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  • Add to this mixture the presence of mercury in corn syrup. Corn syrup is created by putting corn into a vat. What they do not say and this has been studied by different health agency is that the same vats use for making corn syrup are used in the metallurgy industry. The vats are net well clean when they are use to make corn syrup. Now corn syrup is use in a lot of prepared or process foods. It is in everything. So Tammy, you were right in not giving too much sugar to your grand child.

  • I agree with Kim.  There is a war begin waged on our health and our DNA, through toxic foods/drinks, fluoride in the water, chemtrails, wireless and cellular radiation, etc.  Then add in the harmful pharmaceuticals and you've got a recipe for disaster.

  • Both my sons have being diagnosed with ADHD (atention deficit hiperactivity disorder), my youngest son has besides that, disleccia, disgrafia and deiscalculia.  Toghether with the disorder, they diagnosed the kids as having a haighly above average inteligense, the specialist that tested them discribed tham as "the disorganized and absent minded profesors".  That is the case for 99% of the kids with ADHD.

    I belive that food has a lot to do with all those disorders, even that eaten by the mother during pregnancy.  The problem is the "healthy" food is too expencive, only the higher calsses can buy organic food, free of monosodium glutemat, colorants and other poisons.  They don't care if it causes all kinds of diseases (including cancer) and disorders.  Actually, maybe they want us sick so they can sell us they "remedies".

    Then, when our kids go to school, they whant us to pump them with ritalin so they don't disrupt their indoctrination.  The public educational sistem doesn't know how to deal with those bright, talented, inteligent kids and tag them as wild, disturbed, with behavior problems.  Many of them are expelled or just fall out of school and end up in the streets.

    I admire those parents that are able to get their kids out of school and teach them at home, I wish I had the skills and patiense, and a more comfortable economic situation so I won't have to work autside my home.



  • Good point, Mark! Any one have a link to that research? I would like to share it on my face book page.
  • Tammy I agree with you. This is an obvious question that the for profit medical establishment and TPTB refuse to answer.

  • Because the Amish are all natural, no additives, just as nature intended.  :)

  • why are these disorders almost unheard of in the Amish communities?

  • I have shared our story with other parents and some have followed our advise.  Big Pharma wants us to be dependent on them and of course TPTB are a major player in this game.  

  • Good for you Tammy!  You need to share your story about your grand daughter with others!

    The big pharma want as many people on their drugs as possible, as they get more money this way!

  • Sorry about the gramatical errors.

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