Pacific (3)

Pacific El Nino Growing More Intense

"El Nino" and "Climate Change" are cover-ups for the increasing earth changes. Read between the lines, substitute "Planet X" for those other words and you will be closer to the truth. Thus, this article should read "Pacific Growing More Intense Due To Planet X Getting Closer."

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Magnetosphere is showing it, as well as the earthquakes in the South Pacific and the visitors are observing....the eclipse is tomorrow, July 11th.

Date: 7/10/2010 11:28:23 AM
Subject: Solar Activity Surges on the Eve of South Pacific Eclipse
Space Weather News for July 10, 2010
A LIVELY SOLAR ECLIPSE: Fast-growing sunspot 1087 is crackling with C-class solar flares. A spectacular eruption recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory is featured on today's edition of Spaceweather. com. This surge in activity comes on the eve of a total eclipse of the sun over the South Pacific. Will eclipse chasers see material blasting away from the sun when the Moon hides the blinding stellar surface? It's a possibility. Stay tuned to for updates and pictures from the path of totality. SUNSET CONJUNCTION: Look west at sunset. Venus is passing by 1st magnitude star Regulus. They're only a little more than a degree apart. Bright Venus catches the eye first. As the glow of sunset fades, Regulus pops out of the twilight a little below Venus. The view through binoculars is superb.

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