This statement has been issued by CREDENTIALED ASTROPHYSICIST JIM MCCANNEY, who I believe has been 'Muzzled' on the Topic of Planet X....It's "interesting" what he admits in his latest statement......SHELDON DAY

December 28, 2011 posting @

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  • After what Jim macceny has been saying recently and bearing in mind Johns  link to maccaneys audio of some years back we can see definite pattern. I keep an open mind but study all this, and it is unmistakable. we should take thought in at least preparing to prepare. I may re read Alan and Delairs book cataclysm again,  that was ferocious what happened 11500 years ago, when Atlantis was destroyed and all the other cultures,, the last NELE, God help,us if it happened again........

  • Right, Nicholas, according to John DiNardo's observations, something is coming from that direction.

    New island forms in Red Sea off coast of Yemen:

  • you are right, Cheryl if I may but in. all indications seem to point to this. looking at the security  state they are creating, and all the other preparations one suspects they have spotted it. one point, have you seen the two satellites just launched to study the moons gravity? I will place a thirty dollar bet these have nothing to do with the moon but are for studying the gravity field of the approaching body!!!!

  • Aurora, I think it's out by Saturn heading toward Mars, not Mercury. 

  • Very interesting radio show. Listening t him make you wonder how to live in a manipulated world. I guess knowledge is bliss.

  • Thanks for the heads up

  • This must be what we saw , that huge dark ball that was zipping by mercury a few months sources say that the next big war will be in the sky, and we will be the spectators..soon..cement bunkers ready???

  • Stephen, McCanney said "medium sized planet nucleus."

  • Amy, Prof. McCanney does not want his material cut and pasted to other sites, because of the amount of disinfo and threats he gets.  He wants people to get what he says from his site only, hence why I just linked to it.  So, folks, you need to go to his site to read it and the cut and paste needs to be removed.  Sorry, but we need to respect his wishes.

  • Norad, Prof. McCanney has been around for a long time.  He has a number of books, a couple on Planet X.  The $5 pamphlet is a good one to have because, besides telling you what to expect, he has given instructions on how to reconstruct the calendar after the passage, so we will all know when to plant our crops.

    Yes, he does sell Big and Baby Berkey's.  It helps fund his shows and websites.  He uses them in his travels to 3rd world countries and depends on them for clean water.  So he has thoroughly field tested them.  He wants to make sure his audience is well equipped with a way to have clean water, which is vital to survival.

    He has been an outspoken critic of NASA for years and has weathered much disinfo and many attacks. 

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