I have found a site where i can get correct earthquake data from previous years. The chart below is for 6.0 and above from 2009 to 2011, jan 1 to mar 7. if you would like me to go futher back please let me know.
Jan 2009 Jan 2010 Jan 2011
6.0 and up 12 14 11
7.0 and up 3 2 3
Feb 2009 Feb 2010 Feb 2011
6.0 and up 13 18 17
7.0 and up 1 0 0
Mar 2009 Mar 2010 Mar 2011
6.0 and up 1 9 4
7.0 and up 0 0 0.
the site for the data is emcs. because usgs is to inaccuate and will not show any data for the previous years.
That is odd. What data does the site you're using rely on, Joe?