2 (7)


FYI, a blog only holds about three pages of text, thus the reason for a Part 2.


Next is my in-depth response to Larry's July 7th, 12:41 p.m. response, in Part 1 @



Cheryl Nelson on July 7, 2011 at 3:21pm:

This is part 1 of my response to Larry's 7/7/11 comment posted below.  His assertions are italicized. My rebuttals follow:

"First of all you have ZERO evidence that I have anything to do with the Pole Shift Ning, Gerard Zwaan, or Nancyd Lieder.  But you went right ahead and ASSUMED there is a connection."

You deny that you have a connection with poleshift.ning, GZ or NL, yet you talk just like them, style, content and so on. 

In your 7/6/2011 comment, you mentioned "black ops."   Nancy started that vicious rumor.  Where did you get the idea I am "black ops" except from her? 

You also said that I was "involuntarily removed as a moderator."  Only moderators were aware of that fact.  How would someone who has no connection know that?  Further, and to correct the record, I was not involuntarily removed as a moderator.  Gerard asked me to resign and I voluntarily complied with his request.

"Then you made a blog based on my comment and the comment of another person (who I assume is a moderator at the Pole Shift Ning, but how does Cheryl know that, got a list of the moderators to peruse?)."

Your point is mooted since I based my assumption on good evidence.  Does anyone here disagree that he  sounds like Nancy and other disruptors that have visited here? 

Then after accusing me of the "crime" of assuming something, you turn around and do the same thing:  "who I assume is a moderator..."  As for how I get my information, that's none of your business, but Mark IS a moderator.  Absolutely, no doubt in my mind based on documentary evidence.

"And talk about PARANOID!  Double wow!  Cheryl Nelson is practically the definition of paranoid based on insisting on IP addresses for all members, preapproval of all memberships, and choosing to take legit concerns about this site to such a level IMMEDIATELY.  Scared, Cheryl, of the truth getting out about you and this site being a ZetaTalk debunking site?"

Only a qualified medical professional can diagnose.  Are you practicing medicine here without a license?  What is the definition of paranoia?  Have you ever, if you are a qualified medical practicioner, met with me in person for consultation.  What authority, then, do you diagnose me as anything?  Because I asked for IP addresses?  Again, we have heard that insanity from Nancy Lieder, to whom you have no connection.  And the only reason I had to ask was because poleshift.ning spies, including Nancy and Gerard, were constantly coming here, violating my members' privacy by trawling the members' lists.  It is amazing how she provokes a reaction so she can use the reaction as some kind of ammunition, which is nothing more than just her taking a molehill and spinning it into a mountain.  My "PARANOIA" was nothing more than due diligence on my part to try to protect my members' privacy.

Your comment, "choosing to take legit concerns about this site to such a level IMMEDIATELY" isn't clear.  Are you saying that requiring IP numbers is a legitimate concern?  If so, then why do you consider that I am PARANOID?  And, if it is a legitimate concern, it needs to be addressed immediately.  So, what is your point?

Scared?  Not at all.  This site is protected, as I have said before.  We are an open society here.  I have been ridiculed and defamed a few times here, and I have let the expressions stand as a testament to the free speech we practice here.  Many here know me and can see what malarkey disruptors are spewing. 

Cheryl Nelson on July 7, 2011 at 3:44pm:

"Cheryl has almost no idea how her OWN posts all over the internet actually make her look like a complete fool.  Cheryl apparently THINKS she is smarter than everyone else.  Most people can recognize when someone is simply DISGRUNTLED and not legit, not trying to help people, just trying to make her own points no matter how absurd (like Comet Elenin being anything more than a small comet), and that is Cheryl Nelson."

Why do you care so much, Larry?  Are you obsessed with me?  Are you stalking me too? 

Actually, my posts contain plenty of indications that I don't pretend to be smarter than everyone.  As far as what's on the internet, if people even notice at all, they will see an honest person who doesn't hide she doesn't know everything. 

No one made you start this "ning" did they Cheryl?  But you want to CONTROL everything and LIE in the process, whatever it takes!

Again, more Nancy Lieder.  She who must obsessively control everything and has been busted in enough lies.  Actually, now that you remind me, I was influenced to start this ning.  By Nancy Lieder, when she began stalking me on poleshift ning and discrediting my posts.  I saw the end coming and started my own ning, since I had come to poleshift ning after running my own website and yahoogroups since 2003 (which still exists).  It was only logical to continue on with all the data I had accumulated.  I told Gerard about my new ning when I was still a member of psning and he didn't seem to have a problem with it at that time. 

Please provide PROOF that I am connected to ZetaTalk or the Pole Shift Ning.  There will be no proof because you cannot prove it (even with my IP address and email address).

What chutpah you have.  Libel me on my own ning without a shred of evidence then demand proof connecting you to ZT/NL/psning.  Your posts are my proof.  Does anyone here disagree that he is spewing Nancy Lieder/ Zetatalk/the poleshift ning agenda, and that there is no way he doesn't have a connection?  (BTW, Larry, I know this question is a fishing expedition to try to find out how I know things, like that Mark is a psning moderator.)

At least I have evidence for my statements.  Cheryl has ZERO evidence about me, simply jumped to CRAZY conclusions so she can leave my comment up and make a blog based on it (rather than delete it because that would expose Cheryl's LIE that she never suspends members or deletes anything because she does both).

Evidence does no good if it is never presented, Larry.  And libel, or less than personal knowledge does not constitute evidence.  And, as I just said, you are my star witness.  My conclusions aren't crazy when compared to your libelous, unsubstantiated accusations.  My conclusions would pass a reasonable person test. 

So including my comment as coming from the Pole Shift Ning is a total falsehood based on nothing.

Au contraire, Larry.  You, yourself, have proved it abundantly.

Thanks, again, Cheryl for proving me right about you.  You need professional help, the sooner the better.

As I showed above, unless you can prove you are a qualified medical professional and have examined me in depth, your diagnosis and suggestion to seek professional help are meaningless libel. 

I seriously doubt Nancy Lieder cares anything about your pathetic "ning."  You are grasping at straws to defend your obvious hatred of a woman who IS spreading the truth (unlike you, who allows anything on here, no matter how crazy, as long as it debunks ZetaTalk).

You are entitled to your opinion.  I have documentary evidence to the contrary.  And I don't "hate" anyone.  I do dislike her unconscionable behavior. 

Cheryl Nelson on July 7, 2011 at 3:46pm:

I will come back in the Fall when Comet Elenin passes without causing anything.  What will all you dupes say then?  How about when the earth changes continue to get worse AFTER Comet Elenin passes far from earth?  I guess whatever Cheryl's handlers decide is the next cover-up lie will be what this ning becomes.

You are welcome to return, if we are still here after Elenin and that which is following it have passed.  We all hope we will still be here. And if we are, all the Elenin blogs will be here too.  You seem to have a problem differentiating between posting something and embracing its content.  You see, we EXAMINE and DISCUSS things here.  That's why you see so much variety.  Everyone here is free and encouraged to draw their own conclusions.  But no matter what we decided, we respect each other.

p.s.  Count how many members actually post here, it is a tiny number.  Count how many people post on the Pole Shift Ning:  A HUGE number.  That should tell those with an open mind where the real action about earth changes, and it is NOT this "ning."  Good luck when you can all see Planet X with your own eyes and realize you have been duped!

Again, Larry, you are forwarding yet another Nancy Lieder obsession (documented evidence).  We are a family here.  I believe people who belong here will be guided here.   I post stats to show progress.  Some of our members get discouraged when they don't see much discussion on their blogs, but their blogs are widely read.  It is an encouragement, not the silly contest Nancy Lieder has tried to turn this into.  By the way, from what I've heard, psning doesn't have that many posters, compared to the large amount of members they have.  Who knows, maybe our percentage is not as "pathetic" as Nancy thinks. 

My advice is to make sure your own preps are complete before August, just in case.  Maybe Elenin & friend will take us down, maybe not.  But it certainly could precipitate a panic if there are bumps in the road.


Guess my rebuttal left "Larry" speechless.  So, he went for what he thought were easier pickin's when he went after newly departed poleshift.ning member, Tammy Fielder, now on the New Madrid Simularities blog... 


Comment by Larry on Monday (July 18, 2011)...

Here you go, the reason why "Tammy Fielder" and so many others on here are in such incredible denial about the truth about Planet X.  And the highly iconic thing:  The Pole Shift Ning member who asked the question is being defamed on here.  What IRONY!

We shall see in September, October or November 2011 when Comet Elenin passes and NOTHING happens as a result, shan't we?  What will Cheryl say then about the earth changes that will not only continue but will get worse?  Some other comet maybe?  Just as long as Planet X as described and accurately predicted by the Zetas is NOT mentioned!

Is there something peculiar about human beings or human nature that causes so many to accept the most absurd theories and cover-up excuses for what is causing earth changes? (It appears anything is better than the truth for many, just as long as Planet X is not mentioned.) The Comet Elenin hoax/scare is a good example of an Establishment Lie designed to get people to believe an icy comet could cause a pole shift or other catastrophic events in 2011, but nearby Planet X which can sometimes be seen is almost constantly debunked. Can the Zetas comment or expand on this mystery of human psychology?

This is a type of denial. Denial takes many forms and can exist in degrees, and even reside side-by-side with acceptance of reality. People who are distressed by reality will grasp at anything that removes the discomfort and returns them to their former comfort level. They may dither, and vacillate between denial and acceptance, and this is quite common. Someone on the verge of accepting the reality of Planet X nearby, the logic of the ZetaTalk message explaining the Earth changes and the signs in the skies, can flip in and out of acceptance even during a single conversation. One minute they are saying yes, it must be true and the next repeating some disinformation line, clinging to this in fact. So much better for all the rumors about a coming cataclysm to be related to a mere dirty snowball, a common comet! All this hype about looking at the sky, anticipation of doom, and the suspicion that myths about past cataclysms were connected to something passing in the sky is merely confusion about comets. Ah, one can go back to live as normal again. That is, until reality starts to intrude.  (Emphasis added by poster.) http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/16jy2011.htm



Comment by Larry on Monday (July 18, 2011)

Oh, and please add this to your highly LYING and defamatory blog about alleged moderators or flunkies of the Pole Shift Ning. I noticed on Google that doing that has only made many more people read the truth, which reveals Cheryl Nelson is not only in extreme denial she is also not nearly as bright as she wants us to believe.  Does anyone REALLY think that the ONLY people who accept ZetaTalk MUST be moderators of the Pole Shift Ning?



Larry continued to violate the Golden Rule.  All the Elenin blogs were here, as promised, when he returned but his rants didn't change.  He was finally suspended.  Eventually, he send an email accusing us of censorship, which we do not practice here.  When Larry joined, he agreed to abide by our rules and he continually and flagrantly violated them.  His purpose was to provoke a suspension just so he had "evidence" that we practice censorship.  So, I posted this message for him:

01/28/12 Message to former member "Larry":  Your threat to "expose" us as practitioners of censorship is just more of your twisting the truth and bullying.  Anywhere our members see any of your defamation will be countered with a link to https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/classic-attacks-from-zetatalk and a note that you couldn't even follow the one rule we have here, the Golden Rule.  It's clear you acted like a jerk just so you could provoke a suspension so you could feel somehow justified in doing just what you've threatened.  This was no surprise. It was obvious what you were angling for.

Your pointing the finger on other sites at us just proves what a sad person you are.  "Those guys over there practice censorship!!!!!!!" you howl.  That's pretty funny, coming from a guy connected to the repressive poleshift.ning.  They always like to transfer their sins over here and then point fingers.  I guess times are desperate over there.

Be advised, Larry, the more you libel us, the closer you get to a defamation lawsuit, not to mention a criminal complaint for cyberbullying, which I believe is now considered terrorism.  BTW, thank you for putting into writing your intent to defame and bully us.  I'll add it to the growing pile of evidence I have of conspiracy amongst you and the poleshift.ningsters against this site and me personally. 



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Hypothetical #2: Mommy, It's Dark!

It's been dark for two days. The kids are edgy, whining, asking, "When's the sun coming back, mommy?"  To keep their morale up, you've almost used up all your batteries.  You had no idea it was going to be dark for so long.  It takes light to be able to read or play board games, the kids are afraid to go to the bathroom in the dark, you have to burn the lights to keep the critters from raiding the garbage cans.  You were rightly afraid to light a campfire because of the earthquakes.  The world has become a dark, spooky place. 

But now, lights have become a liability.  You hear footsteps crunching in the leaves on the ground.

"Who's there?" you call out.

Suddenly, two shadowy figures emerge from the nearby woods.  They saw your lights.  Are they friend or foe? 

What will you do? 

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"The U.N. nuclear agency said a state of emergency was also declared Sunday at another complex, the Onagawa power plant, after higher-than-permitted levels of radiation were measured there. It said Japan informed it that all three of those reactors there were under control.

"Four nuclear complexes in northeastern Japan have reported some damage from the quake or the tsunami."

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"Bringing the two units under control marks a minor advance in the efforts to stop the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex from leaking radiation. The two units are the least problematic of the six reactor units at the plant, which began overheating after the earthquake-triggered tsunami disrupted the plant's cooling systems.

The news comes amid an unexpected rise in pressure inside reactor No. 3, setting back efforts to bring Japan's overheating, leaking nuclear complex under control Sunday as concerns grew that as-yet minor contamination of food and water is spreading.

The pressure increase meant plant operators may need to deliberately release radioactive steam, prolonging a nuclear crisis ....


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