Lab Chimps See Daylight For The First Time In 30 Years!

Saw this video and cried (in a good way), so of course I had to share it with my friends. Scroll down the article a bit to play the video. I think the thing I took away from it most was that just like these chimps we will all be in a better place someday. In the mean time hugs for everyone:)



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  • LOL BPD, I know what you mean girl! My friends get so sick of my mothering them, but I just can't help it :-)
  • Thanks PBD, I am also a Cancer, thus the waterworks:)
  • Morgellons scares the S**T out of me Byron... Did you know that Joni Mitchell has/had it? The chemtrails are pretty bad here in Southwest Washington, I always feel bad when I have to go out in them. They were bad back in San Jose Ca. when I lived there too... It makes me wonder if I might have it. What was the test you said that could be performed to determine whether one is infected with Morgellons again? Can't remember.
  • Jonas in 1994 I realized Px was coming and always does, I had no fear because it was far into the future and I let it go till in 2007 I figured out that I had Morgellons disease and it was from chemtrails from 1999 I got very mad and started studying TPTB and what they were up to and you could say I was fear struck for a couple years and consumed with it, in 2009 I realized the earth was changing rapidly and went to see if it was PX and found it was, I eventually ended up here to try and sort out the answers and fear has subsided, but still there. I just uncovered a very scarey thing on my new blog. The elites plan to kill us off with disease happening in Pakistan and Africa.  by attacking our immune system with one virus, chemical or disease another lesser disease will finish us off under the radar. They have three drug resistant diseases going on right now and I am sure they have more. Like your wonderful chimp blog people are passing up mine. I try to look at everything I can so that my conclusions about anything are more educated than most. How many people in America are in fear of losing everything they have right now ? too many and the elite are controlling them very easily at this point with fear as they have forever.  
  • Very cool Byron, thanks for telling me. I didn't realize you had such a long history with him. I also wasn't aware he was with Keith in Mongolia (though I knew Keith was there). That is really great, I wish them the best! I have thought about leaving myself but it has not worked out so far, I seem to be meant to stay. Fear is almost impossible to eliminate completely, and I'm not really sure that would be a good thing anyway. There is a point to fear, it's job is to keep us safe. It's only when one cannot turn off their fear, when one is living in perpetual fear that I think it is a problem. Probably what I should have said is that all ANXIETY is future related. You are absolutely right my friend, we have all been raised with fear for a long time. The evil ones that control our world currently use fear as a tool for control. I am tired of being afraid... I choose to live in the moment and be full of love instead of fear.
  • Jonas Mustafa is my best friend we were friends from Vietnam and roomates until last feb he is now in Mongolia and best friends with Keith H from here they are digging a bunker together. It is so hard to eliminate fear from our lives we were eraised with it for so long, I try so hard but there is always a remnant hiding somewhere. 
  • I thought so too Byron. We are all in a sort of prison right now but I believe that soon we will be free. I think about Cheryl's quote at the bottom of this Ning often, "Love lives where there is no fear." To me that is Truth. It reminds me of what my wife always tells me, that all fear and anxiety is future related. To stop feeling stressed and afraid all one needs to do is SOMETHING. When we are in action, spontaneously in the moment we feel no fear. We tend to look at subject matter that is very stressful on this Ning, and it is hard to maintain a sense of hope in the face of all the horrible things we are aware of. I think that for myself, the thing I try to keep in mind is that we are here to help each other and have compassion. Just like those chimps we have each other to lean on and give love to. The journey is hard but the growth is worth the pain, and like Mustafa said on your blog it is a good day to come home.
  • Jonas  That was so heart warming to see them hug each other when being released.
  • How beautiful to see them finally free.
  •   Why does it take so long for them to learn that they were wrong in their thinking?  Some day all creatures will have the same rights as humans.  Oh wait many humans also have no rights.  Perhaps those in charge are not human!
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