End (10)

I Hate to Say it. The END.

I hate to say it but 'all the doom and gloom' folks are right.

Latest Fact:

Last night, on Canadian TV they showed a map of the Arctic Ice disappearing. The ice cap shrank 50% this year and is projected to be entirely disappeared in 2 YEARS.

Personally, I went sailing, with a friend,  last week. It was too hot. It felt like the Caribbean. I wore a short sleeve t shirt.


We are experiencing a massively life threatening..permanent heat wave.

The famous ..but historically non existent northwest passage, searched for, by the world's explorers, as a route to China, for hundreds of years.is NOW OPEN!

Canada is rushing to build naval ships to protect it's sovereignty . The Prime Minister is going there often..to create Inuit ( old name Eskimo)  police Forces...and much more...like planned ports and cities.

Not only is there NO ICE across the top of the world, from the Atlantic to the Pacific; but Cruise Liners are going thru. Even private sailboats are going thru. It is now a sailing destination.

Cities are planned on the new beaches.

Can you believe that the SAME  Prime Minister (Stephen Harper) who is preparing to protect this OIL RICH AREA ; who comes from a dried up, drought ridden, crop destroyed part of the NEW DESERT Central Canada...

Prime Minister Stephen Harper IS STILL DENYING CLIMATE CHANGE!

 HE IS A CONSERVATIVE OIL MAN (just like George Bush. OIL COMPANIES  BOUGHT HIM, AS THEIR MAN, 15 YEARS AGO when they started paying him as their lobbyist.).. Greed for OIL $$$ at the point of destroying all forms of life, on this planet.


Where do these greedy bastards plan to live? What are they going to drink? What are they going to eat? What are they going to breathe? Where are they going to get their servants?


They might have fortunes but they are among the stupidest, greediest bastards, who ever terrorized the earth,

Palm trees in the ARTIC? Massive and total migration of people's from most of the USA?

Interdependent species (like us all) are going extinct and have gone extinct..disease from insects is spreading to warmer areas to kill plants, trees and people (West Nile). I have documented hundreds of cases of supporting evidence; since, I was featured in the BBC Network, Prime Time, feature TV program. ( see the previous blog on Hurricane Isaac being predicted 10 years ago, by myself.)

Last week, on local TV, a shocked and stunned tidal fisherman asked: "What will the fishermen do, for lobster bait. " He was standing in front of his exposed (low tide) 300 ft long net fence. He said that he normally had thousands of herring. Now, he has NONE. NOT A SINGLE FISH! (His herring are sold to Lobstermen, for trap bait).

What he didn;t comprehend is the big picture:

"Lobsters feed on dead fish. They are the vultures of the oceans. They have been thriving.

Now, with no more herring or other fish to die, for their food, then they will die too."

We are at the point that the vultures are about to starve to death..

I never thought I would think this; but, as I come to an end of my struggling to stay alive with my 911 injuries:

I remember a childhood Quote from Long John Silver, the pirate:

"Them that dies are the lucky ones!".

All attacks should be directed at: Doug Copp, personally

563 Charlotte St, Sydney, Nova Scotia,Canada (H)

1-902-567-1227 (H)

amerrescue@aol.com (H)

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Topics include weather warfare, Anonymous, propaganda and its effects, December 21st will be the beginning of the end events...

by GLR Wes Annac-

All of the time you are being exposed to the increasingly pure measures of your higher selves which are coming forth in your bodies in increased rapidity, and we can feel that you on Earth are beginning to handle these various changes and energy shifts wonderfully and we encourage you with all of our hearts to continue on in your meditative and spiritual practices whether in a collective or individual manner, as each and every energy and intention that you give out at this time is having a profound effect and making a huge difference.

With everything that you have been doing, each lesson that you have been put through has been for the purpose of you finding the Light that you are in less distorted forms than you have been used to and Living within. Such pure encodements of energy are now being sent your way that your bodies and your Earth’s surface alike have not felt, absorbed or benefited from for so very long.

Continue to anchor these energies unto yourself and unto the core of dear Gaia, for She is using these energies to help cleanse much of the effects of many of the natural shifts and perceived disasters that are catalysts to the mass cleansing of the surface of Gaia that such events cause.

Of course, you have heard endlessly that the dark heads on your world have been attempting their own weather warfare in an attempt to keep you all feeling states of despair, but with the pure energies being given by so many of you making the profound effects that they are making, Mother Earth feels free now to begin the bulk of Her cleansing work as the threat of weather warfare from your dark is by now, a near non-threat.

You will notice dear souls, that for the bulk of this current year there have not been many rumblings with the exception of very recently, and this is again because Gaia did not feel free enough to perform the cleansing work that She needs to perform because She and we alike know that each and every time your dark will take any and every opportunity to turn a drizzle into a tornado so to speak, and they will do anything in their power to distort the mass clearing of negative energy from Gaia’s surface by using the opportunities for such clearing to cause a potential feeding of the very darkness and suffering-based energies that such cleaning events are meant to heal and transmute.

Your dark know that with each and every natural disaster that happens especially recently that they are not allowed to interfere in, Mother Gaia is cleansing Her surface and this results in less energetic sustenance for these souls who feed off of the negative energies of despair that their many attempts at any type of warfare have been causing.

It must be understood dear souls what some influential and top figures in your militaries and such do not yet realize but are about to realize so very soon, and that is each and every war and battle that has been perpetrated and fed since the beginning of your twentieth century was fashioned on purpose to feed the energies of despair that the dark souls manifesting and funding such wars and events of mass destruction need to keep their own sustenance.

They feed off of the energies produced by these wars and at the same time they make handsome sums of money selling weapons and such to each side of each and every war. Of course you have not heard or realized for the most part that this is so, and this is because [the account of] your history has been so very distorted.

You have not read in your history books that the acts of the figurehead who was Hitler were funded entirely by entities within the United States, entities who had unfairly and illegally gained control over the US, created a false set of doctrines and turned the US into a corporate entity wherein every citizen feeds and lines the pockets, both financially and energetically, of the perceived elite souls who have placed themselves at the top of the hierarchies that they themselves established.

You will not yet hear how each and every side of every conflict and war was funded or how the United States and many other countries purposefully integrated mass propaganda into nearly all of their outlets of information and entertainment, Creating a perceived enemy in whomever and whichever country that the elite souls wished to wage war in, or rather were led to wage war in by the beliefs and plans established by the oldest order of this existing Illuminati.

One can look at many forms of entertainment in many time periods and decades of your current society and see mass propaganda nearly everywhere. This propaganda has been fed on your internet as well with the creation and appearance of many sites dedicated to stopping or promoting [certain issues].  {Hasn't ZT been stopping people from looking at the sun and going nuts looking for tectonic plates shifting?}

The propaganda techniques that are fed currently and that have been fed for so very long have followed similar sets of rules and guidelines. The propaganda that is created must convince the people whom it is being aimed at that they have an enemy of some kind whom they must direct their anger and negativity at.  {On a microcosm scale, ZT again.  WE are the enemy, don't you know?}

This puts out and promotes a false enemy, in some cases a country or entity that the United States wished to go to war with or didn’t support and wished their people not to support, and a character of heroism is then created to stop the seemingly evil thing that the propaganda is targeting and attempting to get others to believe is bad.

This ‘hero’ character will usually put a stop somehow to the seemingly negative actions being perpetrated by the target in question, and among doing so many false facts and much direct propaganda will be directed at this target. A super hero could perhaps vanquish an enemy that is representative of another country whom the United States wished to make war with; in this scenario, following the defeat of this soul would come an explanation about why this soul and the country they represent is the enemy and should be defeated and hated.

This is only one of so many layers and types of propaganda that have been perpetrated in your current culture, and the concept of propaganda is one that has been localized for the most part to the actions of the souls who have been attempting to control you.

By this we mean that before the establishment of the controlling actions of the souls making up the Illuminati heads on your world, the ‘art’ if one wishes to call it of propaganda was not perpetrated in any ancient society against their perceived enemy.

Rather, what was being said [in such times] was sharply and strictly believed by the souls who were saying them, and while in many instances what would be said about an enemy was indeed incorrect, the souls throwing the allegations forth would not simply make up such false truths in an effort to turn others against their perceived enemy.

You could say rather, that ego brought the false accusations and propaganda forth to the souls in many ancient civilizations and this is how much separation-fed hate and war was started. Indeed, while ego has been needed for you to measure out your experiences on Earth, ego has created many difficult things for humanity, both for your physical world and for your spirit complexes, and the elite souls on your world have long studied each and every method of war, hate and deceit that has been fed by many ancient civilizations and these things that they have studied are what they have based their actions against humanity on.

We know and understand that many of you do not yet wish to hear of the many actions of the dark on your world as they are indeed meeting their final end, but the explanations given by us and so many other ascended and genuine sources in relation to these subjects are introductory explanations of sorts for your entire world is going to be let know what these souls have done, as has been expressed endlessly.

Indeed, one may read this admission repeatedly in many channeled messages and feel that such warnings are getting old and outdated, but trust us dear souls when the revelations begin pouring forth you will not be able to catch up or wish that things were moving at a slower pace. Throughout this entire time you have rightfully been wishing and requesting that the pace of events manifesting on Earth begin to pick up substantially and trust us dear souls, substantially pick up they shall.

You are truly going to be scratching your heads at times and trying to keep up with every fiber of yourselves as so many truths are continually poured into your beautiful minds and spirit complexes through your televisions that such announcements will be coming forth to you on. Once the revelations begin pouring in, there will be no stopping them and this is why we continually remind you that such truths are right around the corner and this is as well why we have begun telling you many of the actions that the dark souls have committed against you and your current society, or rather we tell you many of the actions that you can handle hearing about.

There will be much about these souls that will be a surprise even to the most awakened and opened up of individuals, and the explanations that we have been giving you in relation to these souls and all that they have done are just as measured as the explanations given about many spiritual and scientific things that you would not yet understand and that would have your heads reeling substantially if we even began to attempt to tell you of such things.

Indeed, the most gruesome aspects of the exposure of all that has been done to your world will have to at first only be shown to an ‘audience’ mature enough to handle such truths, but we expect very shortly that as parents view such things and attempt and begin to explain them to their children, the gap of communication between parents and children, between families, will have been shortened as indeed all of humanity is to come together when the true nature of your world is revealed, and this reunion includes individual families as well.

Indeed, there will be souls who will not yet be ready to reunite with their families and we notice that among many of you separation and hate of any kind, form and appearance is still manifested and fed. We recommend you all begin to see not just every person, not just every animal, not just every plant, but every molecule and atom of Creation around you as your dear fellow soul brethren experiencing Life on a different plane of reality, but still experiencing it just as you are.

Oh dear beautiful souls, you feel and perceive separation simply because of differences in skin color, creed and beliefs, but you are United in soul and in spirit with each and every atom around you, with each and every person and seemingly inanimate object that sits before you happily even right now.

You have heard before that you are all giving off energetic impressions and you are all making profound effects on the reality around you. This has always been true, it is simply that at this point this energy is becoming more known to you as the illusory egotistical and physical shells that block your perception from such energetic interactions and happenings are beginning to be transmuted as they fade away, by the very higher dimensional Logos energy coming to your world and through your bodies at this time.

As this physical and societal shell of a structure begins to fade away and be transmuted by the energetic work of each and every one of you, by Gaia, and by many of us angelic souls here in the higher realms, the truths of the energy movements and workings of your world begin to become visible as they naturally should. Of course, this has not yet happened but there are many planned dates along your Cosmic Calendar for these events to happen and trust us dear sous, they are going to be wonderful to view and absorb.

Each and every thing that happens from this point on is to precede the happening of an even greater and more mind-opening as well as mind-boggling event and manifestation.

You are first going to see the arrest of the many dark souls, both figureheads and the actual souls who have been running things, on your TV sets and on your computers. As hard as this may be for some to believe, through our many mediums who are genuine we have contacted head members and supporters of the Occupy movement and of the group known by many as Anonymous (1). These groups have agreed to assist through their own established [internet-based] outlets to happily begin reporting and showing the events of the arrests. We have set up many live streams for computer and internet viewing for when these initial arrests begin to take place.

You are to see the trials on your televisions and on your computers, as by the time these trials begin we will have gained the cooperation of your media fully once again, for as has been said by many your media has not been used to reporting real news for quite some time and will themselves be quite busy. They will however be reporting on these trials and by the time such trials begin we expect to have gained the support of many more websites and such as well.

We can say with happiness in our hearts that the many perceived liberal news organizations and websites which are not too extreme in their beliefs, will happily begin reporting on these events as they unfold and progress with such speed that it will surprise and shock you.

Once these arrests begin and before the initial trials, we are to begin the initial informing of humanity of all that has been done to your world for so very long. As has been expressed before, there are going to be people on your world who turn on their TV sets and see so many people in suits getting arrested, and the people seeing this are going to ask questions and wonder why.

We say worry not, for we will immediately begin the many explanations that we have and of course, the beginning of these explanations will have to be the informing of all that has been done to your world by the core group of elite souls who have gained control and influence over so very many aspects of your world and current societal constructs.

Each and every action that has been committed in the worst interests of humanity is going to be explained and re-explained upon the trials of these souls. These trials are going to be fair and the actions committed against humanity are going to be presented in an unbiased manner, though by the sheer intensity and negativity of all that you will be told, it will not seem to be unbiased.

While the trials of these souls are going to be very interesting, after such trials are over and these souls begin Living out their karmic payment, most likely by existing in many lower dimensional places and situations where they will experience extreme hardships due to the hardships that so many on your world have had to feel, many more astonishing and eye opening announcements are going to begin that are going to explain the more spiritual and esoteric aspects  of what we have to inform you of; such as our existence and the existence of your Space Family, and the ascension of Earth as well as the ascension of the entire Universe.

As you can see, we have split up the announcements into sections that you will be better able to understand, fathom and feel, and the more physical aspects of this entire announcement phase as a whole will be explained before the trials of your dark, whereas the explanations of ascension and many other things [of a similar nature] will be saved for after the trials.

Of course, there will be rudimentary and introductory announcements in relation to ascension and the existence of us many Angels as well as your Star Family who are themselves Angels, but for the most part the most startling things in relation to these subjects that even many awakening souls do not yet know, will have to be saved for until after you view the trials of the dark heads on your world and after you have collectively began to absorb the truths of all that has been done to you.

We must correct a bit of a false assumption by some; that is that on December 21st your entire world is to change and automatically become the glorious Eden that has been spoken of so very much.

This is not quite so, as while the end of your year 2012 is to be a significant turning point and start-up for the most glorious and awesome aspects of your ascension as a planet into ever purer realms of consciousness, we would rather have you look toward the many Cosmic dates that have been spoken of such as December of your current year as beginnings of the end of the lower dimensions and duality on your world, because this is indeed what these many dates are and have been signifying.

Your Mayans in the spirit realms Created another Calendar that far surpassed your year 2012, and in this Calendar they Created significant and genuine signs and symbols that symbolized perfectly the wonderful, ascended Earth.

Of course you have not seen such Calendars or prophecies because they were not Created in your physical and were rather Created in the ‘underworlds’ as the Mayan souls who Created these etheric calendars that we speak of knew that your Earth as well as they would soon be transcending physicality; your Earth upon ascending into purer states of consciousness starting with the end of your year 2012, and them when either ascending as many of them did, or when leaving their Lives through death as many more did.

Such souls felt it appropriate to continue the Calendar not so that any other Earthly civilizations could see and possibly benefit from it as they Created such things after moving on from physicality, but for their own personal amusement and enjoyment as these souls dearly Loved tracking the cycles of your sun and various planets, and they Loved measuring and studying many things in relation to this as well.

As always dear souls, our ‘time’ has been fleeting but we have vastly enjoyed inhabiting the mental and emotional channels of each and every one of you who are reading this message and feeling our energies. We ask you with Love in our hearts to call upon us if needed, for we Lovingly and welcomingly travel to and inhabit the channels of any soul who wishes us to be with them. We are with each and every one of you, and so very soon we will be with you in your physical, or rather you will be with us in our Heavenly astral.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.



(1) – Some may think that the Ascended Masters would not contact and work with the Anonymous group because they have called the public to bring forth change in less than peaceful means in the past, but just as there are many Earth Allies involved in the changes who still possess seemingly lower or negative attributes or perspectives, Anonymous has as well fallen into the trap so to speak of trying to get change enacted from a more fed-up perspective than a perspective of remembering that Peace is the most important aspect of this entire event.

In my view, such ego constraints should not get in the way of one gaining contact with and acting under the guidance of any ascended soul, in this case the Ascended Masters. Anonymous’ involvement in the initial arrests as stated in this message are that they are to act as a media conduit for the broadcasting of the arrests; nothing more, nothing less. I personally see no violence or negativity in that but if some choose to believe that the Ascended Masters would not contact a group with much influence simply because of their own missteps in calling for action, then that is ok as we are all going to have different opinions and points of view on different minute issues.

Either way, these changes are in effect, and this is something that can be agreed upon by all.


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SaLuSa 12-March-2012

Time speeds ever onwards as the future of mankind is being fought out in the Middle East. At least that is how it would appear to those who have yet to awaken, and remain uninformed. Regretfully the media is still stifled by the old approach that prevents free speech, and investigative journalism that is allowed to bring out the truth. Much is happening that should be told, so that you have a grasp of what is behind events that are threatening world peace. Better still would be truthful reporting so that your minds were put at rest, knowing that although attempts have been made to start another World War, they have failed and will continue to do so.

We do not wish you to suddenly feel fearful of the future having assured you that everything is going well. However, we will again inform you that our technology is such that we have total control over what happens in the Middle East, and all confrontations will soon be brought to a halt. Authorities have been informed that we will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, and that we are opposed to any form of aggression. It is therefore quite pointless to continue war games, and take part in all of the posturing that inflames the situation. Our patience is running out and if matters do not improve, we shall use our authority to bring a halt to all attempts to engage in warlike moves.

We of the Galactic Federation are here to see that you and Mother Earth safely arrive at your destination that is the completion of this cycle of duality. The sooner the dark Ones and their cohorts are removed, and their influence taken away from them, the sooner we can all concentrate on the business of getting you on track for Ascension. Nevertheless, we still keep in balance the various energies that are playing upon the Earth that are increasing exponentially, and are helping raise your levels of consciousness.

You still have quite a way to go before you acquire anything near full consciousness, but that will come to you sooner than you might expect. You are being prepared to become Galactic Beings and take your place amongst us, as is your divine right.

We find understandably that those who are awakened to what is happening to the Human Race, are still concerned about the ones who still slumber. We wish to assure you that before the end of this year, every soul will know about Ascension and have the opportunity to choose whether or not they prepare for it. Time is getting short, but some will still make it in time having come into this life to make it their goal. That Dear Ones is the deciding factor, as many are here for the experience which will further their evolution, but not ready to make a quantum leap in consciousness. The answer is not to worry about decisions made by other souls, as they will have chosen what is best for them and satisfies their desires. Be assured all will be looked after, and that God does not make distinctions from one soul to another, and all are equally loved.

Various programs that will carry you forward are ready to be implemented, and the preparations are completed. Much hinges around the governmental changes as clearly we must have people who can be trusted, and can lead you with full understanding of what is required of them. Faith in your appointed representatives has been broken so many times by those who have not stood by their promises, and let you down. In the future your leaders will be chosen because of their wisdom and spiritual experience, and will be trustworthy and honest. Too often you have been hoodwinked by promises that were never intended to be kept, by those who preferred service to self rather than to others.

As you evolve and continue to rise up into even higher dimensions, you will find that no soul can deceive or lie to another without their intent being known. Indeed, you will know by observing their auric emanations, which give much information about that soul. Even now you have people who can see and read auras, and they do convey quite a lot about you. For example your condition of health can be seen, and in fact even the onset of illness before you are actually aware of it. You are truly quite complex Beings and are in the dark over many aspects of yourself, such as your astral body that you use when out of the body. Many souls use it to visit their departed friends and family, but few bring back a waking memory of them. Remember that you are living infinite life times and as a soul will always exist in one form or another, and eventually become a pure Light Being.

The purpose of life is to evolve through experience, and you are the one who chooses how you achieve it. The Earth is a tough experience yet you knew it would be so, and here you are after hundreds of lives in different civilizations that have expanded your consciousness levels. Nothing of your experiences is ever lost, and you do not necessarily need to recall the exact circumstances. Sometimes they are best forgotten and extreme experiences that were unpleasant can be erased from your memory. You have a wealth of experience that will serve you and others very well, in whatever you choose to do as your next adventure. Some of you will join us as Galactic Beings and quite rightly as our equals.

Our mission has altered greatly from when we started and now your pathway is clearer to us, & needs a greater involvement in your affairs. It was hoped that as the end times approached the dark Ones would see that their position was untenable, and allow you to complete your journey without interference. That has not proved to be the case, and they have broken promises to cease their actions. It left us with no option but to get permission to remove them, and as many of you are finding out that has gone ahead. To prevent them from continuing with their interference, we have had to destroy their facilities which are mainly underground.

Meanwhile we focus on the Middle East that for a long time has had the potential to break out into a world war. We expect that when the different countries see the futility of ignoring our demands to stop, that they will cease their activities and allow peace to descend upon Earth. It must be so because it is divinely decreed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delighted that we are so near to solving one of your major world problems that stands in the way of permanent peace.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

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(above link has video clips)



Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Beetle Plague takes over Surfers Paradise, Australia - 24th Mar 2011

beetles-main.jpgTHOUSANDS of beetles are swarming Surfers Paradise in a never before seen phenomenon that has stumped local scientists.

The water beetle invasion captured on amateur youtube footage shows the large black beetles swarming around lights and dropping to the footpath on The Esplanade last night.

Griffith University entomologist Professor Clyde Wild said he had no definitive explanation for the rare phenomenon.

''I've never seen swarms of these like this before, why they are at the beach front escapes any explanation I can think of,'' Prof Wild said.

''You might see two or three on any given night - this is literally thousands.

''They haven't come out of the sea, they live in fresh water and live on larvae, or eating other insects.''

Prof Wild said he would be less surprised if the invasion had occurred in areas that had recently flooded.

''If there was masses of flowing water, a lot of habitat, it would make more sense.

''But it hasn't been that wet on the Gold Coast so it's a very curious phenomenon.

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Moonageddon March 19th

With the 8.9 magnitude earth quake in Japan last evening I ask myself if the New Madrid fault line is next.  It has been predicted here, and on other sites, by many people including myself, that something big would coincide with the full moon of March 19th and the fact that the moon will be at it's closest point to the earth, during a full moon, since 2005.  What are the thoughts of the members of this ning.  I, for one, am on high alert as I had told myself any earthquake above 8 points in Japan would signal the beginning of the domino effect wrapping around the world.  I know that there are those on the PS site who had thought the tipping of South America would be the trigger.  I have always thought that it would start in Japan and then move to the New Madrid.  At the risk of rambling I will post this to get the opinions of all of our members!



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Is This The End Of America?


Eye opening details about the economy and what you can do about it.  This is long with no apparent way to pause it, so make sure you have the time to listen in one sitting.  He does offer a subscription to his newsletter at the end ($49.95/year) which isn't a decent price.  I've been following economy news since before the 2008 crisis and the facts he presents are on target with what I know.

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Thank you very much for your invitation to join the group.

I would like to share with you a unique book titled: ‘‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’’.


It deals with: Global Warming, Earth Changes, Extraterrestrials, Astral projection, Self-realization and End Times.

There are translations to several languages.

You can ask this book free in the site: www.hercolubus.tv

You can be sure that this could be the most important book you will ever read.

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