Consider this...

We are here on Earth to learn lessons.  Every day we see more and more news of violence, rumors of wars, coming food and water shortages, failing economy, homelessness, starvation, illness, you name it.

Perhaps these things are being placed before us as more lessons to see how we react.  Do we react with fear or hatred?  Do we feel limited, confined?  Do we feel powerless to do anything? 

If so, these world events are bringing out the things we need to be addressing.  When the day comes that we are not bothered by all this negativity and our operating bases are no longer fear and hate, but love, then we'll be ready to graduate.

This is giving us the opportunity to see where we are at and to do something about it.

What changes do you need to make?  Think about it.

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  • Steven, being angry is not a bad thing itself. What angers us is our weaknesses. But when we understand this, we are already on the right path. I am angry because I am really forgetful.

  • Yes. You risk punishing, and suppressing yourself after and before death. I'm doing my best to forgive and forget with myself as well as others. The same as I work to control my anger. All very tough things for me to accomplish. I have faith and i will always try to move forward.

    My point is I hope we all consider these things when our en slavers are at trial.

  • Steven, all of us have done things that we are not proud of...the fact that we recognize it and learn from it and forgive ourselves what this earth education is all about. Keith is right, we can't forget to forgive ourselves. And when you truly forgive yourself, you lose memory of those things and only the wisdom is remembered.

  • To be honest I've done things I wish i could forget.. and I hope to eventually, who am I to say the deeds I did were not worse than what they are doing?

  • Yes very nice proverb.

  • Byron, a few are unredeemable.  The phrase I've heard is that those will be "recycled through the godhead." 

  • Well said, and I agree we need to look in the mirror and know that we are our own enemy, not space beings or cabals.  No one has power over us, if we know ourselves and use our minds, and spirits to create the reality we choose. Unfortunately most folks are busy paying  and giving attention the negatives and problems of the world aound us.  Old Indian proverb, "two animals live inside us, the coyote and the deer. Which one is bigger? The one we feed".   

  • Yes,  I think banning them from the planet is definitely one of our best options. I think the best option is to take it upon ourselves to try to help them learn and rise up. Although I'm not sure I can look at their faces after I have known about their actions.

  • Killing a person that has killed someone or many others does not solve the problem. Removing them from this planet may be a better solution, because satanic worshiping psychopaths may be unrepairable. 

  • The galactics say those souls will be rehabilitated.  There is nothing that says they are not going to be held accountable but, like ourselves, they will need help to rise above their low condition.  But they will get the punishment they deserve by law.  We can't get into a lynch-mob mindset because then we are lowering our vibrations.

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