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The Master's Talks, through Morgan Le Fay

December 13, 2019

My beloved ones, I joyfully return today and bring you the greetings of the Angelic Host, especially from the Archangel Zadkiel.

You cannot imagine how happy the angels are with our conversations about the “ascended master's feeling”. Yes, they rejoice immensely! For they and the elementals are greatly affected and pressed daily with human discord.

Why do I always stress the expression 'the feeling of the ascended master'? I stress it, for it is a great desire of me and the angelic host that you learn to live within that perfect, enlightened and constructive feeling even before you complete your ascension.

Perhaps you can reply by saying that living within the perfect feeling of the ascended master in this human octave, and without completing your ascension, is impossible to achieve. And then, I need to remind you that the golden age is dawning and in every golden age all human beings emit only perfect and pure feelings. If it were impossible to achieve this feeling, then, likewise, it would never be possible for another golden age to settle on planet Earth!

Living within that perfect, harmonious, and enlightened feeling requires some application, but as you sustain that superior feeling, positive results and great blessings rush into your worlds, and so it becomes easier to sustain that feeling. Believe me! This is perfectly achievable! This is what I want to bring you right now! And the beloved Archangels Michael, Chamuel and Zadkiel, as well as all the others Archangels, are at my side right now and offer their help and support for all those who sincerely apply in this regard!

Look at the disasters that are emerging everywhere on planet Earth. In one place we have heavy rains that flood entire houses and cities. Elsewhere we have fires. Other places suffer from tornadoes. Other regions are constantly slaughtered by long periods of drought. All these negative conditions are the result of the imbalance of collective human feeling.

Certainly, in manifesting negative conditions of nature, we must do our best, through decrees, visualizations, and prayers, to calm the elementals, the devas of nature, and thus assist as we can for balance to be restored. But better than decreeing to a disaster that has already happened or is imminent, is the act of eliminating the causes that cause such disasters!

There are billions of people on this planet who do not yet have the exact knowledge of the ascended masters and their work on this planet. There may be millions of people who only know the work of the great spiritual masters of the East and the previous teachings, who were and are wonderful, but as has been proven, it was not and is not enough to completely raise the human race above its own limitations. Certainly, each facet of the Law is welcome and serves to help certain groups of consciousness, but the law of the moment is directed to the knowledge of the I AM Presence and its daily and constant use in all fields and human activities.

If the greatest of humanity does not yet know this law, tell me, who can I count on right now, but you, who know me, who feel me as truth, who feel the truth of the ascended masters, who conceive the truth and reality of the I AM Presence in your hearts?

I speak to you with all the light of my heart, if I cannot count on you, to expand to your spiritual groups, your family, friends and contacts, the need for emotional balance, feeling control, sustaining this divine faculty, perfectly, in the ascended master's feeling, then, we will have a great and real problem on this planet, for we of the ascended host, the archangels, elohim and cosmic beings of light, can inspire, guide, and give you promptings, but we can never come down and make the application and effort in your places!

This is a serious matter, my beloved ones! An immensely important subject! And if that wasn't so important, I wouldn't be here talking to you and stressing about it! I need your help! For if a person makes the effort to sustain harmony in his world, after he becomes strong enough and maintains harmony, he expands his light to hundreds or thousands of people in his world, and without opening his mouth, he becomes a radiant sun that facilitates and sustains the harmony of an entire village, city or region!

It all starts with the effort of one being! But then, as in the outside world, this being that brings something innovative and facilitating makes life and experience for hundreds and thousands of people easier! And that is what I wish for you who are within my radiation, I wish that you become radiant suns and begin to illuminate, bless and sustain the perfect harmony in your world, and when I say ‘your world,’ I include everything and everyone who does part of it, everything that is directly or indirectly linked to you!

Can I count on you at this cosmic hour? Can I trust that you will endeavor, as best you can, to keep yourselves in perfect harmony and only allow constructive and beautiful feelings to find space in your hearts?

With my blessings and the blessings of Michael, Chamuel, and Zadkiel I leave you today, but I will return, whenever possible, if I realize that there is at least one, who is drinking from my words and putting them into practice for his own blessing and the blessing of all mankind.

Saint Germain

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Remember this one?

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OCTOBER 6, 2019

Welcome dear readers.

You the awakened ones, are rapidly shifting into new levels of awareness while others previously unaware or uninterested in truth become more receptive to examining universal beliefs that effect everyone's life.

You who already know who and what you are, are leading the way. You are the light for those ready for more, but who remain unaware of exactly what it is they seek. You need not actively protest or engage in outer actions unless guided. Your work as way showers is to hold the Light of truth within at all times carrying it with you into whatever situations you may experience or become aware of.

The Light of an awakened consciousness automatically flows without conscious thought in and as forms of love accompanying every word and action. It may simply be the act of petting a dog, or offering words of comfort to another, but is often simply bearing silent witness to truth when in the midst of or observing discord.

You no longer need to be actively involved in third dimensional discord. Avoid intense watching and listening to the news or gossip. Be aware of what is going on, but do not immerse yourself in it. When you feed consciousness with negativity and problems you align with the energy of them which then begin to manifest as judgement, criticism, and other creations in and of the three dimensional belief system--all the things that you have been working to clear.

Everything is energy and because there is only ONE energy, whatever you energetically align with you automatically draw to you because everything is always seeking Oneness--law of attraction. Those who attain a high level of spiritual consciousness discover that their lives become increasingly harmonious on all levels because their consciousness of Oneness begins to automatically express the harmony, balance, safety, abundance, and completeness etc. embodied within it.

However, it often happens that an individual will choose to accept and attain a consciousness of Oneness, but exclude one or more Divine qualities from that Oneness. Example; "I am whole and complete in every way, but I never have enough money." Remember, consciousness is always expressing itself and as long as any false belief is a part of one's consciousness, it will continue to manifest.

An attained consciousness of Divine harmony and wholeness will manifest outwardly in ordinary and practical ways. Example; Being drawn to a particular ad in the phone book or notice on a board for a needed service or a friend recommending a business or a product that is perfect for a project you want to do. If you allow your intuition to guide you, your consciousness of wholeness and harmony will draw to you the right attorney, doctor, plumber, etc., those in alignment with you.

Mind interprets an evolved state of consciousness in practical every day forms a person can relate to. Spiritual living is very practical, much more so than living from the creations of duality and separation which will always manifest in forms of both good and bad.

We wish to speak of remorse. Remorse is the act of passing negative judgement on self with regard to past action or actions from the perspective of a different, often higher awareness than that which was in place at the time of the action or actions. Remorse is an illusion created from energies of separation belief and never has or ever can reflect the reality of any individual.

Many of you are experiencing remorse and guilt as you re-examine your lives in the light of higher awareness. All actions and decisions reflect the attained level of consciousness present at the time of the action. Know that anything you did in the past now causing remorse was simply reflective of an earlier state of consciousness. If you hadn't evolved beyond it, you wouldn't even be questioning the past action, you would simply consider it to be right.

Evolution involves the clearing of no longer relevant energies of a lower resonance. Higher frequencies of Light expose old energies still active in cellular memory causing them to surface on one or more levels (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual). This allows you to become aware of the particular belief underlying some negative past action. Use this insight to examine, replace the belief with truth, release it, and move on without further indulgence in guilt and remorse. This is how the clearing process works.

A person is only capable of living from their attained level of consciousness. Many pretend to have a evolved state of consciousness, but sooner or later the reality will express and expose itself. An example of this is the rampant psychological, sexual, and physical abuse of women and children that has taken place in organizations through individuals that promote themselves as being in spiritual and loving service.

Remorse reflects the belief that one has failed, done something unforgivable, and is thus not worthy of love. Consciously or unconsciously believing self to be unlovable is the driving force behind the actions of those who act out in violent ways. The energetic resonance of this belief is unknowingly carried from lifetime to lifetime in the cellular memory of an individual until cleared.

Remorse can lock an individual into the belief that they are not worthy of happiness or love, and because everyone is a creator, they continue to create situations that reinforce this false belief. They welcome hardship and emotional suffering, even seeking it because they believe that they deserve it.

Many project their hatred of self on to others as a means of relief-- "I will show them I am strong. I will make them respect (fear) me." Others use drugs or alcohol to ease the inner pain of feeling intense separation. The soul is always seeking oneness but most as of yet do not understand this.

This state of consciousness creates a vicious circle of three dimensional experiences that will continue as long as energetically fed. Programs that foster self esteem both in or out of prisons serve to begin healing the broken hearts of many who commit violent crimes. An excellent example is prison programs that pair homeless dogs needing love and training with prisoners. The resulting partnership is often the very first time a prisoner has ever expressed or felt love.

If or when guilt surfaces, remember that every person has guides, teachers, and incarnates with a contract that they themselves wrote about what they were choosing to experience and learn. Your actions may very well have been a part of some karmic or learning process needed by both. Negative past actions never hurt or effect the reality of the other, but do effect you.

On a practical level, you can apologize whether the person is on this side of the veil or the other. Send Light and see their Light through consciously acknowledging the Divinity of the person or persons involved including self. Be intuitively guided as to what if any, actions are needed. You may be guided to simply do nothing on an outer level, but to do much on the inner.

Learning to love self comes through knowing that self is SELF. A consciousness of Oneness can never be attained if self is left out of the ONE. It is easy to hate self when one's belief system is based in three dimensional concepts of how one must look, be, or act in order to be acceptable or loveable. This is simply old programing that you have long ago moved beyond. Allow all remaining remnants of it to dissolve into the nothingness that it is.

Choosing to spiritually evolve on earth in three dimensional energy allows for a difficult but intensely valuable evolutionary process. Begin to understand that in reality there are no accidents, mistakes, or victims especially during these powerful times of energetic ascension. Recognize and acknowledge the spiritual ideas that underlay everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell.

This is how you learn to see beyond appearances and is why you chose and were allowed to be on earth at this time.

With love, respect, and recognition...
We are the Arcturian Group 10/6/19

Donations are welcomed

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My Comment: The UK also appears to have its enemies within who are well connected.

"EXPOSED: Corbyn, UK Labour Party Tied to Hamas Terrorist Network"
By Geller Report Staff

If Jeremy Corbyn is elected on December 12th, both the United States and Israel should stop intelligence co-operation with Britain.

Corbyn, UK Labour Party Tied to Hamas Network

Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip and London’s Hamas institutions have joined forces to support Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party, ahead of the upcoming UK elections this week.


Is the UK Labour Party the equivalent of the American Democrat Party?

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Once again, Hello! These times are indeed exciting, as more and more ‘dirt is dished out’ publically on those who we have suspected to be of lesser Light. It confirms what you have been saying regarding the worms crawling out of the can!

Welcome Dearest soul, Blossom and to all those involved in the raising of the Planet into a place of Peace and Beauty. Yes, indeed more ‘news’ is becoming quite compelling on this particular issue of the can of worms … and believe us when we say there is plenty more where that came from.

As each ‘story’ is offered to eyes and ears, remember to go immediately into the ‘I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM.’ mantra, so that instantaneously you are shedding Light on the issue and although listening to that which is being said and seeing that which your eyes behold … you are ‘changing’ the Vibration of it. At the same time you are releasing yourselves from being drawn into the darkness of these issues … which for many will take them to a place of despair.

Open your hearts, Dearest Souls and send Love and compassion to these souls who have lost their way.


Indeed, Blossom. We have spoken of forgiving these souls … for this is the only way forward and as difficult as one may find this to do … one must know that this ‘act of forgiveness’ is for the Highest Good of all. To take one into a land of Freedom, one cannot carry the burdens of hatred, or disgust, or vengeance, or revenge. Any feeling that is not of Light HAS TO BE discarded from the soul’s Energy field, in order for one to walk through the veils and BE OF ITSELF IN LOVE.

Yes, I understand. I have heard of very important politicians being cited in this ‘can of worms’ and I was happy, which sort of felt wrong. Was I gloating? I don’t know, I just felt so pleased that all this is about to come out because it means ‘we are on our way’.

Blossom, we would say that what you felt was a knowing of Joy because as you say, the ball is indeed now rolling. Which means of course, that you are ever closer to the ‘change of position’ and the Joys that are to eventually follow.

Remember too, that these revelations shall be intermittent in order to try and keep some form of order. Yet, as more and more is brought into the open, the more there will be the need for the ‘follow through’ of each occurrence to be highlighted and quickly, because it will be necessary to do so. Your unsuspected citizens will demand answers and we do not have to tell you that indeed, there shall be many, many questions!


Yes, I can. I definitely FEEL stronger in my Being and I FEEL READY … for exactly what I am not sure, yet, I know we will recognise it as it happens

Dearest Blossom, you shall not be able to miss it.


Keep you conversations LIGHT on these revelations. For many will be falling into the mire, due to disbelief and concern. Yet, you know better! Let others know how fantastic this is … that it is being brought to Light and that it means a much better ‘way of living’ lies ahead. Feed them with your enthusiasm about the future … for this is the case, Dearest ones. So much is coming your way and it IS so exciting … it will knock your socks off, as you say.

Speaking of things coming our way, someone asked if you could explain why it is that different ‘respected’ channellers or givers of information, whistle blowers etc. are given different time lines/dates for this Event that is spoken of so many, many times, throughout so many, many lands and within so many, many religions. How is it that these dates differ so greatly? Many say next year. (Heard that before, a good few years ago!) Some say 2030, and many other dates in between … We can’t all be right. We can’t all be wrong. Could you shed Light on this matter please?

Certainly, Blossom. WE, THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT GIVE A DATE … FOR WE CANNOT. No one knows an exact date.

Yet 2020 and 2030 in our world is quite a difference.

And it is but a heartbeat in ours.

We do not feel it correct to discuss ‘Other’s messages’ out of respect. Those who follow a particular channel do so because it feels right for them to do so. Who are we to say whether these messages are ‘completely correct’ … in the same way, another could say the same about us, Blossom. Many follow and leave for a while, then return when they feel the call.


I don’t think this is the answer the gentleman was looking for. Could you at least give us a reason why we could be told the difference of the years?

No. We are unable to do so. Because we do not know the answer.

In ‘our’ words and ‘our’ thoughts we would surmise that this ‘SHIFT’, this ‘HAPPENING’, this ‘EVENT’ … it matters not what it is called as long as the Lightest Feeling accompanies it … WILL OCCUR and it draws ever closer.

Which could mean tomorrow or in ten years, seeing as you have no time.

We understand your dilemma.

The fact is, most of us now are not concerned of the ‘when’ … we have graduated from that thought form and now concentrate on Being the Light and going with the flow as everything unfolds. With respect, it is YOU and other’s from ‘the other side’ that keep bringing it up.

Because it is essential and necessary to do so. To have this knowing in one’s awareness is important. It is the reason that you are upon the Earth at this time.

Yet, many don’t know about it. They haven’t a clue.

Yet, Blossom … MORE THAN ENOUGH NOW, DO KNOW ABOUT IT and you/they are the ones that shall lead the lost across the Bridge.

Other channellers have spoken of there being the need for the balance of souls to know of this in order to ‘tip the scales’ so to speak … we would say this has already happened.


And we are waiting …

And within that waiting you are shedding more and more Light to those you come across. You are spreading your Light across continents. Your Being is prepared and so now, within the ‘wait’, you are preparing ENERGY OF ALL THAT IS … to BE READY, also.

There shall be signs that this Event is coming. Recognisable signs AND YOU WILL KNOW BECAUSE YOU WILL FEEL IT.

You cannot deny the changes in the Energy just recently and now with the dominos falling, one can be excited to know that all that follows will be ‘shown’ for what it is.

Yet, as I said, it sort of felt wrong to be excited in the way I was.

And as we said this is not the case. It is the excitement of knowing that which we have spoken of for so many, many years is now here and you are living and breathing here upon Planet Earth to witness it.

YOU ARE THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG … or you could not assist.



Each one playing their part. Each one KNOWING that by TRUSTING themselves and that which they feel they will guide and lead others into that same place of TRUSTING within THEMSELVES.

The momentum gathers and strength will build and there shall be no stopping THE LIGHT AND LOVE THAT YOU ARE from doing what it came here to do.

In this knowing … does it matter to you when the Event will take place?

No. We were just trying to determine why different dates, very different dates, were/are given?

And with THE GREATEST OF RESPECT we would say once more, we are not in a position to answer.

Fair enough. I will accept that, as you never really answer in this way, so I will respect this answer of not answering!

I feel we are done for today, if that’s cool with you? ‘Cool’ being the operative word as it is blazing hot in Australia right now and summer has only just begun, and what with the blaze/haze of the fires its pretty full on!

Weather all around your Planet is ‘acting up’. When it is the turn of certain dominoes to fall … and they shall fall heavily with a bang … the weather on your Planet will slowly be able to ‘correct’ itself into the seasons that were designed for nature and all her inhabitance to thrive. This will take a while for ‘her’ to come back into balance, yet, when order has been restored … the seasons shall once again be respected for that which they are, in all their Glory.

So much, Dearest souls has been tampered with upon your Planet that its original outlay of its plan is almost unrecognisable. THIS TOO SHALL BRING SO MUCH JOY … FOR/TO … ONE, WHEN THEY CAN ONCE AGAIN BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE DIVINE TAPESTRY.

MANY THANKS to Each One for remaining steadfast and loyal to that which they KNOW to be of TRUTH.


As White Cloud would say! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Website: Blossom Goodchild

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My Comment: Iran is at war with America and its most solid ally is the Dem controlled House.

The Dems are fully aware of the situation discussed in this post. but choose to do nothing about it. Their obsession with impeachment is their comfortable space, and will continue to be so.

Their goal is the destruction of America in any way possible. They are too blinded to see that they are merely useful idiots who will be disposed of once they have served their purpose.

"Iran, Hezbollah Use Mexican Drug Cartels to Infiltrate US"

Iran and its terror proxy Hezbollah are financing Mexican drug cartels, smuggling people into America and recruiting them (for pay) as sleeper jihadist cells.

The recruits are mainly immigrants to Mexico from the Middle East, mostly from Lebanon where Hezbollah is based.


Useful idiots aid the enemy by sheer denial of reality.

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We are the Arcturian Group 12/1/19


Dear readers, welcome once again to the Arcturian Group Messages. These messages are intended to assist those who desire a greater understanding of why they are on earth at this time. We see and love all who resonate with the messages. Call upon us in your quiet time for clarification of that which you do not fully understand and we will respond in a form that resonates with your energy.

Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of outer appearances. The chaos, exposures, and discord that is manifesting the world over is helping to awaken those who remain asleep to more enlightened ways of living. For the first time, many are beginning to question their personal beliefs.

The world is moving into a new and higher energy but cannot do it overnight nor can an exact date be determined because the consciousness of mankind is creating it. There is a great deal of assistance to earth at this time from the higher dimensional realms, but free will determines that mankind must do the work.

The third dimension is a dimension of time and space. If an individual were to suddenly be infused with the fullness of high dimensional energy their physical body would not be able to handle it and would die.

Spiritual evolution is a gradual awakening into higher awareness through experience, receptivity to change, and the acceptance of one's innate personal power. For eons of time mankind has looked to others to make decisions for them in the false belief that others were smarter, braver, wiser, holier, and more qualified.

This does not mean that you never evaluate the ideas of those who have studied and work in areas of guidance or those who have lived through the very experiences that you may be dealing with, but does mean that you trust your intuition with the final word.

Many have or are now discovering that the emperor indeed has no clothes (not a person, but the whole common belief system) . This can be shocking to those who have always depended upon others to make decisions for them but is going to continue to manifest in all areas of ordinary life. Sadness, often accompanied by feelings of guilt, anger, and foolishness are frequently experienced when a person discovers that so much of what they have accepted as truth from the government, organized religion, and family tradition was actually false.

If you have these emotions, allow them to flow through and out again. Acknowledge them without resistance and anger and rejoice in the realization that you have experienced a shift of awareness--a vital and necessary step toward moving to your next level of consciousness.

An awareness of the inherent error underlying many familiar beliefs taught to and believed by the majority is a first step toward removing them from personal consciousness. Seeing with new eyes allows a person to recognize that many common laws, beliefs, and ideas are meant to benefit a select few who need mankind's continuing ignorance for their continuing benefit.

Not all who hold privileged positions of power live solely for themselves. There is nothing wrong with being rich or famous for abundance is a Divine Law. If it comes through one's realization of spiritual completeness or from an innate talent for business or profession and is carried out with love, respect, and sharing then it is the natural expression of the universal law of abundance. Wealth and fame become negative low resonating concepts when they become one's sole source of validation and sense of superiority over others.

When wealth or fame causes a person to believe that they are better and more entitled than others, they are imbued with the energy of duality and separation thus creating for themselves experiences that will reflect the pairs of opposites. Many of them go on to spend their time and energy in vain attempts to maintain the illusion of who they have been in the past.

In the three dimensional world of duality and separation, success is usually defined by how rich, beautiful, athletic, educated, employed, or smart one is. Beliefs that categorize people through concepts of more and less, good and bad, always reflect duality and separation. "Success" is not known or recognized in the higher realms because all are known to be expressions of Source. Energies reflecting duality and separation can never align with higher frequencies of Light and truth.

On earth, everyone is experiencing some or all of their pre-birth chosen lessons. Some have chosen to experience being poor, or sick, or mentally handicapped. Others have chosen to experience some catastrophe, live in an undeveloped country or one at war in order to have these experiences or to spiritually move beyond some karmic need for them. Some choose to be rich, beautiful, or athletic for the experience rather than for ego gratification but once in the lower frequencies of the physical realm often get lost in the hype and nonsense of the three dimensional belief system.

The energy of duality allows any three dimensional experience to carry the potential for its opposite to express. As mankind evolves many commonly accepted pairs of opposites (success/failure, peace/war, love/hate) will begin to fade into the nothingness they really are. This can cause those who continue to believe these things are attainable only through struggle and pain to pursue their goals in unwise and self indulgent ways that may feel old and unnecessary to those around them.

If you have been feeling despondent about not achieving some hoped for dream, rejoice, for it means you are moving beyond the need for validation through the world's concepts of success and achievement which often signals a spiritual readiness for your next level, the one you came for but do not remember.

We would reiterate that there is nothing wrong with failure of any kind. It is only the third dimensional belief system that promotes failure as a bad thing. Failure is always a tool for deeper growth if understood and accepted as such.

On the other hand, if you are being guided toward a goal that strongly resonates with you, go within acknowledging and more deeply aligning with the truth of the Divine ever present wholeness and completeness you are, allowing it to manifest outwardly as.... Then take whatever human footsteps are required toward your goal.

Three dimensional concepts of success are beginning to dissolve in collective consciousness because they have nothing real to maintain them other than a belief in them. Many are beginning to recognize that the hype and value given a person simply because they can run faster, are richer, or prettier than another is really a silly "much ado about nothing". Fun and games, yes, but distracting and not really important to the bigger picture unless it serves as an evolutionary lesson for those engaged in it.

Many who have had success or fame try to maintain it long after it is finished in the belief that their accomplishments, possessions, partnerships, or physical appearance define who they are. If you have been or are now successful according to the world's sense of success, honor that and give gratitude for the experience but do not allow the past to hold you in bondage and keep you from moving on to what may very well be something better, higher, and more satisfying if allowed.

Continuing to grasp at and attempt to recreate some accomplishment or relationship that is finished in the belief that you are nothing or nobody without it keeps one spiritually "in place" until they are able to utilize the experience as a catalyst for spiritual growth. Periods of success in all areas of life are often meant to be a segue leading to the next phase of one's chosen experiences.

Everyone is a Divine Being on earth to experience that which they have planned as being necessary for their spiritual growth and learning. No one is on earth simply to be rich, beautiful, powerful or to rule over others. Indeed some in ignorance actually believe they can do this but eventually there will always come failure and forced growth if not in this lifetime then in another for these things are always temporary.

The dissolution of popular concepts personally and globally is bringing about the chaos you see. The divide is widening between those awakening and those choosing to do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo.

Trust that you are indeed a spiritual being having human experiences. This realization will dissolve the need to search and seek for fame and success in order to feel loved and acceptable. Trust that your higher self knows what you need and when, allowing your good to manifest in new and higher ways appropriate for you at the right time and which may in no way resemble world concepts of good.

It is a powerful time of change in which human egos fear losing themselves. Once you truly accept that it is impossible to lose self because in reality you are SELF, you will come to know and accept that now and always you have been complete, whole, and successful.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/1/19

Donations are welcomed

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