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Promising Early Cancer Tests Able to Detect Stage 0 Cancer

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Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the March 2017 edition of TTAC’s Heroes Against Cancer member newsletter.

There’s exciting news on the cancer front… three early detection cancer tests are reported to detect most cancers when the tumors are only about the size of a pencil tip (about the size of the period at the end of this sentence). Cancer at such an early stage is known as Stage 0 cancer and it is reversible virtually 100% of the time.

Other than finding a universal cure for cancer, being able to detect cancer when it is in the earliest stage of development has been the “Holy Grail” of cancer research. Quite simply, the earlier cancer is detected, the better the odds are of beating it. Thanks to revolutionary new advances in cancer testing and detection, we may finally be on the verge of being able to detect many (if not most) types of cancer much earlier than ever before.

The early detection cancer tests are also reported to be extremely accurate as well as relatively affordable. One of the tests, whose cost is estimated to be $850 or less, is able to detect cancer 99% of the time and it identifies where the cancer is located 97% of the time. Another test, which detects lung cancer in very early stages of development, costs around $1,200. A third test detects the amount of cancer in the body (but not the location), and is set to cost less than $200. Even better news is that all of this vital information is available from simple blood tests!

One potential course of action is that working with a qualified healthcare provider, a person could use the less expensive test to identify the presence of cancer. If that test comes back positive then one could proceed using the second test to determine the type and location of the cancer, and what kind of treatment will be most effective. Thereafter, the less expensive test could be used to monitor treatment progress.

In other words, for around $1,000 to $1,350 you could detect the presence of cancer, identify it, and begin a therapeutic program to eliminate it in the very earliest stages. Meanwhile you could be monitoring progress periodically with tests costing less than $200.

If these tests work as predicted, existing medical tests such as mammograms, colonoscopy, and PSA testing could become obsolete for many kinds of cancer.

Liquid Biopsies and Other Early Detection Tests

Jenny Hrbacek, RN

Jenny Hrbacek, RN

Author, registered nurse, and cancer survivor Jenny Hrbacek talked about the early detection cancer tests during this author’s The Best Years in Life radio show in October 2016. Ms. Hrbacek is perhaps the go-to authority on early cancer detection, which is a major topic of her book Cancer Free! Are You Sure?

Ms. Hrbacek said that two of the most promising early detection tests are so-called liquid biopsies. These are non-invasive tests that require only a drop of blood and test for the presence of the Enox2 protein – a protein which is only produced on the surface of cancer cells.

Here are some details on these cancer tests and how you can access them:

The ONCOblot® Test

You may have heard about The ONCOblot® test, developed by ONCOblot® Labs in Coppell, Texas, previously on The Truth About Cancer, as it is a favorite test of several of the docu-series experts. The ONCOblot technology is in the process of changing hands after the death of the owner, and is forecast to be available once again in early April 2017.

Under its previous ownership, ONCOblot was able to detect 20 different sites of origin for cancer and 25 different types of cancer. Results for the test have typically taken about three weeks. The cancers detected by the test included:

  • Bladder
  • Breast
  • Cervical
  • Colorectal
  • Endometrial
  • Esophageal
  • Gastric
  • Hepatocellular
  • Kidney
  • Leukemia
  • Non-Small cell
  • Lung Small cell
  • Lymphoma
  • Melanoma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Myeloma
  • Ovarian
  • Pancreatic
  • Prostate
  • Sarcoma
  • Squamous Cell
  • Follicular Thyroid
  • Papillary Thyroid
  • Testicular Germ Cell
  • Uterine

The way ONCOblot® testing works is that a test kit is ordered and delivered to your physician (the kit must be ordered by a physician). Blood is then drawn and the completed test kit is sent back to ONCOblot® Labs. It typically takes about 3 weeks (15 business days) for ONCOblot® Labs to complete the test and send the results back to your doctor.

A study published in the journal Clinical Proteomics found that the ONCOblot® test detected mesothelioma 4 to 8 years in advance of clinical symptoms.

EarlyCDT®-Lung Test

EarlyCDT®-Lung is a blood test that has the ability to help detect cancer before it is visible on the standard CT diagnostic test usually used to find lung cancer. The test measures seven auto-antibodies to aid in the detection of lung cancer earlier and with higher specificity than CT scans.

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in men and the fourth most common cancer in women. Each year, lung cancer kills nearly 160,000 Americans – taking more lives than breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney, and skin cancers combined. Lung cancer is usually only detected after symptoms appear, when the cancer is in its latest stages. If lung cancer is detected early, at Stage I or Stage II, survival rates triple. Find out more at:

Why Tumor Size Matters When It Comes to Cancer Detection

The ONCOblot® and EarlyCDT® tests can detect cancer which has as few as 2 million cells. By comparison, standard cancer tests such as CT scans are unable to detect cancer until the cancer has grown to anywhere from several billion cells to trillions of cells. In other words, these tests are able to detect cancer when it is anywhere from several thousands of times smaller than conventional cancer tests to over a million times smaller.

Traditional cancer tests often do not detect cancer tumors until they are pea sized (8mm) and become clearly visible on CT scans. In lung cancer, fast-growing lung tumors such as large or small cell carcinomas grow to the size of a pinhead in an average of 1.1 years. The tumors reach pea size at 2.3 years.

A little over a year later, at 3.4 years, the fast-growing tumors will be the size of a golf ball, which is the point where tumors become clinically apparent and physical symptoms appear. From there, the tumors grow to the size of a grapefruit at 4.6 years, which is the terminal stage (the stage where death occurs).

Intermediate-growing lung tumors, such as squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas, reach the size of a pinhead at 4.2 years, the size of a pea at 8.4 years, the size of a golf ball at 12.6 years, and grapefruit size (terminal size) at 16.8 years.

Thus one can see the rapid growth rate of cancers from the time they are only a pinhead in size until death occurs. Fast-growing tumors go from golf ball size where symptoms become apparent, to death in little more than a year.

What to Do If Cancer Is Detected in Early Stages

When cancer is detected in a very early stage, relatively simple natural cancer therapies and good health practices may be all that is needed to eliminate the cancer. However, most people have been conditioned to treat all cancers using mainstream treatments – especially chemotherapy. Not to mention that most mainstream oncologists are going to recommend chemotherapy even when the cancer has been detected early. What many people are unaware of is that non-traditional (i.e. natural or alternative) cancer therapies can be more successful than mainstream therapies for virtually all cancers, and that is especially true of cancers which are detected early.

Instead of opting for conventional cancer treatments which are harsh, expensive, and often dangerous, cancers in early stages can be healed with fairly simple and inexpensive natural therapies. These might include detoxing and avoiding future toxins, changing to a healthier anti-cancer lifestyle, employing a healthy diet which includes cancer-fighting and immune boosting foods, and using natural anti-cancer supplements that support the immune system.

The Truth About Cancer website, the Heroes Against Cancer newsletter, and TTAC docu-series are all filled with information about how to naturally beat cancer and keep cancer at bay.

Chemo Sensitivity Testing

Chemo sensitivity testing is an emerging field with great promise for improving patient outcomes. Many people end up opting for chemotherapy due to urging by their doctor and/or oncologist, as well as pressure from family and friends. Therefore it is important to be aware that conventional chemotherapy can be greatly enhanced with chemo sensitivity tests. These tests enable a person to personalize their treatment by finding out which drugs are most effective against their particular cancer(s). Sadly, the majority of patients are never offered the option of such tests. If you or a loved one does choose to go the allopathic cancer treatment route, it would be a very good idea to inquire about (and insist on!) such tests.

A chemo sensitivity assay is a laboratory test that measures the number of tumor cells that are killed by a particular cancer drug once tumor cells have been removed from the body. The assay may help in choosing the best drug or drugs for the cancer being treated with a goal of giving each patient the best opportunity for a positive response to their drug treatment.

As Ms. Hrbacek explains, the word “goal” is used advisedly because even though drug therapy can be effective against cancer cells, it is not a cure. There are inherent problems administering any cytotoxic drug, even if it is the best choice for the patient’s tested cancer cells. Side effects can be debilitating and lasting. Plus, tumors have the ability to develop drug resistance. That means patients need repeat sensitivity testing and adjustments to the treatment plan. Perhaps most importantly, drug therapy does not address the root causes that enabled cancer to first gain a foothold.

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"West Virginia’s Supreme Court is so corrupt, EVERY JUSTICE faces impeachment"
August 13, 2018 |
Kevin Daley |Kevin Daley | Supreme Court Reporter DCNF

Update: "Another justice resigns as lawmakers impeach the entire West Virginia Supreme Court" by Kevin DaleyAugust 15, 2018

Who presides over the impeachment trial of a state Supreme Court justice if the entire state Supreme Court is being impeached?

It’s an absurd constitutional hypothetical West Virginians are left to grapple with, after the West Virginia House of Delegates Judiciary Committee drafted articles of impeachment against four justices on the state’s highest court.


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Some things simply make no sense. The current actions of some Black business leaders appear to warrant a place in the Dingbat files. They have formed an alliance to support four Democrats in the upcoming election under the guise of improving the lives of their fellow Blacks.

Ummm, so a historically low Black rate of unemployment means nothing?

Seriously? Where have these "leaders" been the past year and a half? Obviously, hard data is irrelevant to them.

Either they are completely clueless or they have a hidden agenda. This poster suspects the latter

"Black Business Leaders Determined to Put More Blacks Out of Work"

Thanks to the mainstream media and years of socialist and anti-American public education, a new political group composed of black business leaders demonstrate just how blind, illogical and counter-productive they are.


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No automatic alt text available.
Eric Raines

Lets talk for a minute about the parasitic construct. The reason the world is the way that it is...

Most people not only do not have any idea such a thing even exists, those that have realized, often times do not even know what the basics are about.

Lets say for instance, how do the etheric entities actually detect humans? How do they tap into our physical bodies and then manipulate them to block the flow, increase negative emotional resonance, damage meridians and organs as well as cause disease?

We look at our world as a solid, 3 dimensional construct, but this could not be further from the truth if you are any type of energetic consciousness, positive or negatively oriented.

If you were standing in line at a store 15 feet from someone you have never met, have no connection to, and are actively not making a connection to, something attached to you would have no idea whatsoever that person even exists. It would never "see" them to begin with.

In that same fashion, if you were thinking about your best friend, or anyone that you have a connection to, either negative or positive, the entity would then be able to "see" that person, regardless whether they are physically right next to you, or on the other side of the planet.

These entities are an incredibly dense, solid energetic object inside of a completely malleable, liquid reality. Not only do they not understand the concepts of 3 dimensional space, they need direct, solid lines of corrupted, stagnant and blocked energy to even exist inside of.

Now, that being said, the reason they are even here is because they need our negatively oriented emotional resonance. Energetically speaking, they need your Vital Life force weak and blocked, unable to flush pain, stagnancy or rotten chi through the body. This is the "hardness" that they need to "root" into. Without this blockage, it is like they are grabbing fistfuls of water. They have no way to even influence our reality unless there is this "hardness" to base their efforts to shut down light, increase dark emotional resonance, and block up the pulmonary/lymphatic systems.

Every time we do not actively engage in redirecting the negative emotions and thought loops in the body created by outside influences, we are slowing down our flow.

Joy, happiness, excitement, love, friendship, hope....everytime you feel these emotions, the internal world lights up. It becomes open, it feels clean and good. There is a natural smile on the face. Fear, anger, jealousy, shame, guilt, rage....every time you feel these emotions, the internal world shuts down. It becomes constricted, tight...painful, and there is a natural frown on the face.

This internal blockage that can easily be felt is the emotional resonance that is being fed upon.

Now lets talk about how they move from person to person.

Have you ever had an event, a fight, a point in time that when you look back and remember, you get extremely angry, or fearful, or guilty?

These are emotional poisons that we actively engage in building into bigger and bigger blockages, but we build these through black magic, either directed at others, or ourselves.

When you think about someone you have "bad blood" with, just the act of thinking about that person means you are making an energetic connection. By feeling hate, that means you are using your energy flows to push extremely heavy, dark emotional resonances at them. The more this is done, the harder and more cemented in the etheric lines of connection become. The negatively oriented parasites stoke these fires in between people all over the world, and then actively use those energetic connections to infect people and travel.

This is their superhighway.

But here is the trick. Thinking about someone with love, compassion, empathy, joy or excitement works the exact same way. It is light magic. The more we pay attention internally to recognize when we are in the midst of a "hatefest" or a "pity party", etc... to actively disengage from these lines of thought/feeling and to redirect ourselves into healthy thoughts/feelings, we actively dissolve this net of darkness interconnecting our reality.

The revolution will not be televised. We do not need to hang the bankers, or storm congress.

The battlefield has always been the hearts and minds of mankind. It is our job to turn it into a garden....this is not a place of war. It only appears so on the outside because so many of us are at war inside.

The universe is a reflection of exactly what is broadcasted out into it. If you are carrying around rage, pain, shame, fear or guilt from years and years worth of experiences, what are you subconsciously broadcasting out to the universe 95% of the time?

Loosh is a choice. Recognize your power. You are a child of the Creator. Be worthy of it.

From my heart to yours <3

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Blossom here, connecting with you chaps … somewhere! Hello!

Hello to you ‘out there’ somewhere. Which is very appropriate, for each one is ‘somewhere’, in their own space of themselves, creating their own pathway on their journey home. And may we say … such progress has been made in your recent times that so very soon now, ‘Event’s’ shall take place that will leave you in wonder. Astounding presence’s will fluctuate in and around your Planet … until such times when such wonders will be able to remain in a more … would we say … ‘concrete form’.


We use that loosely. Colloquially. 

So, what ‘presence’s’ are we speaking of here?

We speak of our vessels. They shall be presenting themselves on a much more obvious level. Many more sightings shall be captured on camera and therefore, be able to convince many of those sceptics, that are so quick to jump in and say they are of Earthly substances.

Yes, it is quite annoying how our media is so quick to ‘take the mickey’. I just smile within, because I KNOW that one day they won’t be so smug and will retract all their scepticism.

This is very much the case and preparations are underway for ‘longer, greater, clearer visual sightings’ to take place. This you shall become aware of very soon in your skies.

Speaking of skies, this segues nicely into asking about the weather. You mentioned in our last conversation we should speak of it another time. Is now that time?

Certainly. It cannot be unnoticed by anyone. Unless they have the loss of their sight, that … what is taking place/has been taking place … in your skies/atmosphere has changed greatly from days of old.  If you were to compare your photographic images of sunny, cloudy or rainy days it would be more than apparent that in these present days … cloud formations are not what they used to be.

Very much so. I assume this is due to chemtrails?

Indeed. Yet, not just chemtrails. There are certain chemicals, and gasses that are purposefully ‘leaked’ into your stratosphere, which are designed to and in turn, do … create havoc with your weather.

Unprecedented heatwaves  ... snow fall and other anomalies that should not be occurring in particular countries are causing such discomfort to humans, not to mention the animals and the land upon which they depend upon to graze.




It is part of a plan to destroy crops and necessary sustenance … so that some may have lack of food and water.

Whilst this is present in some countries for many a year … there is an intention to create the same ‘famine’ in other parts of your world also … in order for souls to panic and go into their fear based programming.

On top of which … the cloud formations are far from natural. Natural clouds do not form straight lines … they do not form tunnel like appearance.

Gone are the days of your fluffy white clouds billowing by in the gentle breeze.

How right you are. Although, I had heard that chemtrailing had stopped.

From our knowledge base and with respect, we would say you have heard incorrectly.

Oh Poop! Please continue.

All that is taking place with your extreme weather conditions are, as we say, part of a plan … and the plan is not … of /for … one’s Highest good.

So what can WE do about it? Is there anything YOU can do about it?

From your point of view … the best, most valuable notion/motion you can take is to do as we always ask of you. Each one as you read these words, know what we are about to say.

SHINE YOUR LIGHT EVEN MORE STRONGLY. Look up at the clouds and instead of allowing them to drain you and make you sick … as designed … use your FREE WILL to CHOOSE to imagine them full of rainbow colours. Colours of the Highest Healing capabilities. Do you see Dearest Ones?


Yet, you have to KNOW THIS IS OF TRUTH. It will not have the desired effect if you ‘try to pretend’. You have to KNOW from 100% of your Being … your KNOWINGNESS … that this is TRUTH and then, it shall be.

I totally see where you are coming from with this. Yet, could you go more deeply into it, so we can really get the understanding of it? For that is quite a big ask for many.

With the greatest of respect, it is no more a bigger ask than to imagine a particular item of clothing that you would like to come into your Energy. The Universe does not distinguish between anything. Large or small. It simply adheres to your desires and as long as those desires are Vibrating on the correct frequency to bring them to you … anything can, especially in these days, arrive at your doorstep in a flash. Many of you are experiencing this in these Higher Frequency Energies.

So, we would liken that to the KNOWING that, that which you see in your skies, strange clouds etc. …  DO NOT COME FROM CHEMICALS TO DESTROY AND MAME  … yet, from Beauty and Grace and if they present as dark grey … take your mind’s eye inside of them, to discover all the colours of the rainbow that will lift your spirits.

Even though we know that’s not true? I know you needed me to put that to make your point.

What is TRUE Blossom? That which comes from your heart.





Again, I get the gist of this. Yet, somethings just are! And you cannot change them.

Why not?

Ok. For example … of the top of my head, so forgive me if it’s not the best example … we have to pay our rent or electricity bills etc. … We can’t change that … even though we want to.

You can’t change that (at the present state of The Game) yet, you CAN change your attitude towards doing so. Instead of living in fear of such things or begrudging such things, you can be grateful for the roof over your head and the Light and warmth and all wonders that electricity can provide.

DO you see, Dearest Ones? You have been programmed over many eons of time to ‘think’ differently. To think … if we may use this word … wrongly/negatively. You have been saturated with ‘downward’ thoughts. You have forgotten how the LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE work … FOR YOU!


There is not one soul upon the Planet that cannot look around and be Grateful for something. Even if one considers themselves to be in the most dire of situations/ circumstances. And as you know, Blossom … the more one finds things to be Grateful for … the more the Universe will keep those things coming.

It is when one gets tied up/lost in the ‘programme’ that things do not work out how one would like them to be. They allow themselves to sink into the mire and accept that the mire is ‘how it is’. So, they settle for that. For they do not ‘believe’ they can escape from within its grasp.

This is where so much of your ‘lifestyle’ has fallen onto stony ground. Yet, more and more now … Enlightenment is calling one’s soul to CHANGE this. In one’s heart and depth of Being there is the yearning, the desperate longing to return to LOVE in its Purest Highest form. There is a knowing stirring in the soulself that is telling you that ‘This is not how it is meant to be’. That this is life under the control of a sector that desire destruction of life in order to gain more power for themselves. They are beginning to wake up to the ‘ideas’ that one can reclaim their Power and take back control of who they are … in essence … in Truth.



You can feel with in your Energy at this moment Blossom, of what we are about to say …

Yes, and I am a bit hesitant … for obvious reasons. Yet, I know you will not give a date or time so I am ok with that. Please ... go right ahead!





This WAVE OF LOVE that is to embrace each one … will  awaken so many from their slumber … and for those who are already in full swing … they will experience this Wave … from/of/on … a level that their Soul’s Light Energy is able to receive. Such Glory! Such a wondrous time this shall be!



My heart’s beating faster with the Energy you are bringing through. So many of us are waiting. So many of us are preparing. So many of us are ready! Bring it on! For then, when it has taken place … so many of us can ‘Get to work’! How wonderful!

We do not jest when we say … It is on the cards.

I know. I can feel it right now. Yet, due to all we have spoken about regarding time and no time and time frames etc. … I am not holding my breath, just yet!

Within your Soul … Your Being … ask for strength and Peace within.



Oh yes, Blossom. It shall be accompanied by music from the Heavens.

WOW! I feel there is nothing more to say right now. Just for us to ponder on today’s wisdom offered and pick up again next time. Many thanks to you.

We are always in LOVE, coming from it … Being of it. Gratitude to you also, dearest Blossom, for being ever willing to receive us.

 Who wouldn’t! The pleasure is mine and everyone’s to share.  In Love and service … Blossom G!"

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Website: Blossom Goodchild

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If some intellectually misguided people truly believe what the following article discusses to be moral and ethical, then they and their ilk will gradually be eliminated from the population by lawless aggressors.

However, that outcome would run counter to the actual globalist agenda which only wants mindless slaves left to do its bidding.

Maybe some people are just plainly obtuse.

"Anti-gun protester says you should never shoot home intruders who want to rape or murder you… because stopping them with a gun would be WRONG"


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"Ohio Voter Fraud: 170 registered voters are over 116 years old; 124 are 218 years old!"

By Dr. Eowyn
This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds
Eric Eggers is the research director at the Government Accountability Institute(GAI) and the author of the new book, Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election.

In an article for Breitbart on August 8, 2018, Eggers uses the tight margin of victory (1,700 votes or less than 1%) of Republican Troy Balderson in last Tuesday’s special election for Ohio’s 12th Congressional district, to underscore the very real problem of voter fraud in that district and across the U.S.
Eggers writes:


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Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, August 11th, 2018
Website: Sananda - Love Is Our New Reality

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are times in your life when it seems like everything is going crazy. There are times upon your earth where you feel the same. Yet in the midst of the so-called chaos a greater order is emerging.

Sometimes what is not working must be revealed to be healed. Sometimes you need an outer reflection of what has been blocking you from within. Sometimes you are simply seeing the effects of past creations, in stark contrast to what you desire now.

When you feel your life has become chaotic and you don’t know how to fix it, be still. Sit. Breathe. Receive. Your angels and the Divine are always there for you, just waiting to assist you if you’ll allow for it. When you don’t know what to do next, God does. When you don’t know where to turn, turn inward. When you don’t know how you’ll get through something, remind yourself you don’t have to know how to handle anything but the present moment.

Breathe. Love is always with you dear ones. Love is always trying to assist you. Love is always trying to solve your problems, address your challenges, heal you, inspire you, and uplift you. Love is always attempting to flow. You have your hands on the faucet. Will you allow a trickle into your life by trying to handle challenges on your own, or will you allow a great flow of grace to assist you? It is always there.

If the moment you had a problem, instead of allowing the mind to spin its wheels and confuse you, you could sit, breathe, and receive, then you would immediately begin to receive our guidance.

Dear ones, we love you so much. You are surrounded by and indeed sourced by the love of the Divine. This power of love wants to help you with every single challenge you face and, if you allow for it, can help to create absolute miracles in your lives.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

— The Angels

Link to Message:…/

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"The Outlook Has Become Grim": Trump Trade War Causing "Rare Cracks" Within China's Communist Party"

by Tyler Durden

Over the weekend, Trump claimed on Twitter that the US is winning the trade war with China for one simple reason: whereas US stocks are back to all-time highs, the Chinese market has tumbled and remains mired in a bear market.

Now, another - less naive - indication has emerged suggesting that the US is indeed getting the upper hand in the ongoing trade feud: according to Reuters, the trade war with the United States is "causing rifts" within China’s Communist Party, with some critics saying that China's overly nationalistic stance "may have hardened the U.S. position."


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Beloved Cyclopea says:

Beloved Cyclopea says:

The Threefold Flame of Life will become visible to mankind! It will be the manifested Presence of the Godhead in the physical octave. This has always occurred in the Perfecting Activity of every civilization which has ever been on Earth, and will come again in this one. If mankind will be patient, until enough individuals have been raised to where these things can come forth, they will see the outpicturing of it all. Not only will there come forth that for which you have been calling individually, but you will see the great Outpouring of the Cosmic Activity, which becomes the physical manifestation on Earth. It is the Threefold Flame.

Again there will come forth the Unfed Flame, this time in Its constructive Consuming Activity. Before the sinking of the last remnant of Atlantis, the Consuming Activity of the Unfed Flame was visible to all. It is much preferred to your present cremation. The Flame stood motionless and when the body was placed in It, just disappeared instantly. It is the greatest Service that ever was rendered to mankind. This will come again. Then the cemeteries will disappear from the Earth, and what a blessing!

Cyclopeas’s Discourse, p. 96
SGP#07 – Ascended Master Light.

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“Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call”

Published on Aug 10, 2018

“Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call”
Aug 10, 2018, #179
~ INCREASE the ENERGY of LIGHT and LOVE ~ *The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @
3pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.
**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471

** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback
number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
Or online at:
Follow instructions on site. Recordings available on Young Lightworkers Youtube Channel.
See Global Meditation Call Playlist

For info on upcoming mass meditation Aug 11 at 5:00 am Eastern
We are seeking 144,000 participants.
Here are some links to other groups that are participating in the meditation tomorrow morning at 5:11 A.M. Eastern time:
Please join Jared Rand, this Saturday morning, as he teams up with other groups for a special global meditation. The goal is to have at least 144,000 people meditating at the same time, beginning at 5:11 A.M. Eastern time.

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Saint Germain

Tells us “I would suggest to all, that you give less and less attention to any destructive gossip or reports unless you are able to verify them and find that they are true; and when you get reports from different parts of the country that this or that is so, I would not give it a moment’s consideration unless you are able to verify it.”

I am quite longing for the day when your vibratory action is to the point where I can bring forth certain truths concerning the physical octave, because if once you understand that, everything in this octave would take on a different color; it would change. May I say just this much. Almost everything in the human octave is manmade laws and conditions. It has been so diverted and distorted from the original Divine Plan, that you would hardly recognize it unless you say back into the Divine Pattern.

Volume 13, II, p. 23
Book: Saint Germain Press.

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