We aren't taxes enough!!!
Every penny that they collect will go in to their own pockets or will 'mysteriously' dissappear
We aren't taxes enough!!!
Every penny that they collect will go in to their own pockets or will 'mysteriously' dissappear
You would think that everyone would have an interest in the future, but many souls are content to drift along without any ambition to do differently. In fact to some there does not appear to be any purpose to life at all. Yet within their little niche on Earth, they observe other life and at some point become restless because they inwardly know that it could be much better. That Dear Ones is the onset of their awakening, and with so much going on at present it is hoped they make progress. Life begs questions regarding as to why it is so unsatisfactory in creating and giving the most basic comforts to all people. Subconsciously you all know that you are One, and that each one of you should benefit from all of Earth's bounties. In this present time the dark Ones have gone further than previously, in denying you your rightful share and taking away the little that you already had. They brazenly believed that they could totally enslave you having found little opposition their plans. However, they reckoned without the rapid growth in consciousness, in part due to the sterling work of the Lightworkers. It is though an explosion of Light has occurred and engulfed the whole world, and that is not far removed from the truth. The amount of energy being beamed to Earth has grown exponentially, and distributed through those evolved beings who are able to bring it down into it. It has moved beyond the point where it can be stopped, and has allowed you to step onto the path of Ascension.
As we have stated before you are all at different stages of evolution, and it is to be expected that there will be different responses to what is going on in your world. As you move up the ladder so you are uplifting all others as they too benefit from the increasing levels of consciousness. The question is will everyone make it and ascend, and that depends on all of your freewill choices. So some souls will carry on drifting around and be quite content to watch the world go by. Their pace of progress is clearly a lot slower than most other peoples, but that has no bearing on their ability to eventually experience upliftment. The fact is that all souls have DNA genes that give them the impetus to seek the truth, and that will inevitably cause them to continue searching for it. The urge usually comes with wondering about the purpose of life, and this carries them forward on a long journey of adventure.
For those of you who have found the path home, life suddenly becomes more smooth running, and problems no longer cause great strife, as you handle them with ease because of your understanding. Knowing how it all works helps you overcome any obstacles you encounter, and your ego continues to take a back seat without interfering. Your ego is making way for your Higher Self that is the real you. So you see Dear Ones you do have the responsibility to lift yourself up as no one else can do it for you. They can help but in the final reckoning it is your decision that will determine how you progress. You need to have a strong intent to merge with your Higher Self, and it means following a path that treats all souls as One. On Earth that is easier said than done, but it is being achieved so it is possible if you put your mind to it.
Meantime, some of you still find it hard to believe you are so near to completion, yet it approaches faster than ever. It does not rely on the outer happenings as they are the preferred conditions that will lead to a great leap forward where you living standards are concerned. You know now that you have been seriously held back, and by filling the gaps there will be a smoother and more acceptable transition. Eventually you will benefit from moving into a higher dimension, where the advantages given through new technologies will be somewhat familiar to you. All round it will be seen as a quantum leap forward and little of your old world way of living will remain. With it goes the labor intensive systems, that have held you in slavery with little time for your own creative desires. That will bring about a major change in your lives, to be able to fully engage in those pursuits that give you pleasure.
Your lives at present are really so restricted and controlled, and that also applies to the Laws of the Land that will be carefully scrutinized and amended, to take out those that are unjust and unlawful. There will be a return to a countries Constitution with added benefits arising from your coming Ascension. In all manner of things you are being prepared for your upliftment, and our allies are getting closer to some major achievements. Nothing about it is easy as we are dealing with worldwide problems, particularly where the financial sector is concerned. However, there must be far reaching changes otherwise monetary policies will not be stable, and we will ensure that there is no return to the centralized systems that have in part caused their downfall. Banks will be smaller and more accountable for their actions.
The Galactic Federation is ready to standby its allies as they make moves to bring some matters to a conclusion. It is time for the final chapter to written about the Human Race and their journey through duality. It will be one of a victory achieved through sheer endeavor and commitment to the Light. Even you will be surprised once you learn how the odds were stacked up against you. Yet, you persevered and your faith carried you forward, and often you have worked in isolation but still fulfilled your mission. It is a wondrous victory and what you see now are only the final attempts of the dark Ones to carry on with their mischief. It is all in our control, and soon they shall be called to account for their actions over millenia of time.
Still keep going as strong as ever, and do not let up by holding firmly onto your focus of Ascension. Each of you that does so will be helping to ensure it comes about as intended, and you will not be alone as we are all accompanying you over these last few months even if you are unaware. Our position is that we are able to monitor whatever is happening on Earth, and we can hear conversations and see quite clearly as though we were there. In fact we can penetrate the ground and see into the bases that the dark Ones have set up. Nothing misses our attention or can be hidden from us. You are therefore safe and in time all military bases will be closed forever.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and glad we can ensure your safe passage to Ascension. It will be the most important advancement you have ever experienced. We send our love and blessings to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
US warship remains in Strait Of Hormuz amidst simmering tensions
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, February 3, 2012
The USS Abraham Lincoln warship has remained stationed in the Strait of Hormuz despite an Iranian threat that no more aircraft carriers should transit the sensitive oil choke point as tensions in the Persian Gulf continue to simmer with Washington warning Tehran it will join an Israeli attack if Iran dares to fight back in any way.
Stratfor’s latest naval update map shows that the USS Lincoln has not moved from its position having transited the Strait almost two weeks ago. Similarly, the USS Carl Vinson has also remained in its position, suggesting US Naval officials are satisfied with the strategic position of the two warships as Israel prepares to launch an attack on Iran in which the US could quickly become embroiled.
US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta “believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June,” reports the Washington Post, adding that Panetta was likely told of the timing when Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak postponed a a planned U.S.-Israel military exercise that had been scheduled for May.
It now appears that the United States has almost finalized getting all its ducks in a row in preparation for Israel’s assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Washington Post article makes it clear that the Obama administration will stand by while Tel Aviv leads the attack. The US will only become overtly involved if “Iran hits U.S. assets” or if “Israel’s population centers were hit”.
In other words, if Iran attempts to fight back in any way, which is all but inevitable, the US will join the attack. The Obama administration will then think itself justified in telling the American people that the US acted in self-defense, when in reality such a series of coordinated events is absurdly obvious.
“I can’t say clearly enough that what the U.S. has signaled in Ignatius’ report is that if Iran is attacked, it may not strike back against its attacker,” writes Richard Silverstein. “If it does, the U.S. will rain down hellfire and damnation on it. This is frightening beyond measure. I’ve never known the U.S. to lay down such a principle which virtually assures our joining in a war against Iran. Israeli policymakers will be delighted to read these words.”
Both Washington and Tel Aviv are hoping for a repeat of Operation Orchard, Israel’s attack on a Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007 that prompted no significant retaliation from Assad’s regime. However, Iran’s Air Force is second only to Israel’s in the region and Tehran’s surface to air missile capability is far superior.
A third US aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, is set to add even more firepower in the 5th Fleet region after it completes a training exercise in the Atlantic Ocean. British and French warships are also in place to provide further back-up.
It has also been revealed that the nuclear submarine USS Annapolis and the destroyer USS Momsen are likely to heading towards the Persian Gulf in the build up to a possible attack on Iran.
The United States has sent both the Lincoln and the Vinson sailing through the Strait in recent weeks despite Iran’s warning that any more US warships transiting the narrow passageway would not be tolerated. Tehran’s threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, an act that would cause chaos on global oil markets, has been described as a “red line” by the United States.
The US is currently conducting its biggest naval exercises in over a decade. The Bold Alligator joint Navy and Marine Corps exercise, taking place off the coast of Virginia and North Carolina, is clearly geared towards simulating a naval conflict with Iranian forces despite official claims to the contrary.
According to Israeli intelligence outfit Debka File, the United States has placed 50,000 troops to be ready for “any contingency” by March, with another 50,000 on the way, on two two strategic islands at the southern exit of the Strait of Hormuz. In addition, 15,000 troops are also on standby in Kuwait.
Tehran is set to conduct more naval exercises in the Strait later this month. Experts estimate that around 1,000 mines would be required to block the 55km wide passage and that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have already stockpiled 2,000 mines for that very purpose.
"The AccuWeather Long Range Forecasting Team thinks longest stretch of cold is yet to come for the Great Lakes and Northeast, but spring will arrive early for many.
"Phil saw his shadow for Groundhog Day 2012 in Punxsutawney, Pa., forecasting another six weeks of winter for the U.S.
"There is some winter left on the table, but not a full six weeks for most of the U.S.," responds Paul Pastelok, expert long-range meteorologist and leader of the AccuWeather.com Long-Range Forecasting Team, after Phil's prognostication."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1y35gTcFc4 whether it is bio warfare, planet x, Emp nuclear attack or solar flares the scenario is still the same for survival.. This series of history channel videos is very real and will in my opinion happen in our lifetime. There a nine videos that will keep coming up on the right. I do not wish to be programed by Tv any longer so I missed this one, You need to see this. Unles you are waiting for the aliens to come and save you?
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Mexico reeling from climate extremes- millions imperiled by drought and coldby The Extinction Protocol |
Magnitude | 7.1 |
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Location | 17.766°S, 167.134°E |
Depth | 23.1 km (14.4 miles) |
Region | VANUATU |
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There is a poll in this video stating the numbers of innocent killed in drone attacks
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