Brain (4)

Is Putin in Need of Psychiatric Care?

Is Putin in Need of Psychiatric Care?

In 1996 several us were sitting and listening to H.H. Alexandra speak at a gathering.  We recently recounted what she said for her words ring scarily true today.  She said that a power-crazed individual would rise to the top in Russia and threaten any progress that had been made towards global harmony for he would see himself as tyrant ruler of the world. ( – volunteers)

Today H.H. Alexandra writes:

Is Putin in Need of Psychiatric Care?







This is a very worrisome time.  Is there no one (or perhaps there are many) questioning if all ruling men and women have gone mad in not doing something to stop Putin before he escalates military action?

Putin might be ill, yes very ill, in a way that affects the brain.  Is there no one to check it out and stop him?  Or is this the prelude for full-on WW III?  That is my great concern.  Will millions, if not billions, of kind unsuspecting people be murdered and will children be left homeless and alone, not remembering who they are or where they are from?  Race, creed or colour will not matter.  Members of the United Nations will call out for peace.

I am the watcher.  I call all to seek peace and create harmony.  Be a watcher.  Save all.  Check Putin out.  His brain needs help.  He seemingly lives in a delusional state of self-aggrandizement.

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This short clip will forever the way you 
look at your cell phone, ever again.
A scientific paper bravely published by a 
leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz 
Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like 
Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai 
Hospital to issue warnings to their patients 
about the dangers of cellphone use, which 
he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell 
phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski 
by lobbying to have his funding stopped and 
in the meantime, insurance companies have 
also stopped coverage for health damages 
related to cell phone use. 
In 2011, San Francisco, CA passed a law, 
which originally required retailers of cell 
phones to display the amount of radiation 
that was emitted by each unit. Lobbyists 
successfully had the law revised to simply 
inform people on ways to diminish their 
exposure to cell phone radiation. 
Ellie Marks' husband had a golfball-sized 
tumor in his brain, next to where he regularly 
used his cellphone. It was removed and he 
subsequently suffered severe memory loss. 
She says that over 20 cities and states tried 
to pass similar legislation to that of San Francisco
- and all were threatened with lawsuits from 
the cell phone industry. 
Brent Bocook, a former US Olympic Champion 
Crew Team Member had a portion of his brain 
removed, right next to where he used to always 
place his cellphone. That particular portion of 
the brain is responsible for motor control and his 
surgery has left him almost completely disabled, 
He says he is spearheading a class action lawsuit 
against the industry because he believes that this 
is the only way that big business can be made to 
take responsibility for itself, as was the case with
the tobacco industry.
He notes that cell phone use is much more 
dangerous for children because their skulls are 
a lot thinner. Brain tumors associated with cell 
phone use has replaced leukemia as the 
number one child-killer.  
Truthseeker host, Daniel Bushell uses a radiation 
detector to measure the amount of radiation 
emanating from commonly-used household items:
*Microwave oven: 800 microvolts *WiFi Router: 800 microvolts *Tablet PC: 2,000 microvolts (watching a movie). *Smartphone: 40,000 microvolts (Samsung S3). 
This is over a thousand times the normal 
background radiation levels of 30 microvolts. 
The use of cellphones and other wireless 
technologies is being called the next 'casualty
catastrophe,' after tobacco and asbestos. iPhones 
now all contain a legal disclaimer page with fine 
print, which cannot be enlarged and which is 
relatively difficult to locate within the phone's 
navigation. It discloses the dangers of radiation 
exposure from cellphones and advises users to 
keep the device at least 10mm from the body.
At the same time, a wireless lobbying group 
called the CTIA assures us that "Radio waves 
from cellphones are safe" and studies paid for 
by the cellphone industry claim that, "Cellphone 
use causes no biological damage." However, 
independent studies consistently report serious 
health effects, ranging from DNA damage, a 
300% reduction in sperm counts, 290% more 
brain tumors, autism and birth defects.
Former Senior White House Advisor, 
Epidemiologist, Dr. Devra Davis testified to 
the Senate and gives a hair-raising report here 
about the back-stories behind these contradictory 
scientific reports: The independent scientists who 
reported on the ill effects of cell phones found 
themselves under attack by the cellphone 
industry, who would attempt to get them fired 
and to get their funding taken away or else 
accuse them of fraud.
When that didn't work, they hired 
inexperienced scientists who didn't know 
anything about the subject to *look* like they 
were replicating the incriminating experiments 
and when all of the above didn't work, they 
wrote an internal memo, in which they stated, 
"We war-gamed the science."   
Journalist, Anthony Gucciardi proved how easy 
it is for industry to plant fake science in respectable 
science publications, in the very similar case 
involving the drug Prozac, which was proven in the 
1980s to increase the incidence of suicide among 
users and to cause violent behavior - but this was 
hidden from the public until 2005, until there was 
a BBC expose. In response, the manufacturers 
hired their own scientists to prove how "great" 
Prozac was. 
Producers of anti-depressantshave since been 
mandated to disclose these drugs' side effects, 
which one may read in their accompanying manuals 
or overhear, in the blindingly-fast and unintelligible 
disclosure statements that run during television 
advertisements for these products. Remember, 
virtually all the mass-murdering shooters in these 
recent attacks were taking this drug or else one
of many similar fluoride-based, Selective Serotonin 
Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI), at the time that they 
massacred people by the dozens. Gucciardi says 
he believes that once the public becomes aware of 
these dangerous side effects, the public outcry will 
be worse than it was for cigarettes.  
Dr. Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News since 
1981 says, "The system is broken, nobody has 
been told the truth. It's crazy."
The science which would eventually prove that 
cigarettes and secondhand smoke damaged human 
health during the did not yet exist when tobacco 
was initially marketed - but cellphones were launched 
after preliminary science was already available as 
to its inherent dangers and these products were 
released into the public without any safety studies
Dr. Slesin says, "The point is to take action." Action 
is already being taken outside the US: In Italy, a 
landmark supreme court ruling found a "causal link" 
between cell phone use and brain tumors. In France, 
WiFi is being taken down in schools and replaced with 
cabled Internet in and countries from Germany to 
Israel and Finland are moving to stop cell phone 
sales to kids. In the UK, children under the age of 18, 
have long been barred from cell phone use.
But of course, in the Good Ol' USA, the former chief 
lobbyist for the wireless industry, Thomas Wheeler 
was recently appointed by President Barack Obama 
to head up the Federal Communications Commission 
(FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices, 
in yet another astonishing conflict-of-interest in the 
choice of appointed Federal Regulators, who better 
resemble wolves guarding the sheep, rather than 
advocates for the health of the public at-large.
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Greetings from Galactic Heart...

Sheldan's Sunday webinar was well received indeed. If you missed Sunday's webinar, Spreading Love, you can join us on Thursday, April 26 at 6pm Pacific Time.

Here's what a couple of attendees reported:

Aloha Sheldan, Colleen, and team,

Apparently, the GF gave you some specifics to share at this time. What phenomenal information! You are such an outstanding ambassador for the GF. That is what Lynn called you this morning. You and your team and the info you bring to us are such a blessing! Our journey in this world is so enriched by what you do! Mahalo nui loa, ZaZuMa, Thank you sooooo much!!! We love you!

Aloha nui loa,

Lorie & Lynn,
Hawaii, USA

Your webinars just keep getting better and better. I look forward to them every month....they are my life-line to sanity. Thank you and Colleen too.
Ray R.


Food that Goes Straight to Your Brain

During Sheldan's webinar, he talked a lot about our brains....where fear is stored, how our brain's are transforming and more.

Today I received this article entitled, Food that Goes Straight to Your Brain. I thought it would be appropriate to share with you today.

Some foods (hello, potato chips!) seem to go straight to our bellies and butts, which is a bummer. But the good news is that others go straight to our brains and give us a cognitive boost.

A study published this past January in Neurology shows that people who eat certain foods are more likely to have larger and smarter brains. And the best part—this brain boost was found in older folks in their 70s, 80s and beyond. Good news for them…and good news for anyone who hopes to get that old one day!
Which are the foods and their associated nutrients that make our brains bigger and smarter as we age?


Instead of relying on study participants to self-report their food intake (which, of course, is not an exact measure), the researchers used a blood test that showed how much of certain foods each of the 104 healthy male and female study participants (average age 87) was eating. Diets can, of course, change over time, but the blood test gave researchers a ballpark idea of what each subject generally ate. They did not preselect the study participants based on their diets.

Then the researchers gave 42 of the participants brain scans and 12 cognitive tests to all of them to see whether certain diets were associated with improved mental performance. One test checked memory by asking people to recall a paragraph after a delay, and others measured executive function (decision-making, planning, flexibility) by having people connect numbers and letters in a certain sequence as quickly as possible. Researchers also collected brain scans to see whether the diet differences were associated with physical differences in the brain.

Here’s what the research revealed…

What helped the brain: A high concentration in the blood of vitamins B, C, D, and E and omega-3 fatty acids was associated with better executive function, attention and visual and spatial skills. And participants with the best memory skills were more likely to have higher levels of HDL “good” cholesterol…as well as higher levels of two antioxidants—lutein and zeaxanthin.

What hurt the brain: On the other hand, participants with the highest levels of trans fat in their blood had more “brain fog” and smaller brains than other participants.

How wonderful that simply changing your diet might buttress your brain power. To find out why these particular nutrients may have helped or hurt, I called study coauthor Gene Bowman, ND, MPH, an epidemiologist in the department of neurology at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland.


In terms of what helped, some of the nutrients listed above may protect the outer walls of the brain’s cell membranes, he said, allowing the machinery in the cell to keep working properly. Meanwhile, one of the ways that trans fats harm us is that they take the place of the “good” fats in our cell membranes, and that change may lead to deterioration of the cells’ structure.

Of course, it isn’t news that our bodies need vitamins and antioxidants or that trans fats are bad for us. But when research is able to make such a direct link between what we eat and how well certain parts of our bodies function—well, that is the kind of information that makes it much easier for me to say “no thanks” to processed foods and “hello” to foods like three-pepper sauté, kiwi-berry fruit salsa, poached salmon and macadamia “crème fraiche.” I can now easily imagine the nutrients from these foods speeding to my brain cells and keeping them strong. You, too?

Source: Gene Bowman, ND, MPH, an epidemiologist and assistant professor of neurology at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland.
Listing Details

Daily Health News
Original publication date:
April 23, 2012



During PAO Webinars, Galactic Federation teams heighten the energy fields around our planet.

Galactic medical teams attend to each of us during our immersion in the Webinar's special energy field.

The Ascended Masters bring in Angelic joy.

Sheldan does not channel his message; he is linked directly to the Galactic Federation during the Webinar.



Welcome to Webinar 26 with Sheldan

Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant
barrage of fear?

The power of LOVE will free us to prepare for the
landings and our shift to full consciousness.

Sheldan discusses:

• Dark Cabal's agenda to manipulate us with fear
• How our 3D system is built around fear
• The Galactics: benevolent beings of Love
• Waking up to Love: How our Love can overpower fear and move us toward 5D

Sunday, April 22, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)
Thursday, April 26, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)

For your convenience~~Time Converter

Talk to Sheldan Live...
simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!
You won't want to miss it!
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Register today for Sheldan's webinar: SPREADING LOVE not fear



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©2012 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
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I've been watching some of the younger ones in our family. TV and computers have a definite negative impact on their thinking and behavior. These kids are addicted to their DS and Wii games and movies. They don't listen, can't focus, whine and complain if you make them do something else, are constantly bored if they don't have electronic stimulation, and are becoming quite anti-social. So, when they are at my house, TV and electronic entertainment devices are restricted. I make them go outside to play or work inside on non-electronic games or crafts. And you know what? They are becoming social again, they are listening better, they don't whine and complain near as much (but two sisters are always going to fight, it seems).

You MUST do something about this NOW. If you wait until trouble strikes, you will be dealing with children who will not follow your instructions, who will drive you insane with their noise, and who will not be able to cope with the earth changes. The children in my life get absolutely depressed when deprived of their electronic stimuli. Then add on the depression and other psychological stresses of troubled times and they could easily just go psychotic on you. Imagine bugging out with 2 or 3 or 4 psychotic children. Your chances of survival will be seriously impacted. Or else you will have to leave your children behind. Could you do that?

I couldn't. So the solution is that you just HAVE to start interacting with your children NOW. Turn off the electronics. Involve the kids in games and social activities. Teach them to listen and follow your orders. Teach them they don't know it all (not a good thing in life and death situations).

And do it NOW! It will take time to bring them back from the brink.
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