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  • Keith, do you remember which video that was on?

    There are a number of different Zeta groups.  I don't know which one he is referring to. 

  • I also have recall of seeing Zeta children, as well as seeing the nurseries and holding an infant.  The eyes were interesting.  They seemed to be spinning, like part of a developmental stage, it was weird.

  • Good question, Rosemary.  I don't know.  Cobra says the bad guys have left the planet.  I'll look around and see if I can find an answer.

  • That was really well made. As abduction of human stopped?

  • I have some of these memories.  Back in the '80s I wrote a story similar to the guy's story, except it took place on a bus and some kind of plant-like thing came up out of the floor and did the deed.  There were a number of humans on "the bus" and the driver was "different," aloof, watchful, always watching.  I have always wondered where the heck that story came from.  I guess I just found out.  OMG!  And, synchronicity style, I had just recalled that story yesterday.  And today, here it is. 

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