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Hurricane Isaac ..lots more to come…BBC TV Special with Doug Copp and 3 scientists predicted the current ‘giant’ floods and what will come next.

Hurricane Isaac flattened this 7 month old building. Doug Copp had visited this building prior to destruction. Picture provided by Doug Copp’s friend Pam H. of Madisonville.

Below is a reprint of an earlier posting. It has been updated to allow people to understand flooding events in Louisiana; including, the social cost and psychological effect of repetitive disasters.  At the time,  this TV program, produced by the BBC was the ‘costliest, biggest budget, program ever made by the BBC. It was buried, after the initial broadcast; because the BBC Executives considered it to be too frightening, for the public. The Corporate World wanted to keep people in a  ‘low information’  state of mind; so that, profits/shareholder returns would not be jeopardized. The truth is the truth. It is frightening; however, ‘life before profit’ has always been my moto. If you are interested in knowing that the ‘train is coming, down the track..before it runs over you then watch this high quality BBC production. It takes place on the nightly news broadcast in 2050. The anniversary of the beginning of the end.

On a personal note, to the people of Madisonville LA and the rest of the north shore:

The Army Corps of Engineers ,of the USA, have publicly claimed that the New Orleans levee system are NOT causing flooding to occur, on the North Shore.
I think that is a False Conclusion.
My argument is:
Given: 1) Water flows downward because of gravity, 2) Water levels to the same level above sea level on both sides of Lake Pontchartrain, 3) If you stop the normal flow of water then it will back up or rise to a higher level till it can escape to a lower elevation. 4) The levees were built to stop New Orleans from naturally flooding.and allowed water to back-up or rise on the Lake side of the levees.
1) The elevation of New Orleans, on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain is an average of -6 (6 ft below sea level Lake side elevation is -18 ft). minus elevation
2) The elevations of Madisonville and Mandeville , on the other side of Lake Pontchartrain are both 7 ft.. (Wikipedia) positive elevation
3) Flooding didn’t occur in New Orleans.
4) Flooding did occur on the North Shore.
Conclusion: The levees protected the city of New Orleans from flooding, caused the water level of Lake Pontchartrain to rise, and therefore,contributing to the North Shore Cities flooding.

The levies have successfully protected New Orleans, by ‘backing up’ and diverting water. Understand that water needs to flow down with gravity..Just like ‘down the sink’. if you stop it from flowing into it’s natural route (New Orleans) (or ‘down the drain’ then it goes somewhere else (or overflows the sink).

Don’t believe any agency that tells you any different. It just can’t get any simpler; but they deny any and all responsibility/legal liability, for your loses…anyway. Such is the way of our world. The truth is hard to find in a flood of lies.

Let it be clearly understood that I believe it makes absolute sense to protect the city of New Orleans and sacrifice other less strategic areas..IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY..; however, I don’t believe in standing by and letting people be victims. I am sick and tired of lies. The truth should be told and ‘the right thing’ should be done. The Army Corps of Engineers did the ‘right thing’ to protect New Orleans but they shouldn’t have lied or covered up. They should always do ‘the right thing’.

I have along history of being ‘crucified’, ‘whipped’, lied about, shot at, receiving death threats and much more because of a similar battle against money, greed, power, insurance company shareholder return being more important than school children surviving earthquakes via the  ‘triangle of life’. ( see this blog)

Just trying to do ‘the right thing’.

doug copp Sept 3, 2012.

BBC TV Special with Doug Copp and  3 scientists predicted the current ‘giant’ floods and what will come next.

The Current Giant floods were predicted. This ‘big budget TV Production’ video is a mock-up of the evening news, from 2050.

Doug Copp, in this Award Winning BBC Special, is featured, along with 3 of the world’s leading scientists, explaining your present and YOUR FUTURE……………… with these ‘soon to be’ normal events.

Understand why these events are happening and how your life is going to be impacted today, tomorrow and for the next 40 years. Get used to destructive weather. This is a high production but very scary movie.

It alerts our world in a way like George Orwell’s Book :1984′.

The setting is the 2050 Evening TV NEWS special/ documentary explaining what happened in the world from 2000 to 2050. This BBC program was the ‘biggest budget special’ when it was produced. In spite of money invested, Political Pressure ‘squashed the program’ for fear of people rioting for reform.

The Video still contains the original ‘black-out sections-to insert Commercials. You will need to speed ahead or wait for the period to end. The entire video is 53 minutes long.

Doug Copp predicted floods”>Watch the video at Doug Copp’s Youtube Channels amerrescue and amerrescuegmail

or This will open your eyes like George Orwell did with ’1984′”>click here and go directly to Doug Copp’s other blog and watch the video.

3 Responses to BBC TV Special with Doug Copp and 3 scientists predicted the current ‘giant’ floods and what will come next.

  1. Craig B. Mana says:

    From the triangle of life to information on current world events the Dough’s block had given me some insights into my understanding of the world and also it had enthrensed my belief in the Holy Bible of prophesies there since I signed into it. Thank you as these information gives me the hedge to better prepare myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you very much.

  2. Craig B. Mana says:

    From the triangle of life to information on current world events the Dough’s block had given me some insights into my understanding of the world and also it had enthrensed my belief in the Holy Bible of prophesies there since I signed into it. Thank you as these information gives me the hedge to better prepare myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you very much

  3. I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now and I always find a gem in your new posts. Thanks for sharing.

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I recall from discussion about Hellion-1957 nearly two years ago that the Koreas would be a safe zone and to watch that area.  The recent sabre rattling could be a cover to transport equipment, supplies, elites, and other inanimate objects.


NKorea testing Super EMP

China Warns Outside Nations To Stay Out Of Dispute With Vietnam

Vietnam Outlines Terms Of Possible Military Draft

Philippines To Hold Joint Naval Exercises With US In Sea Claimed By China

China Blames Vietnam For Rising Tensions Over Disputed Sea

Vietnam Holds Life-fire Drill Amid China Tensions;_ylt=AvUkUilPprBSNZO3OAMoXeNbbBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTNubDE0dXVyBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDExMDYxMy92aWV0bmFtY2hpbmFtYXJpdGltZW1pbGl0YXJ5BGNjb2RlA3RvcGdtcHRvcDIwMHBvb2wEY3BvcwM4BHBvcwM4BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDdmlldG5hbWhvbGRz

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"The major earthquake that struck northeastern Japan on Friday had the hallmarks of an interplate quake, which occurs at the boundary between two tectonic plates."

"At the area near the epicenter, the North American plate, on which part of the Japanese archipelago lies, slips under the Pacific plate. The temblor was likely triggered when the North American plate snapped upward, releasing the accumulated strain.

"The earthquake occurred near the site of another tremor that shook Miyagi Prefecture on Wednesday, so the earlier quake may have been a foreshock, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.

"There aren't many instances in which such a large earthquake occurs right after a magnitude 7-class quake," said an official at the agency. "This is a highly unusual case.

"The agency warns that aftershocks registering around magnitude 7 could take place over the next month.


"The plate may have shifted over a stretch of several hundred kilometers along the fault on Friday, according to the agency, with some experts putting the figure at upwards of 400-500km."

"The quake was caused when one giant tectonic plate was shoved under another, the type of movement that produces the biggest earthquakes. It's the same kind of quake that caused the devastating 2004 Indonesian tsunami.


"The quake happened at the intersection of the North American and Pacific plates in the northwestern chunk of the "Ring of Fire," in an area that "has been incredibly quiet," Applegate said."

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Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current Dying
Loop Current in Gulf of Mexico Already Dead

Extreme heat/drought in Russia, Flooding in Asia,
Killing Cold in South America
All Connected To BP Oil Disaster

By The Earl of Stirling

Our planet is experiencing a real life version of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" right now. Record breaking heat (up to 39-40C or 100-104F in Moscow) and drought in Russia, heat and flooding in large parts of Asia (China, Pakistan, etc.), and killing cold temperatures in South America are all reflective of a rapidly changing global weather pattern that is caused by dramatic changes in the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current (also called the North Atlantic Drift) and the Norway Current/etc. brought on by the large amounts of oil discharged into the Gulf of Mexico by the BP Oil Disaster.

An Italian theoretical physicist, Dr. Gianluigi ZangariDr. Gianluigi Zangari, of the prestigious Research Division of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Italy, has come up with some startling scientific findings. Dr. Zangari has specialized in global climate research and analysis. He has found that the massive amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, from the BP Oil Disaster, has caused a disruption of the Loop Current in the Gulf. And further, that this has resulted in a dramatic weakening in the vorticity of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current, and a reduction in North Atlantic water temperatures of 10C.

It is a university level physics experiment to use a tub of cool water and inject a colored stream of warm water into it. You can see the boundary layers of the warm water stream. If you add oil to the tub it breaks down the boundary layers of the warm water stream and effectively destroys the current vorticity . This is what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean.

The entire 'river of warm water' that flows from the Caribbean to the edges of Western Europe is dying due to the Corexit that the Obama Administration allowed BP to use to hide the scale of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster. The approximately two million gallons of Corexit, plus several million gallons of other dispersants, have caused the over two hundred million gallons of crude oil, that has gushed for months from the BP wellhead and nearby sites, to mostly sink to the bottom of the ocean. This has helped to effectively hide much of the oil, with the hopes that BP can seriously reduce the mandated federal fines from the oil disaster. However, there is no current way to effectively 'clean up' the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, which is about half covered in crude oil. Additionally, the oil has flowed up the East Coast of America and into the North Atlantic Ocean, and there is no way to effectively clean up this 'sea bottom oil'.

This massive amount of crude oil, covering such an enormous area, has seriously affected the Loop Current, the Gulf Stream, and the North Atlantic Current system, by breaking up the boundary layers of the warm water flow.

There are several names to the themoregulation 'river of warm water' that keeps the Northern Hemisphere from going into a new Ice Age. The first section is named the "Loop Current" and it begins in the Caribbean, flows around the Yucatan Peninsula and goes into the Gulf of Mexico, then loops around the Gulf and exits on the east side and runs between Cuba and Florida. At this point the current is called the "Florida Current" and it flows from the Keys up the East Coast of America (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and part of North Carolina) to the Outer Banks. At the Outer Banks the current heads east into the North Atlantic where it is known as the "Gulf Stream". Eventually the Gulf Stream becomes the North Atlantic Current, which itself eventually becomes the Norway Current and the Canary Current. The reason that this system has several names, and not one, is historical. It was not all discovered at the same time and the flow was not fully known or understood for years. Ben Franklin, one of my favorite American 'founding fathers' is the person that
named one section of this system the "Gulf Stream" in the 1760s. It should be noted that this 'river of warm water' does not begin with the Loop Current, it is part of a much larger system that includes the Atlantic South Equatorial Current which flows north along the coast of Brazil (the North Brazil Current), and becomes the Caribbean Current, and is renamed the Yucatan Current as it flows north into the Yucatan Channel. This entire system is one of the main global themoregulation processes that regulates the planet's temperatures.

Based on what has already happened (to the Loop Current and the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Current/etc. and global weather patterns), and what is continuing to happen, we can project increased global climate changes that are both serious and near in terms of time. We may be entering a full new Ice Age.

There is no known way to clean up the massive amount of free crude oil, stripped of its lighter elements by dispersants, now on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and in significant parts of the Atlantic Ocean (where the Gulf Stream flows). The use of Corexit and other dispersants by BP, with the full cooperation of the Obama Administration has created the most significant danger to the entire planet in recorded history. This is what happens when a great nation slips into being a Third World type of nation, where money alone is the key driving force in government actions.

As full knowledge of the scope of the oncoming mega-disaster to the planet becomes known, the Obama Administration will find itself in a political crisis way beyond Watergate (that cost Nixon his presidency) or the sex affair that almost cost Clinton his presidency. The effect on this years mid-term Congressional elections are apt to be dramatic.
Article continues along with charts and graphs at...

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