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Dear NaturalNews readers,

When I received a copy of this letter, I almost couldn't believe it. Obamacare is causing a 539% rate increase in health insurance costs for some Texans.

I scanned the letter and posted it as proof, so see for yourself:


The truth is (finally) coming out: 16 million Americans are going to lose their health insurance thanks to Obamacare:


And doctors are now warning that if they participate in Obamacare, they'll go broke!

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This short clip will forever the way you 
look at your cell phone, ever again.
A scientific paper bravely published by a 
leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz 
Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like 
Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai 
Hospital to issue warnings to their patients 
about the dangers of cellphone use, which 
he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell 
phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski 
by lobbying to have his funding stopped and 
in the meantime, insurance companies have 
also stopped coverage for health damages 
related to cell phone use. 
In 2011, San Francisco, CA passed a law, 
which originally required retailers of cell 
phones to display the amount of radiation 
that was emitted by each unit. Lobbyists 
successfully had the law revised to simply 
inform people on ways to diminish their 
exposure to cell phone radiation. 
Ellie Marks' husband had a golfball-sized 
tumor in his brain, next to where he regularly 
used his cellphone. It was removed and he 
subsequently suffered severe memory loss. 
She says that over 20 cities and states tried 
to pass similar legislation to that of San Francisco
- and all were threatened with lawsuits from 
the cell phone industry. 
Brent Bocook, a former US Olympic Champion 
Crew Team Member had a portion of his brain 
removed, right next to where he used to always 
place his cellphone. That particular portion of 
the brain is responsible for motor control and his 
surgery has left him almost completely disabled, 
He says he is spearheading a class action lawsuit 
against the industry because he believes that this 
is the only way that big business can be made to 
take responsibility for itself, as was the case with
the tobacco industry.
He notes that cell phone use is much more 
dangerous for children because their skulls are 
a lot thinner. Brain tumors associated with cell 
phone use has replaced leukemia as the 
number one child-killer.  
Truthseeker host, Daniel Bushell uses a radiation 
detector to measure the amount of radiation 
emanating from commonly-used household items:
*Microwave oven: 800 microvolts *WiFi Router: 800 microvolts *Tablet PC: 2,000 microvolts (watching a movie). *Smartphone: 40,000 microvolts (Samsung S3). 
This is over a thousand times the normal 
background radiation levels of 30 microvolts. 
The use of cellphones and other wireless 
technologies is being called the next 'casualty
catastrophe,' after tobacco and asbestos. iPhones 
now all contain a legal disclaimer page with fine 
print, which cannot be enlarged and which is 
relatively difficult to locate within the phone's 
navigation. It discloses the dangers of radiation 
exposure from cellphones and advises users to 
keep the device at least 10mm from the body.
At the same time, a wireless lobbying group 
called the CTIA assures us that "Radio waves 
from cellphones are safe" and studies paid for 
by the cellphone industry claim that, "Cellphone 
use causes no biological damage." However, 
independent studies consistently report serious 
health effects, ranging from DNA damage, a 
300% reduction in sperm counts, 290% more 
brain tumors, autism and birth defects.
Former Senior White House Advisor, 
Epidemiologist, Dr. Devra Davis testified to 
the Senate and gives a hair-raising report here 
about the back-stories behind these contradictory 
scientific reports: The independent scientists who 
reported on the ill effects of cell phones found 
themselves under attack by the cellphone 
industry, who would attempt to get them fired 
and to get their funding taken away or else 
accuse them of fraud.
When that didn't work, they hired 
inexperienced scientists who didn't know 
anything about the subject to *look* like they 
were replicating the incriminating experiments 
and when all of the above didn't work, they 
wrote an internal memo, in which they stated, 
"We war-gamed the science."   
Journalist, Anthony Gucciardi proved how easy 
it is for industry to plant fake science in respectable 
science publications, in the very similar case 
involving the drug Prozac, which was proven in the 
1980s to increase the incidence of suicide among 
users and to cause violent behavior - but this was 
hidden from the public until 2005, until there was 
a BBC expose. In response, the manufacturers 
hired their own scientists to prove how "great" 
Prozac was. 
Producers of anti-depressantshave since been 
mandated to disclose these drugs' side effects, 
which one may read in their accompanying manuals 
or overhear, in the blindingly-fast and unintelligible 
disclosure statements that run during television 
advertisements for these products. Remember, 
virtually all the mass-murdering shooters in these 
recent attacks were taking this drug or else one
of many similar fluoride-based, Selective Serotonin 
Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI), at the time that they 
massacred people by the dozens. Gucciardi says 
he believes that once the public becomes aware of 
these dangerous side effects, the public outcry will 
be worse than it was for cigarettes.  
Dr. Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News since 
1981 says, "The system is broken, nobody has 
been told the truth. It's crazy."
The science which would eventually prove that 
cigarettes and secondhand smoke damaged human 
health during the did not yet exist when tobacco 
was initially marketed - but cellphones were launched 
after preliminary science was already available as 
to its inherent dangers and these products were 
released into the public without any safety studies
Dr. Slesin says, "The point is to take action." Action 
is already being taken outside the US: In Italy, a 
landmark supreme court ruling found a "causal link" 
between cell phone use and brain tumors. In France, 
WiFi is being taken down in schools and replaced with 
cabled Internet in and countries from Germany to 
Israel and Finland are moving to stop cell phone 
sales to kids. In the UK, children under the age of 18, 
have long been barred from cell phone use.
But of course, in the Good Ol' USA, the former chief 
lobbyist for the wireless industry, Thomas Wheeler 
was recently appointed by President Barack Obama 
to head up the Federal Communications Commission 
(FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices, 
in yet another astonishing conflict-of-interest in the 
choice of appointed Federal Regulators, who better 
resemble wolves guarding the sheep, rather than 
advocates for the health of the public at-large.
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I'm not so sure people will riot, at least not at first.  But when the food runs out at the end of the month, maybe then.  It never ceases to amaze me... "spent $18 BILLION" for weapons and ammo to put down riots.  Why not have used some of that money and just not cut the food stamps?  Of course, that makes sense.  And that's not what our government is exhibiting these days.

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Sounds like they expect Social Security to go down.

It really ticks me to suggest that Social Security is "welfare."  We paid into this system, HAD to pay into this system because it was the law.  It was billed as a form of insurance.  SSI is a part of it, and that is for folks who don't have the required forty quarters, but for retirees and disabled people that paid into it, it is "insurance" not "welfare."

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Syria, huh?  Think polio has been released?

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Are the elite's puppets finally getting to the point where they realize they aren't fooling anyone, and that people have had enough?

Dick Cheney cancels Toronto trip, says Canada is too dangerous

Former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney has cancelled an April appearance in Toronto citing concerns Canada is too dangerous.

“He felt that in Canada the risk of violent protest was simply too high,” said Ryan Ruppert, president of promotions company Spectre Live Corp., which had booked Mr. Cheney for an April 24 appearance at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre...

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Office of Poofness-10-28-13: "Oh Lord"

Greetings and salutations,

<snipped the Obama-is-good spiel>

Here’s ZAP:


Feels like Christmas, and there is snow on the ground now. Really. We got some inches.

Dinar is active. People are cashing out. Not official, yet, but some groups are getting theirs done (the ones that have been waiting so long).  [This flies in the face of a banking insider saying that it will all happen at once, it can't happen otherwise.]

More questions, and a few shots from some ghostly guy.

Q: Hello! I read at the Fourwinds Web site that Chase Bank, as of Nov.16th, will be in control of the American business’ funds, allowing only $50,000 for operational expenses. Other banks will soon follow suit. For recipients of the many programs soon to be paid out, what alternatives are there for us who will be implementing positive change in our nation? I know there are offshore options, but are there any other options we should be privy to? M

A: Sorry m. I cannot give out that advice. Not my province. Suffice to say that if you buy commodities, then they are transferable to other jurisdictions under various tax treaties, free-trade agreements, and so on. There are many ways to skin a cat, but I cannot give such advice. However, it is true that international wire transfers will be stopped by JP Morgan at first, with a $50k cap on domestic transfers per person per month. Other banks will follow, of course. This will happen unless there is an outcry. Again, write to your political rep, and give him shit for not representing you the way you want or need. His job is to do it, and you are paying him to do it. So, what kind of employer are you when your employees run you?  [In this climate?  Who's he kidding?]

Q: You mentioned that we will need to have an income stream in the near future. Will any of the programs on the soon-to-be Web site afford any opportunity to invest in a commercial project that will provide an income stream? Poof always said to me that I should not invest in anything for at least 3 to 6 months to let the dust clear. I had planned to do just that. However, if there is a possibility of a on the Web site I would be interested. J.

A: Hmmmm. The web site is for the submission and funding of projects. It is not for investment. However, if you wish an income stream from these, submit the question and pick a project. Join in. Get your feet wet in some of the stuff we do. Help others and, through helping on the project side, you will get much back without investment. Some will welcome investment, though, to provide something back to others. When these arise, they will come forward and say so. This all has to be done properly and legally. We intend to employ and give great opportunity to anybody that wishes to help others. That is what we are all about.

Q: Dear Zap, you can bet that last penny that there’s the type of nanotechnology, mentioned in the last Poof report, out there. Someone I’ve know for years was part of the team that helped get it there and through DOD contracts. Stepped away from her sometime ago as kept finding other things her company had been asked to create for the Defense Department. She owns the company and was always looking to keep her very good help working. It’s great that she kept her help busy; just didn’t agree with how she did it and for whom. The technology they developed could have been used for a lot of good. P.

A: Lovely. And that kind of tech will be used for good. Remember that any breakthrough technology has both dark and light sides to it. Eventually, both sides get it. The time it takes to break through to the light side is what concerns me, of course. Faster. Better. We do not need to find any more new and novel ways to kill each other. We are already pretty good at it… Why?

Also, the ghost wrote:

[Ghost] Congress threats of Trade Sanctions and threats to classify China as a ‘Currency Manipulator’ if they didn’t play ball as instructed by Obama. And so, whether this is fact or just a threat, WE view this as a very significant development.

The stuff on the whole picture as he explains is pretty well in keeping with what I know. This current stuff is so similar to the attempts at destroying Russia through the toxic cmo’s. That was not Obama, but the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and other cabal stuff behind JP and Goldman, etc. Putin put a stop to that in very short order. He even issued arrest warrants for a president.

The ghost has said that his WF sources said nobody has been punted from the top of the food chain like I said. I guess the 500+ arrests of bankers and cabal members did not happen either. Ah well.

But the ghost has been getting stories from his buddies like fatso, stinky, and stretch, I think; or maybe spooky where zap is supposed to be CIA. Wowsers…. DO I get a paycheck? What level? I do not visit the 14th sub-level basement where they keep the red files, but I know of it. Something like the gemstone files, except with a red cover and “secret” stamped all over. Can I get at least coffee money for knowing this?

My dear Casper, I am not agency. Not any of them. And which elder were you talking to? 303? 404? 505? 072? 14646? 357? Or the infamous 123579? Would like to know so he can be blacklisted for spreading lies. They are not family if they spread such crap. They know me better. So your source right there is bogus my dear ghost. Be careful when listening to him.  [This "ghost chatter is non-sensical filler.]

Q: I think a new monetary system may be a necessary interim step. I think the continuing process of spiritual maturation is the key to unlocking the technologies. On the most mundane level, we’ve been in bondage without knowing it, with someone else telling us when to work, when to eat, when to sleep, etc. It may take time and experience to come clear of the “bondage consciousness” and fully assume responsibility for oneself, including learning right-use of money. At that point, perhaps, unlocked technologies could be safely and maturely employed.

A: Now here is something very worthy of our attention, but this kind of step would be of extreme difficulty in provisioning, unfortunately. The release of the technologies is coming now, yes, and the key is, indeed, spiritual. Our philosophy has to be in lock-step with the technology for it to work and not destroy us. Good insight, and wonderful common sense.

In other news, the elders, in conjunction with the china treasury, us treasury, imf, and world bank (and cabal as well) are all meeting right now. This is the big one. The various announcements will come out from this meeting, and we will get to know real timelines for everything that is out there.  [We will see.]

The fellow from china that is doing the global gold settlements is ready in the next days, Basel iii is ready to come forth and be the new protocol, and the historic asset redemptions are flowing (people already paid). Not much more to say on these affairs other than we are at the end of the wait. Mountain goat said it well as well.

I will have good news for the purple pigs shortly, and we will get to the work at hand and begin helping humanity.

So god bless, and be well.

In love and light in our service


Consultations available upon request. Email to set up an appointment.

Love and Kisses,
The Office of Poofness
Susan and Staff

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(Shift of the Ages)

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the heliocentric Uranus Pluto square on November 23rd. Many of us will gather and visualize the Event happening in the NOW and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet.

Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

The time of the AION portal activation signifies the peak of Uranus Pluto square, which is occurring in the 2012-2015 timeframe. This is the most important astrological aspect of our times and its meaning is very simple: revolution of Light. The exact heliocentric moment of the Uranus Pluto square comes on November 23rd. At that moment, a very interesting heliocentric configuration will be taking place apart from Uranus Pluto square. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will form a six pointed star mandala around the Sun:


The six pointed star is the very same configuration that happened at the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 (when the Resistance hacked the etheric implant computer program) and it happened again at the Peace Portal on August 25th this year (when we have collectively prevented the military invasion in Syria). Activation of the AION portal is the peak moment of the turning of the tide. Due to the grid ratio, the Light forces were passive and mainly responding to actions of the dark forces until now. From the AION portal on, the Light will begin to initiate action.

At the moment of the activation of the portal, the Galactic Central Sun will send an energy minipulse through the Sun and through the six pointed star mandala of planets. This energy pulse will be similar to what will happen at the Event, but this pulse now will be most likely far less powerful. The pulse will send harmonious resonance waves throughout the solar system and might trigger the solar magnetic pole reversal.

The galactic minipulse will be transmitted through Aion and Iona, a cosmic pair of twin souls which played a very important role when they contributed greatly towards the formation of the Galactic Central civilization of Light millions of year ago:


The purpose of Iona now is to spread Goddess consciousness from the Galactic Center towards less developed planets in the outer spiral arms of the Milky way Galaxy. In galactic mythology, she is pictured as the winged goddess:


The purpose of Aion is to help overseeing the turning of cosmic cycles in the Galaxy in harmony with the 25,000 year pulse of the heart of the Galactic Central Sun:

He will be overseeing our AION activation on planet Earth. This activation will signify the shift of the ages.

For the first time in our history, a direct connection will be made between the physical plane (3rd dimension) and the cosmic atmic plane (11th dimension) on planet Earth.

This activation will also be the trigger point of the New Renaissance. Therefore we will be having our main activation in Firenze, Italy. You are more than welcome to join us:

Even if you can not join us in Firenze, you can do this activation in your own group or even alone, wherever in the world you are. We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the AION portal, which comes on November 23rd at 10 hours 11 minutes pm Central European time. This equals 9:11 pm BST in London, 4:11 pm EST in New York, 3:11 CST in Chicago, 2:11 pm MST in Phoenix and 1:11 pm PST in LA.

You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes

2. Call upon the presence of your Soul (higher self) and the presence of your spiritual guides, angels and Ascended masters

3. Visualize the moment of the compression breakthrough, the Event flash, the moment of the planetary liberation happening NOW

Updates about the opening of the AION portal:

Victory NOW! Liberation NOW!

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I have been able to independently confirm, from insiders, what Ben said last week about JP Morgan having been sold to the Chinese. Very significant events are going on right now, and it does seem that we are finally approaching the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The handwriting is on the wall.

The Cabal are planning on creating a mega-event of some sort within the month of November, earlier rather than later. They expect that “83 percent of Americans will be affected” by this, dramatically, and that wherever you are when it happens, that’s where you will continue to be — for a long time to come.

I take all of these warnings with a heaping tablespoon of salt, but then again, I have been hearing the same thing from three different independent sources now. My insider said it may be an announcement that the US is completely bankrupt. The Cabal is hoping it can incite a “race war” where blacks turn on hispanics and wipe them out, and then the blacks go after the whites, which allows the controlled military to step in and take out the blacks.

This thinking flies completely in the face of reason and common sense. I would have never come up with something like this on my own — it is only what I heard. To me, it shows that these plans are heavily divorced from reality. The main point is that we are reaching some kind of finality. There is a “last, desperate stand” going on.

Ben also didn’t say that Fukushima’s recent 7.3 did not seem to be a random quake, but was probably triggered again by the Cabal in the hopes of making the damage much worse. Thankfully that did not succeed. I do not believe their other plans will succeed either.

I have had a great deal of obstructions in my schedule to work through, but plan on writing all of this up — and more — on my website this week. Russell Brand’s recent speech is also quite noteworthy. He is the first celebrity to fully verbalize what is going on in such clear, concise terms.

I am really enjoying this and will be paying very close attention in the next week and a half to what happens. Again, though I heard these rumors from three different sources, I do not think we are about to see a major collapse of society and I encourage you not to panic, but to have faith in the goodness of humanity and the positive changes this will bring about.

The Cabal does not know how this series of events they are hoping to generate will turn out for them. They are apparently taking a big gamble by trying to do this, whatever it is. Declaring bankruptcy could be one thing. If they try to do a nuclear attack, it will fail, since ET humans are very real and have been blocking every major war effort they have tried to start on any large level. It is amazing that they still think they can pull off any type of large-scale operation at this point, but hope springs eternal.

Be well — and look for a post sometime this week. I am happy to be back in the ring!

- David

Comment by dwilcock on October 29, 2013 @ 12:35 am


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There have been many big moves made against the cabal in the past week and more coming this week, according to multiple sources. In Japan, there have been a series of late night battles that have left a group of North Korean gangsters taking orders from Japan Mossad Chief Michael Green, and rogue CIA run by Kenneth Curtis, on the Run. As a result, Green and Curtis are in a state of deep fear, according to Japanese right wingers who claim to have been involved in the struggle. Ongoing lawsuits against the recent rigged elections in Japan are also keeping them awake at night.

In a related development, mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu announced to the Israeli press last week that he was going to visit the Pope but the Pope refused to meet him, resulting in a major loss of face. Bush Jr. and Tony Blair both visited the previous pope Maledict to ask for protection from war crimes tribunals after leaving office. They were given that protection in exchange for converting to Catholicism. It seems the new Vatican regime is no longer in the business of sheltering war criminals from justice. That means Netanyahu does not have protection from the P2 brass and is thus probably doomed.

As this newsletter was going to press a P2 Freemason source called to say that P2 honcho Marco di Mauro had just been arrested and that a hunt was on for his associates.

There were many other developments as well. Rockefeller pet dinosaur Henry Kissinger went to Russia on a begging mission but was refused a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Pentagon sources.

This attempted meeting came just as multiple signs showed the Rockefeller petro-dollar system was collapsing. The announcement by the government of Saudi Arabia that it was going to re-evaluate its relations with the United States and refuse a seat on the Security Council of the Rockefeller controlled UN means the House of Saud may stop putting its petro-dollars in cabal controlled banks in the US.

That is because the Saudi regime is in no position to defend itself militarily and, since the pentagon refuses to fight any more wars for the Al Qaeda financiers, the regime will have to bow to Putin if it is to survive. Even then it is doubtful that criminal regime is going to be around much longer.

There are also clear indications that the nation of Turkey too is waking up to the new geopolitical realities. They have been negotiating a customs union with Russia, according to Russian news agencies.

They have also announced they are going to buy a missile defense system from China even though they are a NATO country.

Something big also seems to be happening in Iran, according to news reports. Long term Iranian top power broker Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who usually has a very public and visible schedule, has not been seen for three weeks, according to Mossad linked website Debka.

This could be a sign that the Iranian Sabbatean mafia agents who were trying to provoke World War 3 in tandem with their Israeli Nazi allies are being purged. Certainly the public negotiations to end the stand-off with the West over Iranian nuclear power development are a sign something has changed under new President Hassan Rouhani.

It is clear from all this that something very fundamental has changed in the power structure of the Middle East and it is proving fatal for the old generation robber barons like David Rockefeller and George Bush. Speaking of George Bush, Bush Sr. contacted with White Dragon Society via the P2 lodge to say he and his family had nothing to do with the Obama regime and that Obama was a rogue force acting on his own.

Obama himself is just a spokesperson for what has been the rogue force for a very long time, the Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary. This gang of criminals is under attack from all over the world and there are many signs it really is going to be game over for them this time.

Perhaps the clearest indication of this has been the unprecedented split with Europe. The European corporate news outlets are full of stories about European leader’s anger over the fact the NSA has been spying on them. The espionage was mainly about stealing corporate secrets and had little if anything to do with “fighting terror” since the terror all originates with the US cabal regime and its allies anyway.

The most shocking revelation last week, reported by Reuters and Russian news outlets but buried by many corporate news agencies, was the vote by the European Union Parliament last week to suspend the US from the SWIFT international financial data base. This is the sort of action taken in the past against nations like North Korea and Myanmar.

We have also been unable to confirm what has happened to the US Congress. They were all flown to Florida last Thursday by the US military for what was supposed to be a day trip but have not returned to Washington as of Monday. It is too early to tell but maybe, if we are lucky, it will turn out the bribed gaggle of whores has been put in a lock up where they belong.

Speaking about whores, the Japanese puppet regime of actors pretending to be politicians while working for Mossad is in a state of total funk, as mentioned above. On October 22nd this writer went to watch one of the trials in the lawsuits suing the government for rigging the last general elections. The plaintiffs say Tokyo Supreme Court Justice Takashi Saito, who is one of the presiding judges in the case, is being blackmailed by Mossad because he is in the habit of dressing up in women’s clothing and appearing as “Victoria,” or “Vicky” in the Tokyo gay district. The public relations department for the Tokyo Supreme Court said “we are not going to talk about that,” meaning “no comment.”

There is still a few more days until Halloween so, hopefully, there will be many more truly frightening things for the cabal popping up before then. Message to the cabalists and Feds: “Trick or Treat.”

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Mysterious ‘horned’ sea monster washes ashore in Spain

Remains of odd, unidentified creature stretches 13 feet, leaves officials baffled; Loch Ness, water dinosaur, sea dragon are among absurd guesses

A mysterious sea creature featuring what appear to be horns on its head was discovered in the advanced stages of decomposition along the shoreline of Luis Siret Beach in Villaricos, Spain, on Thursday.

A woman first discovered the head and then found the body farther down the beach, according to The entire carcass with the head stretched 13 feet.

“A lady found one part and we helped her retrieve the rest,” said Maria Sanches of Civil Protection in Cuevas. “We have no idea what it was. It really stank.”


The find caused widespread speculation as to what it could be, some humorously suggesting it was a link to the Loch Ness Monster or was some sort of sea dragon or water dinosaur. Others surmised it was a mutant fish or some sort of shark species. The best guess here is an oarfish.

“It’s hard to know what we’re dealing with,” A PROMAR (Programa en Defensa de la Fauna Marina-Sea Life Defense Program) spokesman Paco Toledano told Ameria, according to Inexplicata. “It’s very decomposed and we cannot identify what it is.

“Perhaps we could learn something more from the bones, but to be precise, it would be necessary to perform a genetic analysis, which is very expensive and who would pay for it?

“Anyway, we have submitted the information to colleagues with more experience and knowledge to see if they can tell us something more specific.”

Toledano did shed some light on the horns of the sea creature, however. He said they are actually bones that have fallen out of place.

“It’s not a longhorn cowfish, that’s for sure,” he joked.

Photos from Ameria Facebook page.

3 in 1

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Congress held discussions to sell the National Parks during the government shutdown through the Disposal of Excess Federal Lands Act, spearheaded by Jason Chaffetz (R-UT). The sale would cover national parks in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, & Wyoming as a measure to “reduce the federal deficit.”

Congress does not own those National Parks. We The People do! The Federal Government is the janitor hired by the people to take care of our nation (and required to follow the company rules set forth in the Bill of Rights). They do not have the right to start to sell off the property of the people because they could not do the job properly, certainly not so they can keep sending the company’s/nation/s wealth to Israel!

Time to replace the janitorial staff!

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