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     "Dear Lightworkers and Lightwarriors,

It is Columbus Day today, October 8th, here in the United States in honor of Christopher Columbus. As some of you know Christopher Columbus was one of the incarnations of Saint Germain, who in many lives have been focused on America and its role in the world. Saint Germain was also the author of the original American Constitution. He inspired the founding fathers to write it and when they hesitated to sign the document they had written he appeared to them entering the room by walking through the wall and gave a speech that motivated them to sign, at the risk of their lives.

This message is prompted in part by some reactions to the recent message from POTUS, but also as a preparation for what is coming. Some of you might have heard that this month has been labeled Red October, by Q and others. Originally, Red October was the name given to the month of October in 1917 in Russia, when the revolution took place there.

more @ Link above

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by JD Heyes

Those who have followed details of the still-developing Spygate scandal, in which the Obama administration used a politicized Justice Department and FBI against a rival presidential campaign, have long suspected that there was Russian “collusion” alright, but not between Moscow and the 2016 Trump campaign.

To the contrary, the available evidence suggested there was a pretty clear connection between the campaign of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and elements of the Russian government. In fact, the current chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has said as much publicly.

Now, thanks to The Hill’s John Solomon, new details have emerged that essentially prove the point that Democrats, not the Trump campaign, were not only involved with Russians during the 2016 campaign, but were very much a part of creating the phony “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative:


REAL collusion: Democrat lawyers met with FBI to share notes on Russia allegations before FISA warrant was issued

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Is the Reval a Deep, Dark Plot? (Repost) October 6, 2018 By Steve Beckow

I’ve been asked to repost this article from March of this year.

Folks, several people have written in asking if the allegations of two psychics saying the Reval is a deep, dark plot are true.

No, they are not – if you believe what the Company of Heaven has told us.

Here’s Archangel Michael on the subject. He reminds us, firstly, that the Reval is not simply the local event that goes by that name but part of a global restructuring of systems.

“Understand, they are all united so when we speak of the Revaluation, we are speaking of a continuum of which this aspect of the Reval is one. … It is tied into the restructuring of systems.” (1)

Secondly, in my case anyways, Michael revealed that there was great joy in heaven, so to speak, when I bought my first dinars. He would not do this if the CoH was not behind the Reval.

Steve Beckow:  You have probably been watching what I’ve been doing with Dinars.  I’ve gone way out on a limb.

Archangel Michael:   We have been watching and observing and actually – if you can think of it – laughing at what you are doing because you are proceeding on trust. …

And this makes many of us on this side filled with joy. (2)

So not: No! Don’t do that! It’s a deep, dark plot, but: Good for you.

Thirdly, he acknowledged planting the idea in many minds – probably including mine.

“There are some of you that have heard our whisper to go and buy dinar or dong, etc. … We are always planting these ideas.” (3)

The idea to purchase currency then probably came from him.

May I switch now and give my sense of what the Reval is about. My sense is that terrestrials in the form of lightworker currency holders are being given the opportunity before NESARA/GESARA for something special.

We’re being given the chance to do as much good with a river of prosperity as possible before the tsunami of abundance (NESARA) kicks in.

We’re up to bat first and then the global program of abundance kicks in, the galactics disclose themselves and bring new technologies, etc., etc.

When the history of this Ascension is written, there will be terrestrials “leading the way,” reforming their society, building Nova Earth with tremendous drive and gusto.  The brunt of the effort however will probably be borne by the galactics, without whose help little that’s happening would be possible. (4)

Fourthly, the celestials are watching how we do with dispersing funds to humanitarian and philanthropic causes.  Those who do well will be given wider responsibilities.

Here Michael confirms it:

Steve Beckow: Now I have been saying to readers that the Company of Heaven is watching financial wayshowers and stewards…

Archangel Michael: That is correct.

Steve:… And that those who do well – in other words, do the job of hydrating society – will find themselves supported to go forward.

AAM: That is correct. (5)

Finally, he brings to our attention to the fact that the Company of Heaven will not let the Plan behind the Reval go awry.

Archangel Michael: Not that we will allow you to go wrong – let us be very clear. This plan has been an unfoldment for far too long for money to simply be washed down the drain by decisions that are not beneficial either for yourself or for others and for those who will benefit from the abundance programs, plural. (6)

Oversight will be in place.

“Abundance programs, plural” – don’t overlook that breadcrumb.

This will not be the only wave of abundance. There will be a few of them.

To fund people, the Company of Heaven will use numerous sources – not only the Reval but also repeated Prosperity Packages, Historical Assets (the old Illuminati “Trading Platforms”), sequestered funds from Illuminati/human-rights abusers,  the Wanta Funds, St. Germain World Trust, even off-planet gold, I’m led to believe.

I think they want as much money as possible to get out there so that everything that money can change will change. And we’ll find out what can change and what can’t. And what role love plays in it all.

And in the process the wave of compassion that’s generated will lift everyone up, vibrationally. In that way we’re also assisting Gaia to free herself from the Third-Dimensional negativity our lot generated in two world wars and numerous genocides.

So when Michael says the Reval is part of a total restructuring, I think he means that socially, economically, and governmentally, but also intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. He means it for the collective, but also for the individual.

It’s one part of the dam of abundance that’s close to bursting.  And all of this will go on against a background of uplifted vibrations that will see us relate to each other in higher-dimensional love, joy, and bliss.

I know that because I’ve been there. I know it’s possible. (7)

So, no, I don’t believe the psychics who are saying the Reval is part of a deep, dark plot. You can read them if you want, but you won’t come away feeling good. Remember what Michael said was the litmus test?

Archangel Michael: [The] litmus test [is] that if it does not read, hear, taste, smell like love or truth then it is not; discard it. (8)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.

(2) Ibid., July 16, 2013.

(3) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 1/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at

(4) Just simply judging by the number of nuclear missiles in flight that the galactics have intercepted, any one of which could have started a nuclear World War III, is enough to prove the galactics’ contribution. If you need a second: The removal of depleted uranium – a planet killer – from the atmosphere.

(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid., July 1, 2016.

(6) Ibid., Aug. 6, 2013.

(7) I spent almost all of 2015, off and on, in higher-dimensional love and bliss.

(8) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, Jan. 18, 2018.

Read more… OCTOBER 7 2018

Dear readers, the time has arrived when both the awake and the un-awake are discovering that a great deal of change is beginning to take place within the status quo you are so used to. When change comes to firmly held belief systems, it causes a great deal of anxiety and fear because there is comfort and security in knowing what is going to happen, when, and how.

Wanting to plan and know the when and how of everything is a facet of the third dimensional mind set, one that sees itself separate from others and from God and thus must plan for every contingency in order to be safe and survive.

You are well aware at this point in your spiritual evolution that you are not separate and must begin living these truths and trusting that there is a bigger picture going on behind the scenes separate from what you are seeing and hearing on the news.

Dense creations of the three dimensional belief system are being exposed so that they can be recognized for what they are and changed. Each day more and more awaken to realize that a large number of commonly accepted laws, beliefs, teachings, and promotions are simply not true and do not serve the highest good of mankind.

Enlightened ways of seeing and doing are replacing many false beliefs in spite of the fact that there remain some willing to go to any length in order to maintain the status quo.

A huge component of the evolutionary journey throughout the ages has been the ongoing imbalance of masculine and feminine energies, each of which is actually fully present within every person. Attaining this balance is a necessity for anyone seriously seeking to spiritually evolve because the low resonating energy of separation cannot be brought into the higher energies of Oneness.

This is the reason so much cellular clearing is taking place at this time--accumulated false and lower resonating energies are simply unable align with higher frequencies--you can't bring them with you.

You are witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine because mankind is finally evolved enough to do the work along with the fact that powerful ascension energies are exposing the need for it. The Divine Feminine is the original energy of earth, located in the heart center of every person. Over time those seeking "power over" blocked, intentionally ignored, and closed their heart centers allowing only their analytical masculine side devoid of input from their feminine (love and equality) to dominate.

The "masculine" is the active, be-er, do-er, intellectual aspect of God . It's energetic color is blue. The "feminine" is the love, intuition, receptivity aspect of God. Its color is pink. When perfectly balanced the resulting color is purple, the color of royalty and high status.

As with all reality, the feminine and masculine aspects of the Divine find expression on earth as physical form, emotions, and mental thinking. The masculine and feminine are the two halves of ONE whole. An individual's spiritual evolution cannot proceed until this is realized, accepted, and becomes his attained state of consciousness. This is what is called the Mystical Marriage, reflected in the third dimension as ordinary marriage.

Because humans are consciousness and not bodies, it does not matter if the three dimensional sense of marriage takes place between two men, two women, or a man and woman. The Mystical marriage takes place within every person individually when they are ready and has nothing to do with concepts of marriage. The mystical marriage often leaves a person no longer desirous of human marriage or partnership, because they no longer feel the need to look to another to provide their missing half.

Your masculine is that part of you that acts to protect, plan, do, and analyze. Your feminine is that part of you that brings intuition, compassion, and love to the decisions and actions of the masculine. You all know people who are well balanced; the man who brings love and intuition into his actions and the woman who lovingly gets things done.

Issues of balance are not dependent on a person's present physical body because humans are consciousness, not just flesh and bone. Every person brings with them energies accumulated in other lifetimes. If a soul has experienced lifetime after lifetime as female and then chooses to experience life as a male, he will continue to experience the familiar feminine energy he is used to until he adjusts to what is unfamiliar. It is the same for a female who has lived many lifetimes as a male.

This is the source of gender confusion. These dear ones are in the right and chosen body, but believe they are not because they are experiencing the energy of the other gender brought with them from past lives. This is also the reason a woman may have too much masculine energy or a man too much feminine. Gender related issues are often carried from lifetime to lifetime until false beliefs about gender and sexuality are evolved beyond and a person begins to understand that they carry both the masculine and the feminine.

Division, judgement, anger, superiority etc. regarding masculine versus feminine has run its three dimensional course and you are witnessing the dissolution of these obsolete separation beliefs as high resonating ascension energy flows to earth.

Attaining balance does not mean that women should begin acting like men, or that men should act like women. Gender is chosen pre-birth based on the dominant energy needed by the incoming soul. It means living as a man or woman with balance--men allowing their feminine to have a part in their actions and women allowing their masculine to express through the courage to make their own decisions while reclaiming any power they may have given away in order to be loved.

The feminine/masculine pendulum is swinging wildly beyond center at this time, but this is a necessary part of the process. Many still hold tightly to third dimensional concepts of "real men" being only those expressing in "macho" masculine ways and "real women" being only those who are clingy, powerless, and beautiful.

Many are acting out in frustration and anger because they are not being heard which reflects two levels of consciousness energetically unable to align. With time the pendulum will center and there will be a balance of masculine and feminine energy in both men and women because it is the reality. This is evolution

It is a new and energetically powerful time dear ones, and what you are witnessing unfold represents but the tip of the iceberg. World consciousness is changing and can never return to the old patriarchal beliefs of the past because the energies that gave birth to these beliefs is dissolving as more and more awaken.

There is and will continue to be discord for some time yet regarding the equality of masculine and feminine because these beliefs go far back in time and are deeply embedded in universal consciousness. Those who either consciously or unconsciously cling to them are in fear of losing the whatever seeming power patriarchy has for provided them. Anyone believing himself to be superior simply because he lives in a male body is in for a wake up call.

We have spoken mostly in regard to issues of male energy dominance, but there are some living in female bodies who also manipulate others by utilizing commonly accepted concepts of femininity for personal gain. Men as well as women desperately need to wake up and honor both aspects of themselves and others. This is love.

Try to not judge what you witness in the outer scene, but rather know that those involved as well as those observing are learning and evolving. You who resonate with these messages are already balanced or close to it. Many of you did this work in other lifetimes and are here to be an example of balance to others. Some of you will continue to experience situations necessary to the integration your masculine and feminine because you are ready.

A man who is spiritually ready but refuses to open his heart without attached conditions, or who relies completely on his intellect while ignoring his intuition, will begin to have life experiences that force him to activate his dormant feminine side.

A woman who is spiritually ready but continues looking to others to make decisions for her, believing that she must look and act a certain way in order to be loved, and surrenders personal power to others will begin to experience situations that force her to make decisions and reclaim her power.

Learning experiences for both men and women can be difficult, life changing, and frightening, but provide the necessary jolt required to shift an individual out of his or her comfortable but outgrown state of consciousness and into new and higher levels of awareness.

Silently and secretly send Light to all struggling with the masculine versus feminine issues surfacing at this time. Send Light to those who are rigid and ignorant regarding these matters as well as to those trying to present a more enlightened viewpoint.

You become a healer when you attain a consciousness of truth because your consciousness goes with you into every situation, lifting the energy of those who are receptive. Your awareness of what is taking place in the outer scene and your non-reaction to it, helps to shift the conditioned consensus consciousness to one no longer in alignment with what is false and outdated.

Be aware that much is coming that will validate what we are telling you. There are going to be changes that you never expected so let go of trying to figure it all out intellectually. As humanly smart as someone may be, unless he can align with the higher frequencies, his information will always be limited.

There is a plan, a bigger picture (evolution) happening on earth right now and it is being assisted by many evolved Beings of Light as well as extra- terrestrials from spiritually and technologically advanced planets--many of whom you will soon become aware of.

Remember and rest in;

God alone is power and all is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/7/18

Donations are welcomed

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The following article may not be as surreal as it seems.

The censorship via the social media tech giants has become obvious.

Unfortunately, that is only the beginning. We are well on the road toward a dystopian society in which the "average" person will be regarded as a robot to be programed into endless servitude "for the greater good".

Can the dynamics discussed in the following article be stopped?

"How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses"
by Brandon Smith


We are officially on the highway to Hell. Is there an off-ramp?

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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, October 5, 2018

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you today with wonderful news. The Light Fleet is advancing quickly in on the forces of darkness. There are billions of Galactic ships positioned to remove the most problematic perpetrators of death and destruction from the Earth.

Each ship has specific directions about what to do and where to go. The destinations are perfectly timed and filtered through technology that allows us the advantage.

We hear the calling from the Earth and from humanity for an end to the atrocities of the harsh way of life you have been living. We promise you this is our common goal. The damage has been done and there is no room for anymore. We have been granted permission to use whatever means are possible to achieve this goal. You can imagine how pleased we are to announce this.

Never again in the history of the Earth will self-serving beings be allowed to usurp the energies and resources of all of life on any planet. The days of the enslavement have been declared over. You are being freed from the rot and greed.

You may have to run for cover while active forces of light expunge the dark. They are cantankerous beings and while we deal with them you may feel the energies. They could get uncomfortable. This does not mean they will hurt you because we would not allow that. You might simply feel the turmoil of their departure. In the long run the energies will be much lighter. It will become easier to move about the Earth.

Right now, every soul on the Earth is choosing whether they are continuing to serve self or if they are choosing to move into a higher vibration into service to others. We are sorry to say that most who have only interest for self will find it problematic to change. That means they will be leaving the Earth and going to other third-dimensional planets where they can continue to learn their lessons.

Most humans, whether light or dark, are being faced with many challenges now. As the Ascension Process continues to accelerate it forces one to make choices that will lead to higher steps in rising consciousness. Those who are unable to receive the accelerations and the love energy that go along with that will decelerate. The choices of each soul are taken into consideration and are followed through with love. It is known that each beings’ choice is honored.

Soon you will begin to experience greater waves of love. You will feel the luminescence of the light as the creative energies sweep through you. Your vibration’s will be higher and higher. From this, your manifesting abilities will expand in miraculous ways. You will remember your power and will use it wisely.

We have the utmost confidence in you and the work we are doing together. We honor you and appreciate you being on the Earth this time. You make a huge difference. Focus on the truth and the light and we will see this through to the end.

I send you love and joy from all of us. I am Mira...

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Truer words were never spoken:

Failure to confirm Brett Kavanaugh would be a stain on this institution. It would be a victory for no-holds-barred partisanship and the dirtiest form of politics we have ever seen.

For the sake of the Senate, this confirmation cannot fail.

— Senator Hatch Office (@senorrinhatch) October 4, 2018

The following post discusses all three

Massive corruption in our legal, political, and academic systems

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Very informative well researched article:
Posted on October 3, 2018 by Mike Adams

(Natural News) (h/t to The Gateway Pundit for the initial lead). In another stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, we’ve now learned and confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford co-authored a science paper that involves her carrying out mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of a mind control program that cites methods to “create artificial situations.”

Internet sleuths are turning up an extraordinary collection of evidence that increasingly points to Christine Blasey Ford being involved in mind control programs at Stanford, which some claim are run by the CIA. We have confirmed that Stanford University, where Ford works, runs a “CIA undergraduate internship program” which is described in full at this recruitment page for the CIA. The Stanford recruitment page for the CIA explains, “You will be given the opportunity to work with highly-skilled professionals and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting US officials who make our country’s foreign policy.”


Ford ran mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of mind control research

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At the rate the left is disintegrating into complete madness, the nation will soon run out of asylum space for the mentally ill.

They are definitely in an Orwellian universe where up is down and down is up.

If our Republic is to survive, these now deranged useful idiots must be reigned in. They are beginning to believe their own propaganda.

The following post discusses the latest reprehensible utterance from the hateful mouth of a demented individual.


Another Professor? joins the ranks of the dangerously unhinged

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Christine Blasey Ford’s story is not only unsubstantiated. It isn’t credible.
Daniel Greenfield — October 3, 2018

One thing I learned watching the witch trial of Brett Kavanaugh on MSNBC, is that a prestigious university in New York has a Vice President for Social Justice. (She is an MSNBC commentator). Her Orwellian title is but one of many signs that our country is already on the threshold of 1984; the Judiciary Committee circus is another.

In her comments on the hearings, the Vice President for Social Justice, Maya Wiley, was clearly out for blood, and had no interest in evidence, due process, or the facts. She is also of course both a woman, a woman “of color” and a lesbian. In other words, she occupies three of the top rungs in the hierarchy of the oppressed – all bombs waiting to blow up in the face of any straight white male who stumbles into their cross-hairs.


Sorry For Blurting It Out, But Christine Blasey Ford Is A Liar!

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Spartacus comes out with the obvious truth. The facts do not matter, the Dems were against Kavanaugh from the get-go, and they would do whatever it took to destroy his nomination.

As far as moving on, seriously? They will do whatever it takes to upend anyone that Trump nominates and have more or less indicated that they would do so

Should they succeed in destroying this man's entire life, there must be severe legal repercussions toward those who perpetuated this libelous campaign against him solely to pursue their own political agenda.

Excerpts from the following discuss the issue and reveal the chicanery behind this egregious affair as well as the scrubbing of Ford's antics and her outright lies which seemingly could be labeled as perjury.


Cory Booker spills the Dem's beans and Ford's checkered past is emerging

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