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Mars Glowed In An Electric Coma Of Plasma

Email from Sheldon Day...

Oct. 3rd: An amateur astronomer photographed Mars, glowing in an electric coma of plasma, apparently absorbed from its electrical flirtation with the highly plasmatic, Sun-drawn Comet ISON. As I have stated a week ago, this government shutdown conveniently shuts down our eyes in the sky, our tax-paid government telescopes, so that the public will not become alarmed over Comet ISON's approaching perils.


Prof. James McCanney announces that has been informed that Mars has recently become engulfed in a comet-like plasma coma, obviously absorbed from the passing, dangerous, government-concealed Comet ISON.

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Well, all the scripts seem to be agreeing...

Be ready, when required, to explain why new governance emerged. This will drastically change your lives on this world and is all part of the decrees in action issued in pure Love from the highest regions of Creation.

Divine purpose is in play.

Ummac Dan 2

8 Cauac, 2 Xul, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! We come now to explain a number of events that are happening across your globe. The dark remains in retreat. Its secret officers are ready to surrender when so called on. Our various liaisons are concluding a series of private discussions with the diverse leadership of our earthly allies. These talks have set up a number of recent dates for concluding all the pre-landing events that are to be announced by new governance. The talks also set the date for the end to the UFO cover up and when we can formally broadcast our schedule to surface humanity. We are most anxious to conclude all that needs to be done before we can meet you. Our mentors are ready to begin a special interaction with each of you but this first requires that we give a few talks about what this mentorship is all about. Moreover, we need to briefly outline your history and how you fell into limited consciousness. We are your family and dearly wish to begin a way to return you to your former state of consciousness. In addition, we have technologies that can help you in this transition to a full consciousness lifestyle.

Full consciousness will open up a greatly enlarged reality—a reality you will easily be able to hear, smell, taste and sense. This reality includes not only your normal 3D scope but a number of other dimensions as well. This increased set of possibilities opens up a world that you cannot yet fully imagine! Our mentors' prime task is to prepare you for what is to come. This will include a large number of "hands-on" sessions where you can temporarily experience what is to come. Further, we intend to help this process when you tour our many motherships. We have educational tools on-board that can aid in your experiences of what you are to be. As part of this grand set of procedures, we will introduce you to your Inner Earth cousins, the Agarthans. The time approaches for the end to this great secret that the dark has long hidden from you. All planets and stars are hollow. Beneath the surface of Gaia is another world that has always been within the realm of full consciousness. This 5D reality is in fact larger than you can imagine.


This is why Gaia is to expand when your planet reunites as a full 5D reality. This expanded realm will also see the return of two moons that are three-fourths the size of your present "Moon." Each will orbit approximately 180 degrees apart from each other. Moving your present satellite will be accompanied by a series of talks by us that will explain the true ancient history of your world. In this Light, you can better understand the convoluted mishmash that is your present set of philosophical beliefs. This is something that you need not treat as sacred, but realize it was simply a means used by your former Anunnaki masters both to deceive and manipulate you. This will be replaced by truth and a sense of what is really divine. Your Ascended Masters will give you an even deeper understanding of what it means to be both immortal and fully conscious Beings of Light. These facts will form a foundation that you can use to gain a sense of who you really are!

True identity is quite empowering, and it can provide a glimpse into what Heaven really is, and the divine relationship between the physical and spiritual realms. This sacred interaction is the prime mover for all of our social actions. You are to enter a realm filled with truth, ritual and special actions. We are both individuals and a collective. You will learn exactly how all things are one, and about the glories that transcend all realities. You will be able at all times to confer with your spiritual and physical guides. This is something that we hold sacred. You are to learn of this and discover how you can best interact. You each have a truly unique set of spiritual and physical relationships. These form the basis of our daily interactions within our galactic societies. Your mentor is to give you a slight "taste" of this, and realizes the need to prepare you for the beginnings of your new life as a successful galactic Being.


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you bearing most blessed news! You are very close to the changes that are finally to set you free. Our associates and those who help them to create the new financial system reached a fundamental series of agreements. These blessed ones set the final dates for your sacred blessings to manifest. In addition, the scenario that will allow new governance to appear was also agreed upon. Consequently, you are now in the final period before the end of this most dark and difficult reality. The change in currencies, as well as the arrests that will occur, are to portend the rise of the Light and the transition to a higher state of consciousness. We are most joyous and presently ready ourselves for the public lessons that we need to give. There is much knowledge and wisdom that you can use to transition to this new reality. Our grand blessings go out to you!

As you receive, be ever aware of why this is happening. The dark cabal is losing its wealth while you are gaining yours. Divine purpose is in play. Hence, use these funds wisely and permit your brethren to enjoy the fruits of this new prosperity. Realize that a new reality is dawning and reflect on your new fortunes. Be ready, when required, to explain why new governance emerged. This will drastically change your lives on this world and is all part of the decrees in action issued in pure Love from the highest regions of Creation. You will receive messages not only from space families and us but also from your spiritual families. Your isolation is to end formally and be replaced with a great reunion of all that encompasses humanity in this galaxy.

We come as representatives of Spirit and express the Light and the Light that constantly abounds from on high! We wish to explain the grand responsibilities that will emerge from this great reunion. The living soul that is Gaia dearly wishes to return to her former glories and knows what your future tasks are to be. She is proud of all of you and wants to do her part in being the base for your most heroic and grand galactic societies. Much is to happen after you create this new star nation. Heaven decrees many things to us about those responsibilities we will take on as a collective. Indeed, the entire family of humanity expects great deeds from us! We are to bring joy and use these deeds to further the unfolding of Creation in all of physicality. We say this and shout Hosannas to the Lord Creator of us all!

Today, we carried on with our messages. As you can see, we are very close to what we all desire. The time comes for all to accept this new reality in glee and to understand fully what is expected of us. This great reunion approaches. Be ready to accept all that it implies! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Jon David Miller

There are at least eight disasters that may soon change life as we know it, and seven of them are already underway. Most of these could cause an early death for millions.

Unfortunately, far too many people are unaware of how serious the situation is. They have the “normalcy bias,” the faulty assumption that normal will continue because it seems to have done so in the past. In actuality, “normal” has been changing throughout the entire life of each of us.

8 Life Changing Disasters

Sophisticated economic, political and social manipulation, the increased damage capabilities of war, widespread pollution and technologies from nukes to nanobots to death ray frequencies that raise the possibility for the end of all life on Earth. It all has made life very fragile and challenging in this era of humanity.

Beyond that, we must understand that there are elitist powers that control the finances, resources and technologies, and run the world’s institutions, that want the vast majority of us to be dead and gone. They think they don’t need us anymore. So they are not trying to prevent these disasters; they are causing or facilitating them.

There is little time to awaken as many people as possible to reality, so they can first protect themselves and their loved ones as much as possible, then work to prevent the worsening of these disasters that could yet unfold, and reverse the aspects in progress.

1 – The Economic Disaster

The international banksters intended from the start of the United States of America to control the finances. It took them about a century to get their agents strategically planted. By fostering the Civil War and manipulating key officials in the aftermath, they got a strong foothold in Washington, D.C. that culminated in the implementation of the Federal Reserve as a privately controlled central bank in 1913.

By allowing the bankers to freely issue our currency then lend it to the government at interest, as well as to businesses and individuals, coupled with the debasement of the dollar by divorcing it from gold and silver backing during the 20th Century, the “fiat” dollar has been reduced in value by 98% in 100 years.

The nation is so deep in debt that we are essentially owned by China, Japan and primarily the international banksters, headquartered in the City of London, Wall Street/D.C., The Vatican and Switzerland.

The mortgage fraud, the shaky derivatives market and the lessening status of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and “petrodollar”, have the financial markets, big banks and even governments on the verge of collapse. If nothing worse, excessive inflation in the U.S. is likely to ramp up very soon.

Warnings are being issued by a number of honest financial experts to minimize exposure in dollar-related assets, such as bank accounts, insurance, annuities, bonds and stocks. There could be a “haircut” tax in the U.S. on assets, as already done in some parts of Europe. In addition, pension funds of all types are vulnerable, including 401(k)s. Most recommend durable assets such as precious metals or land, or asset-backed foreign currencies.

The Great Recession of the last five years could become what trends researcher and forecaster, Gerald Celente, calls “the Greatest Depression”. Economic disaster is a major tool for the roll out of The New World Order Empire.

2 – The Food Disaster

The health of a population is tied to the quality of their food and the richness of their agricultural soil. The Standard American Diet (SAD) has worsened even as understanding of natural health and nutrition has grown over the last century.

Giant agribusiness and food product manufacturers control most of the food supply, with motives of high profit and poor health. The corporate interests guide the consumer to the medical establishment and early death with deteriorating health.

The introduction of heavy reliance on chemical farming methods after World War II, has caused further erosion of the mineral values of our soils and thus the quality of our crops. Weaker plants are more susceptible, so there has been increased use of toxic herbicides and pesticides, and more recently Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), all of which are unhealthy for consumption by people and animals.

Further, the expansion of fast food and junk food as a share of the dietary intake, with all the chemical additives for flavor, color and preservation, has the public consuming a lot of chemicals with not enough good nutrients. The bogus replacement of natural nutritional elements with synthetic lab substitutes is also not good for health.

Meanwhile through techniques of weather control, extremes of drought and flooding, and through manipulation by officials around the world, food supplies are little available to many. Starvation and severe malnourishment diseases, combined with chemicals are being used in the Third World as a faster method of population reduction, than the more subtle method of shortening life with just poor nutrition and chemical toxins that has been employed by the power controllers in modern techno-industrial societies. They now seem to be getting ready to try increasing the death levels with a combination of disasters, including an expanded food availability crisis.

3 – The Health Disaster

The SAD diet in conjunction with purposeful public poisons, including all the chemicals in foods, the chlorine and fluoride in water and the routine spraying of chemicals in the air as part of atmospheric aerosol geoengineering (“chemtrails”), all this has undermined good health for many people. Degenerative diseases that few should have if educated, are very common.

The solutions offered by the pharmaceutically controlled medical establishment have made health much worse. From vaccinations to daily drugs, the health of most of the population has been compromised by this industry.

As a result, people’s immune strength is weakened and far too many are susceptible to whatever pandemic might make the rounds. There are severe viruses and bacteria that have been developed as bio-weapons, and some of these may be used as another tool of massive population eradication by pandemic.

4 – The Mental Disaster

Ignorance, distraction, mass hypnosis, misinformation and staged events such as war, were the primary mind control tools of the powers that be until technologies made it so much easier for them.

Several of the widespread chemical poisons, including fluoride, aluminum, mercury and psychotropic medicines, facilitate reduced intelligence, mass apathy and mind control.

Movies, radio and television have allowed the controllers to reach the masses with powerful manipulative messages, both apparent and hidden. Television itself is a means of hypnotic entrainment.

The educational system was taken over long ago. Public schools were set up for training compliant corporate workers. Only the basics of a few subjects are offered, with much disinformation. Simultaneously, the institutions of higher learning were reorganized influenced by outside funding to center research and emphases around global corporate interests.

After years of development stemming from Nikola Tesla’s insights, Nazi experiments and further secret research programs, psychotronic frequencies are now employed to manipulate minds. RFID chips, cell phone towers, HAARP, nanobots, ELF waves, psychotronic weapons, “silent sound”, “voice to skull”, etc., these terms are the vocabulary of not only today’s surveillance technologies, but also of controlling thoughts, feelings and behavior with electromagnetic methods.

5 – The Social Disaster

Another of the “Secret Weapons For Quiet Wars” planned by the power elite has been the deterioration of the cities in Western societies. Trapping much of the poor and less educated in urban centers, then removing the job base to foreign lands, has created a vast dependency on government programs.

Distraction of the masses with fashion, celebrities, sports, personal technologies, mind warping games, drugs, crime, police actions, etc., keep people from paying much attention to the larger picture.

Big news false flag events are used to justify gradually increasing security measures, which many accept as necessary. Those who recognize and point out the hidden protocols such as Agenda 21 and other steps toward an emerging restrictive social system under global control, are marginalized.

It appears that the illegitimate fraudsters running the show have prepared the agencies they run for imposition of martial law, as the resistance they have fostered among those who are awakening has grown. Being restricted to your residence with limited if any travel, and possibly rationed food and water, would be very different from the accustomed lifestyle. Even worse would be everyone being transported to barracks at a camp.

6 – The Nuclear Disaster

The Fukushima nuclear catastrophe is the worst one yet. Radioactivity continues to spill into the ocean and travel around the globe through the air. The Northern Hemisphere is being increasingly contaminated, especially the north Pacific and the west coast of North America.

Over 1,300 used fuel rods are stored at Fukushima in a facility that is breaking down. Shortly, they plan to start moving these rods one at a time. If one rod drops, breaks or touches another, a nuclear fire or explosion could be generated that could start a chain reaction through all of these rods, even possibly effecting the rest of the reported 11,000 total rods located at this multiple reactor site.

If the Fukushima disaster is multiplied, life in the Northern Hemisphere may not be possible any longer. There are leaking nuclear plants in the U.S., too. These aging facilities are also vulnerable to natural disaster or to various types of attack.

We all know that nuclear weapons are in the hands of those who would like to harm the United States. A disaster could come by missiles from without, set explosions from within, or by cyber-attack.

We are already being radiated from Fukushima. An additional nuclear event could make that much worse. It is wise to learn to protect yourself by building up the iodine in the thyroid gland and the quality of calcium in the bones, while also detoxifying and strengthening the immune system.

7 – The Earth Changes Disaster

You may not know that the levels of earthquakes, volcanic activities, sinkholes and fire balls are raising concerns among many observers. Some these have caused serious disruption of lives, but there has not been much news coverage since the earthquake and tsunami destroyed much of northern Japan in 2011.

A major volcanic eruption could affect most of the world with ash dust emissions. Protecting one’s respiratory system would be essential. It is possible for a global dust cloud to cause a year or more of winter, interrupting crop production and forcing starvation for many.

Many other natural disasters, including storms, high winds, tornadoes, floods, drought, wild fires, extreme temperatures, deep snow and ice have damaged crops and homes and caused people great difficulties.

The Earth’s poles have been moving in recent years. Some think that we are near a major polar shift. Several prognosticators warn of major geographic changes.

At the same time, the sun’s activity has been abnormal. This is supposed to be a solar maximum period, but the sun has been less active than expected, yet once in a while it generates a massive coronal mass ejection (CME). If one of these comes right at Earth, we could have a major problem.

Meanwhile, Comet Ison approaches, which may have significant electromagnetic effects on the sun and/or Earth as it travels near over the next couple of months and goes around the sun in January. Some are concerned about meteors falling from a debris field trailing the Comet, as Earth moves through its path in January.

Whatever the cause, a powerful geophysical event could suddenly make life very different on this planet.

8 – The Power Outage Disaster

A solar coronal mass ejection is one way an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) could be generated that affects the power grid and communications on Earth. A nuclear explosion high in the atmosphere, or the use of a high tech weapon that can generate an EMP, are other ways the power could be shut down. It is known that enemies of the U.S. have developed such capabilities.

It is expected that an EMP would fry the power grid’s transformers as well as communications satellites. The power grid is so interconnected that an EMP could wipe out power for much or all of the continent. Another threat to this vulnerable system is a cyber-attack.

For some reason, legislation passed in the U.S. House of Representatives to strengthen our power grid was shelved in the Senate. Several government officials have warned that it is just a matter of time before a power shutdown occurs. Multiple agencies and companies across North America are planning a drill around a major power outage scenario for November 13-14.

When the power is out, your lights and heating system are not the only things that will not be working; there will be no water or fuel being pumped, refrigerators and freezers will not work, ATMs will be off, and stores and restaurants will probably be closed. It is anticipated that the digital devices in modern vehicles might be wiped out by an EMP, such that cars would stop running. In a few days, society would be in serious disturbance.

A recent television movie and website depiction of a just a 10-day power outage scenario by National Geographic suggests how problematic this would be.

Some are saying that the TV and website programs about this, together with the power outage drill and the warnings by public officials are “predictive programming” for a power down situation known to be coming.

Preparation Is Needed

There is little time left to prepare as well as possible. A power outage is the only one of these eight disasters that is not already in progress, but the possibility of is very real. I have suggested that people form a support community with nearby family, friends and neighbors. It is important to take immediate action to plan for provisions, security and survival, gather supplies and build any shelters deemed appropriate.


Jon David Miller is a social analyst, wellness educator, philosopher and singer/songwriter. His education includes a Bachelor of Arts with honors in economics from Ohio University, a Master of Arts in religion and a Master of Divinity from Hartford Seminary, and 40 years of experience in wellness education, business, community organizations, social studies research and writing.

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My question is why can't we do anything about this?  Why do we have to sit here and watch this cat destroy America?

In an email to WND, John outlined what he termed “a very few of the most egregious” aspects of Obama’s “attack” on the military over the past five years.


In an email to WND, John outlined what he termed “a very few of the most egregious” aspects of Obama’s “attack” on the military over the past five years.

He referred specifically to the Rules of Engagement in combat that were put in place after Obama took office, asserting that the changes resulted in very high casualty rates in Afghanistan, including the loss of 17 members of SEAL Team 6 in one incident.

“The Rules of Engagement precluded the use of suppression fire at a landing zone,” John said.

Echoing what other high-ranking officers have told WND, he said the Pentagon policy of repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” resulted in the first openly “gay” “major military force in the world.” The development has brought about “massive” sexual assaults on “thousands of straight military male personnel that have been covered up,” he said.

He also cited military chaplains’ being prohibited from reading letters in the pulpit from their cardinals during Sunday services as a restriction of freedom of religion.

These and other “social experiments,” he said, have constituted “a massive assault to restructure the military mindset, destroyed unit cohesion, unit morale and is negatively affecting combat effectiveness.”

John also referred to major cuts in the military budget that resulted in, for one example, restricting as many as seven aircraft carriers to port, “leaving them open to another Pearl Harbor-type of attack.”

Physical fitness qualifications for “tip of the spear units” such as the Rangers, SEALs, Green Berets and combat infantry are being downgraded, he said, so “women can be placed into those units.” Likewise, he added, “women have been assigned to submarines and ships resulting in relationships at sea that have broken up military families.”

Some senior enlisted personnel and commanding officers in the midst of six-month deployments, he said, have been removed because they got involved with the opposite sex, which degrades the ships’ battle readiness.

John sums up this way: “The net result of the occupant of the Oval Office’s new policies set for the U.S. armed forces changed and enforced by his civilian appointees at DOD continues to degrade the most effective military organization ever created.”

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Excerpted from Breitbart: The California Endowment, a foundation spending big bucks to promote Obamacare, has just delivered a $500,000 grant to TV writers and producers to sneak Obamacare promotions into their programs.

“The aim is to produce compelling prime-time narratives that encourage Americans to enroll, especially the young and healthy, Hispanics and other key demographic groups needed to make the overhaul a success.”

In a rather backhanded insult, grant recipient Martin Kaplan of the University of Southern California’s Norman Lear Center explained, “We know from research that when people watch entertainment television, even if they know it’s fiction, they tend to believe that the factual stuff is actually factual.” He continued on to say that “people learn from these shows.” Keep Reading

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Edward Snowden Pens 'A Manifesto for the Truth'

Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News



In letter published in Der Spiegel, Snowden calls for global solution to dragnet surveillance


- Jacob Chamberlain, staff writer

The ongoing revelations of the National Security Agency's dragnet surveillance practices are "causing society to push for political reforms, oversight and new laws," writes whistleblower Edward Snowden in an open letter titled "A Manifesto for the Truth" in which he calls for continued international action against the worst offenders of global privacy infringement.

(This week's cover of Der Spiegel)

The letter, published in German in the news magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday, highlights how Snowden's leaks have spawned a crucial debate on the NSA and other surveillance agencies' tactics, and calls for continued international pressure against such governmental overreach.

"We have a moral duty to ensure that our laws and values limit surveillance programs and protect human rights," Snowden writes in the letter reportedly penned in Moscow on Friday.

"While the NSA and GCHQ (the British national security agency) appear to be the worst offenders -- at least according to the documents that are currently public," he writes, "we cannot forget that mass surveillance is a global problem and needs a global solution."

That solution, according to Snowden, is now possible due to increasing public awareness.

Despite a "never before seen witch hunt" that threatens journalists who expose such governmental wrongdoings, Snowden writes, the NSA leaks have already improved public awareness and will continue to promote citizen based reform.

"Instead of causing damage, the usefulness of the new public knowledge for society is now clear because reforms to politics, supervision and laws are being suggested," he wrote.

"Citizens have to fight against the suppression of information about affairs of essential importance for the public," a translation by Reuters reads. "Those who speak the truth are not committing a crime."

"The world has learned a lot in a short amount of time about irresponsibly operated security agencies and, at times, criminal surveillance programs," he wrote. "The debate they wanted to avoid is now taking place in countries around the world."


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Earth Watch Report



Hundreds evacuated as Indonesia volcano erupts




by Staff Writers Jakarta (AFP) Nov 03, 2013

A volcano in western Indonesia erupted twice Sunday, hurling red-hot ash and rocks up to seven kilometres into the air and forcing more than 1,000 people to flee their homes.

Mount Sinabung on Sumatra island erupted in September for the first time in three years, forcing thousands to flee their homes, and has been erupting intermittently ever since.

Early Sunday it hurled a column of ash seven kilometres (four miles) into the air, then erupted again in the afternoon.

Police and troops began evacuating residents from villages in a three-kilometre area around the volcano after the first eruption, said national disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

"1,293 residents living around Mount Sinabung were evacuated to safer areas," he said.

"The number of evacuees will rise."


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Villagers walk on a road covered with volcanic ash from Mount Sinabung's eruption in Mardingding, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Monday, Nov. 4, 2013. The volcano erupted Sunday, unleashing volcanic ash high into the sky and forcing the evacuation of villagers living around its slope. (AP Photo/Binsar Bakkara)



Mount Sinabung spews volcanic ash as it erupts as seen from Simpang Empat, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013. Officials raised the volcano's alert status to the second-highest level after the 2,600-meter (8,530-foot) -high mountain erupted early Sunday. (AP Photo/Ade Sinuhaji)



A hand print is seen on the hood of a car covered with volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Sinabung that falls in Tiga Nderket village, North Sumatra, Indonesia,Monday Nov. 4, 2013. The 2,600-meter (8,530-foot) high volcano has been erupting since Sunday, unleashing volcanic ash high into the sky and forcing the evacuation of villagers living around its slopes. (AP Photo/Binsar Bakkara)


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Earth Watch Report




Below-ground gas injection linked to Texas quakes




by Staff Writers Washington (AFP) Nov 04, 2013 A method of storing harmful greenhouse gases by injecting them below ground has likely triggered a series of earthquakes in Texas, some larger than magnitude 3, a US study said Monday.

The findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences mark the first time that carbon storage has been linked to temblors ranging from 3.0 to 4.4 in severity.

Researchers warned last year in the same journal that carbon capture and storage risked causing earthquakes, but there had been no direct evidence of such quakes until now.

The study focused on seismic activity in petroleum fields in Scurry and Kent Counties in northwest Texas, known as the Cogdell and Kelly-Snyder oil fields.

A process called water flooding was used in the Cogdell field to boost oil production from 1957 to 1982, and previous research has found that the practice caused small quakes in the area from 1975 to 1982.

More recently, methane and CO2 have been injected into the oil field at high volumes, said the research by Wei Gan and Cliff Frohlich at The University of Texas at Austin's Institute for Geophysics.


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GM oranges containing pig genes in the works

Health and Wellness Report



Tuesday, November 05, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) Increasingly stricken by a disease that leaves them shriveled, discolored and sour, Florida oranges are the latest target for genetic manipulators who are right now working on a new variety of genetically modified (GM) orange that could end up containing pig genes. According to The New York Times (NYT), the disease, known as citrus greening, threatens the entire domestic orange industry, which is why some of Florida's largest citrus producers see no other option but to fund the development of GM oranges.


Southern Gardens Citrus (SGC), one of Florida's largest citrus growers and manager of some two-and-a-half million orange trees in south-central Florida, is at the forefront of the push for GM oranges. According to reports, the company recently tried to battle citrus greening in its own groves, chopping down and burning hundreds of thousands of infected trees and bolstering its arsenal of pesticides. But these efforts ultimately failed, prompting company officials to seek various alternative approaches.


When scouring the world for an orange variety immune to the disease proved fruitless, Ricke Kress, SGC's president, decided it might be time to take a more drastic approach. According to the NYT, Kress and his boss had previously mulled the idea of developing GMO oranges when citrus greening first showed up in the state but were reluctant to actually go through with it due to the long-term damage it might cause to the citrus industry. Now, however, Kress believes that the situation is far more serious.


Though he admits that Florida oranges could naturally develop their own resistance to the C. Liberibacter asiaticus bacterium, which is believed to be the cause of citrus greening, Kress is not necessarily keen on taking this risk. Natural resistance could take just a few months to develop, he says, or it could take years or even decades. In the meantime, Florida oranges could end up going extinct, leading to the loss of some 76,000 jobs in Florida and the end of bountiful orange juice cartons on grocery store shelves.

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