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July 10, 2012
Pleiadians are not here to do it for us, create dependency, etc. Here to help us help ourselves. Assist in evolutionary jump. They don't have to address tyranny, since it's frequency specific and is basically a self-cleaning oven.
Talks about the increasing earthchanges.
Buckle up, wild ride. Don't let anyone steal your love....
With everything going on globally it is no wonder we get so drained and disenfranchised! Sooooo, here is a little pic to give you a smile today! Okay...I woke up in a good mood! :) Peace and Love Yall!! Smile ON!!!!
My contact referred to as "D" has come forward with more from the NSA contact designated below as "Z"...
This is excellent material:
I thought it best to outline a series of questions related to the "Movement of Equipment" while I am still able to meet and question my friend. He appeared to be comfortable still answering questions and when I asked about it, he shrugged and said "if I can't answer, I won't." He continued, saying: "There is a common misconception concerning Classified and Ultra Classified material getting into public hands. At this level they are moving forward so fast and so intently it really doesn't matter to them any more. We are rapidly approaching the end of the road and they believe nothing can stop them at this point. True, I am taking a risk discussing certain matters with you, but in the end I know this will help a lot of people and I'll know that I tried to help them."
* (Z) So what's on your mind?"
* (D) Were any of the objects brought into the DIA area manned?
* (Z) There was a minimal crew brought out of stasis to manage holographics in the first ship, the rest remain in stasis for a different agenda. There were six objects transferred in all. This took four days.
* (D) Can you elaborate on the use of this technology?
* (Z) It is going to be used to manage the situation here once things become very complex. You see everyone is focused on the wrong thing, which of course is what they want. They're masters at getting everyone looking in the wrong direction.
* (D) What's the right direction?
* (Z) The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. However the Base Disk (Black Hole) holding our Galaxy in position below us is the real problem. All material known to us that was sent into it on an exploratory never returned. Ships or probes. We are approaching this at a very high rate of speed and the material is charged with a plasma UN-known to us. It is believed that the area which is commonly referred to as "the Rift" is multidimensionally polarized and thus our current systems will not function during the passage through it. The pulsed phasing alone would probably render most, if not all electronics inoperative and you can forget about all satellites. The speed or movement of the disk is not measurable and because of the angle of approach, it is believed we will skip off its surface several times before entry. The last geologic survey pertaining to a complete passage, or one full rotation around the central sun recorded a " World Quake," where all tectonic Plates shifted at the same time. It is believed that this event was caused by a Base Disk Impact. This is the real reason most of the Elite are nervous.
* (D) You mean about entering the D.U.M.B. bases?
* (Z) Yes. Although there are other alternatives, they would rather not get trapped below.
* (D) Have you been to the bases?
* (Z) Most of them.
* (D) Can you elaborate?
* (Z) No.
* (D) Have you personally used the Jump Room Technology?
* (Z) No Comment.
* (D) Should we be seriously concerned about the "Rift" passage?
* (Z) You weren't really thinking when you asked me that were you? (Laughs)
* (D) Sorry, my questions seem to have their own momentum.
* (D) Are the Elite groups united as a whole? Are there any inner conflicts or divisions?
* (Z) There are always conflicts. The technology crutch is beginning to crumble and the rift between groups is widening, but as a whole they move in unison.
* (D) How serious a grip or "hold" does this group have over our World?
* (Z) At the moment, complete control. But things are changing very fast. Since the passage is uncharted territory no one knows what to expect on the other side. There is some concern that once they are exposed for who they really are, they would be eliminated. I personally think this is a distinct possibility. All Empires fall sooner or later.
* (D) Are they actually considering implementing project Blue Beam?
* That is a possibility, but with the Solar System in such flux and a secondary System (Nibiru) rapidly approaching, (more electronic havoc) it has been formulated that it could be unreliable in critical moments, thus not entirely effective. There are much more effective methods to reach their goals without using an elaborate holographic hoax. As you may have surmised I have been against this sort of nonsense through out my career.
* (D) What do you see being the single most important thing going on right now?
* (Z) People in high level positions are actually taking responsibility for themselves and our World.
* (D) Are you going to get into trouble for talking with me about all of this?
* (Z) Probably.
* (D) After [removed] years of service, are you relieved to be out of the N*A ?
* (Z) You're never really out, it just appears that way on the surface.
Cornell University, Planet X, and Obama’s New Executive Orders
By Jonny Phoenix
July 16, 2012
Over the last year countless people including scientists, top scholars, and universities, in conjunction with peer reviewed studies, have documented the fact that the moon, sun and earth are not in the proper position with things seemingly unwinding in our solar system.
There has been a change in weather, seasons, tides, volcanic and tectonic activity and more with tornadoes even striking in June.
For years governments have been aware of an approaching celestial body (a brown dwarf star) and it’s 3600 year cycle of devastation as outlined in ancient Sumerian cylinder seals.
In fact the IRAS satellite found the object in 1984.
An excerpt from the Washington Post article dated December 30, 1983, page A1 – reads;
A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.
So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.
“All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory
for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview.
Last year coded military drills were ran in preparation for what is to come. The ELENIN drill involved a massive worldwide network that would connect in the event of a major worldly disaster.
Agencies such as NASA have already prepped their on and off-world personnel for such an event.
An excerpt from a peer reviewed paper by Lorenzo Lorio filed at Cornell Universities library reads;
A recent analysis of a Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) data record spanning 38.7 yr revealed an anomalous increase of the eccentricity of the lunar orbit amounting to de/dt_meas = (9 +/- 3) 10^-12 yr^-1. The present-day models of the dissipative phenomena occurring in the interiors of both the Earth and the Moon are not able to explain it.
We examine several dynamical effects, not modeled in the data analysis, in the framework of long-range modified models of gravity and of the standard Newtonian/Einsteinian paradigm. It turns out that none of them can accommodate de/dt_meas. Many of them do not even induce long-term changes in e; other models do, instead, yield such an effect, but the resulting magnitudes are in disagreement with de/dt_meas.
In particular, the general relativistic gravitomagnetic acceleration of the Moon due to the Earth’s angular momentum has the right order of magnitude, but the resulting Lense-Thirring secular effect for the eccentricity vanishes.
A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object (Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche) since it, actually, would affect e with a non-vanishing long-term variation.
On the other hand, the values for the physical and orbital parameters of such a hypothetical body required to obtain the right order of magnitude for de/dt are completely unrealistic. Moreover, they are in neat disagreement with both the most recent theoretical scenarios envisaging the existence of a distant, planetary-sized body and with the model-independent constraints on them dynamically inferred from planetary motions. Thus, the issue of finding a satisfactorily explanation for the anomalous behavior of the Moon’s eccentricity remains open.
13 Akbal, 16 Kumku, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We are here! We come with good news for all! The process of returning you to your sovereignty is starting to reach the point of fruition. We are employing a technology that is resulting in the collapse of the dark ones and their empire, and we fully expect to be able to remove them from their positions of dwindling power. The growing Libor crisis is a sign that the present economic systems can no longer function as they are now generally acknowledged to be rotten to the core. A new system that can be trusted needs to be implemented, and quickly. This conclusion is now favored by most of your economists. Even the staid organs of the press are calling for an across-the-board arrest of the scoundrels who knowingly brought on this financial debacle. The present system has openly shown its hand, and as the crisis grows into a global mess, it can swiftly lead to the dark's undoing. This unraveling will allow us to move forward, clear the cabalists out of the way with recently obtained special court orders, and so complete the move to an entirely new economic system.
Most of those who signed the series of agreements in Europe nearly two years ago are anxious to place your world on a new financial footing. The 'too big to fail' banks are on the point of mass bankruptcy and most of the banks in the European Union are likewise unstable. The euro is close to collapse and the same is true of the American dollar. The Federal Reserve is known to be running on fumes. The aggregate of global debt is so vast that it threatens a sudden, worldwide monetary crash, potentially plunging the world into unsolvable financial ruin. The only remaining solution is a new monetary system which, like the concepts advanced by NESARA, enacts universal debt forgiveness as part of an entirely new set of banking and fiscal policies. This will herald the new governance, which will dovetail with the demise of the crumbling old order. Resignations and arrests will happen alongside official announcements proclaiming the new prosperity, 'UFO' disclosure, and the presentation of new technologies on a global scale.
These remarkable developments will quickly be welcomed as the nature and scope of the new reality is fully explained to the world. This orderly segue to the new will be accompanied by a detailed exposé of how your world was deceived and manipulated by an intertwined global group that were, until recently, controlled by off-worlders of immense power and abilities. The complex story of the Anunnaki and their involvement with you will be told, and then be brought up to date by us. We intend to reveal to you the real history of what happened on your world since the end of WW II. While the contents of this information may be shocking for many of you, the purpose is to provide you with an education that is essential for preparing you for your coming shift into the wonders of full consciousness. Other areas of knowledge that are vital for you are the facts concerning who you are, and what now awaits you, according to the divine plan. Indeed, nothing less than a new golden age is upon you!
As we become able to move into a closer relationship with you, we will begin our own series of announcements, which will introduce you to your coming first contact and your Inner Earth cousins. We intend to acquaint you with Galactic Federation personnel in many areas of expertise, who will take you to our fleet of ships and show you the living Light technology that operates them. We wish to set up a schedule of tours that can allow you to experience this technology, and this will assist us to distribute it on a global basis. Light technology operates by the use of telepathy, and you will quickly be able to reacquire this capability as it is part of your original makeup (before the Anunnaki set up the limiting belief systems which discouraged your higher abilities). Indeed, these technologies, by their very nature, can stimulate your latent abilities and allow you to discover a whole new belief system about the nature of reality and the nature of consciousness. An amazing world is to open up before you, revealing the truth of your astonishing talents and abilities!
We are your Ascended Masters! Blessings to you all! We come with special messages from our associates and our selves. Your world is reeling from the bad news being proclaimed from every corner of your globe as the many nefarious schemes of the dark cabal increasingly come to light. The rigging of interest rates is only the latest exposure of the rampant criminality used by these bankers to obtain as much profit from their business as possible. These and other illegal practices are starting to come out, not merely as stuff posted on the Internet, but as provable criminal activity, written about in many prestigious financial newspapers. These revelations have added impetus to the growing momentum that will quite quickly help to achieve our divine goals. The days of these miscreants are numbered, as accountability must be seen to be done and a new and honest financial system implemented. Our associates are preparing to put these self-serving ones where they can do no more harm.
Those in the secret sacred societies, whose very lives have been in jeopardy from the dark as they toiled in secrecy to set up the new banking system, are now more than ready to move these cabalists to the special places of confinement. Our galactic family has agreed to place them in isolation where they can ponder and realize the enormity of what they have done to each one of you. Here, and as befits the new epoch you are moving into, it is important to remember that forgiveness is a blessed response toward those who become truly remorseful about their misdeeds. Indeed, remorse is the only genuine path for these bankers, and we intend to provide them with the opportunity to regain a divine balance in blessed solitude. Each of us is an equal with a life path to follow, and each possesses the where-withal for true change. We wish each one to understand that this isolation is an opportunity to see that they have a choice before them; that they can also follow a path to the Divine.
As you can see, much is being done to prepare your world for immense change, leading to the grand event of your return to full consciousness. Along the way there will be disclosure and numerous announcements which will boldly alter the world you now know. We, too, look forward to taking up our divine service in a more open manner as we have a great deal of sacred information to impart to you. Our service to you will begin with a wide range of teachings that will get you ready for full consciousness and which will include a series of healings that will demonstrate the immense power the Creator has endowed you with. Full consciousness comes with sacred responsibilities which you will come to understand and cherish. Each of you possesses an almost boundless potential that is now about to become manifest within you!
Today we brought you another message. These words mark the start of a series of events soon to be upon you. We welcome all that the Creator has decreed for us! The time comes for our presence to be announced and for astonishing events to manifest as they lead swiftly to your return to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
I just said tonight in one of the other blogs how my on-line life and real life are so dramatically opposite. Then I stumble upon this article, as if to say, yes, you are discerning a problem here.
What do you think?
These are called shelf clouds:
July 17, 2012
When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now, so it is a good time to stand back and look at the big picture. The European "crisis," the US "fiscal cliff," and the ongoing war-mongering by the NATO terrorist states in the Middle East are all part of a fundamental and unstoppable shift in the way this planet is ruled. No amount of propaganda in the Western corporate media and no amount of number inputting in central bank "black screens," is going to change that reality. The vast majority of the world's money is now controlled by non-Westerners who have a very different agenda from that of the people who have been ruling the West and most of the world since at least 300 years ago.
The best analogy for what is happening to the West is the fall of the Soviet Union. It started with a ship-yard strike in Gdansk Poland and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in what in retrospect seems like no time whatsoever. At the time, though the several years in between those two event seemed to last an eternity.
Right now in the West, the regime change against bankster controlled criminal government has started with Iceland but it will end with the United States and the Vatican.
It is something like a Titanic hits the iceberg type of moment where technicians and the ship's top crew know the vessel is doomed even if they cannot say exactly how long people have to get onto the lifeboats.
What happened to make the fall of the Soviet Union inevitable was not, as we are told, the economic failure of the Soviet model. Instead, it turns out it was the theft of the Soviet Union's foreign exchange reserves that made the collapse a matter of time.
What we are seeing in the West is the same. The money making machine at the Federal Reserve Board has been closed down so collapse is inevitable.
Think of it as following: a high flying Wall Street Trader has been fired. He has enough money from his "golden handshake" and savings to keep on going as if nothing has happened. However, you notice that he has begun to sell off his sports cars and art collection.
He has also been borrowing money from banks but he is now fully mortgaged out so he has had to borrow from friends. That has also hit bottom so he has begun hitting non-bank financial companies and loan sharks for money. He has also been writing checks that he knows will bounce (think of the 19 announcements that the "euro crisis" has been solved).
If you are watching all this from the sidelines, you will know that it is not long before the Wall Street high flier will be moving out of his fancy digs.
The situation in the Western world is very much like what has been described above. For the past 30 years the United States and Europe (as a whole) have been running a trade deficit with the rest of the world.
The financial leaders in the West have been secretly financing this deficit by making promises they could not keep. That is why, for example, a $300,000 bond backed by a lifetime of labor is issued every time an American citizen is born. That is why the Chinese have been secretly issued liens on much of US real estate as well.
These maneuvers have bought time and created the appearance that all is well, especially in the US. However, just like Wall Street junkie above, you can deny reality for a certain time but it always catches up with you.
This is the case with the West.
What is now happening is that the creditor nations have stopped issuing new credit.
That is why there is now a 147 nation alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and Africa that is telling the Western nations they will not buy their bonds or other "financial products."
The Western nations, however, have prevented the creditor nations of the world from investing their earnings in trade with the West in buying real things, like multi-national corporations, in the West.
The result has been what appears to be a Mexican stand-off, with two people pointing guns at each other while sitting across from each other on a table.
However, in this case, time is on the side of the 147 nation alliance. The big problem for the West is that the Western nations have "out-sourced" most of their industrial infrastructure. These nations made the arrogant assumption that the rest of the world would make real stuff while the Western world gave them orders through the banks and other financial institutions.
Now they find though, the money being earned at Chinese or ASEAN export factories is not being spent on Western IOUs. The Chinese have been taking their dollars and spending them all over the world on "real" things like real-estate, commodities and factories. Other countries have begun to do the same.
What this means is that both the EU as a whole and the United States are bankrupt but are refusing to admit it.
In the case of the EU, the member countries have been announcing they will print "Euros" in order to get themselves out of their crisis. The problem, of course, is that the European central bank does not have the legal right to print Euros any more Euros [...the legal right to print any more Euros].
There is a similar situation with the US.
Many readers, at this point, will object and say that both the US Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank have announced massive money printing schemes. The question is then, "where did all this money go?" The answer is that it was blocked every time.
Who is doing the blocking? The answer is the 147 nations that are tired of NATO mass murder and invasion. They can tell the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, to block the money and they do.
In the case of the United States, a slightly different situation exists. The US is in deeper debt to the rest of the world than the European Union. So far, the Chinese have been keeping them going because a US trade deficit with China is in China's long term geopolitical interested. The more US dollars they get that they can spend in Asia, Africa or South America (but not Europe and the US) the more friends and influence they get around the world.
The result already has been that Chinese are perceived by the rest of the world as arriving with bags of money and business plans while Western nations arrive with guns and plans for mayhem. Guess who is losing and who is making friends in these circumstances (hint: not the Westerners).
The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment. If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age.
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Only C-flares have been seen in the past 24 hours.M-class flares are likely at any time. The Earth is still under the influence of the CME that produced an ongoing geomagnetic storm that started with a shock wave at 17:30 UT on July 15th.
This event continued today until 06:00 UT on July 16thwhen a magnetic cloud arrived at the ACE satellite. The Kp index reached 6 and the conditions are still active.
As the most active sunspot regionsmake their way around the western limb of the Sun, solar activity should diminish by early Wednesday July 18th.
Monday, July 16, 2012
It is a cardinal grand cross involving Pluto, Uranus, Mars and the Moon. It is one of the most tense, violent, explosive and rigid configurations possible, yet holding a potential seed for a big breakthrough. This configuration will be effective to the end of this week. People are tired of waiting for the Positive Military and want to take matters in their own hands. It is a moment when the Archons would like to trick the population into a violent revolution.