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Not the focus of the article, only mentioned in passing.

In another church tragedy, Pastor Isaac Hunter—the son of the spiritual adviser to President Obama—has reportedly taken his own life. Hunter’s death is making national headlines because of his megachurch father Pastor Joel Hunter’s influence on the White House, his marriage troubles and an undated suicide note found last year, but his death is far from the only pastoral suicide in recent months.

Why the rash of suicides?  Could it be that beings not planning on staying for ascension are starting to "ship out"?

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Retired Villanova University professor Carol W. Ambruster was found stabbed to death Monday night. reported; Carol W. Ambruster, 69 was found by her roommate in the kitchen of her apartment in the 5500 block of Wayne Avenue, Germantown with a knife in her neck about 9 p.m., police said. She also had been stabbed in the chest.

The scene indicated that there had been a violent struggle, but nothing appeared to be stolen from the apartment.

Detectives, who remained on the scene Wednesday looking for surveillance tape and interviewing neighbors, have not determined a motive for the killing and they don’t know what to make of this.


Ambruster, a tenured professor in the department of astronomy and astrophysics at Villanova, retired in 2011. Ambruster attended Northeastern University, where she majored in physics, and received her doctorate in astronomy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. Her research interests included stars and the history of astronomy.

The mysterious death of Ambruster had anything to do with an incoming celestial body? Carol had a deep interest in rock formations said to be related to astronomy.

Ambruster joins the long list of astronomers and scientists who died under mysterious circumstances. (Dead scientists 2004-2013) - (Death list grows astronomers being killed to maintain Nibiru coverup)

We know that NASA did not tell us the truth about Ison. NASA: “Ison is dead, disintegrated, what’s left is just a cloud of dust.” But, Ison is alive and they still follow Ison! Follow Ison Here and Here

And surprisingly, Wednesday the ISS came into big problems due to a failing cooling system.

NASA statement: Earlier Wednesday, the pump module on one of the space station’s two external cooling loops automatically shut down when it reached pre-set temperature limits.

If the problem cannot be resolved, the crew will probably have to leave the station.


It reminds me the movie ‘Gravity’. The film released on October 4, 2013 featuring a space debris attack on the International Space Station (ISS).

Is it coincidence that this movie is released weeks before Ison’s arrival?

The public must be psychologically programmed by intelligence agencies through various media reports and Hollywood movies to accept that a high-profile asteroid, comet or meteoroid attack from space is possible?

We wonder if tptb have used 'Ison' to distract our eyes from another celestial body.

Was the murder of Carol W. Ambruster connected to her knowledge of such a celestial body?

Video below: Forget the last 10 minutes, from 37:30. Its related to a February 2013 interview with James McCanney. This interview is not up to date. 

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Why?  "...high levels of arsenic and a toxin that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning."  Really?  It's not a radiation issue?  Really?

"...but shellfish on the market in the U.S. are safe to eat."  But, of course. 

"the state said that in tests done to date, no fish or shellfish off the Pacific coast have radioactive contamination that would pose a risk to people who eat them."  Nah.  Just the dead ones on the seabed, right?

Hey... if China won't eat our shellfish, maybe we shouldn't either?  Just a thought.

Oh, and BTW, that "no risk assessment" was based on this:  "The Health Department has test albacore tuna caught in the waters off the Pacific coast, one from before the Fukushima disaster and one caught after. In addition, the department has tested one salmon, one steelhead, as well as razor clams and other shellfish after the Fukushima disaster."  Feel safe now?

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DECEMBER 16th In History.

Interesting video by BPEarthWatch about various occurrences on 16th December throughout history - especially considering that Mandella will be buried on the 16th December (in a few days).

I don't agree with his 'sign-off' that the "end times are approaching" because I have a more optimistic view - unless he is talking about the end of the cabal control and a move towards a more equitable world or maybe even the shift to 4D. But that's just my opinion.

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This newly-released report from 
National Geographic is nothing 
short of devastating, demonstrating 
how the ongoing Fukushima 
catastrophe is affecting that the 
food chain of the entire Pacific Basin, 
including the waters off the coast of 

This information is taken from both 
National Geographic and the National 
Academy of Sciences and it shares 
that, as of July 1st of 2012, 98% of 
the studied sea floor 145 miles off the 
coast of California was covered with 
dead and decomposing sea creatures. 
For those who think that 98% may be 
a normal study number, only a few 
months earlier, in March the same 
study found less than 1% of the sea 
floor covered with 'detritus'.

Several up-to-date video reports 
depict that squid are now washing 
ashore on Santa Cruz beaches and 
that a mysterious illness is causing 
starfish of the Pacific Northwest to 
simply fall apart. 
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Do Not Eat Tilapia

An email forwarded from PatR...


Greetings and Salutations...

I purchased Tilapia from WalMart last week. I read the label and it stated "packaged in Jacksonville , FL but processed in China" . I decided not to eat it and threw in the garbage. At my sister-in-law's suggestion that I take it back to WalMart, I took out of the garbage and It had started to thaw before taking it back. Inside the sealed (unopened) plastic wrapper, there were little black particles that appeared to be feces. I took this e-mail with me and the customer service lady told me that she was familiar with it and as much as her kids liked Tilapia, they don't eat it anymore. Either.
I left the entire e-mail with her because it doesn't just address Tilapia.

I read several articles on Google about this, and even one that was defending the eating of tilapia said to avoid the fish that came from China .
Also, I had just returned home from buying Publix & Albertson's 4-day special of 4 bags of frozen tilapia for the price of one. Sure enough, on the top of the bags, it read "farm raised", and on the bottom in small print it said, " China ".

I recently saw a Food inspector on TV... He said he had lived overseas and he had seen the filthy conditions their foods are raised and processed in. It is enough to make you throw up. Some foreign workers have to wear masks as they work in these places, because the food is so rotten and filthy, it makes them want to throw up.

Many of their Fish on Fish Farms are fed raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth  throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth, put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food & Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends. Imported food we eat and the junk we buy

Green Giant frozen vegetables are from China , and so are most of Europe 's Best.  Arctic Gardens are Okay. So is Birdseye.

Never buy the grocery store garlic unless it is clearly marked from USA or Canada, the other stuff is grown in people poop (even worse than chicken poop). China is the largest producer of garlic in the world, U.S. is next.

Buy only local honey/ Much honey is shipped in huge containers from China and re-packed here.

Watch out for packages which state "prepared for", "packed by" or "imported by". I don't understand the lack of mandatory labeling, especially the produce. The country of origin should be clearly shown on the item in the store. I go to the local farmers' markets in season and keep a wary eye open the rest of the year.  But even the local farmers/ markets should be suspect when they sell produce that is not produced locally or even in the USA.  So beware there, too.

How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper than having it produced in the U.S. or Canada ?


The "OUR FAMILY" brand of mandarin oranges says right on the can 'from CHINA So, for a few more cents, buy the LIBERTY BRAND. GOLD BRAND or the DOLE is from CALIFORNIA Beware, Costco sells canned peaches and pears in a plastic jar that come from China .

All "HIGH LINER" and most other frozen fish products come from CHINA or INDONESIA. The package may say "PACIFIC SALMON" on the front, but look for the small print. most of these products come from fish  farms in the orient where there are no regulations on what is fed to  these fish.

Recently THE MONTREAL GAZETTE had an article by the Canadian Government on how Chinese feed the fish: They suspend chicken wire crates over the fish ponds, and the fish feed on chicken s--t. If you search the Internet about what the Chinese feed their fish, you'll be alarmed; e.g., growth hormones, expired antibiotics from humans. Never buy any type of fish or shellfish that comes from these countries: Vietnam, China, Philippines.
Check this out. I did. STEINFELD'S PICKLES are made in India - just as bad!

Another example is in canned mushrooms. No-Name brand came from Indonesia.  And many come from CHINA.  In Sams the other day, there they were. Mushrooms from CHINA and mushrooms from USA were side by side on the same shelf and guess what?  The USA sourced product was CHEAPER.

Also check those little fruit cups. They used to be made in Canada in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago. They are now packaged in China !
While the Chinese export inferior and even toxic products, dangerous toys, and goods to be sold in North American markets, the media wrings its hands! Yet, 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended!

Well, duh! Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges?


Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong ), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on  Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

My wife doesnt buy any clothes made in CHINA anymore and soon she will be wearing nothing at all.


If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favor... fast! The downside? Some Canadian/American businesses will feel a temporary  pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory.

Just one month of trading losses will hit the Chinese for 8% of their North American exports.

Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness are worth it.

START NOW and don't stop.

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