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Blossom Goodchild / February 15 / Very uplifting msg
Posted by stembi on February 15, 2025 at 2:37pm
Posted by Wm on January 31, 2025 at 8:10pm
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Yes, I do see hope in all of this.
@ Paul... No, your preps are not wasted. As for elevations, stay away from coastlines and large bodies of water. I was confirmed that where I am at is as safe as any place is. I am 300 miles east of Virginia Beach (160 miles as the eagle flies) at an elevation of around 2,500', in the Appalachian mountains. Just remember, water is just one of the dangers. No one can predict where fireballs will land or sinkholes will open up. Then there's the winds and rains and shaking... We all hope the ETs are mitigating the worst of it or, if that fails, will evacuate as many as they can.
Thanks for the kind words, Paul. You said, This is probably why she went in for the kill, she knew you were a real contactee and more importantly with the STO aliens.
I love confirmations. That's exactly what happened. I'm a writer and frequently interesting things come out in my writing that later come to pass. Here's an excerpt from a draft of a story I have in development that might seem a bit deja vu. It's more of an outline at this stage, more tell than show, but you'll get the idea:
Anne O'Ryan was different and she knew it. People didn't naturally gravitate to her nor did she have many friends. She accepted the reality though it had puzzled her all her life. Only recently had she discovered why: she was an alien soul who couldn't relate to what Earth people considered important.
Anne had been awakened early because a crisis had erupted: the C`eta Emissary had been compromised by the Betans, an alien race physically similar to the C`etas but highly aggressive and morally deficient. Agreements with the U.S. Government had been broken by the look-alikes, creating a diplomatic nightmare that would end in war if it wasn't quickly brought under control.
Anne's mission was to neutralize the Emissary and her propaganda machine, currently ensconced at Gerhardt's international website; a once shining light of C`eta goodwill, but now dimmed by disinformation discrediting the C`eta message of peace and friendship.
Anne didn't know if Gerhardt knew the Emissary was being controlled, but yet, how could he not know? And if he knew, why did he allow it? Had he gone rogue, too? The thoughts were troubling. Being telepathic, C`eta society operates at the highest levels of trust, and betrayal of this order is a high crime.
Incarnation has its risks but it is no excuse. The attendant amnesia of third density causes a soul to forget who it really is. The pressures of life can sway beliefs and cause a soul to abandon its mission. And wrong choices in that life can create problems for a soul's return to its prior life. For her treachery, the human soul known as the Emissary would be left in third density to work through more soul lessons; a harsh but necessary action for soul growth.
The C`eta High Council also sanctioned the Emissary by withdrawing its protection after she waxed prophetic, in their name without their permission. Every recent prophecy she made had failed, but that was the point…to discredit the C`eta message and delay the alien disclosure so fear and hostility could be instilled into Earth's inhabitants.
Why? Because other worlds had technology far more powerful than Earth's combined military might. The evil men who controlled Earth weren't willing to allow entities more powerful than they in the door without restraint, so intense negotiations went on behind the scenes until agreements were hammered out. And it was those agreements that were being violated by the Betans, who wanted to invade, working through rogue elements of the US Military who believed that all aliens were hostile, brain-sucking creatures that were better off dead, a nice piece of propaganda from the powers above the powers.
Anne wasn't consciously aware of these realities when she joined Gerhardt's group and enthusiastically began promoting the C`eta message of love and help and preparing people for the alien disclosure. Horrified, the Emissary started a whisper campaign to discredit Anne and force her out, but it backfired.
However, Anne sensed the day was coming when she would have to leave and, in anticipation, prepared her own site to continue promoting the pure C`eta message. When she finally left, she did so quietly; but many followed anyway. The Emissary was ordered to shut her down.
So, the attack was swift and brutal. The Emissary went public with a full-fledged character assassination campaign. Anne launched a successful defense and nailed her cold, which damaged the Emissary's credibility and further enraged her. She then sent spies to Anne's site for the purpose of disrupting the group, chilling free speech, and discrediting the C`eta message.
The Emissary also issued proclamations in the name of the C`etas about how evil Anne was and how they had punished her by giving her a nervous breakdown and that she was too weak to handle the “troublemakers” who had followed her, so her website would implode soon.
Of course, none of the proclamations and prophecies came true. Anne was not evil, nor did she have a nervous breakdown. Her site never imploded, instead it was growing steadily with thousands of readers worldwide. And the only troublemakers were the Emissary and her spies! The saying when you point a finger at someone three fingers point back at you still rang true.
However, none of that mattered because the worst that could happen had happened. She had found Zighe. And he was the Emissary's right-hand man! Of course, Zighe wasn't his Earth name. It was Gerhardt. And he lived over a continent and an ocean away, a citizen of Germany.
And here she was, Ahn of the C`etas, in Los Angeles, California, a citizen of the United States of America known as Anne O'Ryan, watching galaxies swirl in the bottom of her chai cup and wishing with all her heart she could go home.
You can read the rest here:
I've examined Lothar's two pictures in detail using what common tools and knowledge I have, I think the two pictures are of the same person. While in one picture his chin and neck are blocked by the wine glass, and in the other, he has on sunglasses, a slight smile (which stretches the lips and lifts the cheeks), and his face is at a slight angle to the camera, and both have different lighting, there is still enough that can be verified, such as his right ears are the same shape, the hairline in both images are the same pattern, there is a skin artifact on his left cheek in both pictures (more visible in the wine glass image because light is falling directly on that area), his right eyebrow appears to be the same shape, and the span of his shoulders are consistent with each other. And, if you think I missed anything, please note he hadn't shaven in a few days in his wine glass picture. ;-) Further, there is what appears to be a scratch above his left eye in the wine-glass photo that doesn't seem to be in the other image. Probably something he acquired on his bike tour.
Lothar, she'll complain you have sunglasses on and your pictures will end up with red lines all over them showing how your hairline doesn't match and you're hiding your eyes in one and your chin in the other, and on and on it goes. Also, you need to use the newspaper to show the date.
@ Paul...
Can you confirm that Nancy is a real contactee? No. I didn't get to know her until the first half of 2010. The behavior I personally witnessed was inconsistent with an STO person. It logically follows that she could not be with the STO Zetas, they would not use a non-STO person as their emissary. Thus, I believe if she was a contactee at all, she was with the STS Zetas who worked with the U.S. government.
For several years, I have been saying that I think the Zetas abandoned her. One criterion is that she has gone against the rules and predicted dates, which have consistently failed. Another is her ZT on me has been 100% inaccurate and was used as part of a defamation campaign. Another is her use of standard government disinformation tactics. It all adds up to STS behavior.
This is not how an STO emissary of a benevolent alien race would behave. Why would she have to resort to low vibration tactics if she were truly backed up by a higher density, telepathic race? Why would I still be here, two years later? If I were an "enemy," why did they ever let me get close to her? Or Lothar? Or AlexR? Or Co S? Etc. Does a higher density race like to sabotage themselves and create useless drama and distraction? Does that forward their agenda to help the common man? No, of course not.
Everything I saw about her was just an earthbound, eclipsed human using nothing but human tools to hang on to her claim to fame. She has an enormous ego and when she writes ZT where the Zetas are praising her, it's her praising herself. How many times have you heard her brag about her "international fame"? STO's don't engage in bragging about themselves. She uses people without conscious and uses ZT to manipulate her adherents. I never saw her at any meetings with the good Zetas. Gerard was there, but she wasn't.
Could the Zetas have left her? Yes, I believe they have. Lothar posted a blog recently explaining a likely theory why: I don't think she was associated with the good Zetas.
Is the 7/10 sequence real, have you been informed by the Zetas of this sequence (you mentioned you were invited to holographic presentations)? See Nancy's holographic presentation (if it actually happened) could be one of a number of scenarios. With all the variable factors involved in an event this size, there is no way to calculate how it will play out, even for a more advanced race. Her ZT even contradicted her "holographic presentation" being the last word in what would happen by saying that "Calculations are something that are constantly re-evaluated...." See If calculations are "constantly re-evaluated" then how could the holographic presentation have been accurate? I would not count on the geological events happening in the order of her holographic presentation since other factors have entered the picture, such as the energies from the galactic sun and ET intervention and mitigation of earthchanges, which ZT never contemplated.
Has Gerard? You'll have to ask him.
Do they feel as real as going to meet a human? It depends on your recall. My recalls tend to not have sound and I don't get a complete running movie. I get "excerpts." You can read about my experiences here: However, what I do get seems as real as being there in the same room with them and the different life forms are nothing unusual, once you meet them and get to know them.
What do the Zetas think of Nancy's behaviour? The link to "7 of 10" above answers this question. Remember, my group of Zetas are not the same as hers. The good Zetas do not like having their name associated with her unethical behavior. She is making a mockery of ETs and has done more damage to the issues of disclosure and first contact than any other person.
The person who has the obsession about number of views doesn't realize how much we don't care. If I bothered, we could be bigger, but my obnosis (observing the obvious) is that (1) Ning's are not made for large groups, more like medium sized, (2) Ning's that have even several thousand members turn into zoos, (3) I am not a zookeeper.
I think many of us agree that we like the homey atmosphere here in our small town and you just can't achieve that with a large group. You don't really get to know one another. And it's too easy for disruptors to infiltrate. I guess the obsessed one hasn't quite grasped that yet.
And, really, why make such an issue of it, except to try to persuade people to not bother to come to such a TINY TINY podunk ning, unless of course maybe there's something here they don't want people to see... like the truth about NancyTalk and her Zeta scam. It's nothing more than a NancyRant. And most everyone over there sees it for what it is. It's ugly when a rep goes down, isn't it? Yessss.
This seems to be the most popular "debunking" thread on GLP:
He reads, Dianna.
The future is always changing, and can be dependent on man's actions.