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For over 100 years we have had to deal with a scientific falsity namely Isostasy. I would like to have your support in getting this false theory debunked in short order. It has been allowed to exist for too long and it is false science. It cannot be allowed to continue. I am asking only that you think through the evidence and see that the whole premiss of Isostasy was derived from a misinterpretation of Charles Darwin. In his age there were other thinkers and tinkerers who lived in that less enlightened age. When Darwin made his observation of what he termed "Raised Beaches" he thought that the land mass had risen from the sea because he saw sea fossils high up on the shoreline above sea level. He thought as we all did that sea level was a constant. We still have that mindset today when we are told that sea levels are rising. When we are told by the media hype that sea levels are rising they are inferring that sea levels are rising above the level that it has always been throughout history. ( Are you follwowing me so far?) That is the major mistake that Darwin made. He thought that the land was rising when in fact it was the sea that was deserting the land mass; receding if you will. Other thinkers of the day jumped on to Darwins mistake and formulated the Isostatic Rebound Theory. They stated that "The reason that the land was rising is because the Ice Age had depressed the land and now that the Ice had melted the land was rebounding"
Darwin was wrong it was the sea that was receding and still is today. So we have to deal with Isostatic Rebound and get it removed from the lexicon of Geology. Please support the Initiative.
See The Mysterious Receding Seas" on Google and Youtube. Richard Guy Email:
Tel 867-445-8012. Web Page: ;
Author of "The Mysterious Receding Seas" "The Ascent of Man: Downhill all the Way" " Is Planet Earth Expanding?"
Oasis Lecturer, Structural Engineer, West London U. UK.
MARCH 29, 2015
Dear ones, Greetings to all in this season of Christian celebration. Know that the death and resurrection remembered at Easter were meant to provide profound spiritual teachings for all, Christian as well as non-Christian.
Spring is bringing with it new beginnings, even for those who may be trying very hard to avoid new beginnings. We speak now of those who believe that their learning curve is finished and that they are now entitled to sit back and enjoy "old age". Those in this category will be very surprised when change begins to disrupt this cherished illusion. Everyone must be prepared for change both within and without regardless of human age and its manifestations .
Refuse to blindly accept into consciousness the beliefs and fears about aging being incessantly thrown at you by corporations who stand to profit from your fears of age and deterioration. Individual human age matters not in the spiritual journey for in reality, everyone is as old as God.
We emphasize change simply to remind all now on earth to not get too comfortable in the illusion, for you all made the choice to be a part of this powerful time of change in order to spiritually evolve and then in turn, assist others.
An energy field filled with Light can lift those receptive and ready without words ever being spoken and often even without any conscious awareness. This is what happened in the story of the woman touching the hem of Jesus's robe and being healed. It was not the robe, it was the very illuminated energy field of Jesus. She was receptive and was thus lifted into his higher frequency consciousness where disease did not exist.
Many of you are beginning to experience others seeking you out--asking what you know, how you may feel about this or that, or what you believe--your advice. They do not know exactly what it is they seek, but they feel your Light. When this happens, remember always to keep yourselves in compassion and not sympathy, for in sympathy you align with the other's energy.
Every soul seeks Light for it is the focus of the true Self to be remembered, but as with all things, this too is interpreted according to the individual state of consciousness. Even those seeming to live out from the densest of third dimensional energy are unknowingly seeking the peace and harmony of Light when their discordant actions may indicate otherwise. A murderer believes he is making things better for himself in some way.
The Arcturian Group wishes to speak of Resurrection--a term heavily imbued with the Christian teachings of Jesus being crucified and then arising from the dead and leaving the tomb. The hidden, deeper message is that only through the death of the old, can come new beginnings. It has been taught and believed by many that the resurrection story is about one person alone--Jesus. It is time to understand that the birth, death, and resurrection events were all profound teachings given to the world with unconditional love by Jesus, not meant to be pinned on him alone.
Death and resurrections have been experienced by all with varying intensity throughout lifetimes. You have all had them. Death and resurrection has been ongoing, serving to lift the soul to new levels of spiritual awareness through physical, emotional, and mental experiences until at last there comes a final and profound death and resurrection in which the soul finally remembers Itself.
The idea of this experience as belonging to one alone, has resulted in mankind missing many of the vital and powerful lessons that were given through a great sacrifice by the illumined teacher.
All are in and of One Divine Consciousness. Jesus, an evolved being and master of Light, incarnated to be the example, showing mankind that the Way is within, but the consciousness of most were not able to accept this and instead chose to make him into a God as many still do. The same is true of Siddhartha who become the Buddha, and all the great spiritual Lights through out time.
Over and over again, un-awakened individuals have interpreted mystical teachings according to their less evolved state of consciousness. Then in their enthusiasm, they proceed to organize their interpretations, and deify the original messenger as being separate and more special than everyone else. They worship the messenger, and thus miss the message entirely.
It is time to leave behind all the old concepts and beliefs and enter into your own power, dear ones. It is time to accept and believe that you and all are the expressions of the Divine, even those over-shadowed by ignorance and dense energy. It is time to claim your Divine Sonship, your Oneness, and your Divinity.
Easter represents a rising out from the tomb of false beliefs and concepts and is often pre-ceded by whatever painful crucifixion experiences may be necessary in order to dissolve those firmly held concepts forming your personal world.
Resurrection is universal--it is the Phoenix rising from the ashes, it is the awakening of Siddhartha Gautama under the Bodhi tree, and is the master Jesus emerging alive with Divine Light from the tomb.
Just as the birth in a manger is symbolic of a new self being born from humble circumstances, so is Easter your story presented ever so lovingly by a great master of Light. It is the story of you, arising out of centuries of living in duality and separation and finally remembering.
Arise dear ones. Celebrate, claim SELF, and live, for in Light there is no more crucifixion, only Resurrection.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/29/15
United States Representative to Congress
Commencement Speech
American University in Dubai
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
His Highness, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum; Members of the Royal Families of the United Arab Emirates; Dr. Lance de Masi, President of American University in Dubai, Mr. Elias Bou Saab, Executive Vice President, Members of the Board, Members of the Faculty of American University of Dubai, Esteemed Officials, Parents and Sponsors, Students, Alumni and Friends and especially you, our dear Honored Graduates:
Thank you for the great honor of addressing this esteemed gathering upon an occasion of singular importance in the lives of each and every one of you. This day announces you are prepared. The journey which brought you here has conferred upon you a commencement to the future of your dreams.
For when you ascend this stage you are confidently passing through a portal in the time and space of your life, presenting yourself to the world as a person of accomplishment, as an individual prepared to tap the transformative power of this moment which brings to bear every talent and ability you have developed, pouring it into the moment when you present yourself at the door of opportunity, the moment which is called NOW. The NOW which contemplates that the past, the present, and the future exist simultaneously, the power of NOW as it connects with eternity, your timeless self which finds its power in expression of self recreation, self actualization. "Come my friends," wrote the poet Tennyson, " 'tis not too later to seek a newer world."
(TRFW News) Famous healer Dr. Schulze once said, “If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.”
Cayenne pepper just may be the ‘king of all herbs.’ The red pepper has been used for thousands of years for healing and has produced tremendous results treating baffling symptoms. Cayenne has been used to help relieve migraines, reduce cholesterol, alleviate asthma symptoms, fight infections, stop a heart attack, indigestion, and much more. (1,2)
Why stop there? It appears that cayenne pepper can also help stop bleeding in 10 seconds!
Your #1 emergency medicine – cayenne pepper
For proper safety, it’s always a good idea to have first aid kits handy. Perhaps now is the time for you to consider adding cayenne pepper to your kit, or store some in your medicine cabinet to treat bleeding in case of a medical emergency.
According to Dr. Raymond Christopher, an American herbalist known for his numerous publications on herbs and natural healing, “By the time you count to ten, the heavy bleeding should stop completely after administering cayenne pepper.” (1,3)
Whether the bleeding wound is external or internal, an individual can internally drink a cup of warm tea with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper stirred into it or externally apply cayenne powder onto the wound. The bleeding will generally stop after 10 seconds. It appears that from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, cayenne pepper equalizes the blood pressure to keep the pressure from the hemorrhage area, allowing the wound to clot naturally. (4)
Simple procedure to use cayenne pepper for external wounds
Following this protocol is simple and anyone can do it.
- Use cayenne pepper powder and generously apply it directly onto the bleeding cut or laceration, or
- Take some cayenne tincture and use a dropper to drip onto the wound, or
- Pour tincture solution into a bowl and use a cotton ball to soak and pat onto the wound.
- In about 10 to 15 seconds, the bleeding should stop. (2,5)
Cayenne tincture is ideal for small cuts and scrapes, however, if dealing with a large wound that’s bleeding more profusely, call 911 and use cayenne pepper powder to stop the bleeding. You may also need to take an additional glass of warm water with a teaspoon of cayenne powder and drink it down fast. (2,4)
It’s powerful and will not burn
Although cayenne is a spicy herb, people have reported that cayenne powder does not sting when it’s directly applied to an open wound. What gives cayenne the ability to stop bleeding is the substance called styptic, which stops blood when applied to a wound. (2)
Not only does cayenne stop bleeding, but it disinfects the cut, easing your worries for any potential infections that may arise. (2) So, the next time you stock up your first aid cabinet, add some good quality cayenne pepper powder!
I can also think of practical skills kids aren't taught, like
1. how to open a checking account and maintain it.
2. understand how contracts work.
3. what's a budget and why do you need one?
4. how to rent an apartment or home, what leases mean, and why rent is your first obligation...above your iphones and social lives.
5. mandatory work in a daycare for a while and see what having children is like, so that lack of knowledge will not continue to create children their parents are not ready to care for...emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically.
6. how welfare is a rigged-to-fail system and why it is not the answer to life's problems.
7. Truth about government, and instruction in how to be an intelligent voter.
Most kids are just thrown to the wolves when they graduate high school, or thrown to college with a carte blanche card to party for four+ years.
I, too, have found an alternative path. When I was recently diagnosed with diabetes, I was floored at the amount of "wrong" foods allowed on the diabetic diet. The meds (Metformin and Januvia) brought the blood sugar numbers down, but they were still higher than normal.
I went back on the South Beach Diet (developed by a cardiologist) and got significantly lower blood sugar numbers on it WITHOUT the diabetic medicines than I did with the "diabetic diet" and the diabetic medicines. I'm not quite back in the normal range yet, but I'm close.
I've now discovered that one ounce of coconut oil a day may improve the numbers even more, so I will be adding it to the diet and seeing what happens. See
What I think the deal is with the establishment medical treatment for diabetes is that it lets you eat the traditional Western diet, in smaller portions, spread throughout the day and uses the meds to keep one's blood sugar levels within reason. But by simply changing your diet to eating "right" carbs and "right" fats, in addition to lean proteins and low-starch vegetables and low-glycemic-index fruits (which is the basis of the South Beach Diet), it does a better job, without the medications.
For those with diabetes (type 2), this is definitely something to investigate for yourself, with the help of a holistic doctor because diabetes is nothing with which to screw. If you are successfully able to get off meds and control your diabetes by diet alone, then ensure your preps have appropriate foods in your food storage.
As for type 1, I am under the impression the pancreas just doesn't make enough insulin (or at all), which would not be remedied with diet alone. This is something you have to talk to your doctor about.
Fracking is a very deadly for the Planet and needs to be stopped everywhere, it is an agenda to kill the planet because they can't have it! They have losted and now have left programed peons behind to try and destroy everything! Send Divine Light to Gaia so she Can transform all bad things pumped into her into the Good!
And Please sign this petition. Thank You Jacks
This is an interesting discussion about a safety net that is being woven around earth for our protection. Those of you who followed the QHHT blog will remember Lee saw a mesh being put around with his session with Delores Cannon. DR Sam says the Archons can't vive in 3 D vibrations and are dying. It also seems that pedophilia is a brain virus from the Archons implanted in Vaccines. The internet is under control of ET's and won't go down and there will be no financial collapse and a reset is coming which also comes from many sources. This is another conformation that we are moving from the first stages of 4 D and should be in the beginning of 5D by 2016. Also we hear again that the planet is moving through time lines and dimensions and is leaking the poison from this planet into them. There is an ongoing galactic war in space especially Saturn. Also we are traveling to the new earth on spaceship earth.
GEORGE: 6 billion ETs, laser safety net, assist in Earth dimensional ascension through 3rdD, 4thD to 5thDimension/Density
GEORGE: 6 billion ETs, laser safety net, assist in Earth dimensional ascension through 3rdD, 4thD to 5thDimension/Density By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – A March 14, 2015 Panel including multi-generational Contactee Ray Kosulandich and psychic healer and radio show host Dr. Sam Mugzzi and appearances from “George” and […]
Axis shift, Nibiru & Positive Timeline: Are ETs moving Earth toward Orion inside techno-Sun/Dual Sun device?
![Panel: Alfred Webre/Peter Kling/Emily Windsor Cragg](
Axis shift, Nibiru & Positive Timeline: Are ETs moving Earth toward Orion inside techno-Sun/Dual Sun device? By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In this Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre, authors Peter Kling and Emily Windsor Cragg project out the positive timeline to perceive, define and evaluate possible alternative […]
VANCOUVER, BC – In this Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre, authors Peter Kling and Emily Windsor Cragg project out the positive timeline to perceive, define and evaluate possible alternative futures using our best multidimensional as well as 3D tools on the issue of an Earth axis shift or Nibiru type event as part of our immediate future toward planetary frequency ascendance.
One outcome of the Panel is a hypothesis that there is prima facie evidence that advanced interdimensional entities – Universe Architects – may be moving planet Earth out of our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy toward Orion in order to avoid potentially catastrophic astronomical events.
The Universe Architects are employing an advanced planetary space-moving device consisting of a tubular structure wrapped around the Earth and containing a techno-sun and a dual sun, as a form of transporting humanity and its spaceship Earth out of the way of possible danger in the Milky Way, Sol region.
Emily Windsor Cragg: Cosmological References
Download Emily.Windsor.Cragg.Cosmological.References
Inuit Elders tell NASA Earth Axis Shifted