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By Bryan Chai

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, there is a large migrant caravan barreling towards America’s southern border.

Anyone who cares about border security or keeping the sanctity of legal immigration intact is justifiably appalled by the caravan.

Naturally, the liberal media clearly don’t care about either. That’s the most plausible explanation why they’ve so willingly ignored one of the latest stories to arise from the caravan.


Mexican Journalist Takes a Close Look at Caravan, Uncovers Horrible Truths Media’s Not Reporting

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Saul Audio Blog for Sunday November 18th

Humanity is on a roll!  Yes, I have said that before!  Nevertheless, as you attend to the news media, you mostly find news of disasters and catastrophes of various kinds, and mostly ones that do not directly affect you.  Don’t focus your attention there, because it just drains your energy, allowing guilt, anxiety, fear, and anger to fill your minds.  If you can help with your presence, or by making donations, then do so; but just sending love to those who are in need and who are suffering is very powerful.  Then get on with living your lives lovingly and consciously, because that is what you are in form to do.  And humanity is on a roll, because it has collectively made the decision to awaken, and that is what is happening.

The pain and suffering that many are undergoing is as a result of the decision to awaken, and is happening as “stuff” arises within them to be released.  It is an enormous and ongoing planet-wide releasing of all the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that stop people from being only loving.

Resentment, bitterness, hatred, judgment, and the desire for restitution are all blocks to Love.  Love is always unconditionally accepting and never judges, but humans in form have been trained to judge and to seek restitution for their hurts – and indeed many have been very badly hurt – but focusing on those hurts is to live in the past and replay endlessly from their memories the occasions that were so painful.  And doing that just brings those memories back into the present for those doing so, and repeats within them now the pain and suffering that they underwent, even though it is over.

There is absolutely no need to do that!  Dwelling on past pain and suffering totally blocks your ability to enjoy life in the now moment, the only time there is.  Let go!  Live today with love in your hearts and enjoy the experience of being alive – a smile from a stranger, children playing happily, a caress from a loved one – and be aware of the world around you, whether it be a view of city streets, mountains, lakes, oceans, or your own backyard.  There is always something in your environment in which to delight and for which you can offer thanks – even a brief respite from the pain of physical illness that you may be experiencing, or the comfort and loving attention in that situation that another offers you.

There is only Love, and if you will open yourselves to receive it you will be amazed at how many times it is offered to you.  Truly all of you, every single human being, seeks only Love.  Not conditional love – if you do this I will love you – but real Love, capital L!  Real Love is your true nature, but as humans you have shut off your awareness of this holy truth by focusing on fear.  You did this a long time ago because it seemed to be the basis of your survival in a threatening environment in which your physical bodies were, and still are, very vulnerable and can be easily damaged.  Now this survival fear no longer serves you, it only serves to separate you from one another.  And the more you believe that it is necessary the more fearful you become, expecting negative judgments from even your nearest and dearest, as well as from civil “authorities,” friends, acquaintances, and employers.

All of you, during your formative years, were judged by parents, your elders and betters, and by your schools as not good enough, not working hard enough, not doing your best – and this goes back generations, it is the culture of “civilization,” which itself is fear-based.  This was not meant to be!  As little ones you should have been loved, guided, and assisted to uncover and develop your wonderful talents, not forced to conform to rules that made no sense.  If this had happened society would be a peaceful and harmonious fellowship in which differences between people were encouraged, and your different creative abilities would be honored instead of being judged as unacceptable, and wrong, just because they were different.

Over the last few decades enormous strides have been made to address the issue of differences between individuals, cultures, creeds, colors, and ethnicities.  Now more and more people all across the world are honoring the differences they see in others.  However, there remains a very large number of people with fixed and fearful beliefs who are completely against change of any kind.  They yearn for the “good old days,” the days – as they remember them – from their childhood, but those memories are extremely selective, and in truth the “good old days” never existed.  Those selective memories were created to defend against or hide from view the actuality of those early experiences, which were often intensely painful.

Now, as the awakening progresses, all these unhappy and painful memories are arising in people’s conscious awareness to be acknowledged and released.  While they remain, and are even clung to, love is blocked or refused because people’s trust is severely damaged – nearly everyone has experienced betrayal of some kind by someone they loved and trusted.  The way forward is by releasing this “stuff,” and then opening your hearts to Love.  When you do you will experience love returned to you, because Love is all inclusive and extends and shares Itself constantly with those who are open to It.  Once you choose to follow the path of Love, and find it everywhere – as you undoubtedly will – it is possible to once more start trusting.

Of course you will still experience disappointments, because some those with whom you interact will still be clinging to fear, to their “stuff,” and will be incapable of living lovingly, yet; eventually all will.  In the meantime, by choosing and intending to be loving whatever arises, you are doing what you incarnated to do – massively assisting in humanity’s awakening process – and because the collective decision to awaken has been made and is irreversible, you will bring it about.

Whenever you feel depressed, down-hearted, or anxious, especially after becoming aware of some “new” disaster or catastrophe, go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides constantly, and just be with yourself as you allow the knowing that all is divinely taken care of to fill your heart.  You will feel the love and the peace that is your nature, and your faith in the divine plan will be reaffirmed for you.  You are One with Source, Mother/Father/God, the supreme Intelligence, the infinite Wisdom that is All That Exists, and during those quiet moments that you spend within your knowing of this will strengthen, and your doubts will fade away.  But, due to the limitations that being in form as a human places upon you, you do need to go within and open your hearts to Love at least once daily.  And you can also pay brief visits during the day while waiting in line, at traffic lights, or even when visiting the restroom.  Just KNOW that you are eternally and infinitely loved, just as you are, despite all the failings and inadequacies for which you so often negatively judge yourselves.  Stop the negative self-judgments, accept and love yourselves, and enjoy the sense of peace that will arise.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Two Koreas, connected. historic. Happy Thanksgiving.

Heavily armed North Korean solders approach South Korean solders at the DMZ. The solders of the two warring countries shake hands and chat politely with each other. They are smiling. Two Koreas, connected. historic. Happy Thanksgiving.

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"Justice" Dems bordering on surrealism and anarchy

"The rotten fruits of identity politics: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declares war on white Democrats"

by Dr. Eowyn

Excerpt: "The Demonrat Party has wielded identity politics to to divide Americans from each other, and to corrupt all institutions in American society — political, economic, educational, and socio-cultural. Now, the party is beginning to reap the rotten harvest of what they themselves have fomented."


"Justice" Dems bordering on surrealism and anarchy

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President Donald Trump said Facebook has some explaining to do after he noted that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s daughter worked for the social media giant...

“Schumer’s daughter works for Facebook,” he continued. “I was very surprised and disappointed to hear that. Nobody knew that until now.”


The truth comes out! Chuck Schumer's connection to FB

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by Thomas Madison

I’m not sure if President Trump is still a reader of Powdered Wig (he tweeted one of my articles to the world in February, 2016) or if his staff reads Powdered Wig (Sean Spicer was a regular reader), but it certainly looks that way. President Trump, as I suggested directly, has established a set of four press briefing rules that are very close to the rules I suggested on November 7, which follow and can be found in this article…. my suggested White House Press Briefing Rules

If I were President Trump, I would introduce a new set of press briefing rules:


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"New Poll Reveals 61 Percent of Democrats Are Truly Stupid"
By Alicia Powe

Democrats control the mainstream media, education establishment, deep state, and entertainment industry.

These groups all reinforce the idea that anyone who doesn’t think like them is evil.

Their non-stop messaging that conservatives are “bigots,” “sexists,” “xenophobic” and “racists” works. Or at least it used to.


Is Dem reality testing fatally flawed when it comes to politics

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The true driver behind Earth's climate change

"November Snow In Texas? Experts Warn Decreased Solar Activity Will Shatter All Global Climate Models"

by Michael Snyder

Our sun has been behaving very strangely, and this unusual behavior is really starting to affect our weather patterns. There have been virtually no sunspots in 2018 as solar activity has dropped to alarmingly low levels.


The true driver behind Earth's climate change

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The New Grid of Humanity – Nova Earth & Nova Being

Universal Mother Mary has asked me to re-post this information today – for us to remember that we are living in a new reality. The old 3rd dimension has faded away, it’s ancient history and energies can only be resurrected if humans persist in the old patterns of hatred, destructiveness and limitation. Embrace the new, embrace the kindess that sits within each of our hearts, and let us go forward together as 1 race of Gaians, united in heart.

This is information that was channeled in the final class of the Core Issues series. This is new channeled information – what great news!!!! The old false grids are being replaced as we emerge into our divine authority and claim the truth of who we really are. I don’t know whether to say yahoo or alleluia

The old major false grids listed in order of priority are:

L – lack, limitation, loss – this includes abandonment, isolation, loneliness and lack of self-worth and self-love, and self-doubt  Replaced by the new grid of Love

D – doubt, death, destruction, disease, despair – includes disbelief – the ability to never believe – lack of faith and trust; depression, disgust, disappointment, disillusion  Replaced by Trust & Discernment

F – fear, fault, blame, anger; self-doubt and denigration can also appear here; failure (this can also be related and found in the fear – but here the COL means a belief system that nothing ever works – failure is inevitable)  Replaced by Fearless & Valor

G – greed, lust, control; includes abuse of power, jealousy; mercenary or stingy belief and behaviors   Replaced by Generous & Genuine

C – cruelty (think of people who have had many lives of war or torture), cynicism, critical  Replaced by Kindness & Consideration & Creativity

E – ego (as king), excess, exclusion   Replaced by Expansion & Inclusiveness

H – hatred, harm and hubris (inappropriate pride and narcissism belongs here) Replaced by Harmony, Happy, Gentleness & Peace

A – addiction; all addictions are addictions to pain, to the belief system that human existence is meant to be hard, painful and without joy  Replaced by Acceptance, Allowance & Surrender

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Leftists dwelling in the twilight zone


In a previous post, The enigmatic "Leftist mindset", the issue of Leftist attraction to "crazy" and just how much more loony they could get was discussed.

The left leaning LGBTQ etc. agenda continues to reach new heights on every issue especially regarding trans rights in school locker rooms.

The school administrators cannot give logical answers to enraged parents but simply parrot surreal policy.

The following article gives a perfect example of this issue which is devoid of all logic and/or sanity.

"Male Teacher Disciplined for Refusal to Supervise Girl in Boys’ Locker Room"
Written By Laurie Higgins 11.16.18


Leftists dwelling in the twilight zone

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Spices and related items still unavailable

I ordered a pound of Ceylon cinnamon and it was cancelled off my order.  Zhena Gypsy Chai teas are still unavailable.  Cinnamon is a good spice for diabetes, so if you rely on it, stock up when it becomes available again.  The other kinds of cinnamon (Saigon, Cassia and Korintje, which are much cheaper) are high in coumarin, which can cause liver damage or failure and shouldn't be consumed in high quantities.

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Our sun has been behaving very strangely, and this unusual behavior is really starting to affect our weather patterns. There have been virtually no sunspots in 2018 as solar activity has dropped to alarmingly low levels.

As a result, our atmosphere has been cooling and shrinking, and experts are warning that we are heading for a bitterly, bitterly cold winter. And even though the official start of winter is well over a month away, winter weather is already sweeping the nation.

As you will see below, a giant winter storm is about to slam into the east coast, but what is happening in Texas is even more unnerving. On Wednesday morning, the temperature in San Antonio plummeted to just 23 degrees, and that absolutely shattered the old record…


November Snow In Texas? Experts Warn Decreased Solar Activity Will Shatter All Global Climate Models

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