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       by Mitch Battros-Earth Changes Media                            April 26th, 2014 

In addition to an X-class flare released yesterday by sunspot region 2035, a rare event called EIT occurred which was accompanied by a CME (coronal mass ejection). When you view the photo and video below, you will gleam such an event may not be too friendly.

Before I go with information about this EIT, it is important to note the 4.8 mag. quake which hit off the coast of Oregon around 3 PM (Pacific). It too, sits right on top of the Cascadia Subduction Zone. In this area, mantle plumes have become more active which at times releases magma and is no doubt related to this region of unstable fissures and fault lines. More on this in Monday's update laying out the science behind my assertion of a solar/lunar eclipse and escalation in earthquake-volcano- and extreme weather outcomes.

EIT waves were originally discovered by the EIT telescope (Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) on board the SOHO satellite as propagating wave-like fronts, with an emission enhancement ranging from 25% to less than 14%, which is followed immediately by expanding EIT dimmings.

Their propagating velocity ranges from 170km/s to 350 km/s. With higher time cadence, the Extreme Ultra Violet Imager (EUVI) on board the STEREO satellite showed that the EIT wave velocity can be as small as 10 km/s and as high as 475 km/s. 

When the large-scale magnetic configuration is simple, with only one active sunspot region visible on disk, the EIT wave push produces an almost circular front. However, when there are other active regions surrounding the source region of the eruption, the EIT waves appear in patches, managing their ways outward while avoiding active regions. It is found that they stop near the boundary of coronal holes.

The discovery of such an unexpected and spectacular wave sparked a lot of interests as well as debates among the community. The modelings of EIT waves are important in the sense that they may provide crucial clues for the understanding of CMEs, they may be used to diagnose the coronal magnetic topology, and they can be used in coronal seismology to diagnose the magnetic field.

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April 25, 2014


On April 1, 2014, charges were filed against the Swedish government and three of its agencies to the nation’s Chanceller of Justice for widespread and systematic violations of the much heralded “public principle” (“offentlighetsprincipen” similar to FOI). The violations occurred when the government failed to respond to over 4,000 citizen requests for information related to the ubiquitous spraying of aerosols over the country from aircrafts (a k a “chemtrailing”) that has been going on for several years.

Government | Armed Forces | Environmental Protection Agency |


Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Sweden’s “dirty half-dozen”: Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Minister of Defence Karin Enström, Minister for the Environment Lena Ek, Environmental Protection Agency Director General Maria Agren, Commander in Chief Sverker Göransson, and Director General for the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Lena Häll Eriksson.

Given the scale and systematic nature of the violations, as well as the number of victims (over 1,034 as of April 1, 2014), damages of 100,000 SEK (ca. 15,000 USD) per instance have been claimed. Since the number of known instances of failure to uphold the “public principle” is over 4,000, the Swedish government may face up to half a billion SEK (ca. 60 million USD) in total claims.


Box 2308



Starting on February 11, 2014 – i.e. seven weeks or 49 days ago – the Government (Ministry of the Environment), the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and other government agencies have been approached with a demand for answers and action plans concerning the threat to human health as well as the entire ecosystem posed by the aerosol spraying of the sky over Sweden that occur on a daily basis.

The only official body that acted in accordance with the “public principle” and actually responded to the request was Sweden’s Civil Aviation Authority.

We therefore now file charges against the Government, the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute for violations against the “public principle”.

The charges include a claim for each agency for 100,000 SEK for each person, i.e. a total of 400 000 for undersigned.

The ongoing aerosol spraying over Sweden could hardly take place without Government consent and knowledge of aforementioned agencies and we reserve the right to further damages claims against these, as well as other so far unidentified entities, when the extent and coverup of the spraying has been confirmed.



1. Request for information from the Government (Ministry of the Environment), the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and Sweden’s Civil Aviation Authority:

The original request (2014-02-11):

Dear elected official, civil servant,The one contemporary societal issue that perhaps best epitomizes the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is the stunningly massive aerosol spraying program government agencies and elected officials in Sweden quietly allow to continue to happen and which the media simply refuses to touch.

Given the many alarming reports about what chemicals the aerosols are actually made up of, as well as the harmful effects they have on humans and the ecosystem it is now time for an immediate halt to the spraying, followed by a public and intellectually honest discussion where all the facts are presented to the public.

Your response, including a proposal for action-plan is expected within three weeks.

Please reply to the sender CC

The homepage of this petition:


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A short update on the energies

Aisha North
Manuscript of Survival

April 23 2014

The quickening has started in earnest now, and that steady stream of visitors we mentioned in our last missive will certainly be announcing their arrival now. You see, this is an incoming tide of such proportions that if you could see it from our vantage point, you would indeed be mesmerized by the magnificence of it.

Go here for remainder.

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An Urgent Appeal from Mother Earth

A personal message from Kathryn.

I don't know how to write this, or even what it is I am supposed to be writing.

I have just come from a grounding session with Mother Earth, and the result has been profound and disturbing.  I feel compelled to call on all of you for your special help because you are the people who can reach deeply to find what is needed to help Gaia right now.  I believe it is crucial to our ascension.

I asked to be told; I even said, "Speak to me, Gaia.  Tell me how I can help.  Let me know what needs to be done."  I saw visions of oil wells pumping, fracking drills penetrating deep into her body, and I was reminded of the irritating, itchy spot on the back of my neck that has been annoying me for the past few weeks - a skin irritation that refused to respond to healing efforts.  It is on the left base of my skull, and it made me think occasionally about how difficult it would be for those to ascend who are truly in pain.

I saw my body as a map, my head as the Northern Hemisphere, my spine the center of the Americas.  The spot on my neck where my skull connects to my spine would be Texas.  The irritation flared as I recognized it.  Images of oil rigs and Bushes, toxic spills and oblivious humans in charge of attacking Mother Earth to rape and pillage her natural resources.

She showed me crowds of elementals - fairies, elves, nature beings of all sorts.  I was aware that I needed to call upon the human incarnations of Ariel and other EarthKeepers to enlist their shy troops to help come to the rescue.  We must find a way to stop these painful activities immediately!  

Two facets of the work were clear:   One, appeal to the Ascension Council to disable all drilling and digging that is causing pain to our Mother Earth.  Two, enlist all nature spirits and their human overseers to create/instigate mischief everywhere there is destructive action toward Mother Earth.  All of these activities must be stopped before final Ascension can take place!

After about 40 minutes with my heart pressed against the earth, I arose feeling in an altered state.  Everything around me appeared crystal clear, but multifaceted.  I saw every flower and branch, every living consciousness, and was dizzied by it.

I walked into the house and smelled acetone - nail polish remover - and the reaction I felt was like a mad dog.  I felt a sudden flash of rage, like an injured wild animal facing its attacker.  I felt wild frustration, the impulse to lash out and destroy everything around me that reminded me of toxins, chemicals, man-made poisons.  Connected to this was a feeling of frustration verging on hatred for those humans who casually ignore the destructive actions around them, focusing instead on combing their hair or proudly driving their fancy gas-drinking cars.

I have personally felt some of these things, but never to this utterly disorganizing intensity.  I felt completely shaken, barely able to breathe, so overcome with frustration, sadness and rage that I was beside myself.  

I remembered Father God once saying to me, "Mother Earth will only tolerate the abuse so long, and then she will simply shake off humankind the way a dog shakes water off its back."  I now understand the feeling that would lead her to do it.

I know that our efforts to ascend, to raise our consciousness have been helpful.  It has created the possibility for all of us to jump from the old timeline in which Mother Earth would have been completely destroyed, and us with her, to the beautiful reality of Mother Earth restored to the Paradise she was meant to be.  It feels to me as if we are at a shift point - where we will fully accomplish the Great Plan, or something less.

If we are to reach the highest potential we must help Mother Earth to heal, to forgive us, and to accept our own responsibility for her suffering.  We are the ones who can see the destruction, feel the pain of hundreds of years of injury.  We can ask forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of the darkness that has lingered in our psyches - the residue of so many lives in collusion with the Dark Ones who manipulated us into accepting their destructiveness, which they convinced us was for the greater good.

While we are still here with two feet on the ground, we must do more than envision New Earth.  We must take direct action to protect her, now.  How that will be done will emerge from each of us personally - our inspiration, our networks, our friends and our location on the Earth.  We are a formidable army of Lightworkers.  Mother Earth needs our help right now.  Every act which directly protects her from attack will resonate around the globe.

I know this message will create new ideas, new possibilities for how we can fearlessly stop the abuses, right now.  The more people involved, the safer it will be to take action in opposition to The Powers That Were.  In the meantime, I ask for the Nature Spirits to come forward to help organize a most effective campaign of Liberty and Justice for Mother Earth.

With all my love,

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,

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To leave the illusion behind is humanity’s divine destiny because humanity’s destiny is divine. It has ensnared, enslaved, and entranced you all for far too long and your unwillingness to release yourselves from it is all that holds you within it. You have the power and the capability to do so because you are divine beings, and, because it is your will and God’s, you will release yourselves.

Nevertheless, you are conflicted within yourselves by the intriguing but fanciful opportunities with which it tempts you, and by your desire to find the real meaning in life, a meaning that overwhelms and shatters the unreal dreams that seem to be your constant companions – wealth, security, a lover, and a beautiful environment in which to enjoy them. But the dreams seem so real! This is because you are very powerful beings, and you have made them seem very real, so real that they hid and continue to hide Reality from you, as was your original intent. Hence this intense inner conflict and your endless confusion.

However, your divine Father knew that your infatuation with your unreal environment would not last, and that it would bring you untold pain and suffering, so He, at the moment that you built it by imagining it within your brilliant mind, instantly provided everything you need to release yourselves from it and return Home. What He provided was the inextinguishable inner flame of His Love that calls to you constantly to awaken.

It is that inner flame that has you questioning the meaning of life and which also makes it very apparent that the meaning that you have been seeking – security, survival, wealth, and power over others – is insane not only because of its divisive nature but also because you are seeking for it within the illusion. And that insanity terrifies you, everyone is untrustworthy! Therefore you must constantly protect yourselves, so you build armies and weapons that you then are unable to resist using, further adding to your pain and suffering.

However, you have become exhausted by the trials and tribulations with which the illusion endlessly presents you, and you are becoming aware, more and more of you daily, that the only way to resolve your issues, your differences, your conflicts is through intelligent and harmonious cooperation. When you do that you listen to one another without judgment, allowing each to be themselves instead of attempting to change them into the kind of person you think – in your almost total lack of wisdom – that they should be. Then realization dawns that truly there are no differences, you all want only “the peace that passeth all understanding.” And that of course is Love, the divine energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.

It is a state from which you have never departed because there is nowhere else, but you have imagined and clung tenaciously to an illusory state, and you are now in the process of releasing your hold on it, of allowing yourselves to see that it is unreal, a sham. You have a saying: “If it seems to good to be true then it probably is.” Throughout the eons of the illusion’s enticing siren song to you, you have been chasing within it for something that has seemed to good to be true – safety, security, abundance, and bliss – but how could that possibly be found within an illusion, especially one in which betrayal and deceit are endemic?

Forgiveness is the way out – of yourselves for being so misled and misguided by it, and of others for their apparent betrayals of you. In Reality there is only Love, and anything in conflict with or opposition to It is unreal. However, you do need to forgive. One of your wise elder statesmen (Nelson Mandela) remarked that resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies. So, until you start forgiving and releasing any judgments or resentments, you are just consuming poison and making yourselves truly miserable, possibly even making yourselves extremely ill. And, as most of you are probably well aware, modern psychology suggests that to be able to forgive is essential for your general health and well-being.

If you are having difficulty with forgiveness, due to pain inflicted upon you, unjust judgments made against you, or for any other reason, then when you enter your quiet inner space ask for help and for clarity. Frequently clarity is lacking in one’s perceptions when a desire to withhold or refuse forgiveness is experienced. Remember, all the experiences undergone in your physical bodies are aspects of the illusion; the suffering that is undergone is illusory because you are all asleep and dreaming. When you awaken into Reality all pain, all suffering, all injustice, all betrayal will have dissolved because they are part of that illusory dream. Clarity will show you this now by reminding you of your true nature – you are a being of Love who is One with God – and you will be able to relax into forgiveness, whereupon you will find an inner peace that maybe you have never before experienced or have long since forgotten.

In the spiritual realms we are constantly at your service, you have only to call on us with sincerity and we will show you the way to embrace forgiveness with love and compassion for the one you wish or need to forgive – yourself or others – thus leading you into a state where the stress of resentment that was confining and controlling you just dissolves. We are here for you in every moment, and we want only to see you awaken into the eternal joy that is your natural state. We know that forgiveness is the quickest way for you to release your hold on the illusion because it cuts through all the other ties and bindings so that there is nothing else to prevent you from sinking happily into God’s loving Embrace.

So call on us and tell us that you sincerely want to embrace forgiveness, and instantly you will feel the warmth and acceptance of the field of Love that at all times envelops you. It will confirm for you that you are indeed a being of Love who was momentarily lost in the fog of the illusion, a fog that is now dispersing and allowing you glimpses of the brilliance that awaits your inevitable awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

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The Red-haired Race

The Guanches were the people living in the Canary Islands before the Spanish conquest in the 15th century. Although it’s believed that they were related to the North African Berbers, we should bear in mind that they were of mixed race. Some, who were a brownish shade, were of the Mediterranean Race and as others were tall, white, fair or red-haired, nobody has questioned why red-haired mummies have been discovered in caves.

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