banks (4)

This web site has put two videos a day out for the couple years I have received their emailed video's  The web master say's it is the most important video she has ever put up. She is totally correct because every part of it is documented. It is a look into the future of the entire world and it has a lot of fear in it and you will be slightly depressed after seeing it in it enormity and how far it has already gone into effect. Obama just made the statement that CLIMATE CHANGE  was his most important mission, with or without congresses approval. This plan started in the 40's is now racing at break neck speed. Sorry to have to put this up but it is important that you know this information.

Human Rights activist, Laura Tavares, 

leads off her talk about the 44-page 

manual, 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', 

funded by the Rockefellers, Harvard 

University, Air Force and International 

bankers as a plan for total, worldwide 

control of the world's energy - not just 

gas and electric - but YOUR energy, 

because human beings are energy, too -

and as she says, "They plan to control 

it all."

This head-spinning talk might be the 

most important clip I have ever run in 

the history of this site.



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Politics, Legislation and Economy News


Banking &Financial Corruption  :  Taxation Hypocrisy




Trillions Stashed in Offshore Tax Havens

by Stephen Lendman

A new Tax Justice Network (TJN) USA report reveals an estimated $21 – $32 trillion of hidden and stolen wealth stashed largely tax-free secretly. 

Titled “The Price of Offshore Revisited,” it explains what financial insiders know but won’t discuss. Many of them have their own hidden wealth.


TJN describes a “subterranean” systemic “economic equivalent of an astrophysical black hole.” The higher estimate above exceeds US GDP twofold.


It’s mind-boggling. It’s hard imagining a tiny percent of privileged elites control this much wealth secretly. It’s worse knowing it’s largely tax free. It’s appalling that governments let them get away with it.


Wall Street and other major banks manage it. Their business is fraud and grand theft. Private banking operations yield huge profits. Keeping funds secreted tax free attracts rich clients. Private capital globally is attracted. It’s welcome from anyone, “no questions asked.”


Government policies protect them. Societal costs are huge. Tax justice is absent. Hotel magnate Leona Helmsley once said only little people pay taxes. TJN’s report bears her out.


A vast “global offshore industry” is explained. It’s largely tax-free. It’s controlled by the world’s richest, most powerful elites. Estimating amounts secreted takes tedious data mining.


Previous estimates relied more on rough judgments. TJN used several methods. They include available data sources, estimation methods, and core assumptions. They’re open to peer review and public scrutiny.


Four key approaches were used:


(1) A “sources-and-uses” country-by-country model.


(2) An “accumulated offshore wealth” model.


(3) An “offshore investor portfolio” model.


(4) Best-guess estimates of offshore assets held by the world’s top 50 private banks. 


Familiar Wall Street, European, and other global financial institutions comprise them.


Current data gotten from global central banks, the World Bank, IMF, UN, and national accounts were used. Other evidence includes:


(1) “Transfer mispricing” data.


(2) Demand for cross-border liquid “mattress money” data.


(3) Current research data on the offshore private banking market’s size.


TJN believes its work comprises the “most rigorous and comprehensive” data ever produced. It challenges anyone to contest it.


In overall size through 2010, it estimates hidden global wealth at from $21 – $32 trillion. It’s invested “virtually tax-free” through a still-expanding black hole of more than 80 secret jurisdictions. It calls estimates conservative.


Developed countries don’t face debt problems. They’ve got huge offshore tax evasion ones. Repatriation would reduce debt substantially. Doing so would bring it well within tolerable levels.


Only financial wealth is included. Much else isn’t measured. It includes real estate, yachts, racehorses, gold, art, and other categories not easily quantified.


The offshore economy alone has an enormous negative impact on the domestic tax bases of affected countries. They’ve had significant private capital outflows for years, decades or longer.


TJN focused on 139 countries. They’re mainly “low-middle income” ones. The World Bank and IMF maintain data on them.


Since the 1970s, private bankers let rich elites accumulate trillions in hidden wealth. At the same time, these nations experienced structural adjustment harshness. 


They became debt-entrapped. Some borrowed themselves into insolvency. They sold off public assets at fire sale prices. They impoverished their people. They colluded with big money interests at their expense.


Through 2010, they accumulated over $4 trillion in debt. Minus foreign reserves invested in First World securities, it’s $2.8 trillion. Including hidden wealth, they’re net lenders.


Key is that assets of these countries are held by wealthy elites. Ordinary people bear the burden of debts.


In the 1980s, an unnamed Fed official said:


“The problem is not that these countries don’t have any assets. The problem is they’re all in Miami” and other global cities. They’re home to private financial institutions.


Hidden offshore wealth correlates positively with loan amounts to indebted countries. Large amounts of borrowed capital were secreted lawlessly in global tax havens.


Local elites continue “vot(ing) with financial feet.” At the same time, their public sectors borrow heavily and ordinary people go begging.


Although First World countries borrow most, they and elites in them remain global financiers.


Wealth is concentrated in select private hands “in a handful of source countries.” Many are regarded as debtors.


Through 2010, 50 top private banks managed over $12 trillion in cross-border assets from individual clients,  trusts and foundations.


Smaller banks, investment firms, insurers, and non-bank intermediaries like hedge funds and independent money managers handle additional amounts up to an overall $32 trillion estimate.


TJN calls these enablers part of a global “tax injustice system.” Complicit governments let them operate at the expense of their own people.


“Since the late 1970s, investigative journalists, tax authorities, drug enforcement officials, terrorist trackers, national security experts,” and others became aware about vast amounts of money stashed in “offshore” tax havens.


Private banking “professional enablers” manage it. They make fortunes doing it. The term “offshore” refers less to physical locations than virtual ones anywhere. They’re often “networks of legal and quasi-legal entities and arrangements.” They operate in the interests of money managers.


Physical locations can be anywhere. Legal structures typically are assets owned by anonymous offshore companies in one jurisdiction. Trusts are in another. Trustees are in multiple places globally.


Clients are rich elites, companies, and criminals. They include real estate speculators, technology tycoons, oil sheiks, underworld millionaires, heads of state, despots, and drug lords, among others. Their common needs include:


(1) Anonymity and confidentiality.


(2) Minimizing or avoiding taxes.


(3) Skilled money management.


(4) Ability to access and manage their wealth anywhere.


(5) Secure places to reside, visit, or hide.


(6) Assured financial security no matter what’s happening in the real world.


Skilled professionals provide these services globally. Money management happens in a virtual world. They live under one set of rules. Another exists for all others. It’s gone on for decades. Global banks thrive on it. It’s one of their most profitable operations.


Physical locations operate from Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Nauru, St. Kitts, Antigua, Tortola, Switzerland, the Channel Islands, Monaco, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, and elsewhere. 


Over 3.5 million paper companies, thousands of shell banks and insurers, more than half the world’s registered commercial ships above 100 tons, and tens of thousands of shell subsidiaries of giant global banks, accounting firms, and various other companies operate there.


Nonetheless, conventional havens are misleading. Despite their vast financial infrastructure, most super-rich elites want more security. They also need easy access to First World capital markets, competent attorneys and accountants, independent judiciaries, and laws protecting them.


Professional “enablers” provide all needed services. Managing vast wealth is complex. Many skills are required. They include financial, economic, legal, accounting, and insurance. Super-rich elites demand and get the best.


Haven locations offer more than tax avoidance. Almost anything goes on. It includes fraud, bribery, illegal gambling, money laundering, human and sex trafficking, arms dealing, toxic waste dumping, conflict diamonds and endangered species trafficking, bootlegged software, and endless other lawless practices.


It’s impossible to estimate total lawful and illegal wealth from all sources. It’s vastly more than estimates within the parameters of TJN’s study. Credit Suisse tried. 


Through mid-2011, it puts total financial and non-financial global wealth at $231 trillion. It’s a best guess. It’s tenfold TJN’s top figure. It’s mind-boggling. It’s roughly 3.5 times global GDP. In 2011, it was about $65 trillion.


Imagine the good a small percent of global wealth could do for billions of disadvantaged people. Imagine its ability to stabilize and recapitalize troubled countries. Imagine a world where everyone shares its wealth. Imagine one worth living in. 


Global wealth represents low-hanging fruit out of reach. Instead of everyone benefitting, few do at the expense of all others. Injustice that great begs for transformational change. From the bottom up is the only way possible. Shedding light on what’s dark is a good way to start.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at


His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”


Visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Stephen Lendman is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Global Research Articles by Stephen Lendman
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"There is a certain computer program which actually drives the whole financial system and this computer program has received a virus on the 21st May this year, so the light forces can actually shut down the whole system just like that, just flick the switch and it’s gone and this might happen in the case of the mass arrest scenario, if this scenario is going to be executed in the way it was planned the light forces can just switch off the financial system and we have a banking holiday around the world everywhere and this is for the purpose of cutting the cabal away from their money..."

The interview happened around June 19th.  What was said then sounds like the 60 banks that are being hacked that was posted yesterday.  There was mention that a logarithm of unknown source and complexity, never seen before, was being used.

This so-called hacking sounds like a story to cover up that the forces of light takeover is in progress.


Good news about earth changes, confirming what other sources are saying.  I've been thinking along these lines and this further leads me to think that the PX scenario was/is a cover-up, masking the true reasons of earth changes caused by positive energies coming in from the galactic sun so (1) people would not awaken to the truth about Ascension and (2) it was an opportunity to create fear to further keep people from awakening.  This would mean, then, that ZT is an outreach of the dark forces (though many unwitting good-hearted people were sucked into it).  And, it just occurred to me, this could be the reason she ordered everyone to "not look at the sun."  Why?  We would see all the various spacecraft of the liberation forces!

As Lothar blogged earlier at, and as Cobra confirms in his interview below, the negative ETs are gone from Earth.  This, then, confirms that Nancy truly has been cut off from her source of information and is winging it (as I've been saying for two years and now have independent confirmation).  She's STS, no doubt in my mind from witnessing her behavior.  An STO could not have worked for STS ETs.  So, she's been working with the STS Zetas (who work with the US Government) and has been cut off.  Being as STS as her employers, and not wanting to lose her position of power and ego-stroking, adoring fans, she has been trying to wing it for years.  It all makes sense now. 

Lisa:  I know there is a lot of talk and you’ve mentioned it before but earth changes, severe earth changes most of the information coming to us about earth changes that will happen are coming from off world sources as are the information about ‘they will be mitigated’ but there is nothing that I am aware of really here on the ground to suggest that we are in for earth changes, nobody’s talking about it from studying the planet and what’s going on with it, it has been said that this is just another fear paradigm that is being orchestrated either by the darker ET’s or the Archons or the cabal, if it fact earth changes are part of this process, why?

Cobra: Ok, this is quite a complex story and I will try to explain, actually earth changes were a part of what was about to happen on this planet this was predicted a long time ago but the activity of the light forces have diminished the impact of those changes dramatically so actually the positive ET races have been expecting those earth changes to happen a long time ago and they did not because of the activity of the light forces on this planet and there might be some earth changes happening but not in 2012 much later than that. They might happen after a certain, then the critical mass of humanity will awaken and the purpose of those earth changes happening is to purify the planet, but day by day the situation looks brighter and brighter so there is nothing to fear and yes there is scientific evidence of those things there is a scientist by the name of Paul Violet? That is speaking about the activity of the galactic central sun and actually those earth changes are happening cyclically every 26,000 years when the galactic central sun gets active and right now we are entering the period of increased activity of the galactic central sun. But as I have said the positive light forces can direct the energy of the galactic central sun in a balanced way so that this process is not traumatic for humanity. So I would say there is nothing to fear.



Cobra on Stockholm Syndrome.  This is another phenomenon that keeps people glued to NZT, despite the obvious flaws:

Lisa: I know you said earlier that humanity is being held hostage essentially which is what has stalled action but is there also a great deal of concern about how humanity is going to react?

Cobra: Well, one of the main concerns of the light forces is actually the reaction of the masses to more definite action because some people will like it and some people will not like it and we have to deal with that, so actually the hostages have been programmed to the point where many of them don’t want to be liberated and that is quite a complicated problem and we are trying to resolve this right now.

Lisa: Yes it is like the victim falling in love with the perpetrator.

Cobra: Yes, yes, Stockholm syndrome.

Lisa: Yes, en mass.

Cobra: Yes

Lisa: It’s a shame, ....


Just remember, NZT said the economy would not collapse.  But it never spoke of mass arrests and all the other issues surrounding Earth's liberation from the dark cabal.  A closing thought, what better way to hide in plain sight than to screech about the "establishment" when you ARE the establishment.

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