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James McCanney: Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes (book title)

Perhaps one of the most controversial figures in astronomy, offering evidence that a planet-sized body may come close to Earth as early as this May, James McCanney, M.S., a former theoretical physicist at Cornell University, spoke with The EDGE about his findings, which are detailed in his recently published book, Planet-X: Comets & Earth Changes. Subtitled “A Scientific Treatise on the Effects of a new large Planet or Comet arriving in our Solar System and Expect Earth Weather and Earth Changes,” this book has some people quite nervous and reportedly has high governmental officials planning ways to protect themselves in the case of cataclysmic disaster.

What is the nature and origin of Planet X, also known as the tenth planet in our solar system?

James McCanney: First of all. I want to put in perspective the solar system in general and I’ll do this throughout the interview to clarify my beliefs, as opposed to what you may hear or say from a standard astronomy textbook.

First of all, the solar system was not created all at one time as NASA would have you believe. All of the planets except for Jupiter have been adopted into the solar system one at a time throughout the history of the solar system. The original star system was just Jupiter and our Sun. So throughout history, we’ve gathered occurrences where new planets come into form by an electrical process. They become very large comets and then nestle in as planets, and my theoretical work shows how all of this happens. Let’s call any new planet to come into the solar system “Planet X,” because that is a term that is used for objects that have not been named yet.

If we could go way outside of the solar system and look back at our solar system from a distance and identify all of the bodies that are associated with it, we would see numerous large objects, possibly in very large orbits around the Sun. Only a few of them come into the inner solar system where we live, and the ones that do frequent the inner solar system, some may be on orbits of 100,000 years, while some might be on orbits of a few thousand years.

These objects are the ones that have affected Earth in the past. We are now expecting another object, which possibly has been here before, to come into the inner solar system within possibly the next 10 years — and there is a good reason to believe that it might be as early as May 2003.

This Planet X is in the category of large solar system objects that orbit our Sun and also come within the planetary region of our solar system occasionally. A few of these in the past have come close enough to Earth or close enough to the Sun to cause serious damage to planet Earth. I also should mention that we see the marks of these “invaders,” so to speak, or these periodic visitors on the other planets. For example, Mars is devoid of an atmosphere and its oceans, but it’s very clear when you look at Mars that it lost its water and atmosphere recently. So, the belief that an object could come into this solar system and drastically affect Earth is not that outlandish.

NASA, of course, will try and tell you that the solar system formed all at one time four and a half billion years ago and all the planets have been in stable orbits since then, but even NASA is discovering new planets that it never knew about — and it has no explanation for where these mini planets came from.

I want to mention Hale-Bopp, the comet that visited the inner solar system in the 1990s. It was a perfect example of a new planet that is in its formative stages. NASA kept secret the real information on Hale-Bopp long before its 1995 discovery, which was made public, that it was on a near-collision course with Earth. However, due to its dragging in the tail material and becoming larger, its orbit was altered so that Earth moved ahead three months during that about nine-year period to the point where we were no longer on a collision course with Hale-Bopp. The other thing is NASA has been lying about the size of the nucleus of Hale-Bopp. The nucleus of Hale-Bopp is about the size of our Moon. They claim that it’s only a large comet, possibly only 80 miles in extent. So, we’ve already seen one of these Planet X type objects.

NASA was in communication with the Vatican during the 1990s, and the Vatican, in fact, built a major observatory in Arizona, staffed it with NASA astronomers. The main purpose of that observatory was to observe the large comet Hale-Bopp. The question the Vatican posed to NASA was, “Is Hale-Bopp wormwood?” (Wormwood is the the large planetary object referenced in Revelations that ravaged Earth.) So they all knew very early in the early ’90s that this large comet, Hale-Bopp, was on a near-collision course with Earth, but throughout the ’90s they refused to make this public. The Hopi Indians believe that Hale-Bopp was the precursor to what we call Planet X. My personal belief is that Hale-Bopp was a small companion to the large Planet X on its previous visit about 4,000 years ago and that there was also another companion to Planet X, which later became the planet Venus, as explained by Immanuel Belikovsky.

My theoretical work shows how comets are not dirty snowballs, that they are, in fact, a plasma-electrical phenomenon involving the Sun and an astroidal comet nucleus and, in fact, that these comets are dragging in the tail material and becoming larger. So, in the case of Venus, my theoretical work explains how Venus was a huge comet, ravaged Earth on two separate occasions about 4,000 and 3,600 years ago and then as it absorbed material from the comet tail, eventually nestled into the orbit where we see it today.

Could you please explain the history of your work back to 1979 when you were on the faculty of Cornell University, which led to your current book, Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes?

McCanney: I was a theoretical physicist at that time, studying celestial mechanics and plasma physics on my own. I also had access to NASA data from space probes, which were newly discovering the properties of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and the other planets.

What I found was that the expectations of traditional theory were not being met. I found that the electrical, magnetic nature of the solar system that I had been studying quietly in the back room was very pronounced in the data that was coming back from these space probes. Thus, I began publishing my papers in astrophysics journals. And then I was actually relieved of my teaching position at Cornell because my theories (about the nature of comets) were so radically different from the standard norm. I lost my teaching position and was blackballed from further publication.

I continued to study this over the past 30-plus years and this has led to my current book, Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes, which was written for the general public. It also contains the early technical papers in the back for more technically minded people. The book was written to explain my theories on how the Sun’s electric fields affect our weather and what I call Earth changes.

My point is that these large comets, which are fairly rare but do visit our inner solar system occasionally as is imminently clear from historical records from the ancients, can drastically affect the planet in numerous ways. In the book I explain the theoretical nature of comets and describe how they become planets, new members of our solar system, and also how their near-approaches to the inner solar system can cause dramatic Earth changes.

What are some of the Earth changes expected to take place as this planet approaches the Earth?

McCanney: First of all, we don’t have a definite sighting on this object.(From Ber – that statement may not be true as we DO have a definite siting from the hubble telescope documented furth down on this page). There is a belief, based on NASA’s internal studies from the early ’90s, that this object is coming in from a southerly location that is only visible during the month of May from the very southern locations on Earth, specifically New Zealand. Last spring, the weather in New Zealand did not cooperate and we were unable to get good observations, but we’re waiting possibly as early as February of this year to be able to observe this object in the southern hemisphere as the Earth turns around the Sun.

We do believe a large, new object is coming into the solar system because of the preparations of the governments around the world, including our own. They’re building cave cities for certain elite members of our society and basically leaving the rest of us out to hang like dirty laundry in the wind.

The effects on the Earth are very clear, both from my theoretical work and from what the ancients describe. There are episodes of mountain building. There could be a pole shift caused by a gravitational tidal wave that moves through the surface mantle of the Earth. There would be flooding both from tidal waves of the oceans, tremendous atmospheric storms and also from a huge pollution influx of oil and water — hydrocarbons and water — from inner planetary space onto Earth. And all of these things have been seen in the past.

The Bible talks about, for example, when all the vermin, bugs, insects and snakes came out of the ground and overran the Earth. This was a direct result of the electric fields penetrating the mantle of the Earth and causing these creatures to leave the ground and come out of the ground. The atmospheric conditions include the increase in the number of volcanoes going off.

I want to mention is that these planetary objects do not have to come necessarily that close to Earth to cause even dramatic Earth changes. Electrical discharges can occur between the planets even a distance apart. These, in fact, have been measured with NASA satellites where, in the 1990s, we saw incredible electrical discharges flow between Jupiter and Earth, taking out a number of our communication satellites. The scientists at that time were totally puzzled that outer space could do this. They still don’t understand the very electrical nature of our solar system. My book explains, in fact, how this works in a theoretical sense, and it also explains in a practical sense the effects it would have on planet Earth.

Have we already seen any of the effects that could be attributed to Planet X?

McCanney: Absolutely. We’re seeing the Sun at an excited level never before seen. There was a solar maximum in the year 2000 that would be the expected time for the Sun to reach the maximum of activity on its 11-year solar cycle, and after that it would be expected to diminish in energy over that 11-year span of time. We should be well on the way in the year 2003 to the solar minimum, but instead, the Sun is at an explosive state never before seen in the history of our solar system. My theoretical work shows how, in fact, the Sun is interacting with some large object that we have not seen yet — NASA probably has seen it, but it is not telling us — causing the dramatic solar flares that we’re seeing.

Are there any safe zones to be aware of should this come to pass?

McCanney: It’s very difficult to say that there are so-called “safe zones.” You might be safe from flooding in one area, but earthquakes and volcanic activity might be devastating. The best thing you can say is that it would not be safe to be near the oceans, because of the movement of the oceans, tidal waves and that type of Earth change.

What is desperately needed is public awareness so we can build safe shelters, domed regions with reinforced cement. We know these structures will withstand a lot, but right now there’s been no preparation except for the people who we call “leaders” in this country. They’ve prepared for a 50-year span where they would be safe in caves, without informing the public who, very much at this point, could be on the road towards preparedness and being in a mode of being much better off than they would be with no information and no preparation.

Please explain how the findings of ancient civilizations in the so-called Ice Age relates to your theory.

McCanney: What is very clear is that the Ice Age that we see in North America, what we call the Laurentian ice shield, was actually the old north polar cap of Earth. At that time, Siberia had a tropical climate and the south pole was in the region of the south Indian Ocean. What we’re finding is that the mass extinction that included the mastodons, the woolly mammoths and the saber tooth tiger was an event that occurred due to the passage of a very large celestial object that caused the poles to move approximately 30-40 degrees.

The old north pole of Earth used to be somewhere north of the state of Wisconsin, and this shift happened overnight. The mastodons in Siberia that are frozen in the tundra, for example, were quick-frozen in a moment’s notice. The one they dug out of the tundra just a year or two ago, was standing on all fours with undigested tropical plants in its throat. In other words, it was frozen, alive, while standing. We find this type of devastation all around the world. We’re also learning how vast civilizations of humans around the globe were devastated at that time. Entire cities, predating the Egyptian pyramids, are being dug out of the lower regions of the Andes mountains in South America. An ancient pyramid-type city, off the coast of Cuba, was recently discovered 2,000 feet under the ocean surface. And, of course, we have tales of cities like Atlantis and the prediluvian world, with standard science trying its best to explain away all of this as being localized events. But what is crystal clear is that this was one worldwide event caused by the passage of a large celestial object — and we are expecting that this could happen in the future with the passage of a large object that we call Planet X.

This passes approximately every 3,600 years?

McCanney: There are people saying numbers, but I don’t give numbers myself unless I have scientific data. There are people claiming that they have visions or other sources of information that would indicate May 2003 would be the date of the next passage, but I won’t predict dates or project dates into the past without definite scientific information. There is a definite dating structure, however, that shows that approximately 3,600 years ago there was a major event on this planet caused by an extra-celestial object. But, when it will happen in the future is unknown scientifically at this time, except to the people in NASA who are hiding the information from the public.

Most of the information about Planet X, comets and earth changes have been strictly grassroots. Why hasn’t NASA or the government released this information to the general public?

McCanney: NASA scientists are under a strict National Security Agency contract to not talk to the public at all. They cannot talk to the public about anything. NASA has official news release agencies. NASA has been confronted with the topic of Planet X, but it has chosen to send out representatives who are not NASA employees, and the first thing that they say is they do not represent NASA or their interests. To date, NASA has refused to make a public statement on record regarding Planet X, its arrival date and what they know about this large object that we believe is coming in the solar system.

Now, there’s been much disinformation on the subject in the media. Can you shed some light on this?

McCanney: If you go on the internet and search for Planet X, you’ll find a tremendous amount of disinformation. There has been a concerted disinformation campaign by the government through people on the internet, some of whom claim to be visionary or talk to aliens. Other disinformation comes from people who simply use their first name. What I’m attempting to do with my book and radio interviews is draw a middle ground and some clarity to this topic.

I’ve been on possibly 50 national radio shows in the past four months. I have my own radio show on the internet every Thursday night from 9-10 p.m. Eastern, streaming on the internet [ ]. You have the disinformation people on the internet on one side, and you have the government introducing disinformation on the other, leaving the public unable to understand what they should believe. That’s why I have been very popular on these radio shows. People understand what I’m saying and it makes sense.

Now, Jim, is it possible that this is one of the cataclysmic events prophesied by those such as the Bible, Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce?

McCanney: Yes, and if you look at not just the prediction of Earth changes and dramatic Earth devastation, many of the other prophecies are very much coming in line with this event. So, for people who have studied those topics, most people agree that we are on the verge of having another major Earth change. The Hopi Indians have an entire legend built around this. Their early cultures talked very much about the passage, about the seven stages of Earth changes as they called them. They make no qualms about the Earth changes. They say that the comets are the things that cause this and that the blue comets are the dangerous ones. We now know scientifically that the blue comets are the dangerous ones, because those are the ones that are so electrically active that they literally light up like a light bulb in the daytime sky.

Is it expected that there will be a collision with the Earth or are these changes going to happen by a near passage?

McCanney: The probability of a direct collision is very remote and very small, but in the past we know that these things have occurred without a large crater on Earth. In fact, all of the Earth changes can be explained by a near passage of one of these large objects through the inner solar system.

In fact, my book talks about what I call “action at a distance.” That is, the object does not have to be anywhere near Earth to cause dramatic Earth changes. For example, the object could interact electrically with the Sun, as it is doing now, the Sun would throw out an enormous solar flare and that would drastically affect our weather, causing tremendous storms that would devastate the Earth. It could reverse our magnetic field, causing a high amount of radiation to come into the planetary surface. It could increase the number of volcanoes that become active and cause earthquakes. We already know that the Sun can do this without the Planet X object being near Earth.

Do you believe that if the public is well-informed about this event that they may take steps to prepare for it?

McCanney: The entire purpose of my going public, and writing my book, is to make the statement that it’s not a matter of “if” this is going to happen. The question is only “when.” Preparation at an early stage is imperative. It would be a mistake to wait and allow ourselves to expect to prepare at the last minute.

Government scientists are mistaken when they believe that this passage will only cause a day or two of trauma to the Earth. We are already seeing the effects of a large object in the solar system, and a near passage would cause months of effects before the passage and possibly years of effects afterwards. So, it is imperative to prepare early and to have good data that NASA is hiding right now that would help us prepare.

Now, looking at this from a spiritual aspect, could it be that this is a triggering device to awaken souls to the time of transition and a shift in consciousness and not an end-time scenario as many view it to be?

McCanney: Absolutely. The human consciousness is definitely going to be awakened. For people to survive, it will not be possible for them to crawl into a cave by themselves with supplies and somehow come out of this as the sole survivor. It will have to be a total community effort where people understand what the damage and dangers would be and to prepare for it in a communal type of manner with total cooperation. Without such cooperation, there won’t be any survivors — if it’s as serious as we think it possibly could be, if it’s as serious as it has been in the past.

We see that the civilizations that did survive the last encounter actually formed many of the religious beliefs that came out of ancient culture. For example, a simple one is that if a man died, his brother would marry his wife to keep the procreation going, because at that point they were in a desperate survival mode. So, you find that much of the civilizations that did survive in the past did so as civilizations, not as individuals.

Along with your book, Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes, could you recommend any other good sources of information to people who would like to learn more about this topic.

McCanney: As I mentioned, I host a weekly radio show on the internet and I also have a website that I keep current with information. Other books that would be pertinent might be Mark Hazlewood’s book, Blindsided, which talks about the possibility that this object could be here as early as May 2003. Mark’s book is important because it made the public aware of Planet X, not so much as he is specifying a date for a passage.

A tremendous source of information is the work by Immanuel Velikovsky, who wrote three books describing his translation of ancient texts which, in fact, describe what the ancients encountered during the last series of Earth changes caused by an extra-solar system object. I’m going to mention also that NASA has spent decades downgrading his work, but what my work shows is that Velikovsky was right on the mark. The only thing missing from his books, which were written in the 1950s and describe Venus as a large comet that devastated Earth on two occasions 3,600 years ago, was a sound theoretical structure for his space science — and that’s what my work provides. It explains how comets become planets and how they come into the solar system and are formed. What is clear from recent space probe data is that all of the theories presented by NASA are incorrect.

In an overall statement to society in general, what is it you would like to tell them about the whole subject of Planet X and what is the message that we need to receive from this?

McCanney: The entire message of Planet X is that Earth has experienced and that civilizations have experienced these events in the past and they will happen again in the future. As a civilization, we have to prepare for this as it will be the most Earth-changing event in our future. Left totally unprepared, it might happen in 100 years, it might happen in 50 years, it could happen within the next 10 years or it could happen this coming May, but given any of those scenarios, we, as a civilization, as a species, must prepare for the most devastating event. If not, as a civilization we are doomed. And, being prepared is the most important thing that we can do.

We can build cement domes that kids could play in when this is not an imminent danger, but left totally unprepared there would be nearly a mass extinction of the human race. That’s why it’s imperative that we prepare now, whether it’s in the near future or the more distant future. We must prepare mentally, physically and spiritually as a human race for these events because, as I said before, it’s not a matter of “if” it will happen, but a matter of “when.”

Our government, obviously, is doing this major cover-up about Planet X. What are the other countries doing? Are they covering up the information as well?

McCanney: What’s interesting is that this is public knowledge in other countries, including Russia, where we usually would consider it to be a state where the government controls information. The topic of Planet X has been on billboards in Moscow, so the public around the world is very much aware of this.

The news media in the United States is very controlled by large corporations and government influence. In fact, the United States is one of the regions where very little, if anything, is known about Planet X amongst the general public.

Throughout the ’90s, top space scientists and astronomers in Russia took my published scientific papers, translated them into Russian and were teaching them to graduate-level science students in Russia in the top universities. Later in the 1990s, I noticed my e-mails were being intercepted, and eventually, my contact with the Russian scientists was cut off entirely.

The Russian scientists became very interested in my work because they were experimentalists, atmospheric experimentalists and space scientists and they were measuring effects that they didn’t understand. When they read my papers they realized that my papers explained what they were seeing.

acknowledgement, taken with thanks, from

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I wonder if there is more to this comet than is being said. Not another elenin saga which was ridiculous, but more, about the direction of this comet. is there something bringing it into the sun, something larger than a comet as an example?

maybe the same body said to have perturbed the orbits of the outer planets?

SIGNIFICANT COMET PLUNGES TOWARD THE SUN: A comet nearly as wide as two football fields (200m) is plunging toward the sun where it will most likely be destroyed in a spectacular light show on Dec. 15/16. Although Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) could become as bright as Jupiter or Venus when it "flames out," the glare of the sun will hide the event from human eyes. Solar observatories in space, however, will have a grand view. Yesterday the brightening comet entered the field of view of NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft:


"You can clearly see the comet heading diagonally through the images," says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab who prepared the animation. "During the 16-hour sequence, the comet brightens from magnitude +8 to +6.5, approximately."

It will soon grow much brighter. "This comet is a true sungrazer, and will skim approximately 140,000 km (1.2 solar radii) above the solar surface on Dec. 15/16," notes Battams. At such close range, solar heating will almost certainly destroy the icy interloper,creating a cloud of vapor and comet dust that will reflect lots of sunlight. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) will have a particularly good view.

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as I promised and after a spot of research here is a list that at least will be useful for further research

do not accept anything but take it as at least  a hypothesis. do your own groundwork

A m e r i c a n
Concentration Camps

Known U.S. Relocation Centers
as of December 9, 1999

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" alt="Do not let this be AMERICA'S BLOOD-wake up and prepare" height="22" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="575" />

We had exact locations of all the following camps, but due to our digital meltdown, we have to collect the information again from scratch. Please be patient.


Opelika - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.


Wilds of Alaska - east of Anchorage. No access by road, but there is a railway system. Facility holds 500,000 people. Projection: forced labor camp.


Florence - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.

Ft. Huachua - 20 miles from Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales Rex 84 Program. Projection: emergency custodial facility.

Pinal County, Gila River - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention facility.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Sedona - Top-secret United Nations (and/or U.S. military) secret military activity near the small tourist town of Sedona, Arizona.

Yuma County, Colorado River - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention facility.


Berryville FEMA facility - east of Eureka on Hwy 62. [near Tyson's property.]

Blytheville AFB - was closed; now a camp. Newly constructed wooden barracks surrounded by high barbed wire-topped fencing and guard towers.

Ft. Chaffee - has new aircraft runway and detention facility for 20,000 prisoners.

Jerome, Chicot/Drew Counties - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention facility.

Omaha FEMA facility - on Hwy 65, south of old wood processing plant, on a dirt road that leads to a toxic waste dump.

Rohwer, Descha County - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center.


Ft. Irwin - Irwin is a remote mountain region south of Death Valley National Monument. Designated as inactive, there is a camp at this facility aprox. 30 miles from I-15 in Barstow.

Manzanar Camp, Inyo County - Deserted WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center

Oakdale - Rex 84 Program Emergency custodial facility. 90 miles east of San Francisco on Hwy 120. Holds a minimum of 15,000 people.

Tulelake, Modoc County - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center.

Vandenberg AFB - Rex 84 Program Emergency custodial facility. Midway between San Lonis Obispo and Santa Barbara on Hwy 1, close to Hwy 101.


Granada, Prowers County - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center. 

Trinidad - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.


Camp Krome - near Miami Dept of Justice detention and interrogation facility.

Elgin AFB - Rex 84 Program Emergency custodial facility. Over 50 miles long, extending from Pensacola Bay to Hwy 331 in De Funiak Springs, adjacent to I-10 on the north, and Ft. Walton Beach vacation spot.


Camilla, Mitchell County - FEMA facility on mount Zion road aprox. 5.7 miles south of Camilla. From Camilla, take Hwy 19 south, go 5.4 miles from 37/19 Junction to Mount Zion Road, turn left (east) on Mount Zion Road. Not manned or staffed yet.

Ft. Benning - Rex 84 Program Emergency custodial facility east of Columbia, near Georgia/Alabama state line. Prisoners may be brought in via Lawson Army airfield.

Morgan, Calhoun County - FEMA facility. Take I-75 Exit 32 to 300 South to Albany; then Hwy 234 to Morgan; go through Morgan on Hwy 45 South. Facility is 1.5 miles on right (west) side of Hwy 45. Fully manned and staffed, but no prisoners yet.

Oglethorpe, Macon County - FEMA facility 5 miles from Montezuma, 3 miles from Oglethorpe, on west side of Hwy 49. No staff or prisoners yet.

Unadilla, Macon County - FEMA facility on East Railroad Street 1.5 miles from Unadilla on County Rd 230. Plunket Road leads into the facility. Manned and staffed, but no prisoners yet.


Kooski - 50 plus miles east, near Lolo Pass and Moose Creek, near a landing strip and a national forest. Unmanned.

Minipoka, Jerome County - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center.


Marseilles - small facility on the Illinois River, on Hwy 6, off I-80, relatively close to Chicago. Holds 1400 prisoners. Surrounded by high barbed wire-topped fencing and guard towers.


Ft. Benjamin, Harrison - U.S. Army facility on the outskirts of Indianapolis.

Ft. Wayne - FEMA detention facility.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Grissom Air Force Base - The facility is surrounded by high barbed wire, and lights. These structures are readily visible from US 31.

Indianapolis - massive concentration camp facility on thousands of acres just outside Indianapolis. Includes barracks, razor wire-topped fencing, guard towers, turnstiles, railroad, helicopter landing pads; and what appears to be 3 large furnaces with 3-inch mains on one of the buildings. Under construction.

Terre Haute - FEMA detention facility.


Concordia - WWII German/Italian POW Camp. Under renovation.

Eldorado - Federal prison to be converted to UN forced labor facility. There are 2 that are run by the state: an honor camp by the lake, and a maximum security prison aprox. 1 mile east on US-54. Somewhere in the area is a WWII prison camp, but it has not been located yet.

Leavenworth - U.S. Marshall Federal Holding facility PFP.

Topeka - 80 acres converted to a holding camp for prisoners.


Lexington - FEMA detention facility.

Lonisville - FEMA detention facility.


Livingston - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.


Houlton - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.


Fort Devens - New prison a factory facilities and reservoir that have been built around the camp. It was constructed last year and the railroad had to reconstruct tracks into the prison from Canada and from Boston. Livingston


Bay City - on Saginaw Bay surrounded by high barbed wire-topped fencing and guard towers. Connected to Lake Huron. Prisoners may be brought in by water from either the U.S. or Canada.

Central MI - FEMA detention facility.

Detroit - FEMA detention facility.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Fort Custer (near Battle Creek, Michigan) - has a "Prison camp". Also have received reports of FEMA "Box cars" riding the rails through Battle Creek and making stops in or around Fort Custer.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Grayling, National Guard training base - reports of Latvian troops in large numbers (700+) stationed at Camp. All reportees are considered by this Intelligence officer as "very reliable".

Southwest MI - FEMA detention facility.


Hancock County - NASA facility on old toxic waste dump with 2 camps: one at the end of Kiln Road at Waveland, then the next road after Ammo Road at the Post Office; and one in the center of a rest station back from the Interstate.
[Inmates from the Hancock County Jail claim they have worked details involving the delivery of food to these camps under the supervision of UN guards. One individual claims that one of these camps is full of European men, women and children, all at the same compound. He said that the UN guards were severely beating prisoners, who appeared to be involved in forced labor. It is impossible to verify this information at this time.


Richards Gebaur AFB, Grandview - large civilian internment facility. AFB personnel are restricted from the area.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Warsaw - Unconfirmed report of a large concentration camp facility.


Northeast corner NE - FEMA detention facility.

Northwest corner NE - FEMA detention facility.

Scottsbluff - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.

South-central Hastings - FEMA detention facility.


Elco - prison facility 10 miles from Elco.

Las Vegas - From Range Road and Las Vegas Blvd North, across from Nellis AFB, go west on Range Road aprox. 7 miles. Go under I-15 and you'll see a new 6-foot high chain link fence and sliding road gate. Signs say "RESTRICTED AREA. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY". Approx. 1 mile after that is the Nevada National Guard compound, and the camp is on the right next to the RR tracks.

Reno - 150 miles south on east side of road, 150 yards from road.

Wells - 40 miles north of Wells in O'niel Basin Area, 25 miles west off Hwy 93.

Winnemucca - at I-80 mile marker 112, 3/4 miles off the road on the south side, near the base of the mountains.

New Mexico

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Fort Stanton - currently being used as a youth detention facility approximately 35 miles north of Ruidoso, New Mexico. We do not have a great deal of information concerning the Lordsburg location. However, we have been informed by several people at Holloman AFB near Alamogordo, NM that a new facility was just completed there a few months ago.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 White Sands - Missile Range: is being used as a storage facility for United Nations Vehicles and equipment. We have seen them bring this material in on the Whitesands rail spur in Oro Grande New Mexico about thirty miles from the Texas, New Mexico Border.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Holloman AFB - is being very quickly taken over by the German Luftwaft, and they have been doing extensive building, destroying many of the USAF building that have been there for several years.


Albany - FEMA detention facility.

Buffalo - FEMA detention facility.

Ft. Drum - upstate New York near St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario, close to Canada. Probable location for eastern processing for prisoners. Both waterways may be used for transport.

Watertown - FEMA detention facility.


Cincinnati - FEMA detention facility

Cleveland - FEMA detention facility.

Columbus - FEMA detention facility.

Lima - FEMA detention facility.


McAlester - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.

Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City - civilian detention facility. AFB personnel are prohibited from going near the area, which is under constant guard.

Will Rogers Airport - new FEMA facility. Probable processing center for prisoners west of the Mississippi River.


%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Sheridan - FEMA detention center

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Portland - reports that rail boxcars are being built in by FMC corp. that are prisoner transport cars with 144 shackle stations per car.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Umatilla - Prison cells spotted.


Camp Hill - off I-15, close to Cumberland Army Depot and Camp Hill correctional facility, across the navigable Susquehanna River from Harrisburg.

Ft. Indiantown Gap Military Reservation - WWII POW camp north of Harrisburg. Renovated by President Jimmy Carter for Cubans during the Mariel boatlift.


Crossville - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Nashville - There are two buildings in Nashville, TN built on State property - that are definitely built to hold prisoners. They are identical buildings - side by side.


Amarillo - FEMA detention facility.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Beaumont Port Arthur area - thousands of acres of federal camps already built on the order of detention camp sesign complete with the double row chain link fencing with the razor styled concertina wire on top of each row. Some but not all of these facilities are currently being used for low-risk prisoners who require a minimum of supervision. However, any of these facilities could be returned into an armed internment detection center within a 24-hr. period.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Ft. Bliss, El Paso - Been undergoing extensive renovation of buildings and from what we have been able to see, many of these buildings that are being renovated are being surrounded by razor wire.

Ft. Hood - newly constructed concentration camp. Surrounded by high barbed wire-topped fencing and guard towers.

Mexia - WWII German/Italian POW camp. Under renovation.

Princeton - WWII POW camp on north side of Denton Hwy. Under renovation.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Ft. Worth - Federal prison under construction on the old Carswell AFB.


Millard County - in central Utah, Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center.

Camp Williams, Skull Valley - west of the old bombing range in the south/southwestern portion of Camp Williams. Discovered by a man and his son while rabbit hunting. They were discovered and apprehended.

Utah Lake - 15 miles south of Saratoga Recreation Center 200-300 yds off the road. Surrounded by 40-50-foot high black wire. Made to look something like a golf driving range.


Camp A.P. Hill


Okanogan County - site for massive concentration camp, bordering Canada. Will be capable of holding hundreds of thousands of prisoners.

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" height="10" width="27" />12/9/99 Seattle/Spokan West of Vantage - Prison cells spotted.


Central WI - FEMA detention facility.

Ft. McCoy - Rex 84 Program Emergency custodial facility in western WI, 30 miles east of Lacrosse, between the point where 90 and 94 intersect.


East Yellowstone - manned facility. Investigators were apprehended by Foreign soldiers. They were unable to identify the language used by the soldiers.

North-central WY - FEMA detention facility.

Park County, Hart Mountain - Renovated WWII Japanese-American Special Internment detention center.

Southeastern WY - FEMA detention facility.

Southwestern WY - FEMA detention facility.

The 10 Federal Regions

%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" alt="Do not let this be AMERICA'S BLOOD-wake up and prepare" height="22" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="575" />

Region I: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Regional Capitol: Boston

Region II: New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Island
Regional Capitol: New York City

REGION III: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia.
Regional Capitol: Philadelphia

REGION IV: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee
Regional Capitol: Atlanta

REGION V: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Regional Capitol: Chicago

REGION VI: Arkansas, Lonisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Regional Capitol: Dallas-Fort Worth

REGION VII: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Regional Capitol: Kansas City

REGION VIII: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming Regional Capitol: Denver

REGION IX: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada
Regional Capitol: San Francisco

REGION X: Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho
Regional Capitol: Seattle

Supplementing these 10 Regions, each of the States is, or is to be, divided into subregions, so that Federal Executive control is provided over every community. Then, controlling the budgeting and the programming at every level is that politico-economic system known as PPBS. The President need not wait for some emergency such as an impeachment ouster. He can declare a National Emergency at any time, and freeze everything, just as he has already frozen wages and prices. And the Congress, and the States, are powerless to prevent such an Executive Dictatorship, unless Congress moves to revoke these extraordinary powers before the Chief Executive moves to invoke them.

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Map of Active U.S. FEMA Camps: Is There One Near You?

I found this info on another site, and am sharing it with you. This is a pic of the active & operational U.S. FEMA camps. If you connect to the link I've added, there is an article that describes each camp state by state. The article also list a number of executive orders that have already been passed to prepare for a future domestic military takeover. I hope everyone can find this useful. Also I want to thank the original author and researcher for locating and sharing this abundance of knowledge (there is alot of good info on this link).

 Jesse Ventura - Conspiracy Theory -

Police State (FEMA Camps) HQ Full length

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders



There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they mostly empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.

I have felt the need to delete some content here, as the blog has a copyright on it. personal honesty prevent me from breaching this but there are sources where these camps are laid out so please bear with me and I will use non copyright material in a new post

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Report: Iran To Practice Closing Strait Of Hormuz

closure of key choke point would send oil prices skyrocketing to $300-$500 a barrel

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 12, 2011

The Iranian Army has refused to comment after a member of the country’s National Security Committee said today that Iran was to practice closing the Strait of Hormuz, the most important choke point for oil shipments in the world.

“The legislator, Parviz Sarvari, told the student news agency ISNA: “Soon we will hold a military manoeuvre on how to close the Strait of Hormuz. If the world wants to make the region insecure, we will make the world insecure,” reports Reuters.

The Straight of Hormuz, just 34 miles wide at its narrowest point, is a key transport passage for petroleum exporting countries from the Persian Gulf, with the 15.5 million barrels of oil that pass through it each day representing 33% of the world’s total oil shipments.

The Iranian military refused to comment on the report, but Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the shipping channel in the event of a US or Israeli-led attack, a potential action the United States has characterized as an act of war.

Following speculation that sanctions would be placed on Iranian oil exports, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast warned last week that oil prices would soar above $250 dollars barrel.

In response , US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stated, “Any disruption of the free flow of commerce through the Persian Gulf is a very grave threat to all of us and a red line for the US.

Experts have forecast that a 30 day closure of the Strait of Hormuz would send oil prices skyrocketing to between $300-$500 dollars a barrel, a level that would trigger global economic instability and cost the U.S. nearly $75 billion in GDP.

As we reported last week, the United States has deployed a total of three warships to the Middle East, along with several other attack boats, as tensions in the region escalate.

With the USS John C. Stennis already stationed just outside Iranian territorial waters, the the USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS Carl Vinson are on their way to join her.

The United States now has a total of five major aircraft carriers deployed around the world, the same number of warships that were in action shortly before the invasion of Iraq in early 2003.

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White House unleashes new terrorism propaganda campaign

Modified Wiki image

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Yesterday the White House revealed a new plan to fight what they allege is the threat of homegrown terrorism; a threat which I have been pointing out has been artificially hyped up for some time now.

The Obama administration continues to promulgate the fake threat of terrorism in order to justify their increasing erosion of civil liberties and massive expenditures on so-called counterterrorism efforts.

The program is aimed at even further integrating local and federal authorities, just as the fusion centers do across the nation, along with improving the ability for officers to “recognize violent extremism,” according to ABC News.

However, I think we all know by now this means teaching them to be paranoid, to ignore all facts that show the threat of terrorism is incredibly low, and to be suspicious of their fellow citizens.

This new program isn’t just integrating local law enforcement with federal agencies as the fusion centers have been doing, it is also increasing “coordination between local partners – including schools and community groups,” representing a new front in fear mongering.

Through so-called “community outreach” programs, the federal government fosters a pervasive sense of paranoia and fear which allows for wildly un-American and incredibly dangerous legislation like S.1867 to pass with such astounding margins.

The Obama administration’s new plan has already drawn criticism from Senators Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman who questioned the omission of radical Islam from the new document.

The 24-page report released yesterday draws parallels between domestic extremism and “gang violence” and “sexual offenses” while a recent Department of Defense letter called the Fort Hood shooting “workplace violence.”

“We also continue to be disappointed by the administration’s refusal to identify violent Islamist extremism as our enemy,” the statement from Collins and Lieberman said. “To understand this threat and counter it, we must not shy away from making the sharp distinction between the peaceful religion followed by millions of law-abiding Americans and a twisted corruption of that religion used to justify violence.”

This also follows the trend I have been observing for some time of shifting the alleged threat away from Muslim extremists and towards regular Americans.

This latest report from the Obama administration is clearly pushing the narrative that the real threat is average American citizens and not foreign radical militants, a move which is undoubtedly related to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

I recently covered, countless Americans could easily be rounded up and, at best, treated as Civilian Internees, although it is much more likely that anyone determined to be a “belligerent” (even if it is only ideological) will be treated as an Enemy Prisoner of War.

The report, entitled “Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States,” claims, “Protecting our nation’s communities from violent extremist recruitment and radicalization is a top national security priority. It is an effort that requires creativity, diligence and commitment to our fundamental rights and principles.”

The part about “commitment to our fundamental rights and principles” is outright laughable seeing as the Obama administration has trampled all over our fundamental rights and principles with glee.

“Just as we engage and raise awareness to prevent gang violence, sexual offenses, school shootings and other acts of violence, so too must we ensure that our communities are empowered to recognize threats of violent extremism and understand the range of government and nongovernment resources that can help keep their families, friends and neighbors safe,” the report said.

This is the type of fear mongering that drives people to live in a constantly paranoid state in which they’re perpetually trying to “recognize threats of violent extremism” when there are none to be found.

But of course that is exactly what the federal government wants, as without creating a culture of fear, there is no justification for the steady erosion of our most essential rights and liberties.

While Collins and Lieberman criticized the Obama administration’s perceived failure to identify radical Islam as a dangerous factor, they did laud the White House for making progress in what Fox News calls “counter[ing] propaganda and coordinat[ing] with local communities.”

Exactly what they mean by propaganda is unclear, but in reality the only propaganda that needs to be countered is that which is disseminated by the U.S. government.

Lieberman and Collins, who are the chairman and ranking Republican on the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, respectively, cited 33 cases of homegrown terror plots since 2009 which have resulted in the deaths of 14 Americans.

However, they fail to point out that in the vast majority of these cases, the alleged terrorists dealt with the Federal Bureau of Investigations or other government agents the entire time.

A fantastic article in Mother Jones exposed just how the FBI goes about manufacturing these terrorists in order to justify the homeland security industry.

Martin Stolar, a lawyer who represented an individual caught up in a sting involving the Herald Square subway station in New York in 2004 told Mother Jones, “They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror.”

At this point, this fact is irrefutable and with every supposed domestic terrorism case that grabs headlines, it becomes even clearer that the real terrorists work out of expensive offices in Washington and are engineering fake terror events on a regular basis in order to justify their treasonous activities.

With some of the most atrocious legislation coming our way in the near future, it can only be expected that this propaganda will continue to be pushed in order to justify stripping Americans of their most essential civil liberties.

This article originally appeared at End the Lie.

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The Ghost in Your Genes - BBC Horizon

Uploaded by CooDocu on Oct 28, 2011

Biology stands on the brink of a shift in the understanding of inheritance. The discovery of epigenetics -- hidden influences upon the genes -- could affect every aspect of our lives.

At the heart of this new field is a simple but contentious idea -- that genes have a 'memory'. That the lives of your grandparents -- the air they breathed, the food they ate, even the things they saw -- can directly affect you, decades later, despite your never experiencing these things yourself. And that what you do in your lifetime could in turn affect your grandchildren.

The conventional view is that DNA carries all our heritable information and that nothing an individual does in their lifetime will be biologically passed to their children. To many scientists, epigenetics amounts to a heresy, calling into question the accepted view of the DNA sequence -- a cornerstone on which modern biology sits.

Epigenetics adds a whole new layer to genes beyond the DNA. It proposes a control system of 'switches' that turn genes on or off -- and suggests that things people experience, like nutrition and stress, can control these switches and cause heritable effects in humans.

In a remote town in northern Sweden there is evidence for this radical idea. Lying in Överkalix's parish registries of births and deaths and its detailed harvest records is a secret that confounds traditional scientific thinking. Marcus Pembrey, a Professor of Clinical Genetics at the Institute of Child Health in London, in collaboration with Swedish researcher Lars Olov Bygren, has found evidence in these records of an environmental effect being passed down the generations. They have shown that a famine at critical times in the lives of the grandparents can affect the life expectancy of the grandchildren. This is the first evidence that an environmental effect can be inherited in humans.

In other independent groups around the world, the first hints that there is more to inheritance than just the genes are coming to light. The mechanism by which this extraordinary discovery can be explained is starting to be revealed.

Professor Wolf Reik, at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, has spent years studying this hidden ghost world. He has found that merely manipulating mice embryos is enough to set off 'switches' that turn genes on or off.

For mothers like Stephanie Mullins, who had her first child by in vitro fertilisation, this has profound implications. It means it is possible that the IVF procedure caused her son Ciaran to be born with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome -- a rare disorder linked to abnormal gene expression. It has been shown that babies conceived by IVF have a three- to four-fold increased chance of developing this condition.

And Reik's work has gone further, showing that these switches themselves can be inherited. This means that a 'memory' of an event could be passed through generations. A simple environmental effect could switch genes on or off -- and this change could be inherited.

His research has demonstrated that genes and the environment are not mutually exclusive but are inextricably intertwined, one affecting the other.

The idea that inheritance is not just about which genes you inherit but whether these are switched on or off is a whole new frontier in biology. It raises questions with huge implications, and means the search will be on to find what sort of environmental effects can affect these switches.

After the tragic events of September 11th 2001, Rachel Yehuda, a psychologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, studied the effects of stress on a group of women who were inside or near the World Trade Center and were pregnant at the time. Produced in conjunction with Jonathan Seckl, an Edinburgh doctor, her results suggest that stress effects can pass down generations. Meanwhile research at Washington State University points to toxic effects -- like exposure to fungicides or pesticides -- causing biological changes in rats that persist for at least four generations.

This work is at the forefront of a paradigm shift in scientific thinking. It will change the way the causes of disease are viewed, as well as the importance of lifestyles and family relationships. What people do no longer just affects themselves, but can determine the health of their children and grandchildren in decades to come. "We are," as Marcus Pembrey says, "all guardians of our genome."

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Mystery tremor leaves New Jersey residents puzzled

December 11, 2011 – NEW JERSEY - Local residents felt a slight tremor at about 10 a.m. Saturday. Residents in Newark, Bergen County and Sussex County felt it, too — something that made houses shake and water ripple. It wasn’t an earthquake. But what was it? U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist Paul Caruso isn’t sure. “We received a number of reports that people felt something,” Caruso said from the National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado. “We don’t know what it was.” Local residents took to Facebook and Twitter to describe what they thought was an earthquake. “I felt it in Margate, thought I was having a stroke!” wrote Patti Fiore. Caruso has some theories as to what caused the shaking sensation, but at this point it’s merely speculation. “It could have possibly been a thunderstorm off the coast,” Caruso said. “A sonic boom, that’s another possibility.” Caruso said this sort of thing happens several times a year, usually off the coast of Florida. New Jersey has become more earthquake-conscious since August, when a 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook the East Coast. –Press of Atlantic City

Floors shook, bottles rattled, bells jingled, and scores of New Jersey residents up and down the state cried “earthquake!” yesterday morning. Was this the state’s second rattler in four months? Despite more than 60 residents who claimed to have felt shaking yesterday morning, a spokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey said none of the seismometers stationed around the state picked up even a hint of trembling. “It’s not an earthquake,” said geophysicist John Bellini, speaking from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Colorado office. “My guess would be it’s more likely thunder or a sonic boom.” -NJ

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FEMA Concentration Camps - Locations and Executive Orders


'There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they mostly empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.

The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.'

Read more: FEMA Concentration Camps - Locations and Executive Orders

taken with respect,  david Icke website

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Strong 6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes Guerrero Mexico

December 11, 2011 – MEXICO - A strong 6.7 magnitude earthquake has struck the region of Guerrero, Mexico which is about 166 km (103 miles) SSW of Mexico City, D.F., Mexico. The depth of the earthquake was about 64.9 km or 40.3 miles. High-rises swayed in Mexico City and people were huddled out of tall buildings as panic set in. Damage and injury reports have not yet been assessed


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 When worlds collide: the synchronicity of earthchange events on December 7th and 8th
by The Extinction Protocol

"These are the orbits of five objects that hit Earth on the night of Dec. 7/8. NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network recorded the meteoroids as they disintegrated in the atmosphere over the United States, each one producing a bright fireball. Note how all the orbits converge on a single point--our planet." –Space Weather

“Men’s hearts failing them for fear for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:26

December 11, 2011 – SPACE – This may be just the beginning of many soon-to-be synchronous occurrences where deep space, the planet's atmosphere, and the Earth are  simultaneously affected by multiple events. In the late hours of December 7-8th, a mini-fireball storm converged on Earth, an earthquake struck a remote stretch of coastline in Chile, and there was an unexplained spike in cosmic ray intensity on the Russian neutron monitor. -The Extinction Protocol
contribution Evo

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