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Russia blocks radioactive cars from Japan

Russia(NaturalNews) While officials in the United States astoundingly continue to deny that radiation levels originating from Fukushima pose a significant threat to American lives, despite many troubling pieces of evidence, Russia has shown its willingness to refuse radiation-tainted goods by turning away 130 used cars originating from Japan.

Over the course of the past year, Russia's consumer protection agency, Rospotrebnadzor, blocked importation of the vehicles, as well as auto parts, after testing due to concerns that they were contaminated with radioactivity.

"In 2013, Russia has banned 165 batches of contaminated goods from entering the country. There were mainly used cars - 132, and spare parts for vehicles - 33," read a statement issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

Ongoing Issues with 'Glowing' Used Cars from Japan

This is not the first time that contaminated water from Fukushima has impacted global trade or imports into Russia.

Back in July 2012, Rospotrebnadzor stopped nearly 300 Japanese cars at the port of Vladivostok that it considered to be contaminated by radioactivity, according to Gennady Onishchenko, Russia's Chief Sanitary Inspector and head of Rospotrebnadzor, who expressed worries about "glowing" Japanese autos.

According to RIA Novosti reports, out tens of thousands of Japanese cars imported each year for Russia's significant second-hand market, dozens fail radiation inspections each month at Russian ports and are sent back. Some 112 batch lots were refused, including used cars, spare parts, watercraft and specialized equipment.

"Since the disaster at Fukushima, 697 such items have been detected, 591 were banned from entrance," a Russian customs official reportedly told RIA Novosti in August 2013.

Japan set a voluntary limit of 0.3 microsieverts on exported used cars, but Russia has established a stricter limit of 0.2 microsieverts. According to the Wall Street Journal, Japan has suggested that Russian officials may be "exaggerating" their claims as an impediment to trade.

Rospotrebnadzor, or the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, was founded by presidential decree in 2004; it inspects and quarantines suspect items at hundreds of checkpoints across the country and assumes power over a wide range of goods and transport activities. The Russian watchdog agency indicated that it would continue "strict control" over all cargo throughout 2014, as it also monitors many foods including pasta, wheat, breads and, of course, fish.

Unsurprisingly, Russia has also been closely surveilling fish and seafood imports sourced from anywhere in the Pacific Ocean, especially those caught in Japan. It implements mandatory inspections for radioactive cesium levels on all Japanese food products.

A Rospotrebnadzor report stated, "Particular attention is paid to this issue in Russia's Far East, where radiation control of fish is being [widely] implemented, including the distribution chain."

Moreover, according to RT, fish from Japan is required to carry a special warning indicating that it meets safety standards for "the presence of radioactive substances" that have been established by the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

According to its website, Rospotrebnadzor even claims authority (in section 5.3.4 of its powers) to refuse, detain or quarantine "persons, who had suffered from radiation influence and subjected to radioactive irradiation in the result of Chernobyl and other radiation catastrophes and incidents." The Chernobyl nuclear accident, which happened in 1986 in then Soviet Union-controlled Ukraine, has widely been considered to be the worst nuclear disaster of all time, though many experts now say that Fukushima has outpaced it.

U.S. Radiation Monitoring Far Below Russian Standards

By contrast, U.S. regulatory agencies, including the FDA and EPA, have consistently played down worries about radiation - even stooping to raising its own official radiation limits in order to avoid sounding alarms with the public over contamination.

Though the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officially monitors all cargo vessels arriving from Japan, and the FDA claims that it routinely inspects Japanese fish, produce and dairy products, no incidence of contamination has ever been reported, casting doubt on regulatory vigilance.

There is little evidence that used cars are being screened for radiation, t

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PLEIADES This is awesome

There is a reverence in ancient, 
and in modern Japanese culture 
for the constellation that we call 
the Pleiades. 
As with the ancient Japanese traditions,
the Pleiades is considered to be their 
ancestral home, as with many ancient, 
non-assimilated indigenous cultures, 
spanning the globe.

The Pleiades constellation, in Japanese 
is called "Subaru". 

If you own or come across a Subaru 
automobile, check out the grille. 
It is a representation of the Pleiades 
This dance piece is special. It is a 
staggeringly beautiful light and dance 
performance piece, choreographed and 
performed by Saya Watatani and Maki 
Yokoyama, directed, with light animations 
produced by Nobuyuki Hanabusa and Seiya 
Ishii and music by Nobuyuki Hanabusa.
Video (under 4 and a half mins): 
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Polar Vortex Introduces Us to the Coming Ice Age

Forwarded by Sheldon Day...  Moving south sounds like a good idea for yet another reason...

Dr. Sircus Newsletter 

Polar Vortex Introduces Us to the Coming Ice Age

United States authorities warned residents to stay indoors and  stock up on food. A state of emergency was declared in New York and New Jersey.  Glacial temperatures  gripping large parts of the United States and Canada disrupted thousands of  flights and more than 2,900 flights  had been canceled on Tuesday Jan 7, 2014, according to flight tracker at .That compared with nearly 4,600 cancellations last  Monday bringing the four-day total to more than 11,000 flight cancelations.  Fuel lines were freezing up all over the place.

There  was no respite from the brutal chill for days. It was the coldest Arctic  outbreak in decades if not a century. Chicago saw some of its coldest weather  ever last Monday, when temperatures hovered around minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit  (minus 23 degrees Celsius). The arctic air drove  temperatures down to 32 degrees below zero in Fargo, N.D., and 25 below in  Comertown, Mont. Weather watchers recorded some of the coldest temperatures in  years in places as far south as Nashville, Tennessee, where the temperature got  as low as 4 degrees.

Venturing outside is dangerous under the kinds of conditions  that recently overtook much of the United States, keeping many schools and  businesses shuttered. Residents who were driven from their homes by power  outages in the Midwest longed to return to their own beds.  Over  20 deaths so far have been attributed to this  intense cold weather.
Subzero temperatures broke records in Chicago, at minus 16,  and Fort Wayne, Ind., where the mercury fell to 13 below. Records also fell in  Oklahoma and Texas, and wind chills across the region were 40 below and colder.  All 50 states saw freezing temperatures at some  point Tuesday. That included Hawaii, where it was 18 degrees atop Mauna Kea, a  dormant volcano.

"The cold is the real killer here," Indianapolis  Mayor Greg Ballard said Monday as he asked schools and businesses to remain  closed for another day. "In 10 minutes you could be dead without the  proper clothes."

The brutal polar air that pushed south as far as Atlanta caused air  temperatures across the United States to plunge, creating a massive 140-degree  Fahrenheit (77 degrees Celsius) temperature difference between the chilly  Dakotas and balmy Florida on January 5.

 What  is a polar vortex? It is  a low-pressure system that circulates from west to east in the Arctic during  winter. Late last week, a high-pressure system — called an atmospheric block —  situated over northeastern Canada and Greenland stopped this circulation  pattern, pushing the cold air into the United States. In some places it became  colder in the states then in parts of Antarctica!

The pulse of frigid air, called a polar vortex is evidence  of a warming planet right? For some people it makes perfect sense to conclude  that, but for others their instincts are telling them something else.

The truth is the atmosphere is in a rapid cooling phase as the sun cools (200 year low) and the volcanic activity  continues to increase. Just this last week another big volcano again put  atmospheric dimming gasses high into the atmosphere complicating the fact that  the sun is in a long term downtrend which means cooling for us.

Astrophysicists have been aware for years of what is going on in the sun and their  predictions are for cooling not warming. “We can expect the onset of a deep  bicentennial minimum of total solar irradiance (TSI) in approximately 2042±11  and the 19th deep minimum of global temperature in the past 7500 years – in  2055±11. After the maximum of solar cycle 24, from approximately 2014 we can expect  the start of deep cooling with a Little Ice Age in 2055±11.” –Habibullo I.  Abdussamatov, Russian Academy of Science, 1 February 2012

A volcano on Indonesia's Sumatra Island erupted at least 77 times  over the weekend, sending clouds of potentially deadly superheated gas  barreling down the mountain and forcing the evacuation of more villages in the  highly populated area. The disaster agency said that Sinabung had sent fine  particles of ash up to 4,000 meters into the air. That marks a major increase  in the frequency of eruptions and is mirroring an intensification of volcanic  activity being seen in many areas of the world.

“Scientists  and meteorologists have been struggling to explain saying one possible reason  for such a sharp temperature drop was that the kink in the winds came later in  the winter this year than in some previous years.” Doesn’t that make so much  sense? That’ the best the New York  Times could do, not sparing the ink to speak about the  sun or volcanoes as possible contributors to the extreme cold.

The  ignorance of the media and the government is overwhelming in its stupidity but  we know it’s really deliberate manipulation and holding back of vital  information. They blind the public to the truth and create a sea of suffering  as they lie, cheat and steal. Sometimes the government and the press come to  their senses, as we are presently witnessing with the marijuana issue, and  sanity dawns, but only after a sea of human wreckage.

There  is no doubt, no matter what anyone says, that we as a race and as individuals  will be severely challenged in the years ahead. Huge forces are at work and are  moving. We are moving toward a collective destiny and most interestingly our  present times have been prophesized by more than one source. Happy times are  not here again yet people with spiritual anchors know that no matter what - it  is time to be bright, intelligent and full of passion for life and service.

Are you planning on moving south? These Snow-white owls with  luminous yellow eyes are it seems as they set up winter residence at airports,  fields and beaches far  south of their normal Arctic range. The Florida Times-Union reports that one of the Arctic birds has  been spotted last week in Little Talbot Island State Park. It’s only the third  sighting of a snowy owl ever confirmed in Florida.

If one thinks carefully one can see that cold is more of an  immediate threat than low levels of radiation, which can kill over long periods  of time, but cold can kill in minutes. Have no doubt that the kind of cold  hundreds of millions of people just experienced can continue not only this  winter but can get even worse through the coming years. Millions of people have  just been given a hard lesson on how harsh life can get and how little they are  prepared for it.

According to a 2007 study on the  issue, cold weather kills more people than leukemia, homicide, and liver  disease. It’s especially dangerous among people living in poverty, like homeless individuals and low-income families who may lack access to well-heated  homes.  Public health officials are  warning that low temperatures also increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, as Americans rely on space heaters, fireplaces,  and wood stoves — which all emit the potentially deadly fumes.

For me the present cold snap in America comes as no surprise and it  should come as no surprise to anyone except to those who do not believe in  science or make it up as they go along. I have been writing and warning about  global cooling for quite a few years.

Our earth is losing  heat even as its core  bubbles its heat to the surface with more intensity. Of course when we have  extreme cold somewhere else is experiencing extreme heat but the trend is  clearly down to a cooler climate and longer harsher winters.

I am filling up my Sanctuary in Brazil with BioMats for each room to keep my guests warm on the cold nights but it  never freezes in the interior highlands in the heart of South America so no one  has heating in their homes down here. As long as the lights are working it is  the most efficient  way of keeping warm and healthy  no matter how cold it gets. 

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)

Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine

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Here is what happened on January 1, 2014

Received in email, no link....

Here is what happened on January 1, 2014
Income Tax went from 35% to 39.5%
Payroll Tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains Tax went from 15% to 28%
Dividend Tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate Inheritance Tax went from 0% to 55%
(55% on everything you receive from an Estate)
... these deflationary taxes ...their consequences for the general economy. 
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I think this one incident confirms that Fukushima happened.  If it happened, and nothing has been done about it, then it is still happening.  How could there be no radiation?

This is another site following Fukushima news, other than enenews:

Here's the "bio" on this site: was founded in 2007 by Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash and friends to stop a proposed $50 billion loan guarantee package meant to finance new nuclear reactor construction. Joining a successful national grassroots campaign, they established this website and recorded the YouTube video on the home page.

Editor Harvey Wasserman has worked with Bonnie, Jackson, and Graham since the late 1970s and the legendary Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) concerts in Madison Square Garden. This website is meant to inform and inspire those who continue to work for a green-powered Earth, free from the plague of atomic energy. Please feel free to write Harvey with your comments and with URLs for articles you'd like to see appear on these pages.

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Dear byron,  
Is America becoming a dictatorship? 
Is Tyranny about to destroy freedom 
in America? Will their be an Election 
2016? What role has The Federal 
Reserve Bank played? In this video, 
Fabian4Liberty exposes the forces 
behind the economic collapse, soaring 
autism rates, and the growing police 
Video (a little over 5 and a half mins): 
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Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca has announced his retirement one month after the arrests of 18 current and former deputies for the alleged abuse of prisoners and other offenses in local jails. Baca has served for nearly 50 years and had planned to seek re-election in June. But he now says he will step down at the end of the month. The charges followed a multi-year investigation into the systemic abuse of prisoners in Los Angeles County jails.



L.A. Deputies Face Abuse, Civil Rights Charges

Eighteen current and former Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies have been charged for the alleged abuse of prisoners and other offenses in county jails. Federal prosecutor André Birotte unveiled the indictments.

André Birotte: "The federal investigation found that these incidents did not take place in a vacuum. In fact, the examples of illegal conduct alleged in these indictments demonstrated that certain of the individuals and certain of that behavior had become institutionalized. Some members of the sheriff’s department considered themselves to be above the law."

At least 16 officers, some high-ranking, were arrested in Monday’s sweep. The charges follow a multi-year investigation into the systemic abuse of prisoners in Los Angeles County jails.

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An article by Peter Kling:


The 5 Rothschild brothers and their Cabal tried to form a One World Government in 1814-1815 at the Congress of Vienna. They were financing Napoleon in an agreement to gain control of the Bank of France. When Wellington won at Waterloo, the Rothschild's won in London and captured the Bank of London by leveraging war bonds. Between the 5 brothers they had control of the major banks of Europe, the problem was Czar Alexander I of Russia, they defeated Napoleon and remained in control of their bank, hence they would not join the NWO of 1814 and the idea failed. This lead to Rothschild stating that his descendants would see the Czar's descendants wiped off the face of the earth, in 1917 that happened by the Russian Revolution which was financed by the Rothschild/Oppenheimer Bankesters, using the Czars own money. It is estimated that their banks held about 68 million Dollars of Czar Nicholas' personal money.

In 1897 the First Congress of Zion met in Switzerland, their main purpose was to resettle the Jews to "Promised Land", news of this got out before their meeting which was supposed to held in Munich Germany, but the protest among the Jewish community was so great they moved the Congress to Switzerland ("The Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion", are believed to be the "Minutes" of the First Congress of Zion). When World War I started the "Promised Land" was controlled by the Ottoman Empire, by the end of the War, England controlled the Promised Land and they also had the Balfour Agreement of 1919 supporting the "Jewish Right" to having their homeland back, this was inspired directly by the Rothschild family, remember whom controlled the Bank of England! The end of WWI also saw the birth of the League of Nations, the "Wild Beast" which ascends out of the "Sea of Turmoil" of WWI.

By blackmailing President Wilson the "Zionist" got the Federal Reserve started (To help finance WWI), They also got the first Zionist Justice of the Supreme Court appointed, think of Rudolph Hess as one of the Justices and it is pretty much the same thing. Zionist support ONLY Israel, no one else, the are the "Goyim Cowboys" rounding up all the Goyim Cattle to do their bidding, plain and simple! The Nazis were a combination of the German National Workers (Arbeit=Work) NA, and the Zionist whom controlled them, hence NA-ZI or Nazi. There is a strong possibility that Hitler's Grandpa was Barron Von Rothschild of Austria. The problem with the League of Nations was that the USA would not join it, even though President Wilson wrote the Charter for the League, he could not convince Congress to join. The other issue was no Jews were relocating to the Holy Land, they were happy living were they were, incentive was needed! So we got WWII and both Hitler and Roosevelt came to power in 1933 and both countries were prepared for war. The first thing Roosevelt did was make it illegal for Americans to use gold to settle debts and no one could own more then $100 Dollars in gold coin. The Rothschilds bought the American's gold for $23.67 an ounce and $380 Billion Dollars worth, the next year Roosevelt changed to strike price of gold to $35 pr oz and the Rothschilds made 40% on their investment and Americans just took a 40% hit on their "Federal Reserve Notes". The Roosevelt Family is the oldest banking family in America the started the Bank of New York back in the 1700's, you can be sure they had the Rothschilds buy ALLOT of American gold for them.
When WWII was over 6 Million Jews, mostly orthodox, were dead, The United States became a driving force behind the replacement of the League of Nations, the United Nations, and the first thing the UN did was declare Palestine a homeland for the Jews and Israel becomes a State. Let the wars in the Middle East begin!

1814, 1914, 2014? What can we expect in the coming future? Watch the 2sd and 3rd quarters of this year, the "Fun" is about to start... IS THE THIRD TIME THE CHARM FOR A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT?
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