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1,570,329.2770222 mph
This is VERY FAST for a Solar Wind Speed stream.. It's NORMALLY about 400 kms/sec.. Now it's over 700.....
Lots of M-Class Solar Flares PLUS a GIGANTIC Prominence towering over the Sun's SE Limb right now as well...
"Watch for extreme weather break-outs over the next 72 hours. They could take many forms such as tropical storms turning into hurricanes, earthquake or volcanic eruptions, sudden temperature rapid shifts, tornadoes, straight-line winds, DERECHOS, micro-burst. Since latest research on cosmic rays and thunderstorms, I now add to watch for extreme lightning storms."
Mitch Battross, 7/01/12
We also get a FULL MOON on Tuesday, so this will exacerbate Earthquake potentiality & some of this happened in BAJA, Cali today already... SHELDON
Marcus Agius is to resign on Monday as the chairman of Barclays following the
Libor inter-bank lending rate scandal
The world's first genetically modified humans have been created, it was revealed last night.
The disclosure that 30 healthy babies were born after a series of experiments in the United States provoked another furious debate about ethics.
So far, two of the babies have been tested and have been found to contain genes from three 'parents'.
Fifteen of the children were born in the past three years as a result of one experimental programme at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey.
The babies were born to women who had problems conceiving. Extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they were fertilised in an attempt to enable them to conceive.
Genetic fingerprint tests on two one-year- old children confirm that they have inherited DNA from three adults --two women and one man.
The fact that the children have inherited the extra genes and incorporated them into their 'germline' means that they will, in turn, be able to pass them on to their own offspring.
Altering the human germline - in effect tinkering with the very make-up of our species - is a technique shunned by the vast majority of the world's scientists.
Geneticists fear that one day this method could be used to create new races of humans with extra, desired characteristics such as strength or high intelligence.
Writing in the journal Human Reproduction, the researchers, led by fertility pioneer Professor Jacques Cohen, say that this 'is the first case of human germline genetic modification resulting in normal healthy children'.
Some experts severely criticised the experiments. Lord Winston, of the Hammersmith Hospital in West London, told the BBC yesterday: 'Regarding the treat-ment of the infertile, there is no evidence that this technique is worth doing . . . I am very surprised that it was even carried out at this stage. It would certainly not be allowed in Britain.'
John Smeaton, national director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, said: 'One has tremendous sympathy for couples who suffer infertility problems. But this seems to be a further illustration of the fact that the whole process of in vitro fertilisation as a means of conceiving babies leads to babies being regarded as objects on a production line.
'It is a further and very worrying step down the wrong road for humanity.' Professor Cohen and his colleagues diagnosed that the women were infertile because they had defects in tiny structures in their egg cells, called mitochondria.
They took eggs from donors and, using a fine needle, sucked some of the internal material - containing 'healthy' mitochondria - and injected it into eggs from the women wanting to conceive.
Because mitochondria contain genes, the babies resulting from the treatment have inherited DNA from both women. These genes can now be passed down the germline along the maternal line.
A spokesman for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which regulates 'assisted reproduction' technology in Britain, said that it would not license the technique here because it involved altering the germline.
Jacques Cohen is regarded as a brilliant but controversial scientist who has pushed the boundaries of assisted reproduction technologies.
He developed a technique which allows infertile men to have their own children, by injecting sperm DNA straight into the egg in the lab.
Prior to this, only infertile women were able to conceive using IVF. Last year, Professor Cohen said that his expertise would allow him to clone children --a prospect treated with horror by the mainstream scientific community.
'It would be an afternoon's work for one of my students,' he said, adding that he had been approached by 'at least three' individuals wishing to create a cloned child, but had turned down their requests.
Four M-Class Flares within
the Last 48 Hours |
July 01, 2012
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media Solar activity has returned to eruptive levels in the past 48 hours.Sunspot regions 1512, 1514, 1515 and 1516 have been active producing low to moderate flares within the last 34 hours. The brightest flare peaked around 08:30 UT on June 30th coming from region 1513 and registering 4.4 on the Kp Index. More C-flares and possible M-class flares are expectedwithin the next 48 hours, especially from sunspot regions 1513 and 1515. A large coronal hole has opened up which is producing a stream of high-speed solar wind which was captured by the ACE spacecraft. This new high-speed stream comes on the back of the June 28th coronal hole event which arrived at ACE in the early hours UT of June 30th. Solar wind velocity has since increased from about 400 km/s to a plateau of about 600 km/s.Meanwhile, the Interplanetary Magnetic Field strength has fluctuated between 5 and 15 nT, with the Bz component sometimes reaching -10 nT (severe) for short periods. Due to the arrival of this second high-speed solar wind streamcurrently registering a lower level Kp 4 storm - will most likely increase to a moderate Kp 5 level expected for the second part of June 30th and for July 1st. Watch for extreme weather break-outs over the next 72 hours.They could take many forms such as tropical storms turning into hurricanes, earthquake or volcanic eruptions, sudden temperature rapid shifts, tornadoes, straight-line winds, micro-burst. Since latest research on cosmic rays and thunderstorms, I now add to watch for extreme lightning storms.
Easy way to check to see if your computer is infected.
Sunday, 01 July 2012 08:48
'Researchers are watching the first scenes of a cosmic show that’s expected to heat up over the next year as a giant gas cloud approaches the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.
The impending collision was the subject of a research paper published in Nature last December, and now, the European Research Media Center, is providing an update: By mid-2013, the cloud is expected to pass in the vicinity of the black hole, known as Sagittarius A*, at a distance of 36 light-hours, or less than 25 billion miles (40 billion kilometers).'
Read more: Countdown to a Black Hole Show
Notice how this is happening close to 21st December 2012. so many events coming to pass in the next eighteen months.
CHANCE OF MAGNETIC STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms today in response to a high-speed solar wind stream blowing around Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.
MASSIVE PROMINENCE: Amateur astronomers around the world are monitoring a massive, active prominence dancing along the sun's southeastern limb. Andre van der Hoeven sends this picture from HI-Ambacht, the Netherlands:
Prominences are filaments of magnetism filled with glowing-hot plasma. This beautiful "prom" rises more than 40,000 km above the stellar surface and stretches more than 20 Earth-diameters from end to end. Such structures are naturally unstable, and this one could collapse at any time. Keep and eye on the latest images for developments.
DARK HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: Ultraviolet telescopes onboard NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory are monitoring a vast dark hole--a "coronal hole"--in the sun's upper atmosphere. It has just turned directly toward Earth:
Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this particular gap is en route to Earth, due to arrive on July 2nd or 3rd. The impact could spark geomagnetic storms and auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Posted by Cobra at 3:23 PM 23 comments:
There are local outages here but my electricity is still on. It blinked a few times last night. Another storm is coming in now, I can hear the wind.
My son, who lives closer to the WV line is without electricity and it may take up to a week to restore it, he was told. And he's working all weekend in WV fixing the damage to lines up there.
This is amazing...
At 3:06pm on April 7, 2012, landon S larkey said…
... so much of our social and spiritual life can be explained now. For example: Once we understand how fractal thoughts work we can understand how the elites have been controlling us for so long. Think about 911... This created an energy pocket in the Portal of Justice. Meaning.. Now we have a need to release energy in the form of Justice. We do not have a choice in the matter because if we do not release this energy then it comes out in the form of a neurosis and manifest itself in elevated anger at the macro societal level. So what the power elite do is use this need to their own objectives and they lead us into war. Because we have such a need to release this energy we go blindly to the slaughtered. What do these portal have to do with fractals of thought? It has to do with the nature of fractals. Fractal consciousnesses by nature is expansive and if someone is controlling us that means they are keeping us from our own expansion. This is why we fight for justice because we are fighting for our freedom. Furthermore the implication on a global level are nothing short of a miracle. You see, once we wake up to the truth on a global level we will start to understand that we are the creators of our own reality, where we are going is into higher forms of energetic beings. Once we get released from the grips of the Cabal we will exponentially elevate our consciousnesses together and it won’t be that hard because love and beauty will be our muse to enlightenment. Lets take mental illness for example: Most mental illnesses are not an illness at all, they are more like a condition. When we accumulate negative pockets of energy from our environment many times we are not allowed or are able to release the pockets of energy. What energy pocket? Sigmund Freud the father of psychology used the term Catharsis. This is when the therapist was able to get the patient to release subconscious trauma, the problem is that it takes many years to develop a solid therapeutic relationship so that the patient feels comfortable enough to share this information. Not to worry.. Now we know how to release our own negative energy and why it is so important. So how do we do this? Well.. it is happening all the time and we are doing it all the time. This is how most of us stay relativity healthy. We cry, we forgive, we say that we are sorry and we ask for forgiveness. We are creating balance in the universe and in our selves. With this tool and understanding most people suffering from mental conditions need to sit down and write all the trauma that has happened to them and the trauma that they have caused others and truly learn to forgive themselves and others that have caused them pain. You have to do both. You just can’t forgive yourself, you have to forgive everyone as well. What does this have to do with fractals? I am glad you asked! Everything in nature is fractal. Thus, we all need to grow and expand. If a plant lives in darkness it will eventually die and so will we. Ok this is what is going on...What I have discovered is that consciousnesses in not only fractal in nature but exponential as well. This means that when you focus on ONE thought just one... OVER and OVER and OVER you are fractaling that thought. One must focus on just ONE thing over and over. And when we do this, that fractal thoughts become more fundamental and more energetic. It has to do with repeating patterns. A fractal is a repeating pattern that is reduced in size when it is repeated and thus it becomes more energetic and we experience this as more meaningful. Not only that but the thought becomes more energetic and can access higher vibrations and states of consciousnesses. The reason why you are not finding this anywhere and I looked as well is because I just discovered this 6 months ago. remember it took me 20years to find this out. I have a background in electronics and religion quantum physics psychology sociology electricity waves particles and on and on.