Fuel (6)

Earth Watch Report

MissingSky101 MissingSky101

Published on Nov 7, 2013

Japan is bracing itself for the most
dangerous operation at the Fukushima nuclear plant since it was
crippled by a quake and tsunami in March 2011. The company running the
facility plans to move radioactive fuel rods to safe storage. RT's
Alexey Yaroshevsky is in Japan for us. Christina Consolo, Founder and
Host of Nuked Radio, doubts that engineers will be able to pull this off
- given the level of damage at the plant.

Fukushima plant prepared for uranium and plutonium removal
engineers in Japan are preparing to move uranium and plutonium fuel
rods at Fukushima, their most difficult and dangerous task since the
plant's runaway reactors were brought under control two years ago.
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_11...

IAEA experts inspect seawater checks off Fukushima
experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency have inspected the
procedures for checking radioactivity in seawater off the damaged
Fukushima plant.
David Osborn directs the IAEA Environment
Laboratories in Monaco and Hartmut Nies is the head of the IAEA
Radiometrics Laboratory.
They left Onahama port in Fukushima Prefecture on board a boat for seawater monitoring on Thursday.
plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, commissioned the
boat to collect water samples within 20 kilometers of the facility.
inspection took place after Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority and
the IAEA agreed to cooperate to bolster the credibility of seawater
checks and analysis.
International concern over radioactive
contamination of the sea is growing because of repeated leaks of tainted
water at the plant.
Osborn said methods to collect seawater samples
were appropriate under international standards. He said the IAEA will
continue to cooperate if requested by Japan.
On Friday, the team is scheduled to visit a facility where collected samples are analyzed for levels of radioactive substances.

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