particles (3)


  A new term, "Geo-engineering," has come to the fore at various international meetings dealing with 'Global warming' (now more correctly addressed as Climate Change).

  The term was officially embraced by the new U.S. presidential science advisor, John Holdern. Speaking at a recent international conference in Bonn, Germany, he revealed that "Geo-engineering" is among the "extreme options" under discussion by the U.S. government: Using space-age technology yet to be devised, he said, "particles will be shot into the Earth's upper atmosphere to create a shield that will reflect away from Earth the Sun's warming rays." While such extraordinary measures would be only a last resort, "we don't have the luxury of taking any approach off the table," Dr. Holdren said.

  Such new space-age ideas duplicate technologies that have already been used 450,000 years ago!

Back to the Anunnaki

  The audacious idea of protecting a planet thermally by creating a shield of particles in its upper atmosphere is not as revolutionary as it seems. It was, I wrote in my 1976 book The Twelfth Planet, exactly the reason why the Anunnaki - "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" - had come here some 450,000 year ago from their planet Nibiru.

  On Nibiru -- 'Planet X' of our Solar System - the problem was the opposite one: Loss of internally generatedheat due to a dwindling atmosphere, brought about by natural causes and nuclear wars. Nibiru's scientists, I wrote, concluded that the only way to save life on their planet was to create a shield of gold particles in their upper atmosphere. It was in search of the needed gold that the "gods" of the ancient peoples had come to Earth. Basing my conclusions on Sumerian and other texts from the ancient Near East, I wrote that the Anunnaki began to arrive on Earth some 445,000 years ago, establishing settlements in the E.Din (later Mesopotamia) and mining gold in southeast Africa.

  As I have written in subsequent books, "modern science is only catching up with ancient knowledge." The idea of 'geo-engineering' is borrowed from technologies of the Anunnaki.

© May 2009 Zecharia Sitchin

Reprinted with Permission

"ENKI," "NIBIRU" DOMINATE "2012" Symposium

   According to reports in the European press, "Enki" and "Nibiru" themes dominated a symposium held in Basel. Switzerland, on October 18, 2008, to discuss the ramifications of the "2012" prophecies.

   The gathering, attended by some 250 participants from across Europe, was in support of "Project Cheops", an initiative begun in 2001 in Poland to find the "Enki Connection" in Giza and Hawara in Egypt which – according to the speakers – "will enable Mankind to avert the looming 2012 catastrophies that will be caused by the return of Nibiru."  "Project Cheops," according to these reports, is supported by scientists from the universities of Wroczlaw (Breslau) in Poland and Cairo in Egypt.

   The locations for the search for the "Enki Connection" have been indicated by Lucyna Lobos, a Polish seer, who in a keynote address at the symposium asserted that the god Enki had left at those sites instructions how to create an Earth Shield to protect our planet from the catastrophic effects of the looming proximity of the returning planet Nibiru, alias Planet X. She warned that efforts must be accelerated to find this data and create the shield before 2012.

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Vatican Has Full Attention On Charged Particles

After Amy's recent postings about the Vatican, Earth Change Media is carrying this article...

(Part-I) Vatican Has Full Attention On Charged Particles
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

In my recent research, sparked by the statement of Pope Benedict XVI in confronting the current United Nations conference on climate change, I have stumbled upon the true focus - with a residue of urgent attention coming from the papacy.

I am amazed at the depth of interest coming from both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II, as it relates not only to the Sun-Earth connection, but to the inter-connectivity of the universe. Of course, it is understandable as one reflects upon the creation of the Heavens and the Earth; however, my research suggests the Vatican is interested in far more than the understanding of God.

Now It Gets Eerily Uncomfortable

The Vatican has recently summoned the greatest scientific minds in the world. Their interest is not just to understand the scientific understanding of creation, such as the "big bang", but to be advised of recent discoveries of charged particles.

Oh yes, charged particles. Not just the general meaning of what they are, but how and "why" they are. Pope Benedict XVI is particularly interested in the CERN experiments. Not just to reflect upon a scientists understanding of the 'big bang', but to question the causal effect charged particles have on humans.

As I'm digging into Vatican documents hidden in plain-sight, a picture has developed. I conjecture the Vatican is comparing what they posses in ancient text, materials, scrolls, first hand originals items of which none of us are aware - to recent scientific discoveries from spacecrafts Fermi, Plank, Wise, Chandra, and Cassini. Why these? Each one of them has brought back new information from deep space (universe) which has turned scientific formulas (understandings) on its head. Scientific bodies literally have to re-write the books.

What have they found?

I can only share what I know; although I probably know more than most, I don't know it all. What new data has revealed is a tangible correlation between charged particles (plasma) and a rhythmic orchestration between all living things - from the universe, to the stars, to the planets, to humans. Yes, it is what the Mayans call ether, the Christians call spirit, the Chinese call Chi, the Japanese call Ki, the Indians call Prana.

Yes, I know, many of you are saying to yourself: "I already knew that." But did you? Did you think the top scientists of the world believed this? Did you think religions would embrace the science of charged particles? Did you believe the Pope himself would science and spirit are one?


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There are two theories that I know of that explain the abnormally quiescent sun these past years:

"Per the Zetas, the reason for the low sunspot activity has to do with the magnetic poles of Planet X."

Per John DiNardo in March 2009, "...Planet X is in a fleeting interlude in its incoming travel, wherein it is gravitationally, electrically, and electromagnetically interacting with Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus, thus diverting its previous fire away from the Sun, but only temporarily."

In the same blog, in January 2010, he said, "...the reason why the extraordinary solar hyperactivity of the past decade had recently fizzled into a period of extraordinary quiescence is because inbound/sunbound Planet X was passing below Jupiter during 2008 to 2009, resulting in an electromagnetic and gravitational flirtation between the giant X and the gas giant, Jupiter, as evidenced perhaps by the great comet collision into Jupiter on July 20th of 2009, the comet presumably being just one member of the bee swarm of Planet X's gravitationally gripped horde of celestial bodies."

{Just from some research I did for John, another shred of evidence arose concerning the escalating rate (since 2001) of water main breakages which rate decreased in 2009, another indication that PX was "doing something different" that year.}

So, just within my knowledge (meaning there may be other theories I am unaware of), there are two schools of thought. One is that PX was actively hosing the sun with particles from its N Pole (thus, the sun's quiescent was caused by action on PX's part) and the other theory is that PX turned its affections away from the sun and directed them toward Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus (the sun's quiescence was caused by inaction on PX's part, i.e., it not interacting with the sun).

My first question is...could a planet (albeit a brown dwarf, heavily magnetic and allegedly four times the size of Earth and 23 times its mass) affect the Sun that much? Here is a perspective of the size differences....

{I reworked the questions in the next section after posting this...for those who may have already read this blog...}
Second question concerns absorbing magnetic particles...

"Now the magnetic N Pole of Planet X is pointed outward, as Planet X has risen to the Ecliptic and is into its first 270° roll. Thus, it is pointing its magnetic S Pole toward the Sun, which absorbs magnetic particles and thus has a quieting effect."

Can a planet that size actually shoot enough magnetic particles at the Sun the size of ours to calm it? Looking at the comparison images above, that just doesn't make sense to me, that Planet X could affect the Sun like that. And, another question, does shooting magnetic particles at the Sun even have a calming effect? Also, what about PX's N pole? It was pointed at the Sun too at some part of its journey. They say it is magnetic, like the S pole. So why only the S pole particles having a quieting effect? In any event, if PX was shooting magnetic particles at the Sun, it would only hit a small area at best. How would that affect the entire Sun? I think John DiNardo's theory makes more sense. What do you think?

A third theory surfaced after I wrote this. Take a look at the picture here Since Planet X (brown dwarf) entered our solar system in 2003 and since the "winged thingy" (an artificial vehicle aka "UFO") was captured shooting a beam at the sun, this solar period's quiescent certainly could have been influenced by help from our friends "out there." I think that John's theory about 2009 being "more quiet" is also valid. So, these two theories (UFO help + PX being turned away from the sun temporarily) are the most credible theories.

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