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We are the Arcturian Group 1/31/21


JANUARY 31, 2021

Dear readers, we greet you with love in these changing times. As best you can, avoid allowing the fear and doubt of the collective so prominent at this time to overwhelm you. Because most are unaware of what is taking place behind the scenes, it is very easy to judge by appearances and slip into fear.

Fear, confusion, and doubt plague even the most evolved at this time for you are seeing nothing that resembles what you expected to see. Understand that energy shifts and changes in every moment. Trust that all is proceeding according to plan as new and powerful energies of Light continue flooding earth

Events predicted by highly respected channels can and often do turn out to be completely different or predicted events never happen at all. This is not because the channel was incorrect, but because the energy in place at the time of the channeling has changed.

It is important to cease looking outside of yourselves for what is needed, be it information or anything else. See outside information including channeled messages as being guides rather than an unchangeable realities. You must begin to accept and trust that the only unchangeable reality that exists is within you.

If you read something that does not resonate with you, trust that regardless of how many letters the author may have behind his name or how many others believe it. Something that may be true for one person will not resonate at all with another. This is because there is or isn't energetic alignment.

Stand silently, secretly, and confidently in truth. Be open to guidance and information where appropriate, but never allow some person, religion, government, tradition, or anything else to dictate what you must believe.

Times are quickly changing and many issues that were acceptable even last year, are being recognized as no longer right and appropriate. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be at this time even if things are not what you expected (concepts).

As dense creations formed of duality/separation energy surface, they encourage those in alignment with these energy forms to act out in a similar way. However, this is an important part of the unfolding ascension process because nothing can change until that which needs changing is seen and then rejected by the majority. Trust that all is proceeding according to plan.

When someone living fully in the three dimensional belief system believes that he/she is separate from what they need for fulfillment on any level, they will automatically seek it through whatever means they can. Even those who violently act out in some way believe that they are achieving some form of good according to their attained level of consciousness.

Every person seeks peace and happiness. Most continue to seek where they believe it exists, in outer effects. In reality, the seeking for fulfillment on all levels is the yearning of the soul to be recognized and once again unite in Oneness.

Every person will at some point awaken to their ONEness but the evolutionary journey requires many learning experiences which in a dimension of time and space (earth) means many lifetimes. Most of you who read and align with these messages have done the work and are very close to that point.

Fear is the bottom line of all destructive behavior and is the outer effect of the belief in separation which then manifests as a sense of being alone, helpless, and subject to an infinite number of outside powers. Fear looks to a far off God, or something outside of self for salvation. The belief in two powers, of a power outside of Self, is what created and continues to sustain the three dimensional belief system.

The world is presently wading through a swamp of mud in order to get through and out where mud no longer exists. You may occasionally find yourself stuck in the mud along with those who actually like and identify with mud but your work as an evolved being is not to fear the mud or give it power, but rather know that you are not, never could become, and never have been mud.

Because fear springs from the belief in separation and because separation is an anchor in the third dimensional belief system, you will always be tempted to fear when living on earth. Recognize and then neutralize fear simply by not feeding it with your energy because it is not yours unless you claim it as yours. Fear will lose power over the majority as increasingly more awaken to the truth of ONEness because fear has no law to support it and can only exist if energetically fed.

A realization of oneness begins at the person's level of awareness. In the beginning it may express as the desire to help someone less fortunate within one's immediate circle--family, friends, or church group. Over time the person begins to be aware of and take an interest in the needs of individuals and groups outside of his immediate circle (strangers and animals) and eventually expands to include "enemies".

Finally, perhaps over lifetimes, as a person's state of consciousness evolves, he/she begins to realize that One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousnesses is and always has been expressing ITself as every living thing simply because IT is all that exists. This awareness of ONE is what constitutes unconditional love.

Illnesses, violence, and the circumstances so many find themselves in at this time are serving to bring about a sense of oneness previously not seen on earth. These events are necessary for the awakening of those who would rather stay glued to their comfortable concepts. However, many are or soon will get booted from their complacency, and it will be frightening for them, but necessary for spiritual growth and evolution--the real purpose of three dimensional experiences.

No one incarnates simply to live the high life after somehow attaining the world's concepts of success. Everyone comes to earth to experience and learn, but the density of three dimensional energy causes them to forget this once they are no longer in alignment with the higher frequencies they came from. This is why young children often remember past lives and where they are from until the denser energies of earth become dominant.

With the help of Guides, every individual creates a plan for themselves before incarnating, a plan that includes having experiences that they feel are necessary for further spiritual growth. Some plans and many of today's plans are to assist with earth's awakening. Know that a soul plan never includes lessons that the person is not yet spiritually prepared for. A soul contract can be added to or changed at any time.

Some may choose to experience a "perfect" human life in order to learn that material success does not fill the empty spot within them that is always seeking for "something". Many choose lessons that can only be learned through experiences of poverty, war, disease, or struggle but most of you have completed these dense types of experiences because you are no longer creating them.

A person can leave the physical whenever they choose. Many leaving at this time through disease wanted to leave and come back into new and higher energies and the current disease situation provided an easy way to do it. This information may upset some of you especially if you have lost a loved one, but know that death is always the soul's choice, not a three dimensional choice, but one made on a deeper level.

There is no such thing as death. That which is termed death simply means leaving earth in order to return to one's real home where the soul can have a well deserved rest, re-evaluate lessons learned, reunite with friends and family, and work with guides regarding further lessons and plans.


Trust your Higher Self to know what you need and when you need it. Trust your intuition in the realization that it is the voice of your soul expressing ITself. Trust that you are here at this time for reasons other than just to experience three dimensional rewards, success, fun, or material comfort. Trust that a Divine Plan cannot fail.

These are powerful times indeed that you are experiencing. Embrace them for they are the reason you chose to be here lighting the path for others.

IT is you, IT is what you are made of, IT is... I AM

We are the Arcturian Group 1/31/21

Donations are welcomed

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"As for the inoculations that are being released, understand that they indeed do cut the human off from their energetic soul connection. It is about lowering your energy level so that, again, ascension isn’t possible and to take this inoculation will mean that you will be a victim of their system for the rest of your life. And it will mean that outside intervention will be necessary, and we do have permission to intervene on your behalf, only for the fact that your free will has been taken away from you. This inoculation is the last straw, so to speak. This last removal of your free will, should you survive it, will put you squarely in our hands for rescue. Many are dying of this inoculation, and there is a reason for that, of course, and that is because their life energy has been denied them. The soul sometimes will vacate the body in these cases as they will release themselves back to the ethers rather than be overtaken by negative entities. So death is a release for the soul from further struggle and imprisonment."

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The Galactic Federation: Will the Truth Be Revealed to All?

star family eraoflightdotcomHi Inger, we want to leave you a message about the situation in the world and about the coming big revelation.

It is not very late but it will go out as it has been said, sometime during these days. The councils have agreed that people are mature enough to hear what has happened in the US election with fraud and corruption. Regardless of when this announcement comes out, it will be a shock to the people of the United States but also to the rest of the world. The dark can threaten with whatever they want, the message will still be published for the people.

It has been far too long with the ascent for the people and it is time now. Our Lord says “Enough is Enough”. This revelation has significance for very many people, not only for the rulers who are revealed but also for people who have believed that Donald Trump has been their enemy and who now prove to be their savior instead. We know that many people are disappointed that this revelation has not yet been published, but it must still be the right time and place to publish something as serious as this revelation.

Everything follows the divine plan and everything is just as it should be. It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the revelation will be released this week, regardless of what they on the dark side have threatened with. It does not matter what they are trying to do, people need to know what has happened during the eons of time of the dark on this planet. The divine master of your planet has decided that it does not matter when this revelation goes out to the people. It gets just as shocking no matter when it goes out and the sooner the better for everyone. The dark ones still know that they have lost this battle because the light has won.

We in the Galactic Federation of Light know that there will be a great manifestation in this and it will be presented to the people through a channel that the media can not stop or manipulate in any way. There is feverish work in the Council and behind the scenes for this to go out as soon as possible and everything indicates that this must have priority now because people must open their eyes and wake up to what is happening in their country but also in the Universe. We must and must keep this because if there are more delays due to the dark, it can mean a long time before it is possible to fulfill this commitment for the people. It is very urgent and people have deserved to know what has happened in their lives and in all previous lives.

It will be a painful information and you lightworkers must be prepared to help and support the people who are very confused about all this happening now in their lives. You have a very big task ahead of you and it can probably be very difficult sometimes, especially when you yourself are shocked by the revelations that come. No one can imagine what is coming and everyone will be affected in some way. Stand in your light and repeat many times with the intention of saying “I am the light, I am the love, I am the truth, I am”. Then you are anchored in your light in a safe and secure way.

We love you for your patience and God Bless the People.

Galactic Federation of Light

Many thanks. In loving service. I am.

Translation to English by

**Source **Channel: Inger Noren

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Prayer is important for your spiritual growth....

And my intuition and HS agrees 100% that prayer is indeed very important....

Pedro – Turn Around, Pray
Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis on January 16th, 2021:

Dear children, be of the Lord and allow Him to transform your lives. Do not depart from prayer. Prayer is important for your growth in faith. Without prayer you will be like a wandering navigator who does not know how to reach his destination. In these difficult times, seek strength in the Gospel and the Eucharist. Humanity has become spiritually poor because men have turned away from the Creator. Turn around. Your God loves you and is waiting for you. Be attentive. Seek what comes from God and do not allow the things of the world to prevent you from following and serving the Lord. The enemies will act to distance you from the truth. The great tribulation will come for men and women of faith. You are free to serve the Lord, but the enemies of the Church will cause great suffering for you. Pray. Pray. Pray. Do not retreat. My Jesus will be with you! The Victory of God will come for His elect. Onward with joy. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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Psalm 91

Psalm 91

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”

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The latest message from The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light through Asara Adams - January 23rd, 2021.
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
As everything is rapidly changing in the world, the only constant is your connection to Source.
What is playing out on the world's stage is in constant flux.
Many are unsettled and uncertain about the current reality...
Just remember that everything in the third dimensional world is not really "real."
It is part of the "matrix" which is simply a reflection of the collective and the individual consciousness.
This matrix is responding to the thoughts, feelings, words and actions of each individual, as well as that of humanity as a whole.
The only way to change the reflection in the matrix and ultimately leave the matrix into the higher dimensions, is to forge a strong connection to Source.
The more attention you are paying to your connection to Source, the less attention you'll pay attention to the reflection in the matrix.
The more attention you are paying to your connection to Source, the more you are able to feel the Divine Perfection of Source.
The more you are feeling the Divine Perfection of Source, the more you are able to bring it into your emotional, mental and physical body.
Once you have accomplished that, you are beginning to create a powerful momentum that will then in turn, change your experience of the world.
You are beginning to change your experience from the inside outwards into your reality.
The more your are radiating the Divine energies of Source into the matrix, it begins to change.
Eventually, the lower energies of the third dimensional world will leave your reality, because they cannot sustain themselves in your higher vibrational energy field.
You are now connecting to the higher dimensional reality and every day, you are making this connection stronger.
All of a sudden experiences are entering your reality that are new and of a higher vibration of Love, Joy, Ease, Abundance and Wellbeing.
Without physically leaving your place, energetically, things begin to shift higher, your Divine Connection to Source becomes stronger and you are becoming a new person in a new reality.
Welcome to the Divine New Earth!
We are holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you... always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste."
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This email I received just play the mp4

This email I received  just play the mp4



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Read The 1776 Report On America Biden Deleted When He Took Office
President Joe Biden's White House stripped down Trump's 1776 Report, released on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, just moments after the new exec took office.
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"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...

The world is undergoing a Massive Change.

The separation between the "Matrix" (lower vibrational third-dimensional world) and the NEW Divine Earth of the HIGHER Dimension has BEgun.

It is NOW up to each individual in which world you wish to reside.

You have Free Will to choose.

How do you Consciously move towards the world of your choice?

Your Focus and Attention is Reinforcing your Reality.

Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions are Reinforcing your Reality.

You can choose, which pieces you wish to allow into your Reality and which pieces you wish to leave out.

Perhaps, you might be experiencing a reality that is less enjoyable.

NOW, you can BEgin to choose what you Think, Feel, Read, Watch, and Talk about with others.

Each time you make a choice, you are either moving closer to your desired Reality or further away.

When you BEgin to choose one direction consistently, you will create a Powerful Momentum.

"What about world events?" you might ask.

We would like you to try an experiment to leave the "Matrix":

For a moment we invite you to imagine a Bubble of LIGHT around you and your immediate world.

What if, you BEgin to focus only on your Bubble of LIGHT and stop reinforcing what is not in your immediate world and not in your control such as world events.

What if you would stop watching the news and social media posts that are designed to keep you in fear and stress?

What if instead, you would Meditate more to turn the power over to GOD?
GOD has All the Power, not humans and circumstances...

As long as you are giving all the power to humans and circumstance in your world, you will be disappointed.

But, if instead, you are giving All the power to the Almighty GOD, you are employing Powerful Forces to assist you BEyond BElief...

That takes consistency and after a while, your connection to GOD will BEcome unshakable and your world, humans and circumstances will follow the command of GOD, who is Divine LOVE only.

What if you would do this for just one day?

Would you feel a little bit better?

Would you be a little less anxious and stressed?

Your vibrational Frequencies would BEgin to Raise.

Your Energies would BEgin to BEcome more Positive.

NEW Solutions and Ideas would BE able to enter your world because you would BEgin to BEcome a vibrational match to them.

Before your experiment, you would be a vibrational match to the problems you are interacting with and more problems would be able to enter your reality...

But NOW, you would BE a vibrational match to the solutions, ideas, and the Almighty power of the Loving GOD, to bring you All the Blessings you are asking for.

You can continue this experiment for as long as you wish.

For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD...


KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome, Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are Loved BEyond measure. Always.

I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.

Thank you, Archangel Michael!

Channelled through Asara Adams

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Andres Moreno was live.

Andres Moreno

was live.

Welcome to Tales from the Ship with Andy Moreno
Music Intro :The Gypsy Woman by Glen Eaton
to Contact Andres for any services Star Ancestry ,Genius Insight Program , Past lives regressions ,please visit : /book online
Contact Andy Moreno at

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If you’re still clutching to the Old Normal you’re in for a world of hurt in the months and years ahead. Let Go of it NOW or you’re going to fall BEhind and likely end up stuck out there with the mob, fighting for something that was never yours to BEgin with.
We absolutely must realize, right NOW, that the Game has already Changed and that the NEW RULES are BE-ing Written as We Speak.
If we cannot open our focus up enough to catch the Cataclysmic Changes happening within our SELVES, we are going to miss the Greatest opportunity of our life and risk getting thrown under the bus.
We’re moving into the Age of Aquarius and this Emerging Paradigm demands total Inner Freedom, which stands in stark contrast to the Ancient Paradigm of external control.
This Spiritual war has been brewing for a long time already, but my oh my, is it ever Heating Up. Prepare your SELF for a Colossal, even Biblical struggle between these two dynamics as the Universe works to restore It SELF to Balance under a NEW SIGN.
We are NOT Here to steer this thing to our liking; We are Here to Open Up to all of the Possibilities this Ride has to offer. Time to BE the CHANGE.
And this really is the Moment so many of us have been waiting for. The Matrix Control System was never going to come to an end without Revealing itself for What It Really Is.
It’s finally all out in the open for everyone to see NOW, and it’s clear to those who choose to look that the Hammer is coming down and the Old System is going for Broke in its effort to consume the entire Human race.
Those who learn to stay continually Aligned with their Inner Truth will BE able to avoid slipping into conformity, dependence, fear, group-think and herd stupidity.
We are going to need the Tools, Temperament, Tenacity, and Spirit to navigate this, or we are going to get fried by stress, overwhelmed by fear, and we’ll end up stuck with the other sheeple in one of the pop-media narratives, blindly carrying out someone else’s agenda.
Our Energy will be entirely consumed by external events, stunting our Spiritual and Inner Growth, and we will be sentenced to toil in frustration in the remnants of a Dying Paradigm, able only to focus on conflict, strife, and struggle.
One of the things I’m noticing very clearly these days is how the Nature of TRUTH and the Source of TRUTH is changing.
Whereas once we could seek and find Truth in our established collective history, media, and in the accounts of others, Truth NOW is BE-ing revealed to us in relationships.
All of that other stuff is proving to be completely compromised.
And the isolation of the year has induced a purification in our relationships, so that NOW it’s as though we are all operating in a House of Mirrors.
At first the crisis revealed our Truest Colours to those closest to us, and NOW, in the reflections of our relationships, we can see more clearly than ever what we need to KNOW and DO in order to Evolve and Grow into this NEW Inner FREEDOM.
If we Ignore What We See We will get Stuck in the Old ways of BEing.
Pay careful attention to how you are showing up in your relationships these days because there are two competing narratives playing out in our world right NOW.
One of them happens on the media stage and features an expertly-crafted orchestration of Humanity’s worst qualities.
The other story happens in your mind and in your heart and presents an extraordinary opportunity for Personal Evolution.
Whichever one you’re focused is what you’ll bring to the others in your life and will determine what feedback you receive from them and the world.
A wise friend recently told me that the LOVE we experience in our lives is the Clearest Reflection of who We Truly Are as people.
So, what do you see in the relationships in your life?
Are you experiencing LOVE, or are you frustrated?
Is there Easiness or maybe emptiness?
Is there JOY or do you feel repressed or bottled up? Do you feel a sense of Expansion or a sense of contraction?
Can you feel into your relationships to sense which ones are giving you energy and which ones are taking your energy?
What is going right in the good ones and wrong in the others?
What do you need to change about your SELF in order to have the kind of relationship with the world that brings you Happiness, Joy, Peace, and Freedom?
I’ve been meditating deeply on all of this lately. Moving very slowly into the void and waiting to see what naturally arises.
Here’s some of things coming up for me lately. They feel like an emerging NEW Rule-Set.
Like an updated program to run on as we Collectively Dive Headlong into a Tremendous and Cataclysmic war between Freedom and control. Between fear and LOVE.
Enjoy, People, And Keep The Vibration High!
1.) Above all else, BE Direct and BE Honest. BE the one that says what has for too long gone unsaid.
2.) Love insanely. Let it all out into the open. You don’t have time to hold back any longer.
3.) Make your SELF strong. Physically strong, Emotionally strong, Mentally strong, Spiritually strong.
4.) Practice radical detachment and letting go. We need to create space for the New Paradigm to Emerge.
5.) Learn to enjoy BEing patient in allowing things to unfold naturally without forcing anything.
6.) Express your SELF like you never have before. BE more Real. BE more Raw. BE more Open. BE more bad Ass. BE more You.
7.) Let death be all the motivation you need to do anything you want to do. The clock is ticking faster than ever.
8.) Don’t be surprised when things work out far better than you could have imagined.
9.) Give away as much freedom to Others as you can stand, then give them more. Let them have their stupid differing opinions, or whatever, and just keep on loving them with everything you’ve got.
10.) Do NOT allow your mind to take the wheel. Steer with your Heart.
11.) Make Personal Evolution your Prime Directive and watch how quickly your life changes for the Better.
12.) BE the person in the room that Laughs and Smiles the most, showing others how to brush off the madness of the world.
13.) Conserve your energy until it is time to move, then do so with Maximum Potency.
14.) Stay close to the things you can control and distance yourself from those things which you cannot.
15.) Teach everything you’ve learned so far. Participate fully in the Growth of Others.
16.) Create relationships, fix relationships, find common ground, build bridges, and be there for others.
17.) Learn to fiercely Observe the world and the people around you.
18.) Rewrite the rules as needed for maximum ease and minimum stress.
19.) Let yourself cry, scream or whatever as needed in order make sure you are a conduit for negative emotions, NOT a reservoir.
20.) Practice, Practice, Practice. Engage in your daily Inner Practice every single day. Cultivate your Inner Peace and Strength through the continuity of your Intentions.
21.) Maintain the Highest possible vibration you can and make a point of BEing infectious to Others.
with Sacred LOVE of ONE
Pars Kutay
Photo: Incoming Divine Source Energies of High Frequency Rainbow Light Codes captured on January 15, 2021 by
Jenna Susan Ballantyne
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John F. Kennedy: The Good Fight

John F. Kennedy: The Good Fight

jfk eraoflightdotcomGreetings to all my friends and Patriots! Yes, my muse was correct with her interpretation as to why I was wanting to provide another message at this time.

As you all know, based upon the latest “intel” that you regularly follow, this is a very critical moment in our American history. In fact, it is a critical moment in our world’s history … and I am not exaggerating at all.

For those who have a good understanding of United States of America history, you know that our beloved Founders of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights were known for their independence of thought and actions. They were the first Patriots!

They were unified by their desire to break away from the old regime, the British Monarchy. They believed they were being oppressed economically, socially and ideologically. They believed that they could do better than their “masters” and wanted a chance to prove it.

Well, the hope of breaking free from their oppressors and showing they could govern themselves better than the others didn’t last long. Even though the colonists fought valiantly, and ultimately won the fight, and with it the separation from the British they had long sought after, it wasn’t very long after that war, that a group of “elites” began to lean heavily on the new U.S. lawmakers, and obtained more and more power, by either blackmailing or bribing those in such lawful positions to do their bidding.

So, even though we had won our sovereignty once early on, it did not last very long, unfortunately. Subsequently, here we are again…valiantly fighting to regain our independence and sovereignty…only this time we are attempting to take it back from our very own “government.”

Hence, it is much harder to convince some of the “conditioned” population that this is the true situation, as many cannot believe that their own government officials, whom they have admired and trusted for many years, would indeed commit such treasonous acts against us, their own “electors” (the ones who elected them).

I will not even discuss the elections themselves as to their veracity a second time, but suffice it to say, it has been many, many years since the United States (and many other countries) have had a true, authentic election, without some form of cheating being utilized by the infamous cabal.

So that brings us to our current, critical situation. I am so very proud of all you Patriots and Lightworkers, who have understood how very important it is for you to keep contributing to the greater good, in whatever way is unique and passionate for you. Each of you has a very special role to fill during these challenging and ultimately liberating, times.

I will tell you that I was very surprised as to the extreme lengths the dark ones have gone to recently, especially when they banned Patriots such as my muse from social media, who had very small followings. I believe however, that such extreme reactions by these ones, who have devolved over time into a “shell” of what a human truly is, indicates how truly terrified they are about getting “caught” and having to deal with all that will go with it…such as prison for the rest of their lives, and for some others, the ultimate “penalty.”

Now, I have never been an advocate of capital punishment in the past. However, after the general population finally sees “proof” of the many treasonous and truly terrible crimes the dark ones have committed, they might end up agreeing with capital punishment for some, just as I ended up doing.

I know I don’t have to even ask this of you, my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers, but I will do so anyway…and that is just to keep praying for our President Trump and family to be protected as he continues to face the most cunning, fraudulent, and evil group of people who would like nothing better than to take him out, permanently. In fact, they have tried to do so many times, and I am so very glad that our President is surrounded by a multitude of angels and protectors, who have worked to keep him safe at all times.

We also need to pray for all those in the Alliance who are on the front lines of this epic battle. They are sacrificing much because they believe so fervently in regaining our Sovereignty, and we thank them, and bless them all. Last, we need to pray that the Highest Good for All be made manifest during this ultimate test of wills…and that our devotion to God and His will, be kept at the forefront of our thoughts and prayers.

I am with you in this challenging moment, and I love you always. Keep up the Good Fight!

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

**Channel: Losha

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Ashtar: Expect Change

Ashtar: Expect Change

ashtar command eraoflightdotcomI am Ashtar Sheran, here to help calm the frazzled nerves of the Light community across planet earth.

Yesterday’s events were not the events that many of you expected. To hear today what appears to be a message of concession from Donald Trump is also another shock. So many of you expected that he would lead your world into a new era of freedom for humanity.

But as Sharon has pointed out on so many occasions, what do you define as freedom? Is freedom still going to work? Is freedom having to earn a pay check to feed yourself? Or is there a broader definition still?

Sharon has also asked if Trump is to free the world, then why are lightworkers here? Why are they to gain access to unlimited funds in order to create communities for the more enlightened of you?

Mr. Trump’s task is only to expose the deep state. And he has done that. He will, again, take the helm in a new administration, in some form, perhaps not as president. He may, in fact, decide to step away from the lead position and appoint a new candidate in his stead. This is as yet undecided. Your next administration may look very different from that which you have become accustomed to now, simply because of the fact that so many of Mr. Trump’s current associates are criminals, to be taken away and locked up.

Trials will begin. The QFS funding will be released to more candidates who qualify for these humanitarian funds. Extraterrestrial visitations will become more frequent, as Sharon noted, our ships are hovering just above your planet under the cloud deck now. We are so close and it is because you have called us here.

Expect surprises within the next two weeks. But understand that new people will be taking responsibility upon your planet and the personal responsibility of each person will grow, considerably. It is time you all take part in your future.

The governments will still exist, however, they will be cleaned out of criminals and dark beings. You can have my assurance on that. Their existence on planet earth is as much a galactic issue as it is an exopolitical issue for earth.

Change is the new buzzword for earth. The Alliance will step forward and yet more of these kind souls will become known to you.

Breathe deeply and be comforted. All is not lost. All is in flux.



**Source **Channel: Sharon Stewart

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Ashian: Keep it Simple Now

Ashian: Keep it Simple Now

commander ashian eraoflightdotcomMy beloved brothers and sisters, I am here with an important message: Keep It Simple.

Yes, there is much in your world that is confusing and even overwhelming; it is as if you are in a pressure cooker and the pressure is being increased continuously, and it will continue to increase for a while yet.

My role here is not to tell you what is to come but to provide you with tools to develop Emotional Mastery during your Ascension.

Your emotions are the front line of this seeming war between the light and the shadow. It is your emotions of light ~ love, forgiveness, patience, compassion, peace, joy, creativity ~ where victory is found.

This is an important point, the war is already won. The result is a given…the only outcome is a victory for the light. However, you do have to walk through the process of creating that victory. Your heart is the front line. Your emotions are your role in manifesting this victory.

By focusing on kindness, patience, love, compassion, forgiveness and the innumerable qualities of the light, you create an easier passage through this turmoil, you shorten the time of confusion, and bring forward in your timeline the end of this chapter.

You are the strongest of the strong. The greatest lovers in the multiverse! It was known how difficult this mission would be, so it was only entrusted to those who truly had arrived in the sacred inner sanctum of the heart. If you are here, it is because you are equal to this sacred undertaking.

You are ready. You have already won. You need only walk towards victory by expressing the qualities of love in your now moment.

So, let us turn our attention to Simplicity Now. When you bring your attention into your now moment, you become focused and productive. You collapse all timelines into your point of power, your Now Moment. In your now moment, it is simple… are you being love?

Do you bring love to this task? To this now moment? Do you bring the shadow emotions of anxiety, stress, fear, gossip, envy, criticism, stealing, cheating, deceit…? The list is a long one.

By focusing on your now moment, you create simplicity and clarity in your life, which allows you to choose to express the light within. Yes, it is hard: but you can still smile. Yes, it is painful; but you can still choose to be kind. It is within you. You have that power to go deep and pull from the infinite reserves of the heart.

When you get lost in the ‘news’ from the media, the constant updates of social feeds, the wonder and worry of what will happen next, you have lost your simplicity and your now moment focus; you have wandered into a ‘no man’s land’ of anxiety, speculation and fear.

With or without your worry, this victory is assured. Without your worry, it assured even more quickly.

My beloveds, your mastery is achieved in your now moment and in your clear focus on expressing love in what you are doing Now.

**Source **Channel: Jennifer Crokaert

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"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The world is undergoing a Massive Change.
The separation between the "Matrix" (lower vibrational third dimensional world) and the NEW Divine Earth of the HIGHER Dimension has BEgun.
It is NOW up to each individual in which world you wish to reside.
You have Free Will to choose...
How do you Consciously move towards the world of your choice?
Your Focus and Attention is Reinforcing your Reality.
Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions are Reinforcing your Reality.
You can choose, which pieces you wish to allow into your Reality and which pieces you wish to leave out.
Perhaps, you might be experiencing a reality that is less enjoyable.
NOW, you can BEgin to choose what you Think, Feel, Read, Watch, and Talk about with others.
Each time you make a choice, you are either moving closer to your desired Reality or further away.
When you BEgin to choose one direction consistently, you will create a Powerful Momentum.
"What about world events?" you might ask.
We would like you to try an experiment to leave the "Matrix":
For a moment we invite you to imagine a Bubble of LIGHT around you and your immediate world.
What if, you BEgin to focus only on your Bubble of LIGHT and stop reinforcing what is not in your immediate world and not in your control such as world events.
What if you would stop watching the news and social media posts that are designed to keep you in fear and stress?
What if instead, you would Meditate more to turn the power over to GOD?
GOD has All the Power, not humans and circumstances...
As long as you are giving all the power to humans and circumstance in your world, you will be disappointed.
But, if instead, you are giving All the power to the Almighty GOD, you are employing Powerful Forces to assist you BEyond BElief...
That takes consistency and after a while, your connection to GOD will BEcome unshakable and your world, humans and circumstances will follow the command of GOD, who is Divine LOVE only.
What if you would do this for just one day?
Would you feel a little bit better?
Would you be a little less anxious and stressed?
Your vibrational Frequencies would BEgin to Raise.
Your Energies would BEgin to BEcome more Positive.
NEW Solutions and Ideas would BE able to enter your world because you would BEgin to BEcome a vibrational match to them.
Before your experiment, you would be a vibrational match to the problems you are interacting with and more problems would be able to enter your reality...
But NOW, you would BE a vibrational match to the solutions, ideas, and the Almighty power of the Loving GOD, to bring you All the Blessings you are asking for.
You can continue this experiment for as long as you wish.
For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD...
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved BEyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channelled through
Asara Adams
Pars Kutay
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