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Another voice sounding the alarm of the dangers of the new age internet.
I highly recommend reading Eckhart Tolle's The New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose and The Power of Now.
Live coverage:
I have been following this for almost 15 years myself. And I find this video rather compelling. I agree with the researcher in this video that we have about a 36 month window that this object will really start to really effect events on this earth. This object has been here before during the Flood of Noah and the During the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. And everything is starting to come together with the last 2 Blood Moons in this current Tetrad appearing next year. And the end of a 7 year Financial Cycle (Smettiet) which could trigger a world wide Financial Collapse. And the current Geopolitical instability throughout world as well as what is going on in nature all around us.The strange weather patters, all the dead animals, The Church falling away from the truth of the Gospel of the grace of God. I believe everything is falling into place and right in syn with God's future timeline for this world. It does not matter how deep your underground bunkers are, how much food and water you store up. how many weapons you have. Protect and make provisions for yourself for what is coming. But if you have not trusted Christ as your savior you will not escape what is coming. He is our only hope our ark of safety. Recognize that you are a lost sinner and faith pray call upon to save yo come into your life recognizing-that What Jesus for you on the Cross paid for your Sins and his resurrection makes possible that you will have Eternal Life. What is about to come on this earth in just a few years will will defy the imagination and will be more frighten than you can every imagine. The only hope for anyone is to put there faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. Consider yourself warned.
Connecting The Dots – Clue #6
November 28, 2013
Here goes that date again…
November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) appears to be the date that ‘the people in the know’ used to arrive at ‘The Event’ date of September 24, 2015 (9/24/2015), having arrived at this particular time in history as an important date to be aware of and watchful for.
Remember from ‘Connecting The Dots – Clue #1 and Clue #2’ that Comet ISON made perihelion around the sun on November 28, 2013, and that the very next day, November 29th just so happens to be ‘The Beginning of The Cycle of Ophiuchus’ in any year. Was ‘Comet ISON: The Winged Messenger of The Cycle,’ and the ‘Cosmic Harbinger’ of what is coming our way?
Why all the focus on ‘November 28, 2013?’ Why this particular date? Well, take a look at the calculations…
The ‘666’ Day Countdown to ‘The Event’
A). November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 666 days = September 25, 2015 (9/25/2015)
B). Do The Math: Divide 666 / 4 = 166.66
1. November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 166 days = May 13, 2014 (5/13/2014)
*(This is the date of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Announcement)
2. November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 333 days = October 27, 2014 (10/27/2014)
3. November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 500 days = April 12, 2015 (04/12/2015)
4. November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 666 days = September 25, 2015 (9/25/2015)
*(This is one (1) day after the original projected date of September 24, 2015 for The Event Horizon of Climate Chaos)
So, when we were forewarned on May 13, 2013 by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius that the world has ‘500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos,’ it appears that the date of Comet ISON’s perihelion, and The Beginning of The Cycle of Ophiuchus specific to the year 2013 was used as the basis for the calculation of the dates as they are reflected above.
French Foreign Minister Says, “We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos”
Coincidence? I think not.
C). The Timeline (Schedule) for The Balance of Days Left
1. November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) = 666 days - Begin Countdown
Minus -(166) days =
2. May 13, 2014 (5/13/2014) = 500 days left
Minus -(167) days =
3. October 27, 2014 (10/27/2014) = 333 days left
Minus -(167) days =
4. April 12, 2015 (04/12/2015) = 166 days left
Minus -(166) days =
5. September 25, 2015 (9/25/2015) = 0 days left - End Countdown
Date and Time Calculator
Biblical scripture has informed us that the number ‘666’ in in its’ reference is associated with ‘The Mark of The Beast.' Keep this in mind and remember this when you get to,‘Connecting The Dots – Clue #8.’
Connecting The Dots – Clue #7
Having considered the information I have presented thus far, are there any other dates of significance in our history that may be related to, ‘The Bigger Picture’ that I am presenting here?
Well, how about we make a comparison between the expected dates for ‘The Four Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014/2015’ and the dates of ‘The 666 Day Countdown to The Event’…
The Four Blood Moons – The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014/2015
(As compared to: The ‘666’ Day Countdown to ‘The Event’)
1-1). Passover – The First of Four Blood Moons = April 15, 2014 (4/15/2014)
1-2). November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 166 days = May 13, 2014 (5/13/2014)
2-1). Feast of Tabernacles – The Second of Four Blood Moons = October 8, 2014 (10/8/2014)
2-2). November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 333 days = October 27, 2014 (10/27/2014)
3-1). Passover – The Third of Four Blood Moons = April 4, 2015 (4/4/2015)
3-2). November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 500 days = April 12, 2015 (04/12/2015)
4-1). Feast of Tabernacles – The Fourth of Four Blood Moons = September 28, 2015 (09/28/2015)
4-2). November 28, 2013 (11/28/2013) + 666 days = September 25, 2015 (9/25/2015)
Almost similar, huh? It is rather interesting that three (3) of the projected dates occur within the very same month and that one (1) of the four dates occurs within a month of the other.
Okay, what gives? What’s really going on here, and what can we expect in the way of what appears to be an upcoming ‘Event’ of some sort?
Well, another piece of ‘The Puzzle’ appears to be pointing to ‘The Cycle of Seven (7), or The Cycle of 777 possibly related to what is being touted as, ‘The Shemitah Prophecy.’ If this is in fact a relevant piece of ‘The Bigger Picture,’ it appears that we may be entering ‘The Seven (7) Year Cycle of The Great Tribulation,’ and that the years 2013/2014 are a significant turning point or ‘shift’ of some kind.
Tentatively, I would say that,
The Cycle of Seven (7)
1. Years 1999/2000 *(Y2K) -thru- 2006/2007 = 7 years
2. Years 2006/2007 -thru- 2013/2014 = 7 years
3. Years 2013/2014 -thru- 20202021 = 7 years (The Cycle of The Great Tribulation)
Based upon my awareness of certain information made available to me, I am still conducting research and working on these possibilities in the background, so do not hold me to this.
I will be posting the full article very soon which contains 'Connecting The Dots - Clue #1 -thru- Clue #8.'
Stay tuned.
May 2, 2013 at
I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past 2 weeks, and I got very clear about a new experience which I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders. I was told about this amazing time for many years, and, now that it is finally here, I still have a sense of disbelief and awe about it all. But myself, and others are having similar experiences in the last few weeks. The first signs of physical ascension are here.
Related Article . . . One experience I had about what it might be like when we go to the new world:
So . . . I was having these little episodes where I would find myself somewhere else, and then I was slammed dunked back into this world. This was not very fun by the way. It felt different from the dimensional shifts, OBE’s, astral travel, etc. which I have experienced in the past. It happened a few times over the course of the last few weeks. When I would come back, I could not remember anything, and thus had nothing to share as well. It was frustrating to say the least.
One day, while camping at the ocean’s edge, my partner Raphael and I, had a calling to go lay down on the sand. By the way, the sand in Southern California is silicon based and acts like an enormous crystal. We were both out almost instantly. It didn’t feel like I went to sleep. There again, I found myself in another reality that was not yet complete. I saw what I would call a description of myself anchored there. There were a lot of other things that I saw that I could not describe to you now.
Neither one of us knew how long we were gone, or if it was instantaneous. What brought me back into my body was a HUGE rush of energy that felt like it spun my brain around. I was massively dizzy, and it felt like I was going to fall off the beach. I grabbed a hand full of sand. This was followed with a huge rush of nausea. It was all gone in seconds. I opened my eyes and was confused to see where I was, and how long I had been gone. I didn’t move and tried to remember as much as I could. Then the Star Elders wanted me to share this message . . . because it is time . . .
From the Star Elders . . .