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You all have heard me preach time and again to use discernment, use your critical reasoning faculties, and all that. Following is an excerpt from Allies of Humanity, Book 2, that discusses this exact thing, plus confirms some of my feelings that all the love and vibes stuff that is so rampant in the new age community opens that community up to abuse. Fear can be negative, yes, but it is also a positive thing that alerts us humans to danger. And, as far as what goes on at Zetatalk, well, here it is... The Pacification Program is alleged to be a campaign used by ETs to seduce people into joining their cause so they will have a worker class to mine this world of its resources for them. It especially preys on psychics, sensitives, and compliant type people receptive to their cause. There are three books in the series and the first one can be downloaded for free at The first two briefings in the second book are also free online. "The Intervention" referred to is the intervention of certain ET races to preserve the resources of this planet from destruction by humans, who are also considered resources. They aren't evil per se, just practical and think they are doing the right thing, per their own (very different) moral standards. This excerpt starts out in the middle of the second commentary:
Already you can see the effects of the Pacification Program that is being generated by the Intervention. There are already many people who have fallen prey to this, either by their own inclinations or by outside influence. Here people are led to believe that they can not really judge anything. “Well, I don’t want to be negative. I’ll be open to it.” Who told them to be open to it? “I’ll be open to whatever happens.” Who told them to be open to whatever happens? People’s critical discernment is being destroyed. So something happens and they say, “Well, “This is really not a good thing for me.” So they welcome everything, thinking that is how you must be with life.
That is not how you must be with life. It is true you must be willing to look at everything. But it is not true that you must accept everything, bond with everything, welcome everything. Of course not! Higher consciousness does not mean that you do not make critical evaluations. It simply means you view things from a higher vantage point. This does not mean that everything becomes gray. It means that everything becomes clear. You clearly see what to do and what not to do, what is good and what is not good. If this is not the product of spiritual study, then someone is being disabled.
While it is true you must learn not to judge a situation based upon your conditioning or beliefs, ultimately you must judge a situation based upon Knowledge, the Spiritual Intelligence that lives within you. This is the final arbiter in your discernment.
However, people do not recognize this. They take the first step and they think it is the last step. The first step is where you do not judge in the moment because you need to see and know and recognize what you are looking at. This is discernment. You cannot be discerning if you judge things outright. Yet beyond this discernment, you must see clearly if something is good or not.
So you may recognize that the Intervention really is not good for humanity. In itself, the Intervention is not a good thing! But if you say, “Oh, I cannot judge the situation,” how will you ever know? You may want to think, “Well, it’s probably good at some other level.” A pacified person will say, “I will see how it is good for us because everything that happens is good for us.” This is not only human ignorance; this demonstrates the effects of the Pacification Program, which encourages people to trust things unwittingly, without discernment.
You can see this everywhere. You can see it in the UFO community. You can see it in spiritual communities. You can see it emerging in people all around you. The Allies Briefings will create a stir because they advocate discernment. They say, “The Intervention is not good for you.” Yet many people say, “Well, I don’t know. It must be good. I mean, it can’t be bad.” They’re befuddled. They don’t know what to think. “Well, I don’t know. I can’t really come to any decisions about it.” What are you talking about? Has your decision making become disabled? And if so, who disabled it? Why are some people thinking they must be open to everything and receptive to everything? Yes, they want to be non-judgmental, but that is only the first step. They don’t take the next step. They don’t exercise discernment. In some cases, their discernment has fallen away.
This is a critical problem. As a result of this Pacification Program, people cannot see and cannot know, and basically, though they are confused and frightened perhaps, they will just go along. “Well, I’ll just go along. I’ll just try to accept what is happening in my life.” People who are pacified can’t resist. They can’t fight against something because they don’t think it’s all right to do that. They think that everything has to be embraced. Where did this come from?
These ideas of unquestioned acceptance are prevalent in much of the spiritual teaching you see today. And people accept these ideas wholeheartedly. They think, “Well, this is the higher truth. We follow the higher truth.” Consider this in the light of the Pacification Program and you will begin to see how pervasive it really is.
People who are being pacified will be led to believe that they are gaining higher consciousness when in fact all of their power is being taken away from them. The Pacification Program is based upon an understanding of human psychology and human tendencies. Here people are conditioned to think that in order to be acceptable to God, they must basically give away what God has given them to use. “Well, to be acceptable to God, I must be meek and mild and non-judgmental and all-embracing of everything. I will look for the good in everything.”
Where did this come from? Is such acquiescence purely a human invention? Is this something that people just concoct for themselves in order to be happy in the moment? Well, in some cases, this is true. But consider the pacification of humanity. How are people pacified? They are told what they want to hear, and they are told they don’t really need to consider anything else. After all, if everything that happens to you is good, then why resist anything? Just embrace it all! This is the Pacification Program at work.
This influence is becoming omnipresent around you. People flock to places where the Intervention is operating, thinking that the “energy” there is so high. They say, “This is such an enlightening place.” Oh, my God! They are jumping into the fire. They are giving themselves away wholeheartedly. They go to these places and they feel the energy there, and they think, “Oh, this is really a powerful place. This is where it is happening!” And the longer they stay, the less they know, and the less they think they can return to their former lives. They become ever more listless and self-involved, and they become ever more dysfunctional.
This disengagement produces an anxiety at a deeper level, a level where you know that your life is not progressing and that you are not going where you need to go. Yet these people will think that this discomfort is part of their fear, or part of their psychology that must be eradicated and exorcised out of themselves. And so they will work hard to ignore the very signs that are telling them that their lives are amiss and that they are losing their lives.
They will say, “All is love. There is only love.” If they knew what they were talking about, actually that would be true. But they think love is simply passivity, happiness and acquiescence because that is the Pacification Program working on them. Now they are extending it to other people and becoming pacifiers themselves. And after awhile, well, they will not know what they know. And if something is really wrong, they will feel discomfort, but they will think it is just part of their psychological problem, and they will try to overlook it or remove it or bury it. And then they will do whatever is told them to do by the Intervention.
They will say, “Oh, I got a message. I have to go do this. I am being guided. This is inner guidance for me.” It will be very hard to awaken people from this. You have to awaken yourself first. People are so immersed in their listlessness and their pursuit of happiness, it’s almost like they are beyond reach. They are so lulled and so conditioned, you would have to drop a bomb in their laps to wake them up!
You can see the effects of the Pacification Program in spiritual communities in many places. Certainly not to all people, but to many people, acquiescence looks like the easy path, the easy way, the way to true happiness. Give up knowing anything, give up evaluating anything, give up resisting anything, and it looks like, “Oh, everything is just happiness from now on. Smooth sailing ahead!”
These nice people, the Intervention will simply lull them into a listless state and then basically they will not be a problem, and they will be receptive to whatever is given them. Their natural knowing will be so removed from their awareness, it will become the enemy now. They will think it is fearfulness. They will think it is negativity. And they will not want any part of it.
This is actually happening now. We are talking about an extreme case, but these extreme cases are growing in scope and magnitude. Many more people are simply falling into this state—even the young people, some of whom are especially prone to this kind of conditioning.
Consider this. True happiness comes from being true to yourself, from developing your own integrity and from living honorably with your integrity. True relationships are based upon sharing real integrity with others, building relationships of integrity, relationships that express your deeper nature and purpose in life.
However, look at the relationships of a pacified person, who says, “Well, we’re together as long as it feels good, as long as it’s okay, and if we’re not together, it’s okay, and whatever we do is okay.” But it’s not okay. And they know it’s not okay, but their natural knowing has been removed from their awareness.
As a result, they say, “I will not feel those things. They disrupt my happiness, my peace, my equanimity.” And yet there is no peace or equanimity because there is no integrity, and because there is no integrity, there is no real relationship.
Do you see here how the poison is immersed in the very food that people want to eat? Spiritual food is being poisoned. How many spiritual teachers today are teaching real discernment? How many are promoting real personal integrity? How many are encouraging people to look clearly and see? How many teachers are encouraging their students to respond to the world? There are indeed some, but look around and you will see the Pacification Program being promoted unknowingly.
How perfect this is for the alien agenda. It takes time, but from their perspective, well, the results are worth it. The
Intervention will then have a vast network of compliant people through which their agenda can flow. And the people will never know where it is coming from.
Here is a summary of the first two books...
10-Point Summary of the Allies of Humanity Briefings
1. Humanity’s destiny is to emerge into and to engage with a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe.
2. Contact with other forms of intelligent life represents the greatest threshold that humanity has ever faced. The results of this Contact will determine humanity’s future for generations to come. This Contact is happening now.
3. Humanity is unprepared for Contact. Researchers are still unable to clearly see who is visiting our world and why. Governments are not revealing what they know, and most people are still in denial that this phenomenon is even occurring.
4. Because of this lack of preparation, humanity’s true allies sent representatives to a location near Earth to observe the extraterrestrial presence and activities within our world. The Allies of Humanity Briefings represent their report.
5. The Briefings reveal that our world is undergoing an extraterrestrial Intervention by forces that, as demonstrated by their actions, are here to subvert human authority and to integrate into human societies for their own advantage. These forces represent non-military organizations that are here to seek human and biological resources. The Allies refer to these forces as the “Collectives.” The Collectives do not value human freedom.
6. Because the Intervention is being carried out by small groups of intervening forces, it must rely primarily upon deception and persuasion to achieve its goals. The Allies Briefings describe in detail how this is being accomplished and what we must do to stop it.
7. This extraterrestrial Intervention is being focused in four arenas:
• It is influencing individuals in positions of power and authority to cooperate with the Intervention through the promise of greater wealth, power & technology
• It is creating hidden establishments in the world from which the Intervention can exert its influence in the Mental Environment, seeking to make people everywhere open and compliant to its will through a “Pacification Program”
• It is manipulating our religious values and impulses in order to gain human allegiance to their cause
• It is taking people against their will, and often without their awareness, to support an interbreeding program designed to create a hybrid race and a new leadership who would be bonded to the “visitors.”
8. Those extraterrestrial visitors who have been potentially beneficial to humanity have all retreated from the world in the face of the Intervention. Those remaining are alien races who are not here for our benefit. This leaves us in an unambiguous situation regarding the extraterrestrial presence. This enables us to clearly see what we are dealing with. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to tell friend from foe.
9. The Allies Briefings emphasize the grave danger in our accepting and becoming reliant upon ET technology offered by the Intervention. This will only lead to our becoming dependent on the “visitors,” resulting in our loss of freedom and self-sufficiency. No true ally of humanity would offer this to us. The Allies emphasize that we have earth-based solutions to all the problems that we face. What we lack as a race is unity, will and cooperation.
10. In spite of the great challenge we now face, humanity still has a great advantage if we can respond in time. The Allies Briefings reveal both the Intervention’s strengths and its weaknesses. One of the Intervention’s weaknesses is its reliance upon human acquiescence and cooperation to achieve its goals. According to Greater Community rules of conduct within the region in which our world exists, Intervention is not allowed unless it can be demonstrated that the native people welcome and approve of it. Here, our voices can have power in the Greater Community. At this moment the Intervention has few critics. But if enough people can become aware of it and speak out against it, the Intervention will be thwarted and must withdraw. This is the first step in humanity’s preparation for dealing with the realities of life in the Universe. This step and all the steps that follow give humanity its one great chance to overcome its long-standing conflicts and to unite in its own defense for the preservation of the world. The Allies affirm that we as human beings have the spiritual and collective power to do this and that we must do this if we want to survive and advance as a free and independent race in the Greater Community.
This is exciting. I wonder how long it will take the "oil barons" to shut the idea down though?
This is so cool. Scroll down below the portable shelter article and see the video.
Here's his Facebook page if you want to contact him about his DVD:
This is a good idea. I gave my 12' x 12' shed with loft to someone I know who became homeless after divorce. Using things designed for RV's like a small sink and refrigerator, he turned it into a cozy cabin. He got a used recliner which is his living room when it is upright, and his bedroom when it is reclined, a small desk for paperwork and kitchen (over which are two kitchen cabinets), uses the loft for storage, heats it with a propane heater, and cools it with a small window air conditioner for the summer that he got used at ReStore. He's adding a screened porch to it for more living space in the warm months and has plans to add on some space for a small bathroom, currently uses a small composting toilet. He takes his showers at his church's gym facility. He's actually happy there and his utility bills are manageable (he finally got a small retirement income from Social Security).
Also, see, US embassies to shut down Sunday due to terror threat
US Escalates: Issues Worldwide Travel Alert Following Embassy Closures
So, Fukushima is killing the Pacific Ocean. How serious is that? Extremely...
The world's largest geographic feature, the Pacific Ocean covers more than 166 million square kilometers (more than 64 million square miles)—about one-third of the earth's surface. The area of the Pacific is greater than that of all of the continents combined, and it makes up nearly half of the area covered by the earth's oceans.
PLUS, water travels all over the world.
Senator Rand Paul "I Say To ALL Americans Enough's ENOUGH! We're NOT Gonna Take It Anymore!" UTUBE VIDEO