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  • Thanks Keith, I checked out those sources, but still couldn't say for sure. I guess this isn't my profession exactly. When doing a search online, only the 'conspiricy' websites had any info on this, and they pretty much just copied and pasted each other. I wonder if this is another way to scare us that 'the sky is falling' ... I honestly can't say for sure. I wonder if the Italian chap who first flagged this is still keeping up with his theory ...
  • OK I found these sources, but coudn't tell if the current had stalled or not ...
  • Hi Keith, I took a look at and was wondering if there any source you've seen that shows the actual NA current temperature? Thanks.
  • I hate cold weather!!! I read it was caused by the slowdown of the gulf stream. I hope this is not what we are in for.
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