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Poofness 3-10-13..."The Snake Bites!!!"

Greetings and Salutations;

Anyone paying attention to what was happening in the world this past week, came to the conclusion, something was up and it was HUGE. Under the 'dragon' year, the dragon did what dragons do, rest on their gold and jewels, and fry anyone who attempts to steal them. We have entered the year of the snake, it has struck already and the howling that arose was like an atom bomb going off. The out going leadership in china, made the comment; 'the corruption in the banks was being handled'. There's no such thing as 'too big to fail'. Especially when someone with a bigger club exists that can whup the bully's butt. Someone made a comment the other day saying, 'after 100+ years of running the show, bankers can't hear the word No'. They have been like cockroaches and operate automatically. How much can you eat until you burst open, spilling your innards? I would make the same analogy about politicians.

The last time the owner of the particular bank visited, he cleaned out 240 quad of ill gotten gains and threw it into the pile to be distributed to humanity. I don't have the number for what got snatched out of there, this time...the howling spoke for itself. The cesspool was not silently stinking anymore . It was drained and went by way of the dodo bird. It went extinct. Basel 3 is the international banking law now. No country is exempt or can work around it, if they want to do business in the 21st century. The dragon even gobbled up the central banks around the world, they took the 'head'. The mother of all central banks, the BIS. No shots fired, tho some took a 'pill' and took themselves out of the equation. Nature causes change, the kind you can't stop and you Will deal, one way or another. Make it the easy way or make it tough, you have free will. Make it easy on yourself. Was thinking of starting a group a few years ago called 'hardaholics anonymous' for people who choose a harder path for everything. You know the words, you will work by the sweat of your brow, etc, was a curse...time to get out from under the curse. Let your 'work' turn into your 'joy'.

Today is a's new beginnings. The 'weather' conditions are right for a lightning bolt out of the blue. The forces are in place and we are watching. The winds may be howling in some places but they are fat with anticipation. All things change, maybe not when you think they should...but, I cite a law, it's called the 'Law of Inevitability'. In other words, the conclusion is baked in, when something is started unless, things are adjusted along the way. Start a banking system based on reputation and air, it's doomed to fail. Look at what happened to the roman empire. Morgan Stanley let it be known, they see us going to a metal backed system again. NO Duh. Real worth is the only way to go, it's more natural. And you thought the folks in the rafters were just bowling or peeing thru the cracks telling you it's raining. Nope, the big plan remains, that is making this planet paradise again. They just had to use those D9s and get the folks out of the way who wanted Mad Max world.

Take a look at what the european brain trusts think. They are crunching numbers but, somethings are a bit more subtle than the numbers

Consultations are available until the end.

Leap forward! Turn your back on the past and leave your butts behind you

Love and kisses, Poofness []

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The Weather Channel is doing this piece as part of a series called "Forecasting the End".

Thanks to John DiNardo for the link.

Premieres Thursday, March 21
3/21/13 - ???
new this spring (yet to premiere)
thursdays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
1 (6 episodes)
(from The Weather Channel's press release, January 2013) From Nostradamus and the ancient Mayans to modern-day scientists, the theoretical "apocalypse" has been the source of endless speculation and countless predictions, with anything from super-volcanoes to mega-tsunamis, rogue planets or a massive methane eruption leading to the so-called "end of life as we know it." In "Forecasting the End," some of the world's leading scientists, along with elaborate computer graphics, illustrate the different "what if?" theories of if and how catastrophic weather or natural disasters could possibly cause the end of days or transform our lives forever. Produced by Ping Pong Productions ("Finding Bigfoot," "Destination Truth"), "Forecasting the End" will feature 6x 30-minute episodes.
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Discovering SELF ........

Tuesday, 5 March 2013   //

Discovering SELF ........

The world as we have known it is now fragmenting, shifting and changing to more aptly reflect that which it is in TRUTH.  The challenge whilst you undertake the harmonisation process is to allow the shifting and the changing to take place. Part of the harmonisation process involves letting go at deep levels, it is not possible to do this whilst surrounded by the distractions of 3D earth living and many of you may find that you are in what your human logical brain would try to teach as "isolation".  This is but part of this process for you to remember who you are within the noise of the 3D earth energies. The noise is the part that we have become accustomed to, 21st century living on planet earth is "traditionally" filled with noise of all kinds, whether it be music, tv, video games it matters not, these are all distractions, ways of "filling" the day up for human beings across the world. 

We live in a 3D world where children have toys upon toys yet complain of boredom, we have gadgets that could fill a house (and often do) yet that familiar feeling of "something more" nags at you. This is the challenge that many will face as they move into the new earth energies, for whilst you have lost yourself in the traditional 3D living you have LOST SELF.  There are many ways the new earth energies will have moved into your waking human life experience, for many at this time these energies may have arrived en masse. They have taken life as you know it and thrown it out the window and many of you may still be reeling in shock. 
Personally even looking back over the past few months its incredible the changes that have occurred, life as we knew it has definately dissolved in every way and on every level. It is interesting to watch the human part of SELF try to hold on and to find struggle where there should be acceptance and belief.  For as we have stated many times we are not immune to all that is unfolding upon and within the human race. Often it is only in the most challenging scenarios that LIGHT will break through and illuminate what has been so challenging to see. 
Human beings are social by nature but this is directly challenged when all around you may not be in the same vibration, how do you stay social when all those around you no longer understand you and it appears you have little common ground? it would probably amaze you how out of being social you have moved, for if social to you involves sitting on a social network platform for hours of your day you are playing with the smoke and mirrors of the 3D earth in relation to human interaction. For many upon this planet there is a blurring of boundaries between what is real and what is not real and this will continue to blur in order to confuse and to constrain. It is no co incidence that computer simulations are becoming more and more "real". It is not co incidence that many of the human race do not see how enslaved they are becoming by hiding behind the toys of the 21st century.  
We are not having a go at technology for it has its place, what we are highlighting is the way in which it can pull you in so that you begin to believe that somehow you are a better person because you have 4,000 facebook friends when in reality you may never leave your house.  The social aspects of what it means to be human have radically shifted over the past few years and now they are at breaking point.  How many of you reading this know your neighbours? how many of you would say hello or smile at someone in the street or on the bus?  yet many are ignoring these basics whilst shouting for a new world. It is only by shifting and coming back into balance at a foundation level that harmonisation can occur and the new life can unfold beneath your feet. 
To spend your day running about like a headless chicken is not TRUTH, to spend your day pouring over the affairs of the world without stopping to realise that the article you are reading will always be from the viewpoint of the spectator and not necessarily TRUTH is containing.  The rise of the news channels and the rise of the internet has spread fear like a plague through the human race. The ability that the media has to make you believe that the world is a dangerous place is immense. Safety as we have guided comes from within, the way in which news is reported is now escalating because as a race the human race has allowed itself to become numb.
So how do you go from being numb to being in the flow? well first of all you need to detach from all that is around you, this is not something that many would choose consciously for many have been led to believe that to be social and interactive is to be part of the human race. This of course negates TRUTH in that ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE CONNECTED through the heart. It is one thing to connect socially on an internet platform another to connect personally through the heart. Generations have grown up believing that to interact with each other they need a computer and this is not TRUTH. You only have to look at the toys that are aimed at the under 5s to see how they are being pulled into the technology that has those around them hooked. 
You may wonder why this blog is about technology and what on earth this has to do with the harmonisation process but lets us ask you this, if you were devoid of electricity and you were unable to leave your house what would you do? what is the first thing that springs to mind? if the first thing that springs to mind is how terrible this would be then we would ask you to look at how you interact with the world in general.  The new earth is about TRUTH and it is about building the foundations of a new world, this is done by building strong foundations inside of your human vehicle. If you believe that you are your car, your house, your relationship or you are the clothes that you wear then you may have some serious work to do to clear the teachings that are running inside of you. This may see obvious but what about those who are more spiritual? well the same applies, for you may have started to define SELF through the methods of working with energy that you have used and continue to use. The new earth is not about waking up those who are asleep so that all on planet earth are spiritual, this would still be containing and suppressing, for how would expansion and growth occur without any challenges? 
Many are walking this path believing that to be spiritual is to find nirvana and sit there in nirvana whilst the rest of the human race play catch up, this teaching is born from ego. For there would be no SOUL growth in this scenario and those who were sitting in nirvana would believe they had reached the "top". There is no "top" for ascension is a process that is ongoing. At this moment on planet earth the human vehicle does not live long enough for you to remember all that you could remember and all that you know at SOUL level, so VAST is the information and knowledge that sits at SOUL level you would have to live for centuries. We are not saying this is not possible only that at this moment in time the vast majority of the human race do not have human vehicles that would allow for this. 
Many are now in disillusionment, we choose our words carefully, look at the word "DIS -illusion -ment" about all that has been promised. But promised by whom to whom? for the only thing that was certain when you arrived here on this planet in your human form was that you would have the chance for expansion and growth and be guided by your SOUL.  We see many now that are struggling trying to make sense of a world that is being rebuilt person by person. It is not possible to build a new world on the sand of the old world and the individual process that now is unfolding around you is trying to show you how to move to the new world. 
How well do you know YOU? we ask for many spend their entire lives running away from SELF. They do this in a myriad of ways but TRUTH states that you cannot run from SELF for you are incarnate into your human vehicle. You are the energy that is within the human vehicle, the challenge for this energy is to detach from aligning with what this human vehicle may state is TRUTH from its vantage point.  Let us explain further, as society has hived itself off in little groups and then splintered the little groups then it has been taught to look at the differences, for it is the differences that make up the world. Imagine a world where all human vehicles looked the same, there would be no expansion hence we have human vehicles that are each unique and amazing. The differences are highlighted in order to fragment, for it matters not the colour of your skin or even what sex you are biologically what unites the human race is LOVE.  But this has been distorted and has been hidden in plain view, LOVE is here, it exists all around you but you may filter it out depending on what teachings you are running at this time inside your human vehicle. 
If you have spent most of your life identifying with "things" more than other humans then the harmonisation process may be extremely challenging for you are being asked to dissolve the logical brains teaching of "doing". Many people are so used to running about like a headless chicken that they feel they are somehow "missing" out if their day begins to slow down. All sorts of teachings then try to take over, some will try to teach you that you have been abandoned, some will try to teach that you should feel guilty, some will try to teach that your life has fallen apart and will never work, the list goes on, all are generated by the teachings of distortion that are trying to get you to hold on to the "busy" life you had so that you can ignore the heart and ignore SELF, for underneath the numbness, the busyness, the "social" interaction is SELF and that SELF is now asking to be acknowledged and heard.  
SELF moves with you each moment of your life experience, yet many define SELF through their lives and what has or has not happened, again this is not TRUTH and the new energies will work with you to dissolve these teachings.  When you are free of these teachings you find a new inner strength a strength that was always there, hidden in plain view. In TRUTH you find SELF.  SELF is more wonderous than any film or video game yet you have been taught to filter this out, you are a walking miracle each moment of your life, yet you will screen this out believing that you must lost weight, work harder, drive faster etc etc. 
Perception is the key, you stand in a human vehicle that is able to decipher energy into pictures and sound, there is a whole range of energy to be explored, what will stop you from doing this is the filters that you have been taught to apply.  If you have always listened to radio 1 and never listened to radio 3 believing somehow it must be less because of its number then you are screening out a whole variety of frequencies.  Your human vehicle is like a radio, how you tune it is entirely your choice, do not allow the old 3d earth energies to teach you that there are only a handful of frequencies to interact with for that is not TRUTH.  We would encourage you to explore the different frequencies and allow for expansion and growth on all levels of your human life experience.  
Remember you did not enter into this life experience knowing fear, that was something that you were taught by those around you, why did they teach you this? because the previous generation taught them and so it goes back generation after generation all passing on the teachings of fear. This has gone on for so long that no one remembers why they only remember the fear. The new energies are here to help you dissolve that fear so that you may embrace ALL for in TRUTH ALL ARE ONE.  SELF is now asking for a voice, do you heed the call of SELF or are you falling for the nicely wrapped 3D earth energies who's only role is to keep you from SELF? 
copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and the article remains intact and unaltered in any way. 
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'Something unexpected' is happening on the  Sun, Nasa has warned.

This year was supposed to be the year of  'solar maximum,' the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle.

But as this image reveals, solar activity is  relatively low.

Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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Dearest Friends:

Today in San Diego, the California Coastal Commission said “NO” to the Navy and their plan to deploy bombs and sonar sound off the Coastline that would likely injure, maim or kill millions of cetaceans over the next 5 years. They said that the Navy’s position is inadequate and unsupported by facts. They also said that the Navy did not keep its agreements in the past and that there was no point in making a compromise with them. In attendance were Lyndia, Lance and Kim of Whale and Dolphin Watch, several representatives from NRDC, Greenpeace, many other ocean organizations and dozens of individuals from near and far.

Although the decision only affects California waters, it is still significant as it sets a major precedent for the whole country. This will have far reaching implications for what can be done next, and ultimately the safety of our cetacean friends, the health of our oceans and our planet. In this case, your participation may have shifted the tide that has so long moved in the direction of disrespect and outright disregard for our oceans. We hear from a major environmental organization that your signatures have energized this movement in a big way!!!

We are not done with this issue yet. This week end is our last chance for signatures on our petition to go to NOAA/National Marine Fisheries on Monday. Will you help us out?

Here’s what we want you to do next:

1. 1. Call and network with your friends and get them to sign this last petition

2. 2. Post on your Facebook page

3. 3. Go to our Facebook page and like us (link on our website)

4. 4. Sign up for ongoing information on our website to keep abreast of this issue

Here is the link:

From the bottom of our hearts, we wanted to say a big ‘Thank You” for your signature on our petitions and your ongoing support. You are awesome people and we are deeply humbled by your support of our oceans.

Lyndia, Lance, Kim and Wes


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Received in email.  Thanks to SusanPX....

The U.S. just went to DEFCON 4 status. Take the attack threats from North Korea VERY seriously, protect your electronics and faraday them ASAP.

For more info, see

The current Defense Condition (DEFCON) for the United States is:  
Operation Joint Gaurdian

1= Global Thermonuclear War; Maximum Force Readiness 
2= A Further Increase in Force Readiness, but Less than Maximum Readiness
3= An Increase in Force Readiness Above Normal Readiness
4= Increased Intelligence Watch and Strengthened Security Measures
5= Peactime

And to balance this, read this:

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