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Initially this seems like a good idea; that is that there needs to be some sort of monitoring of the radiation levels along the west coast of the USA..

But then they are asking individuals or communities to donate a minimum of $100 in seed funding, and WHOI will create a fundraising website for each location that is selected for sampling and testing.

Then, the last sentence states:

“If they (the public who are very freaked out by all this talk of radioactivity) can actually see the numbers and a commentary as to what they mean, hopefully that’ll put them at ease."

This to me appears to assume they have already determined what the reading will be (ie not so bad).  Mmmmm....

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The Common Sense Show


Sometimes I wish I could be a sheep. If I could, I would be in better shape and would probably still be coaching college basketball and I would get to sleep in more. However, I cannot be a sheep because I have a family and I know the children of this nation have no future unless the adults stand up and take back what we have lost.

Mark my words America, if we do not defeat the banksters who have hijacked our government, our children are going to be condemned to a life of poverty, hopelessness, shorter lifespans and abject misery.

When you sheep are watching reality TV or playing fantasy football, do you ever think about your child in the next room who needs your help because the globalists have stacked the odds against them?

sheeple 2

 A Rudderless Generation

Growing up is filled with challenges, disappointments, excitement and anticipation of the future. Growing up should contain some measure of enjoyment and the self-satisfaction that the pride in our own personal growth can bring. However, for too many of our soon-to-be young adults, life is filled with misery, disappointment and a sense of hopelessness.

Society is responsible for providing an environment which fosters growth and the freedom to explore one’s limits. And for decades, America produced children which surpassed the accomplishments and life-style amenities of the previous generation. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. At one time in this country, parents formed the backbone for child development along with teachers and clergy. Today, the influences on our youth are not what they should be. Today’s sheep have largely forsaken their duty as parents. Take a look at what children say about the influences in their lives.

Today, where do these influences come from? A Gallup Poll from the late 1950′s asked teens to rate their biggest influences on their attitudes and lives and they listed these variables in the following order:

1. Parents       2. Church     3. Teachers   4. Peers   5. Media

Fifty years later, this same survey produced the following results:

1 & 2. Peers and media are in a virtual tie  

3. Parents   4. Teachers   5. Church

(information derived from a conference presentation on child safety sponsored by the state of Arizona in 2006).

Something Is Terribly Wrong

Increasingly for our young people, the world is not a safe place. In many areas of the country suicide has replaced car accidents as the leading cause of death. There are an estimated 8-25 attempted suicides for each suicide death. Therefore, the suicide rate is only a small representation of the hopelessness being experienced by the younger generation. The misery index in this country for our young people is off the charts. teen suicide 2Since 1968, suicides for people aged 15-24 have risen over 300%. This is a global phenomenon as suicide is now the second leading cause of death United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many countries of Western Europe. Russia, Vietnam and India are experiencing similar increases. What is the number one reason why teens are killing themselves? The straightforward and simple answer is that they have a foreboding sense of hopelessness. Life is bleak and meaningless and all their cell phones, IPADs and X-Box games can not fill the void of emptiness.

Hopelessness is the number one predictor of suicide.

This Is Not the Way It Is Supposed To Be

Traditionally, when teens grow into adulthood, they begin to learn that they have a measure of control over their life. Through trial-and-error, teens gain knowledge and acquire the tools necessary to solve their problems in the best way that they are able.

In the past, when we felt hopeless, we pulled through our crises with the resources we had at our disposal and with the support from friends and family. Increasingly, that support has all but eroded. For teenagers, their overwhelming sense of hopelessness is enough to cause them to take their own lives. Most teens who survive suicide attempts say that they tried to kill themselves because they were trying to escape a situation that seemed impossible to deal with, or they were trying to escape overwhelming feelings like rejection, guilt, anger, or sadness in which they lacked any significant degree of control.

We Have Forsaken Our Young Veterans

teen suicide 3 veterans

When many of our young men cannot find opportunity and/or meaning in their life, they often join the military. However, the opportunity afforded these young warriors is not what it used to be because when the government is done using them, this government vilifies them as they cast these young men aside like a pile of garbage.

One cannot watch a sporting event or a newscast without some praise being made in relation to our brave young warriors. Despite the glorification of our troops, a U.S. military veteran commits suicide every 65 minutes, or at the rate of 22 per day. When a young man or woman enlists to defend their country, they are idealistic. However, when serving one of their many tours in Afghanistan, they are ordered to guard the opium fields and to not fire upon the drug lords as they pass through military checkpoints. It is easy to understand that these young people can quickly lose their sense of duty and retreat into a lonely world where they trust nobody and their only goal is to survive. When they are discharged from the service, they return to a nation which has a destroyed economy along with corrupt leaders who make the veterans question their service to their country. Most veterans, as in past wars, are riddled with guilt for the traumatic acts of survival that they had to engage in. However, unlike most of our past wars, they come to learn that their service is a charade and they do not serve the American people and our national interests. Rather, they come to know that they serve the stockholders of the oil companies, Goldman Sachs and the corrupt elite that run this planet. Just ask Pat Tillman’s family.

Children and veterans see through the deceit faster than the rest of us who are blinded by television and mainstream media propaganda.

What Is the Solution?

Teenagers and veterans are the canaries in the mine. By their suicides, children and veterans are telling us how badly our society stinks. The solutions for these mental health issues does not lie within individually treating depression and accompanying suicidal symptoms. The problem I am describing here is the system, not the individual in its causation. Our new-found collectivist society is the culprit which is robbing our children of their freedom and self-determination.

It is inherent for humans to be free and without freedom, life becomes meaningless. The New World Order controls society with its mindless entertainment with everything from American Idol, to the Oscars, to the NFL, and the propaganda machines of the networks and in our public schools are working overtime in an attempt to get children to accept their place in the NWO with an accompanying loss of freedom in the name of serving the “greater good” of collectivism. And all of this is possible because we live in a nation, not of men, but of sheep.

sheep question authorityOur children and our veterans are telling us that they do not want to live in this world and neither should you. I am not endorsing suicidal behavior. However, It is only a matter of time until all of us feel the same pervasive sense of hopelessness. IF you do not care about living in the squalor, filth and moral decadence that is the NWO, then maybe the welfare of your children should jolt you into action.


hopeThe hopelessness spreading across the country and planet is approaching epidemic levels. The adult sheep of this nation have made their bed and they should lie in it. But what about their children? I find it incomprehensible that any parent would not fight for their children’s survival.

Maybe if our teens saw their parents standing up to the tyranny and immorality, they might see a ray of hope in their future. Maybe, if the sheep demanded that our government reach out to our vets instead of incarcerating and drugging them for incorrect political views, perhaps they would want to rejoin society upon completion of their service. Maybe if the sheep collectively grew a backbone and took our world back from these moral degenerates, we could live out our lives in the manner that our creator intended.

What’s A Good Sheep to Do?


Start now! Pick out one cause that you can get behind and put everything you have into that cause. Whether it is the End the Fed movement, or forcing term limits on Congress, it does not matter. Do something, do it with others so our numbers can grow, before it is too late for our children

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"We all know that the radiation from the stricken Fukushima plant has spread around the globe and is poisoning people worldwide. We all know that the West Coast of the United States is being polluted with radioactive debris and that the oceans, the beaches that border them, and even the air is becoming more polluted by radioactivity as time goes on.

You have to ask yourself why the government won’t admit this. It’s not like a disaster half a world away is their fault is it?

Or is it? Could the United States government have done something to prevent the situation getting to this point?"

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They already know who owns guns many states away from where you live, very scary

HUDSON – John Filippidis, silver-haired family man, business owner, employer and taxpayer, is also licensed to carry a concealed firearm.

He’d rather he didn’t feel the need, “but things aren’t like they used to be. The break-ins, the burglaries, all the crime. And I carry cash a lot of the time. I’m constantly going to the bank.

“I wanted to be able to defend my family, my household and the ground I’m standing on. But I’m not looking for any trouble.”

Filippidis keeps his gun — a palm-sized Kel-Tec .38 semiautomatic, barely larger than a smartphone in a protective case — in one of two places, always: in the right-hand pocket of his jeans, or in the safe at home.

“There are kids in the house,” Filippidis says, “and I don’t think they’d ever bother with it, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

He’s not looking for any trouble, after all.

Trouble, in fact, was the last thing on his mind a few weeks back as the Filippidises packed for Christmas and a family wedding in Woodridge, N.J., so he left the pistol locked in the safe. The state of Florida might have codified his Second Amendment rights, but he knew he’d be passing through states where recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions affirming the rights of individuals to keep and bear arms have been met by hostile legislatures and local officials.

“I know the laws and I know the rules,” Filippidis says. There are, after all, ways gun owners can travel legally with firearms through hostile states. “But I just think it’s a better idea to leave it home.”

So there the Filippidises were on New Year’s Eve eve, southbound on Interstate 95 — John; wife Kally (his Gulf High sweetheart); the 17-year-old twins Nasia and Yianni; and 13-year-old Gina in their 2012 Ford Expedition — just barely out of the Fort McHenry Tunnel into Maryland, blissfully unarmed and minding their own business when they noticed they were being bird-dogged by an unmarked patrol car. It flanked them a while, then pulled ahead of them, then fell in behind them.

“Ten minutes he’s behind us,” John says. “We weren’t speeding. In fact, lots of other cars were whizzing past.”

“You know you have a police car behind you, you don’t speed, right?” Kally adds.

Says John, “We keep wondering, is he going to do something?”

Finally the patrol car’s emergency lights come on, and it’s almost a relief. Whatever was going on, they’d be able to get it over with now. The officer — from the Transportation Authority Police, as it turns out, Maryland’s version of the New York-New Jersey Port Authority — strolls up, does the license and registration bit, and returns to his car.

According to Kally and John (but not MTAP, which, pending investigation, could not comment), what happened next went like this:

Ten minutes later he’s back, and he wants John out of the Expedition. Retreating to the space between the SUV and the unmarked car, the officer orders John to hook his thumbs behind his back and spread his feet. “You own a gun,” the officer says. “Where is it?”

“At home in my safe,” John answers.

“Don’t move,” says the officer.

Now he’s at the passenger’s window. “Your husband owns a gun,” he says. “Where is it?”

First Kally says, “I don’t know.” Retelling it later she says, “And that’s all I should have said.” Instead, attempting to be helpful, she added, “Maybe in the glove [box]. Maybe in the console. I’m scared of it. I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I might shoot right through my foot.”

The officer came back to John. “You’re a liar. You’re lying to me. Your family says you have it. Where is the gun? Tell me where it is and we can resolve this right now.”

Of course, John couldn’t show him what didn’t exist, but Kally’s failure to corroborate John’s account, the officer would tell them later, was the probable cause that allowed him to summon backup — three marked cars joined the lineup along the I-95 shoulder — and empty the Expedition of riders, luggage, Christmas gifts, laundry bags; to pat down Kally and Yianni; to explore the engine compartment and probe inside door panels; and to separate and isolate the Filippidises in the back seats of the patrol cars.

Ninety minutes later, or maybe it was two hours — “It felt like forever,” Kally says — no weapon found and their possessions repacked, the episode ended … with the officer writing out a warning. Keep Reading


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In March 2001, the Taliban in 
Afghanistan destroyed the ancient 
monuments, known as the "Buddhas 
of Bamiyan", which were probably 
the biggest tourist draw for Afghanistan, 
prior to this heinous act, among 
many heinous acts that have followed 
and continue, there to this very day, 
causing the utter devastation of this 
already poverty-stricken nation.

This act was seen as a horrific tragedy 
by archeologists, historians, Buddhists, 
all lovers of ancient civilizations and 
cultures, which is listed as a World 
Heritage Site by by UNESCO.

Here, we see the Egyptian Salafi Sheik, 
Murgan Salem in November 2012 calling 
for the destruction of the Pyramids of Giza 
(plus a special taxation of Christians, 
while adding that, "Bin Laden was greater 
than Saladin"). This, to the annoyance of 
his moderate Egyptian TV host.

Academics and historians use the term, 
"Salafi" to denote "a school of thought 
which surfaced in the second half of the 
19th century as a reaction to the spread 
of European ideas," however, contemporary 
Salafis claim to follow "literal, traditional... 
injunctions of the sacred texts".

Salafism, like any similar practice of 
following dead-letter scripture, at the cost 
of all reason, in any religious branch 
constitute a danger to humanity at-large - 
in my humble opinion. Just look at this 
man's eyes!

Devotion to God, by definition, would not 
necessitate the desecration of magnificent 
historical monuments, nor the massacre 
of peoples of other faiths. But you already 
knew that...
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It's All Collapsing, Right On Schedule!

An original article from In5d's Gregg Prescott, where he highlights some significant positive developments just within the last few days...

It's All Collapsing, Right On Schedule!

Several HUGE stories surfaced that show a definite change in the direction of society, despite the mainstream media's perpetual monopoly on fear campaigns.

In McKee, Kentucky, two corrupt officials were arrested for abuse of public trust, engaging in organized crime including extortion or coercion, tampering with public records, forgery in the second degree, falsifying business records and criminal facilitation.

While these arrests are on a smaller level of government, they will serve as a template for those in higher positions of authority who have worked against humanity's best interests.

Another story of interest involves the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.

"Pope Francis shook up the scandal-plagued Vatican bank on Wednesday, removing four of five cardinals from an oversight body in a break with the clerical financial establishment he inherited from his predecessor."

I'll speak more about this and why it's happening NOW at the end of the article.

If this wasn't enough, there was an announcement today about a new alternative fuel that is safe and non-polluting and cost efficient...

(article continues at link)

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I found this quote interesting:  Accumulation of radioactive cesium has also been identified in over 20 woody plant species tested in Abiko, which is located some 125 miles southwest of Fukushima and just to the northeast of Tokyo.

Benjamin Fulford stated, I live 200 kilometers from Fukushima and have never detected anything beyond normal background radiation, even when there is heavy rain that has come from the direction of Fukushima.

I don't know which direction from Fukushima he lives, but 200 kilometers is 124 miles, and to the southwest there is reported radiation.

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New Post From Tolec, About The Ball Of Energy

Another indicator of the coming dimensional shift:

A number of you have asked about a very large 'sphere', a "ball of energy", recently discovered near the Sun, looking like nothing we have ever seen before.  Here is the video you have all referenced:

This is what I have learned about it:   a.)  it is a sphere of higher dimensional energy    b.)  this sphere is a being... a sentient, intelligent life force  c.) this life form comes from Menkent in the Centaurus constellation - in the southern hemisphere [you can research this location using "Stellarium" star chart software]  d.) it is a truly magnificent being whose life force is from 'beyond' the 13th dimension of life   e.) the specific purpose for this being to come here is to assist our solar system, including planet Earth, with the dimensional upward shift & transformation of this world... into that of the next faster/higher frequency/dimension of life.

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