every drop
of blood that flows through your body, and you know the name of
every drop of that blood; and you know the experience that every
drop of that blood has had, each path that it's coursed through
your body; each and every different drop of blood that it has met
and interacted with along the way; and if you have had a cut, you
know the names of each drop of blood that left your body through
that cut; if you've had a transfusion, you know the names of each
drop of blood that came through that bag into your body, and you've
named each of those pieces and parts and parcels, and you know
where they came from and you know the course that they took to get
there. That is just a small example of how you can compare it.
Hopefully if shall help you comprehend part of what it is that each
and every one of you are aiming for.

If you have a problem along the way, you feel that pull down the
ladder or you look off that ledge and you do not see Lights coming
towards you, you just see darkness enveloping the Lights, please
look up. Ask your heart… just as if you were a drop of blood… ask
your heart, the Creator, the 'mover', to make your path Lighter… to
shine the Light on you brighter from above to make it easier for
not only YOU to see, but every other drop of blood coming up the
ladder behind you, so that they shall see, too. Does this make
sense? You understand this?

We have had such a glorious communion with each and every one of
you, whether you allowed us to or not… consciously, that is. For
your soul saw the Light whether you've chosen to see it or not. And
we have shined our Lights for you, and we have given you much to
ponder. We have given you much to look forward to and much to laugh
about. These lessons are almost done… for awhile. We will have one
more lesson that shall come through, and when that lesson comes
through, we shall rejoice. And we hope YOU shall rejoice, because
once that lesson comes through, technically, you will have much
that you can be thankful for… or shall I say 'more' thankful for…
than you did before you started these lessons. For you see, if
nothing else, hopefully we have been able to prove to you that we
are here with you. We are not going away. We are not here to harm
you, we are here to assist. We are here to shine our Lights for you
to be able to see through the dark. Please, above all else, just
remember: the dark is nothing more than YOU not being able to see
the Light at that particular point. As your wonderful scriptures
say, almost at the very beginning, that the Lord thy God separated
the Light from the Dark. Did you ever wonder which there was
'first'? Did God make Dark, or did God make Light? The answer is
simple. God made both… and that is what you are to keep in mind.

I will not be asking any questions this week. I've asked a few
'small' ones before now. <grin> But we do wish for you to gather
together in the classes and discuss this, for some of you will
probably come up with your own questions, and that is OK. For you
see, that is where we are leading you… hopefully… to that 'last
lesson'… hopefully. And then, if you wish to, you might find it to
be quite fun and entertaining to begin all over again and see how
far you have advanced in your own heart and in your own mind so far...

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Galactic Interplanetary Waves = Ripples Through ALL Dimensions =
Your Ascension

If you want to ascend with the planet, sign up for an Ascension
Mission now with Project Eagle Triad, by emailing:

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More Icelandic Bankers Arrested

More Icelandic bankers arrested

Posted on20 January 2011. Tags: arrests, banking, Central Bank of Iceland, Iceland, Landsbanki
Iceland’s special prosecutor into the banking crisis has confirmed that raids have taken place today and that arrests have been made. The Central Bank of Iceland is among the institutions under investigation.
Special Prosecutor, Olafur Thor Hauksson told that house searches are taking place in at least three places today as part of investigations into the central bank, MP Bank and Straumur Bank.
Stefan Johann Stefansson at the central bank confirmed that agents were in the building conducting searches; and it has also been confirmed that searches are underway at MP Bank and ALMC (formerly Straumur).
An ALMC spokesman said that the premises are indeed being searched and that the bank’s staff members are doing their best to help.
In other news, four people have so far been arrested today in connection with the special prosecutor’s investigation into Landsbanki.
One of the arrested parties is Jon Thorsteinn Oddleifsson, former Landsbanki treasury boss; and it is not yet known who the other three are.
According to sources, the arrests concern a brand new section of the wider case against the bank and are not directly connected to searches and arrests made last week.

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    I have a Loan with Wells Fargo and each month they remove $ 100.00 from my social security direct deposit BUT this month the decided to take the whole $322.00 I had left to pay on the loan. After talking to two diffirent bankers I have been told that the kind of loan I had can come due anytime they want. WTH does that mean. I stayed with Wells because since the were convicted of money laundering and sold their stock in BP before the oil disaster they would have advance notice of the economic crash. It sure seems to me something is up for the to call a loan due before its time. Just a heads up to watch your bank.   

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