All Posts (40)
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 29 November 2019
Immediately after the 21st Century commenced the world appeared about ready to make a dramatic leap forward, with the announcement that ET’s were intending to show themselves as part of First Contact., and it was planned to make numerous fly-overs all over the world with their craft. That event never took place and in accordance with instructions from the higher command of the Galactic Federation, it was seen that it would not have been an appropriate time for such an event. Consequently although First Contact remains to be officially carried out, naturally other events have continued to unfold, and in general terms you are clearly much more informed and aware than previously. The fact that the dark Forces have since developed their own technology sufficiently to have their own interstellar craft causes confusion, so sightings are generally looked upon as being off world.
Many years have since passed yet First Contact remains strong and is still to be part of your evolution. Meeting your brothers and sisters from other worlds and dimensions will be a prelude to learning the truth of your history and your future. You are so near to the “Event” and already there are early changes taking place that will eventually lead to your ascension. You are all greater souls than you have been led to believe, but the truth cannot be held back indefinitely. It was long, long ago that the Anunnaki were your Masters when you were not much more than slaves to them and worked accordingly. However, that phase has long passed and you have gradually evolved and become more aware of your true selves. In truth in time you are to be fully returned to your angelic state that you were before you elected to drop down into the lower vibrations for a greater experience.
Understand that at no time have you been left without help or guidance, and every opportunity is taken to ensure that you progress in accordance with your agreed life plan. Guidance is most important at this time as in real terms there is little time left before things start to take off, and we do want you to be totally prepared. There are certainly many distractions at this time as the changes do not come easily, but come they must and as matters settle down you will be that much nearer the final events that lead to your ascension. You of course knew beforehand what was coming if not necessarily exactly how it would take place. Knowing that it would be the first time ever that souls would ascend in their physical bodies, and it was considered by you as a most exciting prospect that you did not want to miss.
Meantime you try to understand what is happening upon Earth, as it is the most chaotic time since the last wars. The changes are being led by the young people who understand what is needed to move mankind forward. It is a painful process because those in authority have little or no idea what powers the movement for change. Change will come and clear the way for a greater future and the fulfilment of predictions made for this period. Heaven stands with those who know what is required to move on and strengthens their hand. The destiny of Man is written in stone with God’s blessing and no mortal shall be able to change it.
Meantime, keep a level headed approach to whatever you may do, and all will work out to your liking in the end. The future is planned because of Ascension .but it is up to you which path you take to reach it. From a personal point of view work towards your own goal and remember that at this particular time it is most important to you. As time passes you will find that things will become easier for you, as the vibrations lift you past the point of challenges that may come your way. You are living the chance of a life time that is not to be missed. Indeed all will become clear in good time as your consciousness continues to expand.
You have come so far in your present incarnation and have been given every opportunity to make fast progress. Do not worry if you wander of course, and simply adjust and carry on with your determination to be successful on your path to a higher level of evolution. Everything you need is within your reach, and we are cheering you on knowing that you do have the ability and experience to succeed. Enjoy those quiet moments when you can contemplate your future and decide what you want from life. Many opportunities are being opened for you and very soon you will get much assistance and advice to ensure your success.
Your evolution has been tied in with the animal kingdom who over a very long period have provided for you even to the extent of giving up their lives. They too are evolving and progressing because of their close link with humanity, and have often suffered extreme treatment at their hands. They are aware of the sacrifices that they had to experience but through them have also evolved as a species that agreed to help you. Although they have experienced abuse and cruelty, through it have earned the reward of better lives ahead.
Animals have a group soul except for those that have become domesticated through contact with you, and become individual souls. Things no doubt seem at times without any plan for their evolution, yet all sentient life forms have the potential to make progress. When you think of the love, trust and affection that some animals have for humans it is obvious that they have had prior contact with them. Love is the answer and the energy that can move mountains, heal the unwell and bring peace all around. When all else is removed all you have left is the great love of the Supreme Creator, the Fountainhead of All That Is.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Every day you move nearer to the completion of this particular period, and as they pass your consciousness also grows. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - November 25, 2019
Hi there, fellow Light Beams. Each time I connect I wonder how our conversation will turn out. Still the fear mongering continues. Still folk are concerned regarding things they have read or heard. Still we carry on doing our best to shine our Light. Still more Light is being shed regarding matters that have been hidden away. What avenue shall we embark upon today, my friends?
Welcome, One and All. Firstly, let us remove all doubts regarding that which you may feel is to be feared in future days. If you allow yourselves to concentrate only on WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE, you will not be feeding into the Energetical Vibration that doubt and fear bring upon you. It is the design of those who wish your world to continue on in the same vein as it has for thousands of years, that leads you to these pitfalls.
If you are feeling uncomfortable about something … STOP IT! Stop that uncomfortable feeling by changing your thought pattern. This is now kindergarten material for you. You are way ahead on the path of Knowledge. It was many a year ago that we may have said … STOP! STOP! STOP what you are reading/listening to, if it does not feel good.
Let us put your minds at ease if we may?
That which is to occur in your future days and more specifically we speak of the new year that is to come … much shall be revealed. This is not new news!
We have explained to you the ideal approach in order to shine through all that is to come your way.
You have choices. Fall apart? Or create a Newer Brighter World … BECAUSE of all that is being revealed.
Someone expressed their concern of how our media of YOUTUBE shall put in place much discrimination and remove certain video channels for political and repressive reasons in order to take control and hold power over what is allowed to be expressed. Is this so and what would you say about it?
We cannot say if it shall ‘come into play’ or not, even though it may be a possibility. If this is the case … what will you/can you do?
I would imagine, not very much.
Then, with respect … your imagination is a little under par!
We shall therefore, assist you in this matter. You do what we have been guiding you towards doing … IN ALL THINGS. Throughout ALL that is presented to you or removed from you … it makes no difference … BECAUSE YOU ARE HERE TO SHINE YOUR LIGHT … NO MATTER WHAT.
Do you think your Light only … works/has … an effect … on certain circumstances? Do you think THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE picks and chooses where it shall or shall not shine? Yes, you can direct your LIGHT ENERGY to a particular place or soul, or circumstance … to send Love and Light to it. Yet, do you think that if you were to shine your Light on a matter that you hear about, that your Light would say ‘No thanks. I don’t want to go there?’
Your Light is your Light is your Light … IT IS!
It hasn’t appeared that way for a long, long time.
Light never lost Blossom, it simply was overshadowed for ‘a time’.
This is why we continue to express the necessity to repeat and build upon …
And I am not going to say ‘So you have said’ … because I am so aware of the CHANGE THIS IS MAKING by doing so. So you can repeat this to us for as long as necessary.
And Dearest Blossom … YOU and all who are on board, can repeat this over and over for as long as necessary.
The difference that this is making Energetically upon your Planet is mind boggling. How we wish you could experience from ‘Off Planet’ the magical effect this is having ‘On Planet’.
The fact is, Dearest souls, the more you say it … the more you feel it … the more you become it.
The more you become it … the more it finds itself in all others that are doing the same … and the more it unites AS ONE … then THE STRONGEST ENERGY OF LIGHT IS CREATING THE GREATEST CHANGES … in order for THIS ENERGY CREATED BY YOU ALL … to be PREPARED FOR ANYTHING.
Do you remember many years ago we spoke of ‘collecting bottles of Love’ in a ‘space’ to be used in future days?
Many moons ago, yes … and sadly/ashamedly, like SO many suggestions you have made to us over the years, I had forgotten all about it.
Yet, it was done by many for a while.
How can we express this? Love … that you ‘consciously store’ … is a perfect ‘exercise’ in preparation for what is to come.
In that, it is a little like a storage system. A little like the supply cupboard. When you are feeling depleted of all strength and Love … and you will feel this way …
Will? I am doing at times!
Then tap into this supply of endless Giving Energy of Light. It will never deplete. It can never deplete.
You may FEEL ‘empty’ … as if your engines are shutting down and when this occurs, tap into the never ending supply by saying …
And instantaneously the flood gates open and the LOVE ENERGY pours into your Being.
There is never a ‘Closed for lunch’ sign on these gates. Do you see? Draw on this Energy from within, that is coming to you FROM WITHIN… because YOU ARE WITHIN this LOVE LIGHT ENERGY
You walk into a darkened room and switch on a Light … Instantly there is Light.
Turn yourselves on!
Steady Neddy!
We mean it! Turn yourselves on! Not off!
Dearest compassionate Beings of Light that walk upon the Earth …
So many of you are off balance, sensitive beyond the usual, aware beyond the normal that ‘something is going on’.
You are experiencing shifts and upheavals within your Beings. Your topsy turviness is off the charts. Because you are interpreting within that which is occurring without.
So much turbulence … and you LIGHT workers are doing your very best to ‘adjust’. You are subconsciously, some consciously, trying to bring ‘life’ back into order, when it has been out of order for so long.
It is dishevelling you because you are ‘seeing this through’ without even knowing.
You are transforming the Energies that are so very strong and have ruled for so very long and melting them BACK into the Light Love that they once were … and in doing so, you are coming up against much resistance.
You did not volunteer for the ‘stroll in the park’. You volunteered and were ‘picked’ for the ‘Hurricane of all Hurricanes’ … and you ACCEPTED!
And the storm is gathering momentum.
And everything else will be shown unto you and you shall know which journey to embark upon as you get to it.
Can you elaborate on that?
Indeed. It is as we have spoken of in past sessions, regarding each one having an ‘envelope’ and in Divine timing it shall be opened and you shall have its contents revealed and from there you shall know where to go and what to do.
So, will we sort of know this telepathically?
Yes and signs to reassure each one they are on the right path shall be obvious.
So much strength shall be revisited by codes that are unravelled.
Count me out on that one. Codes are too far out of my understanding.
Yet, they are not, Blossom … for you or any other soul …
Oh deary duck … I just ‘sensed’ your next sentence (where’s that rabbit hole? ) Go for it.
Whaaaaahhhh! Forgive me, my brain just exploded! Although thinking about it, maybe you have told us this before , because I remember trying to make a joke about us being a barcode.
There is nothing to ‘panic’ about. It is really quite simple. Everything upon your Planet is coded. We have spoken about this, also. Codes are moving and changing among themselves … for themselves … by themselves. They are the makeup of the matrix. You do not need to understand them … You could not. They exist and communicate within themselves.
To take note … to keep order.
Who for?
Your Universe.
For what purpose?
Divine Order … IN ORDER for Divinity to flow.
So we, as humans are a code?
Dearest Blossom … YOU ARE LIGHT. Yet within that Light … there is a conformity of Energy and Energy explores itself through the experiments of coding and tracking.
The codes have memory. They can merge and blend ‘what has been’ into what is NOW.
If something is required to be in place NOW and has not been for a while … anything … For example the Energy of a particular Vibration upon a particular surface of your Planet … then ‘Master coding’ can recall unto itself that which it WAS ONCE and re-present it.
Amazingly, I follow you.
It is not as complicated as you think in theory. Yet, AS ITSELF it is beyond that which ANY computer system could comprehend. For it is THE DIVINE MATRIX.
Wow! So amazing all of this, when you take a moment to think about it, instead of taking ‘us’ for granted and plodding on, moaning and groaning. It would do us well to be a little more appreciative of ourselves.
It would do you well to KNOW yourselves more fully.
And we do that by saying I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM?
Thank you. An interesting chat. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.
Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!
The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is
Website: Blossom Goodchild
Moving forward into 2020 and beyond, we will be caught in tsunamis of light that will shake humanity to the core. This may be when some will begin to think that the end times are here. Many all ready think this now. Then again, your thoughts do create your reality.
Yes indeed! Let the SPLC Inquisitions begin!
Wow! The Schiffster really stepped in it this time by calling Vindman to testify.
Steve Bannon confirms he pushed to have alleged whistleblower removed from NSC for leak concerns
Ashtar: "Operation Disclosure" Begins!
My dear brothers and sisters, it's time. I AM Ashtar and I AM here, at the moment, to announce that from now on, we will reveal more and more!
That's when we'll start showing up in your sky and close to your orbit. This morning we were at a standstill, in Earth's orbit waiting for the go-ahead, we could say. This is the moment, dear ones, we are now in the phase of Operation Disclosure, it is time for us to reveal our presence to the people who are ready to see us.
It will not be your many governments announcing our presence, as you should know now and as other sources have told you. It's about us, your Brothers and Sisters Of The Stars, who are now here in countless numbers, to let you know the truth. And then for you, the observer, to bring this revelation to the world!
We have now passed the calendar time, where your many governments announce our presence because they could not reach an agreement between themselves. And so, as We, The Light Federation and the Galactic Councils, have now agreed and confirmed with the Primary Creator, we will now enter a new phase of disclosure!
It's time, dear ones, it's time for all of you, to begin to know and understand our presence! We waited patiently and we have no more time to procrastinate. The stage of waiting for the help of your many governments in this area has now passed, so we, your Galactic siblings, are now ready to begin "Operation Disclosure"!
We are now at the first stage of this protocol and we will begin to take the necessary steps. This will be done in stages, because we will now make our presence known slowly, but surely. First as a glimmer of light in the distance, then this glow will gradually turn into a light of hope, which will then turn into a beautiful Ship of Light filled with your Brothers and Sisters, ready to help and serve you in so many ways!
Do not worry, dear Hearts, because this is the time, it's time to reveal ourselves so that everyone can see and I say all, that we are moving now beyond those who are conscious and awake, to those who are not aware of our presence. We will no longer be in the shadows and it is towards the LIGHT that we are all moving now, dear ones!
Get ready for the fireworks, as We will be those fireworks, these lights and flickers of such color, beauty and love! Be ready, dear ones!
I am Ashtar and We are all here now, ready to start a new phase!
And, what about Big Pharmaceuticals right here in this country? When is the FDA going to start caring about those?