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This could be the galactic super wave that Pane Andov was referring to in Cheryls' blog on September 21, 2012 or that other’s have been referring to in regard to the alignment with the galactic center.
The article states that although the flow contains an extraordinary amount of energy – about a million times that of an exploding star – the particles in the flow “aren’t dangerous”.
They may not be dangerous, but surely they have to have an effect on (at least) our physical bodies.
Rather than flowing outward towards the edges of the disc of the Milky Way the wave has been “mapped” (by a radio telescope in Australia) to be giant cosmic geysers extending perpendicular to the galactic plane.
The article doesn’t say when or indeed if the wave will reach our Solar System, but the speed estimated at 1,000kms per second I doubt we will escape it – not sure when, I haven’t done the math – IMO we may have already or currently be experiencing it.
The outflow appears to have been driven by many generations of stars forming and exploding in the galactic center over the last hundred million years.
Scientists suspect this plays a big part in generating the galaxy’s overall magnetic field.
I wonder if it can help to revitalize our Earth’s magnetic field which has been reducing for some time now and boost it back to be the protective shield it should be. (See Keith’s blog “They should tell you – Suspicious Observer" posted on January 3, 2013).
Also, many think this flow of energized particles will help us down the path towards awakening / enlightenment and a 4D crystalline existence. Personally, I hope so.
As always – time will tell.
I listened to all 5 parts. Heather's voice was sometimes in and out, so there are a few things I missed. Overall, it was a good interview. Here are some points, but you should listen to it if you have time.
History of the TOPPT.
The people need to start brainstorming how they want their new governance and other things.
TOPPT is working on practical aspects of distribution. Says each person will get $10Bln. $500,000,000 (one-half of one billion) from each person will go to financing the new government of each country.
The important thing is to just BE and DO. They understand that people want to see others "jumping in the pool and splashing around, and proving there are no sharks." The overall system of illegal government and money has been defanged. We are seeing it in the news and have been (remember all those banker resignations or deaths? Timmy Geithner is in the news, leaving post as Treas Sec soon, Hillary and her mysterious blood clot, generals getting fired or framed, etc.). The context has been missing, but it is there. As people awaken to what has been going on, the "powers that were" will continue to crumble and we will start to see institutions fail.
Green jobs and free technology will begin to proliferate. There will be plenty of jobs for everyone to find something for which they have passion. People can't, obviously, just stop working but there will be no more want or need in the world, and everyone will be on a level playing field.
Here's a link to the raw transcript:
Love cures Zombies?
A lot of “detailed information of criminal behavior” is coming out. Lots of military shakeups and “something unusual is going on with Hillary”, are in this one, as well as changes toward peace. Namely, “former Bush cabal “rogue country” North Korea’s leader Kim Jon-un calls for peace.”
And is not this what we all expected? It is happening. Like it or not!
Whist the northern hemisphere is experiencing deep winter - spare a thought for us guys down south - a week long heat wave across the Australian continent is due to start today.
"Roxby Downs and Oodnadatta in South Australia's outback are set to sizzle with six days in a row above 45C (113F) and the tiny town of Tarcoola is forecast to reach 47C (117F) on Monday."
Stunning image of the birth of a new Solar System!
For more information go to:
Some interesting quotes:
"What Heather has done is set the legal framework for returning the governments back to the people along with the assets taken from them surreptitiously. It also provides the legal framework for the military to follow its constitutional mandate about enemies foreign and domestic."
"Please read Sheldan Nidle's post today. I didn't know what it was going to say in advance. I just knew that in the coming weeks we'd see some very important information come from him based on what Brian, Kauilapele and I have been given since December 26th. There are no coincidences, especially so since 12/21. Sheldan is the real deal."
{Kauilapele has also said he thinks Sheldan is legit: "}
Yes, I know he is with the GFOL; however, he has been a contactee since childhood and has never fallen into the Obama-is-an-old-soul/starseed trap. You don't have to believe him, but listen to what he says and see if it aligns with other sources of information and your own intuition.
Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
12 Ben, 19 Mol, 9 Eb
Dratzo! Taj Jai Dan! (Happy New Dawn!) We return! A new epoch is dawning for humanity! Let us start with a brief description of what has happened so far. Our sacred secret allies, with the assistance of your Ascended Masters, have put into position a new financial system and begun to instruct various key individuals in the distribution of the hard-backed currencies associated with this new banking system. Meanwhile, those who are to take up positions to replace old-order officials in the present de facto regimes are preparing the announcements which will transform your world 'in the twinkling of an eye.' Further, the Light-oriented military and militia groups are poised to complete a legal putsch (pronounced "pooch," means a plotted revolt or attempt to overthrow a government, especially one that depends upon suddenness and speed) that will put a series of new, de jure (by right, according to law) governments into power. Once done, the announcements will be broadcast and the six major components of NESARA will become the law of the land. Initially these acts will: restore the Constitution; ensure the establishment of common law; and institute the use of a set of new hard-backed currencies worldwide. These will be the monies activating the new banking system and establishing global prosperity.
Banks will be rechartered and corporations dissolved and replaced with socially responsible partnerships. Large banks and corporations are to be broken up. New documents detailing the legal requirement for full transparency between these various institutions and the public will be stressed. The people will be asked to inform themselves and become a vital part of this process. These new partnerships will be adjured (meaning to charge, bind, or command earnestly and solemnly, often under oath or the threat of a penalty; or can mean to entreat or request earnestly or solemnly) (definitions from to recognize the need to help Gaia and work toward redressing the many problems created by decades of global carelessness. These bodies will be publicly regulated and must interact with their now-prosperous communities to bring an end to industrial pollution and energetically promote the age of clean energy, which uses zero-point and light-beam technologies. We intend to assist you by giving you technology which takes your interactive capabilities to a new level and which permits your communities to move away from corporate agriculture and any other 'traditional' industries that can harm Gaia and her diverse and fragile ecosystems.
Your first priority is to enrich your community life and demonstrate your Love for your home world. We of the Galactic Federation acknowledge both the Spirit and the material aspects of our living land. Each aspect, whether ocean, sky, or landmass, is most precious to us. Your fully conscious ancestors exercised this Love every day and even the so-called primitives of your world hold her essences sacred. This viewpoint is to become yours. Your sciences have only just begun to grasp the truth of this central tenet of creation, and even ecology and related biological sciences barely acknowledge such a basic outlook. As you grow in consciousness you start to sense the Life contained in everything around you. You are to become a community of Earth stewards to your beautiful home world~~a community that cherishes your living world and is grateful for all that she provides for you. You begin to perceive the great beauty all around you and to comprehend the key role that you play in sustaining this glorious creation. You begin to truly understand that all life is sacred and inextricably interdependent.
This unity is the great predicating factor in the Creator's manifested physicality. This sacred design is seen interlaced throughout all Creation. Wherever we go, we see this constitutional unity demonstrated. It is seen in the way the solar system operates; in the way each part of life is dependent on another. It is seen in the way Heaven so graciously interacts with physicality. Everywhere, this all-enveloping rhythm can be observed. It is a source of unending joy to us and we know you deeply sense the truth of what we say. You are increasingly discovering that many of the sacred truths contained in your philosophies need to be recognized. You are also beginning to see that dogma is used to shield other truths from your awareness. You are searching for what is real and for what resonates deep within you. This search involves a growing cognizance of the quintessence that 'makes it all tick,' and above all, you know that something very new is required. This is why we have come, knowing that you need answers to these queries. Our role is to provide them, by using our abilities to move you, with Heaven's assistance, into full consciousness.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now to act as sacred mentors to all humanity. We come to manifest, in sacred time, a new reality filled with many wonders. Long ago, each of us began a grand quest to fully realize our potential and, with the immense blessing of the Creator, to rediscover our path to full consciousness. This journey was long and arduous and filled with generations of misdirection; then finally, a grand moment of utter glory! In discovering who we are, we learn about what has been taken from us. Then we began a mission to bring humanity swiftly to the wonders that took us so many lifetimes to reach. We asked Heaven to find a way for this to happen, and discovered that such a plan already existed! What is presently happening all over your realm is the start of something truly exceptional: you are meeting your many families, and they are to guide you shortly to your own mass enlightenment.
Full consciousness is a monumental blessing! It enables you to experience and express every sacred emotion, and to explore fully every action in physicality. This is a huge responsibility and is not to be taken lightly, as it can overwhelm your physical Soul if you are not properly prepared for it. This is why this metamorphosis requires a qualified mentor as well as specific technologies. Heaven knows this, and has sent us those who possess these most magnificent qualities. We graciously bless this opportunity to realize these wonderful goals for humanity. The time draws near, and now you have just passed a most pivotal test! The rest is simply timing. A divine time schedule exists, and you as a people are very shortly to become not only capable of welcoming your many families to this world but also, joyously, to become one of them!
These great blessings from Heaven are just the beginning of something wonderful! We are honored to be designated to guide you through these wonderlands and intend to start our formal mentoring once your unlawful governance is replaced. In the new, more spiritual environment, disclosure can take place and we can appear before you. You will be reintroduced to many sacred truths as they form part of your divine path to enlightenment. Ascension, or 'donning the cape of full consciousness,' requires carefully choreographed instruction. You will learn to become the dance that is the magnificent realms of Creation. This is something we are familiar with and can easily teach you. Once you begin, you will quickly acquire a certain level of proficiency, which you can then build upon as you watch your world shift, your consciousness expand, and your interaction with the divine realms dramatically increase!
Today, we continued our discussion about what is happening around your world. Each day brings you closer to your divine destiny. You are shortly to meet your space and Inner Earth families and be returned to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Learn more about PAO
See, U.S., this is what justice looks like...
The part about the triangle with Venus caught my eye. The Z's have been talking about the tringle for a long time. What do you think?
I found this interesting article about animals. Someone mentioned dogs recently, but I don't remember who, so I'll just post this and hopefully answer their question:
Animals are far more than meets the eyes. Most come from other areas of the universe and in a certain respect they are Extra Terrestrials incarnated on earth. The bodies they inhabit on their home planet may be completely different to their bodies here or may be very similar. As humans are involved in a reincarnation cycle on earth, each group of beings throughout the universe has there own reincarnation cycle. The beings of each cycle have a similar consciousness and have similar personalities. They are expressing a part of the creator simply by being themselves. All life is evolving to a certain extent and so as each group continues its incarnations it gradually changes and becomes more of itself. Individuals can incarnate into different cycles for a life and return to their cycle or even leave their cycle and join another one if they desire to do so but generally groups tend to stay together. The reason for this is that the individuals in a group all have a connection to the same being of higher consciousness. For example all humans have higher selves which have higher selves which have higher selves which eventually meet up with each other. We are in fact the expression of a huge being that incarnates through all of us. The same goes for other civilizations and groups of beings.
The interesting thing about earth is that the Human race has been doing something very unique which has never been done before (more on this in A New Mythology). Due to this it was necessary to have connections to all areas of the universe and to all types of consciousness. So the animals are beings from all over the universe incarnating into life forms here. You can tune into any animal including insects, birds, mammals, fish, etc and you can follow the consciousness of the animal to wherever they come from. Of course awakening your third eye will make this much more vivid but anyone can look at an animal and get a feel of its consciousness.
It is important here to understand that the animal’s spirit or higher self comes through its light body which like ours does not shine through with perfect clarity. Like us, animals have an astral body which incarnates through the etheric and physical bodies. The light body only has a tiny part actually incarnated in the physical and this part is obstructed by the astral body. To see the being behind the animal (the higher self and the connections to higher consciousness) you must follow its column above its head. Animals are in fact in greater contact with their higher selves than humans so they know where they come from. While asleep they dream of their home planet and maintain a conscious connection even while awake. The connections held by animals on earth have been essential for the work we have been doing. They are like grounding rods for high spiritual forces of light and consciousness.
Animals may seem to be less evolved than humans but if you were to see them on their home planets and in their multidimensional bodies you may realize that they are in fact very advanced. They have incarnated here into bodies that are very restricted and very much controlled by the instincts of the lower self as we reside in the 3rd dimension where matter is extremely dense. Remember that it is only a small part of them that resides within the body and as the instincts take control of their body in most situations many conclude that they are of lower consciousness than us intelligent humans. This is an illusion which was important for our purposes on earth.
Tuning into animals is probably the easiest way to awaken your spiritual senses and begin to feel the various higher forces that are a part of our world. All animals resonate with vast beings of higher consciousness and are but a part of these beings incarnating into the third dimension. They have come here to help us with our purposes and are all beings of infinite love and light.
So, now I understand why killing any life is not good. And she who killed her dog and recommended others do the same demonstrated her ignorance of this knowledge.