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Those of you who have read the Kolbrin Bible or the Ipuwer I have mentioned several times in my posts here, know that it was described as filling the entire sky as it passed our Earth ... and that it was reported to take almost 9 days to approach & leave our planet in peace ... especially after all of the massive damage it caused during its visit.
And we all know our friendly NASA has denied knowing anything about something coming anywhere near our little planet that could in anyway be describe as the Destroyer or Wormwood or Nibiru ... but, you all know that I have posted that our friends over at StarViewerTeam, in Madrid Spain were very certain it would be here sometime this year ... well, it really does appear they were correct.
This thing is coming very quickly, and NASA has known about it for some time ... they made an Orbital Simulation for it, then filled in on the bottom file ... seemingly so it would hardly be noticed ... but, alas, it has been noticed ... and ignored!
You would think, if I were to tell our News Media about a massive something coming from deep space, that they might take a little notice ... and you'd think if I told of a massive something coming from deep space was going to come extreamly close to our planet, and to even be seen during our daylight hours, that might pay alittle more attention, and plaster it all over our TV's, and the front pages ... and you'd really think if I told them, that not only is this something coming from deep space, and every time it alligned with our Earth & Sun, our planet suffered a deadly Earthquake ... say in Chile, or New Zeland, or maybe Japan ... and also that it will have 2 more allignments ... say in September and November of this year, they may really jump off their collected rear-ends and warn the public ... right?
Well, you'd be wrong!
This something has been carefully packaged as a small Comet ... but Comets, no matter how large they may be, do not have a very strong gravitational effect on any space body they approach or pass ... we have all been taught that a Comet is nothing but a big ice ball, mixed up with rocks and dust ... but this one seems to ... and if it did in fact have the ability to cause the Chile 8.8 or the New Zeland 7. something, or the recent Japan 9.0 at the distance it was alligning on these dates, what will it be able to do, when its approaching our Earth? ... or when its very close along side our planet? ... or when its right in front of our planet ... in our same orbit? Also, what will our Sun do, when it passes close between it and our planet on its approach to our planet in September-October?
In reviewing this JPL/NASA Simulation, it struck me that this orbit, and the closeness to our planet, and the amount of days in close passage near our planet, almost matchs the account I found in the Kolbrin Bible & the Ipuwer, and the Tempest Stele of Ahmose I, and by some weird coincidense almost the same account by a Chinese Emperior in 1600BC ... nearly 3,600 years ago?
Well, you look for yourselves ... here is the URL ... ... type in c/2010 x1 and sit back and work the simulation yourself ... and you decide.
But dont take too long ... this somethig is drawing closer each day ... if nothing else happens during this approach, we only have until early September until its on our doorstep
Is this what we all have been waiting for? ... or is this something new, and do we still have to worry about 2012?
Oh, by the way ... I found out today that the Vatican has known, as StarViewerTeam said, about this something all along, and that they believe it is Nebiru ... and that they also know the Annunaki are still alive and well on it ... and get this ... they know that the Annunaki are a Warrior Race ... seems that my idea of the Destroyer attacking our planet on its last visit, may not be so far-fetched at all?
From an email by Captain Eric H. May. He suggests geowarfare is involved in the earthquakes. We are presented with an interesting Planet X causing the earthquakes or is it geowarfare, or is it a mix of both? I simply don't know. What do you think?
HOUSTON, 3/27/11 — For the second time in the last four years, the training scenario of an in-progress, high-level U.S. disaster drill has actually occurred in Myanmar, the Indochina rice bowl that has irked international investors with its anti-globalist economic policies.
Three researchers sent me emails yesterday, the sum of which is that the former Burma probably suffered a punitive geowar attack. I render them to my reader with this earnest counsel:
They who caused Mayanmar’s mayhem have planned National Level Exercise 2011 for mid-May. At its core is a catastrophic U.S. earthquake.
ONE — Mike Delaney (Prothink) produced the best 9/11 documentary, Missing Links, and is well known as the unfazed recipient of throaty threats by an apoplectic Alex Jones. He wrote:
“In the 1970′s the U.S. signed the Environmental Modification Treaty banning the use of tectonic weapons, but how would the public know if it were now being broken? In 2007, when the infamous HR 1955 was floating around Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center specified which issues they wanted people to shut their mouths about. These were:
“I pay close attention to ‘conspiracy theories,’ but never heard the one about Sumatra until it was brought up in the HR 1955 hearings. It was a big issue in the Middle East, though, which is spot-on about other issues. Fast forward to the Haiti earthquake, which Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez said the U.S. caused.“Now we have the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, which has the third strongest economy in the world, followed by its WW II partner, Germany. I would not be surprised to see a misfortune happen in Germany soon as well.”
TWO – Brother Shahid Allah, an eight-year veteran of Ghost Troop, sent me 6.8-Magnitude Quake Strikes NE Myanmar, to which I replied:
‘Salaam, Brother Allah! I strongly suspect that this was tectonic warfare, neatly coinciding with the second day of earthquake/tsunami drill PACIFEX 11, the subject of my article Tsunamis Today, 323, Worry Watchers.
“This isn’t the first strong case for a geowar attack against the country. On May 2, 2008, it was slammed by category-four Cyclone Nargis on the second day of U.S. National Level Exercise 2-08, which was then simulating a category-four storm. I wrote a article about it for the Iconoclast, Storms and Quakes: Weapons of War?:
“Whatever momentous event may happen in the future, you can count on the media to tell it wrong, and to label those who tell it right ‘conspiracy theorists.’ That’s the nature of information in evil times, when you have to move heaven and earth to get the truth out.”
THREE – Former Marine Major Bill Fox is the publisher of America First Books, and the author of the three-volume history of Ghost Troop, Mission of Conscience. He wrote:
“I watched the following video of nuclear scientist Leuren Moret, who offers invaluable insights on the 3/11/11 earthquake-tsunami-nuclear catastrophe. Here’s an introduction:
‘In 2004 Leuren Moret wrote Japan’s Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette in the Japan Times, unmasking the lies and distortions by government and industry officials that led to nuclear power plants built in unstable areas. On March 20, in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Webre, she declared that the 3/11/11 Japan earthquake and ‘accidents’ at Fukushima’s six nuclear power plant units were in
fact deliberate acts of tectonic and nuclear warfare against Japan.“52 minutes into the video, Moret suggests that Space Shuttle Discovery was a forward observer for a HAARP attack on Japan. I wonder whether she read your False Flag Space Shuttle, posted in February, in which you gave an early warning that the shuttle might target nuclear reactors.
- 9/11 Missing Links,
- Alex Jones Apoplectic,
- Environmental Modification Convention,
- HR 1955,
- The Protocols of Zion,
- The Holocaust,
- 9/11,
- Sumatra Tsunami,
- Hugo Chavez says Haiti was HAARP victim,
- Myanmar 6.8 Earthquake,
- Geowar: Storms and Quakes ,
- America First Books,
- Mission of Conscience, Leuren Moret,
- Leuren Moret Japan Times article,
- False Flag Space Shuttle,
- This article originally published by Veterans Today,
taste, hear, or see fallout radiation. A heavy attack would put most radio stations off the air, due to the effects of electromagnetic pulse, blast, fire, or fallout from explosions. Because fallout intensities often vary greatly over short distances, those stations still broadcasting would rarely be able to give reliable information concerning the constantly changing radiation dangers around a survivor's shelter.
Great minds think alike. I've been saying for years that if you don't like the power corporations hold over the masses then simply stop buying or using their products. Without the income they lose the power. However, Clif says it more eloquently....
La puissance de la mort, or an invitation to a Shunning.....
It does no good to be pissed about it.
You are dead. They murdered you, and you need to get beyond the anger that this knowledge brings. There is yet work you must do.
The powers that be, and their political minions have been working this plan since the 1950's when Japan was forced into the GE designed nuclear reactors as part of the imposition of TPTB hegemony at the end of the Second Planetary War of the 20th century. Also known to academicians as 'WW2', this war not only nominally ended with nuclear release, but has now, all these decades later, been 'reborn' with nuclear release in Fukushima. ThePowersThatBe (Rothshield
banksters, Rockefeller banksters, big oil, big pharma, and small soul politicians, and all zionist supporters) are determined to kill off a major part of us humans over these next few years to suit their perceived needs. They likely have, in the Fukushima nuclear plant implosion and meltdown, murdered several million of us....we just do not yet recognize that we (the afflicted) are soon-to-be dead.
There is no point to indulging in wild ass speculation about nuclear bombs being used to trigger the earthquake that caused the tsunami that swept away all the 'safety' equipment at Fukushima that led to the vaporization of hundreds of
fuel rods that produced the radioactive poisoning of the planet that killed you. There is no point to putting your dwindling life energy into speculations about Haarp, or scalar weather wars, or any other perceived 'instrument' of your murder. None of it is likely factual, and TPTB are deliberately polluting the information stream to confuse your dying mind. They killed you. Deal with it.
There is no point to focusing on a single guilty person in your murder. It is a large, and well run conspiracy. Grasp this and give up the idea of taking revenge on any given witless stooge of a bankster or politician. To the conspiracy that is killing you, such people (low level conspirators) are sacrifices who were chosen exactly because they are expendable and easily replaced with the next, greed blinded, non thinking humanimal. It does you no good to seek to 'take them with you'. Besides, killing these people does not even slow the conspiracy down, and likely puts money in the pockets of TPTB in cleaning up the corpse and blood.
They have killed you, where you sit.
You are murdered. This is your power.
They (the stupid, duped, and controlled minions) are desperately trying to not be dead themselves. This is one of their many vulnerable points of weakness.
ThePowersThatBe, or those controlled (possessed) humans who think themselves 'lord and master' of this planet, are dependent on the weak-willed, easily-corrupted, small minded, gullible human minions. This is a huge damn weakness.
Time to take action.
What can be done? The Fukushima reactors are in full scale can we take action now?
Well, there exists on this planet now, technology involving thinking called 'closed time like curves' that can be used to save some humans. Many millions of us are already dead, but we can stop the damage now, by employing the CTLC
technology. This technology is used in what is called the 'time industry'. Mostly it is a very secret, classified all the way up the rectum into the colon, military industry. There are groups in America, India, and China where the CTLC 'loops' are being explored and developed. These groups are controlled by corporations and political/military minions.
These 'loops' of time-stuff are held in magnetic containment fields in laboratories where the engineers in nominal control of the CTLC loops are fiddling around with trivialities such as reducing the 'experienced time' necessary to wash a load of dirty dishes at the direction of their 'masters', the gullible, greedy corporate and political minions.
We walking dead humans, the regular people teeming across this planet who just don't give a fuck about TPTB's grand goal of glorious global war and megadeath ritual over religious differences, need to get awake, and damn quick. We have very little time before the ground is littered with our splotchy, swollen, radioactive, rotting bodies.
What can we do?
Well, to start, let's agree to NOT fall into TPTB trap of violence. It just gives them a 'blood flush' that produces stiff dicks that they use to sexually abuse children. So let us be smarter than that.
We need to be asymmetric in our response. This means to develop a strategy and employ tactics against which they (tptb and their minions) have no defense.
One such tactic is an old one, well tried, but forgotten these days. This is 'shunning'. There are many aspects of shunning. Not only can you totally remove your energy from tptb by not being sucked into their games such as funding for political parties, or mega 'charities', or shopping at 'their' stores, but shunning also includes more active forms of resistance. As an instance, one could attend every political rally possible, and deliberately stand with their back to the speakers. Or attend, and simply start clapping and refuse to stop. When asked, present a note explaining your actions and keep right on clapping (la casserola variant). Or, attend the political rally and sing a 'patriotic' song, continuously, and when challenged, instantly flip the challenge back on the aggressor by insulting their patriotism. And other, similar
Imagine how the political minions will react when their motorcade routes are lined with thousands of people who are not violently shouting and protesting, but standing, silent, and backs to the proceedings.
You laugh?! Well, indulge me once before you say that these tactics will not shatter the confidence of even the strongest personality, and also acknowledge that the minions as a class of people, are not known for their mental or
emotional strength. Also acknowledge that humans need humans. What good does it do to strut the stage if the audience is shunning you....? What slimy scum minion political personality on teevee today would/could 'face' that kind of group pressure? None that are visible.
But what good does this do? Besides making us feel better (slightly, we are dying after all) in seeing the politicians piss themselves, what is to be accomplished? Well...see the point of the shunning is to get the attention of the politico's and then to inform them that their lives (as they knew them) are over until they get the 'time engineers' to work with the Closed Time-Like Curves to work on encapsulating and then degrading the danger within the remnants of Fukushima.
Oh, and while we are at it, why not put a 'time barrier bubble emergency containment system' at each and every one of the over 400/four hundred nuclear reactors around the planet, and also all the damn nuclear weapons facilities? Huh? Makes sense, eh?
There are many other variants of the shunning tactic that have been employed through out history. Do some creative searching and see the many forms employed. They work. Basically all of them tell this truth to power.....we know we cannot kill you (now), but we will take from you everything that makes your life worth living causing you to retreat to the little bunker in your mind where your fear rules you and your bowels, unless you do as you are told.
Get over the secrecy. Release the CTLC technology now. Fix this mess.
There is always one, mostly unstated, variant of the tactic, that scares the tptb into hot burning fear shits....coventry. That is next.....after all, if irradiated, and knowing myself to be dead, simply not yet prone, what the fuck do I care about paying my bills? Or obeying any of 'their' laws?
But, let us be smart, and for the sake of our personal karma, try the asymmetric, non violent route of shunning before heading into 'global jihad against banksters/tptb'.
Besides, shunning is more fun. It is actually amusing watching the minions try and figure out what the hell is going on....and then watching them piss themselves.
So, my challenge to the readers is to create new, non violent, variants of shunning and let us all see which politician pisses themselves first.
And a last point on this subject. It must be addressed. Violence. It is the last resort of the rational mind, and the first trap of the TPTB. However, it is still a legitimate tactic for change. And knowing this the ancient order of TPTB used to have a building in which they had people, like you and me, fight and kill each other for the amusement of TPTB, but also to eliminate the threat of violence to themselves by redirecting it. This building had a motto incised over its door. This motto was 'we who are about to die, salute you'. Well.....times have changed....can some one please go to that arch over the gladiator entrance to the Coliseum in Rome, and rewrite it so that it reads.....
“To TPTB, if it gets this far, we who are dying are going to gut you like fish....”
Oh, and directly to the CTLC engineers, it might help to call me about both the 'field sustenance' and 'interweaving' issues. There are a few ideas rattling around my old bald head that may assist your thinking.
with respect....get to work. You are dying and time is short.
March 26, 2011
Boy, this article reeeaaally ticked me off.....
"The day began with company officials reporting that radiation in leaking water in the Unit 2 reactor was 10 million times above normal, a spike that forced employees to flee the unit. The day ended with officials saying the huge figure had been miscalculated and offering apologies. "The number is not credible," said Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita. "We are very sorry."
[Uh, we, the world's population, are very sorry, but we don't think your information is credible!]
"A few hours later, TEPCO Vice President Sakae Muto said a new test had found radiation levels 100,000 times above normal — far better than the first results, though still very high."
[A 100,000 times ?!?!? "Far better"?????????]
"But he ruled out having an independent monitor oversee the various checks despite the errors."
[Uh, since they are having some "slight technical difficulties" in computing radiation levels perhaps they should forget an "independent monitor" and GET SOMEONE COMPETENT ON THE JOB!!!!]
"Officials acknowledged there was radioactive water in all four of the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex's most troubled reactors, and that airborne radiation in Unit 2 measured 1,000 millisieverts per hour, four times the limit deemed safe by the government."
[Let's see, the gov't raised the limit from 100 mSv per hour after the disaster began to 250 mSv per hour. So, in reality, the radiation is ten times the limit originally deemed safe by the government. Let's face it, why was it suddenly okay to raise the limit after the disaster hit, except to be able to downplay the numbers and try to avoid wrongful-death litigation in the future? And the MSM is going along for the ride.]
"Those high airborne readings — if accurate — would make it very difficult for emergency workers to get inside to pump out the water."
[No kidding. The reality is they are NOT getting inside to pump out the water.]
"Workers have been scrambling to remove the radioactive water from the four units and find a place to safely store it. Each unit may hold tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water, said Minoru Ogoda of Japan's nuclear safety agency."
[So, where does one SAFELY store tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water times 4 or 6 or however many reactors we're talking about? I bet the answer is nowhere unless they build new facilities which would take a lot of time and money.]
It gets even better....
"Safety agency officials had been hoping to pump the water into huge, partly empty tanks inside the reactor that are designed to hold condensed water. "Those tanks, though, turned out to be completely full, said Hidehiko Nishiyama of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency."
[And they didn't know this?!?!?!]
"Meanwhile, plans to use regular power to restart the cooling system hit a roadblock when it turned out that cables had to be laid through turbine buildings flooded with the contaminated water."
[Again, they didn't know this? Was this just a lick and a promise, a stalling tactic?]
"The problem is that right now nobody can reach the turbine houses where key electrical work must be done," Nishiyama said. "There is a possibility that we may have to give up on that plan."
[Really!?! Ya think?]
"Despite Sunday's troubles, officials continued to insist the situation had at least partially stabilized.
"We have somewhat prevented the situation from turning worse," Edano told reporters Sunday evening. "But the prospects are not improving in a straight line and we've expected twists and turns. The contaminated water is one of them and we'll continue to repair the damage."
[Partially?!?!? Somewhat?!?!? Pretty wriggly modifiers, I say. In what ways is this situation partially or somewhat mitigated? (Not surprisingly, they don't say.) With a "low" reading of 100,000 times the radiation, how can they claim anything positive?!?!?]
"Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1,250 times higher than normal last week — but that number had climbed to 1,850 times normal by the weekend."
[Wouldn't you think anything that is 1,250 to 1,850 times normal would by now start to affect human health? Wouldn't you think the winds would be spreading it? And what about the ocean currents?]
You would think...but what did they say?
"Nishiyama said the increase was a concern, but also said the area is not a source of seafood and that the contamination posed no immediate threat to human health."
[Ah, notice the word immediate. So there is a threat to human health, it's just not right this second, or minute, or hour. But be's coming! Could it be the area is not a source of seafood because it has all died or moved out of the area because of the radiation? Or has seafood just naturally avoided that area (which could be true because of the presence of nuclear reactors, even when operating in a normal mode. That tells you something.) If radiation is contaminating the sea water, then wouldn't the ocean currents spread it as well as the wind? At first it would be diluted, but as this epic tragegy is allowed to continue it will build up, with those coastlines closest to Japan being hit the hardest. (Think Hawaii and other islands.)
And let's not forget those lovely mile-high neutron beams, 13 of them at last count, that are the result of a meltdown. According to the Natural News article posted earlier, they "... may be evidence that uranium and plutonium have already been released from the plant's damaged reactors and fuel rods as spent nuclear fuels allegedly release such beams through nuclear fission." Nice. And a mile high to boot. I'm sure they caused no problems at all, just lovely to look at. (Pfffffffttttt!)
And to be sure we all know there is nothing to worry about the Kyodo newspaper poll "shows" the approval rating of the Prime Minister has gone up since the accident. You really think the Japanese people are feeling favorable toward the government with them stranded, freezing, hungry, abandoned, etc.?
Then you gotta love the numbers. It appears that the Japanese government, Tokyo Power Co. and the Kyodo newspaper are mathmatically challenged...
"About 58 percent of respondents in the nationwide telephone survey of 1,011 people said they approved of the government's handling of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, but a similar number criticized its handling of the nuclear crisis." (58% + 58% = 116%)
[58% of 1,011 = 586 approved. Then, a "similar number" criticized. However, 42% of 1,011 = 424. You can't have two groups of 58% add up to 100%, so what are they really saying here? They give the 58% number (which is specific and will stick in people's minds that a majority approve) while saying in the same article that the group was basically divided in half, yet if you do the math the numbers show the critical group is less (if you can believe any of the numbers). I guess they believe most readers are idiots or just too lazy to run the numbers.
"The death toll from the disasters stood at 10,668 Sunday with 16,574 people missing, police said. Hundreds of thousands of people are homeless."
[I wonder how many of the homeless were asked to participate in the poll?]
Okay, so what lessons have we learned?
0. Homer Simpson is in charge of all nuclear reactors on the planet!
1. DO NOT TRUST any government or big business. They LIE, they COVER-UP the truth.
2. Get your own geiger counter. You can buy one or make your own. The instructions to make your own are in the Nuclear War Survival Skills manual at It might be good to go this route so you will know how to repair it should it break.
3. Build your fallout shelter! Don't wait for a radioactive cloud to be just down the block. It takes a full weekend of able-bodied people to dig it. (This shelter should or could be made to also withstand many types of earthchanges.)
4. Stock it with food, water, heat, light, medicines, all the essentials you will need. Figure out a separate shelter for your pets. You do not want them in the same shelter with you, for obvious reasons.
(above link has video clips)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A Beetle Plague takes over Surfers Paradise, Australia - 24th Mar 2011
The water beetle invasion captured on amateur youtube footage shows the large black beetles swarming around lights and dropping to the footpath on The Esplanade last night.
Griffith University entomologist Professor Clyde Wild said he had no definitive explanation for the rare phenomenon.
''I've never seen swarms of these like this before, why they are at the beach front escapes any explanation I can think of,'' Prof Wild said.''You might see two or three on any given night - this is literally thousands.
''They haven't come out of the sea, they live in fresh water and live on larvae, or eating other insects.''
Prof Wild said he would be less surprised if the invasion had occurred in areas that had recently flooded.
''If there was masses of flowing water, a lot of habitat, it would make more sense.
''But it hasn't been that wet on the Gold Coast so it's a very curious phenomenon.
Thanks to John DiNardo for the link...
If what this guy says is true, we are in big, big trouble. This could generate a tsunami (he says 1,000 ft) that could hit the west coasts of the US, Mexico, Hawaii, Central and South America.
We know our Creator through the beauty in the world around us. Take time to see, touch and feel, breath in this life into us. The Creator is like an infinite number, using the greatest numerological design detail in even the smallest units of creation. Remember, life finds it's path of renewal and begins again..
Earth 'to get second sun' as supernova turns night into day
By David Gardner
Last updated at 8:12 PM on 10th March 2011
The Earth could soon have a second sun, at least for a week or two.
The cosmic phenomenon will happen when one of the brightest stars in the night sky explodes into a supernova.
And, according to a report yesterday, the most stunning light show in the planet’s history could happen as soon as this year.
Cosmic phenomenon: The Earth could soon see two suns - just like Luke Skywalker saw on Tatooine in the Star Wars film (pictured)
Earth will undoubtedly have a front row seat when the dying red supergiant star Betelgeuse finally blows itself into oblivion.
The explosion will be so bright that even though the star in the Orion constellation is 640 light-years away, it will still turn night into day and appear like there are two suns in the sky for a few weeks.
The only real debate is over exactly when it will happen.
In stellar terms, Betelgeuse is predicted to crash and burn in the very near future. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to rush out and buy sunglasses.
Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia, claimed yesterday that the galactic blast could happen before 2012 – or any time over the next million years.
‘This old star is running out of fuel in its centre,’ Dr Carter told te Austalian website
‘This fuel keeps Betelgeuse shining and supported. When this fuel runs out the star will literally collapse in upon itself and it will do so very quickly.
‘This is the final hurrah for the star. It goes bang, it explodes, it lights up - we’ll have incredible brightness for a brief period of time for a couple of weeks and then over the coming months it begins to fade and then eventually it will be very hard to see at all,’ he added.
Look out: Betelgeuse, which is in the Orion constellation, is set to blow itself into oblivion - which will give the effect of two suns in the sky for us on Earth
The Internet is abuzz with doomsday theories linking the supernova to the Mayan calendar’s prediction of an Armageddon in 2012, fuelled by the association of the word ‘Betelgeuse’ with the devil.
But experts claimed that even if the big bang is looming, it will still happen way too far from Earth to do us any harm.
‘When a star goes bang, the first we will observe of it is a rain of tiny particles called nuetrinos,’ said Dr Carter.
‘They will flood through the Earth and bizarrely enough, even though the supernova we see visually will light up the night sky, 99% of the energy in the supernova is released in these particles that will come through our bodies and through the Earth with absolutely no harm whatsoever.’
When it happens, the Betelgeuse supernova will almost certainly be the most dramatic ever seen.
It is the ninth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest in the constellation of Orion, outshining its neighbour Rigel – or Beta Orionis – only very rarely.
It’s distinct orange-red colour makes it easy to spot in the night sky.
If it was at the centre of our solar system, its surface would extend past the asteroid belt, wholly engulfing Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Earth.
Read more:
Can you see the videos on the chinese website?
Plus other interesting dates.
What do you think?
Sales of Luxury Doomsday Bunkers Up 1000%