I have noticed a timeline change again tonight.

Timeline change happened tonight and it seems that no one noticed.  I have been watching E-Bay for one of my best liked shows, Northern Exposure.  All week I was keeping track of season#2 in a green package.  (Every night for a week!)  when suddenly to my total shock tonight season two is red and season 3 is green.  Yes people who are colored blind get those two colors mixed up and reversed.  However in my case I can read and tje green box said season 2 yesterday!  Today it says 3!  Even the ones that I marked as save were changed.  I would like to know just why can I notice the difference and no one else can?  So look around at the common things around you and see if they have somehow changed.  Usualy it is just a color change.  Must be a time travel law, something quirkey that only colors change.  Do not be surprised some day if you wake up to see the grass blue and the sky green and think it is normal!  Could Planet X be causing this to happen?10958000900?profile=original
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  • Gary, last week the red one was ONLY season 3.  And now it is 1 & 2.  If it changes you will not know B C  even your list will change.  You have to rember the list.  That is the only way to know if it changes. 
  • Cherys, that was nicely put and just the way I feel.  I have been so relaxed lately that I slepted 5 hours straight lastnight.  Usualy I am up every hour and get around 6 hours sleep total.  But this calmness is strange!
  • Kim, I also felt a precise moment where suddenly things lost that urgency. It was back in September. It was like a sudden lifting of a weight, a calmness. That was the point where it seemed okay to be away from this ning to finish up what I needed to do. That feeling never changed, even with Elenin still approaching, albeit it parts. I think people should also listen to their gut instincts too. I'm finding that while I don't know something consciously, my intuition tells me right.
    Jim, that is fascinating. I had always wondered if there was ever any way to tell if a timeline changed at any point.
  • There is more Angela, much, much more.  I have found that  time and interdimentional events are ofted surrounded by the color mint green.  The air in the event glows green.  I have seen this several times myself.  And it has been reported but no one seemed to care or is aware of the difference.  Like a bardge being towed by a tug that suddenly was surrounded by a green hase then vanished.  Or the aircraft that left Newzealand and was surrounded by a green light and landed hundreds of miles away at the same time that it took off.  Or the many flying saucers that glow green.  Green is in the ultravoilet spectrum the same as violet. 
  • Wow Jim. So VERY interesting. Thanks for the post! I'll definitely pay attention from now on.
  • Angela, probably not.  Why colors?  I realy don't know.  It might be just something that my brain reconizes as a change.  I have noticed color changes for the past 35 years.  I had a book that was a meteorite catalog from many years ago.  It was just a zerox copy of meteorites for sale and was all in black and white.  When I looked for it many years later to compare prices I could not find it.  It being the first catalog.  Then I started reading dated on my catalogs and found it by date only this time it had a colored cover.  That is why I could not find it.  So a time event took place that changed that catalog from black and white to color.   That was about 1984.  Since that time of 1984 I have noticed many changes having to do with color.  I have also noticed that people change too.  It is like I don't know them anymore, more like strangers.  And the otherway, strangers come up to me and treat me like an old friend.  But the only thing that I know for sure is that color of things change and no one notices.   Oh and I have also seen videos and movies where different actors play the part from what I remember.  And I have a video that when I play it, it ends different each time. Actualy jumping back and forth with different endings.  But it has to be played a few days apart.  You can not just play it over and over.

    I also suspect that when you wake up in the morning your mind passes through different dimentions in reference to alpha, beta, thea, and delta waves of the brain.  So it could be that your own brain chooses the timelind that you find yourself in each day.  This also has to do with astro flight and projection, even awareness.  I have read reports of two people walking hand and hand, a mother and child, down a path in England.  The child saw a large airplane with propellers fly low overhead and crash to her right.  The bomber WW2 bomber was on fire.  Yet the mother saw nothing!  Turned out that after checking the records there was a crash there as descrobed by the little girl back in the early fourties.  Now was the little girl an indego child?  Or did she see the crash because she was simply tired and her mind was in a state of thea.  I suspect the latter.  I also think that there is a brain wave that is so short that no one has disvovered it yet which is the one that actualy puts you in another time line.  So I am theorizing its existance.  I call it the Bal wave.  It has been many years since I have done research on brane waves and I have forgot so much of what is now known by modern science.  Old age does that to you!

  • Hi Jim, interesting post. I'll pay attention to my surroundings. How is it that only colors change? I sometimes see things flash or jump on the computer or tv... Could that be another slip into another time line?
  • Alex, I have put my ideas on the Big Bang on the internet.  Ideas that I have had for 35 years.  I also put them in my book.  Suddenly just this year Stephen Hawkens decided to change his idea of the BB and now says that it is the way that I said it was.  But of course he says it is his idea!  I put mine out there before he did! 

    My concept of most things is totaly different then what most people were told and accept.

  • Interesting concept. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jim
  • Kim, I do not feel an urgency either, but I know that changes are comming.  

    Alex,this is a different kind of change.  It is I suspect caused by solar energy, or by someone opening a time door.  Time has a lot to do with mass and magnetic energy and speed relitive to other objects in space.  When the earth changed speed in the last pole shift I suspect that it through us into a different time and demention.  So that when it happends again we will find ourself in a NEW Jerusalem. 

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