Tolec:  Earthquakes, volcanoes, land masses shifting, land going under water rest of this year.

All life will not end on 12/21/2012.  It will be a moment will be moving through the galactic equatorial plane.  Lots of energies there.  Significant larger wave of higher frequency of energy, that will pass through Earth.  That's the day when time, the way we measure it, will be the beginning of the end of time.  Don't know what will happen after that. 

2013 supposed to be period of continued earth changes, including crustal displacement, rotating 90 degrees, counterclockwise.  Today we have east-west reference, when shifted will have north-south references.  West coast will become south coast.  Also, there will be a pole shift...a magnetic poleshift.  The mag freq of north pole will migrate to bottom of the globe.  The mag freq of south pole, will migrate to top of globe.  I've been assured consistently this mag pole shift will not cause any major disruption of human life.  May be electrical problems over 2-3 hours.  They will help with any electrical adjustments.

Kimmel:  My u/s when mag pole shift takes place, it will be around 12/21/2012. Poleshift, etc. being moderated so we don't totally upset what's going on.

Tolec:  We on Earth have some comfort that we are getting some celestial help.  They are friends, b/c seeded many years ago by ET races, they are in fact our relations.  ... Help from biospheres, etc. that are all helping to slow and mitigate they physical changes on this planet. 

Kimmel:  One more point... there will be a shift of the axis of the Earth.  Right now we have 23* slant, what gives us the seasons.  That pole will now be shifted to vertical and eliminate the seasons, and result in moderate temperature. 

Tolec:  You've heard what I've heard.  The 23.5* tilt will be corrected.  This planet will (a) seasons will go away and (b) we'll have a Mediterranean climate world wide.

Kimmel:  The axis shift is already under way.  The beginnings... not major yet ... will be moderated.

Tolec:  Early Jan 2014, this planet will start vibrating as a higher dimensional world.  What you hear?

Kimmel:  I started hearing from onset, during this period of time, all human constructs... all will be disappearing during this period of time.  That's to make room for what comes next.  Next, not well defined, b/c we humans haven't defined it yet.  Our friends are here to help us, but will not tell us exactly how to do it. 

Tolec:  Are you referencing the new structures we're going to form "government structures" we're going to be experiencing changes to these social structures.

Kimmel:  Yes.  I think it will take longer to restructure, beyond 2014.

Tolec:  I've heard the same thing as well.  In terms of outcome, they've told me and showed me visually we will be more community and town based.  Communities and groups of people that will be collaborating, sharing resources, barter and trade, but they've told me looking at period of "transition of how we calculate time today," looking at 10-12 years of transition.  That's a look at what the future will look like.

Kimmel:  My u/s the people remaining on this planet will not have money, and debt.  A wonderful path we're headed on.  It takes time to implement this 

Tolec:  I agree.  This is our planet.  We as a people need to decide together what it's going to look like.  Let's talk about formal caretakers and why they're going to be important...

Kimmel:  Not e/o going to remain on this planet.  Not going to happen.  There are people digging their heels in, saying I don't want to change.  I like it the way it is.  I'm not moving.  As the planet changes, as the planet  moves to her own higher frequency.  Life will become untenable  and will leave.  Lightworkers working on ascending.  Uncomfortable here.  Working on ascending.  Some will ascend physically.  And others will ascend in another way.  Third grouping is "caretakers."  These are the ones ... shallow footprint on the planet.  Will change things so be cooperative, fully telepathic, b/c they are bringing the higher vibrations into their bodies.  I was asked if I wanted to stick around another 100 years.  I signed up to be a caretaker.  That's the way a number of planets exist in Andromeda.  It's a wonderful existence.

Tolec:  From a vibrational perspective, what I've come to learn... higher dimensional life vibrates in a higher frequency.  What we would call 4D on up, life in this form is of fine matter essence.  It has less density, higher frequency, less weight, far greater light.  So people can grasp what Mark's saying, he's talking about higher dimensional people that will be bringing their energies and help and caretaking and mentoring down to this planet, even as this planet evolves and b/c higher dimensional world.  We're going to be going from heavy, dense physical to a lighter, higher density physical matter.  It will be finer essence matter, completely different from what we have today.  Ppl of higher freq will be assisting us bringing higher densities, greater peace and cooperation.

Kimmel:  The caretakers are the Earth humans who will remain.  Will get tremendous help from ships and biospheres, to date, at least 1,100 of these just waiting to offer assistance.  There are millions of ppl in orbit ready to come and help, as soon as we take the first steps to become caretakers, not dominators.  Once we get out of the muck, all frequencies can get along.

Tolec:  There are nuances of these frequencies.  Less separation... spirit-form frequencies.  Not organic matter.  One way it's been explained to me.  What you're saying, there's more nuance or blending from one tier to another.

Kimmel:  It's like on a spectrum.  No real separation.  Able to pick their vibration.

Tolec:  One of the key reasons while all of the people that are collective citizens of the andromeda council excited about the transformation, they've told me that this is a singular moment in human history, not only this planet, but a number of other planets, are going to uplift, shift upward, ascend, and people don't have to die.  First time of human history, millions and millions will simply shift vibrational frequency, as the planet shifts upward.  Monumental event to upward lift without having to die.

Kimmel:  What they're saying takes one step further.  May be most important event since original creation.  Finding a way to deal with this 3D.  We are transforming 3D, no longer has to be place of fear.  Impacts thousands of other planets. 

Tolec:  One of the prime reasons that I'm motivated to share what I know with people, we can either do it the easy way or the hard way.  The easy way, ppl listen, ask questions, their curious, they may want to know what they can do to make the transformation easier.  That's the easy way to help this transition to progress forward.  The not-easy-way is to fight the transition.  These are only my personal opinions.  When we fight our own personal evolution, you know what happens.  Imagine fighting change on planetary scale.

Kimmel:  S/o asked me if I'm a spirit warrior.  It's an idea being a warrior, being out there fighting something.  We are not going to have a war on drugs, or war on ascending.  This is a whole new dynamic.  We are headed into a whole new way of behaving and looking and seeing and trusting.  It's so encompassing, that's why e/o upstairs are so excited.  Tell us who they are.

Tolec:  I will touch on all of the senior members of the Andromeda Council.  Anyone can go to  It's page two.... Talking about Arcturus.  Known as the gatekeepers, the peacekeepers.  Amazing people.  Reason they are peacekeepers, the level they exist at, 6D through 9D, depending on which world we're talking about.  It will help ppl recognize, the higher you go in dimensions, the closer you are to God, source, creator.  These people vibrate at a very high frequency.  Very warm, kind, loving.  They do their best to download from Arcturus down to many other dimensions, 5th, 4th.  Because this frequency is so high.  Their frequencies from 8th, 9th dimensions are critical part to transform Earth.  They play a key role.  That is why they are first senior member of AC.  The people of the Galactic Federation help keep things organized on a day-to-day basis... help implement collaboration, cooperation, trade, ... sharing resources, sharing universal education systems.  GF based in Tau Ceti star system.  How diff from AC?  AC is intergalactic UN... votes on protocols  and helps e/o interact and cooperate.  ... B/c we are currently a physical form (3D), there are three other 3D planets part of AC and GF, these particular three are all in Alpha Centauri.  ... Over 100 worlds that are 3D.  ...  12 AC biospheres around Earth.  The size of a biosphere is about the size of Pluto.  11 others sized Mars, Venus, two size of Jupiter to be used as transport ships who want to continue 3D life on another world.  Scheduled to leave Earth space late summer of 2013.  There are four from Jupiter that are scientific space stations, one north, one south, one far left, one far right... monitoring all of the changes in this part of space to our sun and planet.  All of these people are family... they are all here watching and helping with this process.  ... Some will come to speak with small peoples/groups to help them understand and what's coming. 

Kimmel:  ... I consider Arcturians as celestials.  A spectrum?  Physical on one end to spirits on the other.  It's all part of a beautifully orchestrated existence. ... We are important enough on this planet, they are coming here to help. 

Tolec:  Amazing perspective.  ... There are all sorts of people from magnitude of worlds, dimensions, vibrations, that all care enough about us and our future, they are stepping up to the plate.  The ultimate giving of love, to sacrifice their personal time to set aside a block of their valuable, to help ppl of Earth with transformation.  We can help mitigate some of the difficulties of their transitions.  I think one of the most personal expressions of love....  We have more diversity on this planet... a microcosm of the entire universe.

Kimmel:  That's why it's so worthwhile saving this wonderful planet called Earth. ...  We have a conference coming up. for information.  We are taking the POV that we have things to share.  They are coming from the creator, the celestials, off world... all of this will be represented at Transformation 2012 is to go and train ppl to raise their vibrations so they can more easily walk through this time of change. 

Tolec:  This subject of this conference is important for ppl who are making a commitment, those that want conscious training, can you point out the diff between a typical ET/UFO conference as compared to this 3-day intensive. 

Kimmel:  We are not going to sit around talking about the bad guys, the latest sighting over south Florida.  Not going to talk about how to heal from changes.  We are going to talk about energies, how to use energies to accomplish anything.  We are going to show you what to do.  A 3-day workshop.  Will not be foo-foo, ppl who will make you feel good, then it disappears after leaving. 

Tolec:  So this is a 3-day intensive workshop.  Training.

Kimmel:  By star brothers and sisters.  Will be in August.

Tolec:  This is not a typical UFO conference.  This is about training. 

Kimmel:  Doubt we will mention UFO's at all.

Tolec:  Who are we really?  Who, as humans, are we really?  I'll start by sharing a small tidbit.  A topic ppl don't think of from this perspective.  We are at minimum the complete spark of God, etc.  Each of us are a part of that creational light force.  We are great souls tucked inside of human body, for sake of life experiences, for growth, for learning.  Mark, comments?

Kimmel:  Creator gods....

Tolec:  Intelligent design...

Kimmel:  Yes.  Great souls, been around for millions, maybe billions of years.  One of these great souls, the oversoul, they are the ones who are keeping track of the individual experiences.  The visual I get, the great soul I'm part of, many times larger than Earth, if you can put a visual on it.  So, the great souls, do what is called of individuating souls.  I received an individuated soul, one small piece of that gigantic soul, individuates other souls, to have experiences on Earth, Andromeda, all over.

Tolec:  Almost like concept of super, mega-soul group. 

Kimmel:  Yes.  I've had a number of lives on other planets.  These great souls are powerful enough, and large enough ... once you find out you are part of this scheme, it makes your life much different.  I tell ppl to go and figure out who you really are.  Then we can talk about raising your vibration.  You already have it.  Need to get in touch with it.  Makes the job so much easier. 

Tolec:  I've spoken recently, spent a lot of time talking about who you really are... what gifts do you bring to the world, that you do really, really well.  But before you share with others, important to know who we really are.  Each of us has to get to know the depth of ourselves, before helping others on a broader scale.  I recommend this topic, get to know yourself is one of the most important things in life.

Kimmel:  Then become who you are... Tolec, you're living it.  You are who you really are.

Tolec:  This is good time to speak this thought.  Yes, I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing at this moment of my life.  I'm bringing forth my unique gifts.  I'm happy who I am and contributing what I contribute.  Does that mean my life has gotten easy?  No.  It's a challenging path to choose and live.  It's not easy.  That having been said, because challenges exist, do I shy away?  No.  Amazing gifts on the other side.  It's not an easy life, but it's a blessing.  I am living the life of who I choose to be.  I'm living an "authentic life."  Real for me?  Yes.  Challenging?  Yes. 

Kimmel:  Change for a different life?

Tolec:  No.

Kimmel:  Want to mention Institute of Light.  A joint venture.  The AC call it abicor.  They want to have it on this planet.  They come to interact with people who want it.  Ships will land.  Travel universe.  Very interactive.  Not yet here.  Will manifest when we achieve certain amount of transformation.  A year or two away, what I'm thinking.

Tolec:  Conference, August 16-17-18.  We are half full, which is amazing.  Held in Pagosa Springs, CO.  For anyone interested in help with raising their vibration. 



Tolec of the Andromedan Council and I recorded a conversation between just the two of us. You can listen to that conversation here:

The Institute of Light
....energizing Earth's transformation

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  • Very interesting. It puts everything in a better perspective.

  • Errata Notice: 



    Tolec of the Andromedan Council and I recorded a conversation between just the two of us. You can listen to that conversation here:

    The Institute of Light
    ....energizing Earth's transformation

  • This link works.

  • Cool!
  • Wow.  Good thing I took notes.

  • FYI, the video link is no longer working.

  • y.w.  we don't all have time to listen to an hour+ long interview.  i try to do it when i have time.

  • Thanks so much for the write-up Cheryl!

  • Pretty amazing talk they had.

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