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Stuff like "Schumann" and "Aether" are hard enough to understand, yet alone to comprehend.  Yet, my Scientists friends have been studing our Sun long before Elenin came on the stage ... and some of their findings are to me, alarming.


They know that the Sun is doing things to our Earth, that have never been recorded before ... Earthquake Precursers, and other such stuff.  Their study of the Aether Currents has been quite interesting, until now ............... I am only posting this as it is effecting all of us now.   Maybe our friend Morris can explain this to us ?


I am reluctant to make specific predictions at this point. The more I
learn about the many different causes and effects, the more I realize how
much more I do not know.

The recent Aether current flow brought with it a significant increase in
the M4+ quakes during the past three weeks. I suspect that we will have a
one week break and then the Aether current will start again. This is
because the Sun is rotating and the Aether structures are not asymmetric.
The normal Aether structures look more like conch shells in their
revolution with a gradual outward spiraling plane. Because of a change in the Sun's magnetic strength, the conch shell is now turned on its side and
we are seeing tubes of Aether currents looping from the Sun's equivalent
Arctic circle connecting with the Earth's Arctic circle. It looks somewhat
like a plasma ball sending out tubes of Aether current to the surrounding
glass sphere. Someone might someday build a plasma ball with a rotating
inner sphere and adjacent spheres that simulates this process more
precisely. It might be me if I can find the funding.

Anyway, the recent Aether currents flowing through the Earth represent an
anomaly compared to the past 100 years of solar activity. These currents are seriously altering the internal structure of the Earth on large scales.
When we will see the effects of these currents depends upon the chemistry
and atomic structures present at various locations within the Earth.
Basically, we could expect some of the more dramatic events that seem to
occur every few hundred years. And since this is a particularly rare
barycenter transit of the Sun AND we are passing through the Milky Way
magnetic plane, I am expecting mega events, which occur on scales of
millions and hundreds of millions of years. But it will take decades, if
not centuries for the Milky Way passing effects to come to full fruition.
The barycenter effects likely are the more dominant at this moment.

Still, the barycenter effects may take several years to fully come to
fruition. The several megaquakes we have seen in the past eight years are
gradually increasing in frequency. This is what the present Aether current
activity seems to be driving. The next megaquake may not come for months
or a year, but it is coming and with several more. Similarly, there are
numerous intense volcanic eruptions staring down on us. They may not erupt
for several months or a year, but they are coming. These intense,
large-scale Aether currents are likely the cause.

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Why was the satellite NICT frozen from the day April 2,  2012? 

17 Votos


The start of a emission of particles wind from "G" on the opposite side of the magnetopause, perhaps this may be the cause of the disturbance of the TEC and the diagram F2 in the opinion of the experts.

Foulbrood is clear is that we keep the patterns and seismic ionospheric since some weeks ago, in particular from the day April 2 of 2012, the date on which it was reported the storm waves of "G" from the "other side", pattern that has been repeating itself since with date of 9 to 14 March will be detected for the first time, this type of electromagnetic pulse, as it is exposed here.If you want to display the simulation in Batsrus will replace your card here:

Until now, the parameter of the pulses "G" was seen as something external and different from the interaction of the flow of particles from solar storms and their impact in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, but to date of today, we know that the true cause of the ionospheric and modifications of the magnetosphere, could be related to these pulses.

Logic tells us that if there has been no increase in solar activity in the previous days, it makes no sense for lla magnetosphere and the ionosphere submit diagrams of loads such as the following:

As you will see, it makes no sense that the diagram loads in Ionosphere present values higher than the 16MHz, in view of the low solar activity reported during the past few days.

In addition, the accumulated load diagram of the ionosphere F2-TECU on monthly average:

In the diagram shows a fairly high ionospheric load equal to the average across the globe and higher than the monthly average on 20 units in the areas of Latin America, Chile and Argentina.

Remember that the earthquake that struck Indonesia last Wednesday, in particular the same area that years before been devastated by the Tsunami

An earthquake of 8.7 on the Richter scale shook the region north of the island of Sumatra, in Indonesia, whose authorities have given the tsunami warning.

The Center of Tsunami Warning of the Pacific it was reported that the warning of the risk affects 28 countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and accurate that the first waves could reach the coast of Sumatra toward 09:30 GMT.

The seismological institute of Indonesia cut the power to 8.5 degrees, while the geological service of the United States left in 8.7 .

Remember that the report from the USGS real-time is the following:

Then the detail of the 7174 is seismic movements of the past 30 days.

The probable areas of risk for the proimas 48 hours, are:

Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico

The West Coast of Northern Sumatra

Sinabang, Indonesia

Iwaki, Japan

Severo-Kuril 'sk, Russia

StarViewerTeam International 2012.

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From StarViewerTeam 

Go to the link above to see the images and videos

When you see the waves, and you see to the goats and deer climb the mountain, you think of the Schumann resonances.

32 Votos


Different cave paintings show events that in these past few months we are familiar. What is certain is that the former inhabitants of the planet, represented graphically everything which they viewed as nature. Two years ago this censored video (among many others).  It seems that we could rescue him.

Just pay attention to this video for yourself.

They say that the ancient wisdom is based on direct observation. We know that what happens, has already happened in antiquity.

A lovely phrase of Albert Einstein that in history:

"For my part, I learned long ago not to spend time trying to convince my colleagues" (Albert Einstein). 

What knew the ancient echoes that we so familiar to the modern?.  Why do the goats and deer go up to the mountains after viewing the electromagnetic waves where before they were not?

Obviously the official explanation says nothing about it.

But the evidences are there.

Draw their own conclusions.

StarViewerTeam International 2012.

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3.4 or 6.8

3.4 or 6.8 what should we be charging students in interest on their loans.....we all know how easily they find jobs once they are done with schooling and how responsible they have become after 4 years of college.....
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I had read this article elsewhere, but found it republished on this site.  It is good advice.  After my research into the Scytl situation yesterday, I don't think snopes or truthorfiction had the information entirely correct, and factcheck didn't have any mention of it. 

This article makes the right recommendation ... do your own research.  Don't rely on someone else to do it for you.  "... it is becoming more and more difficult to ascertain what is true and what is false."  These outfits either don't have the time to research things thoroughly (like snopes=two people) or have an agenda. 

What?  You think the gov't wouldn't put up an "independent" group to verify their lies?  All S.O.P. in the world of disinformation.

Read more…  There are two videos and PDF to explain them There will be 7 seperate disasters starting with the power grid if you are not ready to assend before the second one occures, you will not. Very interesting stuff here. 

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Greetings, I am Taugth a celestial of this universe currently residing aboard the starship Athabantian. Today I wish to speak with you about the Institute of Light, the activities that it is sponsoring, and how they impact the larger picture.

I am the leader of a group who initially communicated to Mark the idea of constructing what he calls an “institute.” Mark took several tangents before he was in position to commence this undertaking. however it is now well underway. The institute’s location in Pagosa Springs, Colorado is important for its remoteness from the busyness of major cities, their electromagnetic interference, and environmental pollution. In this relatively pristine surrounding, we have initiated the Andromedan project.

Mark has named this start-up, the Institute of Light, and has undertaken the necessary steps to create an organization according to your civil laws. This is as we wish, for the current situation – quite temporary I assure you – requires conformity to the laws of your society.

The larger purpose for the institute, that we have named Abicor Center, is to provide a place where we of Athabantian, and other star civilizations of this sector of the universe, might come to interact with you, the humans of Earth. As we have stated before, many of your star sisters and brothers already walk among you; those of us of the celestial realm have been with you since the beginning.

Abicor Center will be conducive to our comings and goings, to allowing the humans of Earth to interact with us, to enabling us to teach and train humans so that they might be full-fledged citizens of the universe, and most importantly to raise the vibrations of all so that we might more easily interact with each other.

Abicor already exists at the higher vibrations of Athabantian. Abicor does not exist at the physical vibrations in which you reside, as the time is not yet right to do so. Ultimately Abicor will be a center in which many will reside, both you, the indigenous peoples of Earth, we of the celestial realm, and your brothers and sisters from the stars. We see that it will “materialize” sometime within the coming months.

Turning now to the activities of the Institute of Light, we are most pleased by the activities that are currently being carried out under that name. They are bringing together people from the surrounding community and introducing them to new ideas and training then to look upward rather than focus on the events swirling about their day-to-day lives, as portrayed in your media and Internet. This is a most important beginning.

At our instigation Mark, and others associated with the Institute of Light, will conduct a conference during your month of August. This is a most important undertaking and one that we wholeheartedly support. Along with Mark, we plan to be a part of it, as do others from Andromeda and elsewhere in this universe, and to interact with those who attend this conference.

In addition, we have selected (by a process of instigating the idea within the minds of those involved) certain individuals of Earth who will help you understand the need to raise your vibrations, train you to do so, and teach you to hold higher vibrations as you walk among those of the lower vibrations. This is a most important undertaking, and one in which we encourage you to participate.

The timing for this conference is most auspicious. There will be events preceding it that will garner the attention of all who are the least bit awakened. There are events following it that will challenge all on the planet to remain centered and to follow the high road. By the conclusion of your year 2012, much in your bodies and lives will be undergoing dramatic changes. Similarly much on your planet will be changing, and much of the physical universe will be undergoing a transformation.

Events on Earth are leading the way to a glorious transformation of all. You have the opportunity to participate in that transformation in a very special ways. Please, for the sake of all of us who are involved, become a part of this process. You are the ones — in physical form — that are requested to raise your vibrations to integrate with the higher realms and to lead all to a wondrous new civilization. In doing so you will initiate a wonderful new way of being for all.

I leave you now with these thoughts. All aboard Athabantian – physical beings, ascended ones, and celestials – send their blessings.

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From the StarViewerTeam.


Mysteries of astrophysics. 

Translated using Babylon software

The transdisciplinary science accessible to all.

Analysis of the anomalies of the Neumayer Station and the deposits in SOHO in the last few months.

9 Votos


For a long time, we are following the analysis of the anomalies detected in several of the satellites and space stations.

There are various computers that are being investigated at the global level the anomalies. For months there is a group of coordinated follow-up to the pulse "G", which are also measuring equipment with "private".  Repeat for all those who read this article. We are talking about groups of independent analysis and study of cost " 0 ".  The efforts of those who deliver hours of study and research to write articles as they are going to read deserves respect, because we believe that this type of research should be "also" carried out by the institutions that have millionaire budgets and not only by independent experts.

Therefore the effort in itself is worthy of respect and consideration. There are thousands already the that at the international level are coordinating and watching for a correct sequencing and explanation, without pressure from agencies or institutions, to conclude with explanations that departed from the official version, deserve to be read and heard.

Remember that the access to tools for monitoring and research on the Sun and the anomalies here explained, are open and you can join any proceed voluntarily and free to conduct their own investigations and share in working groups in the open community. Also remember, that one of the advantages of the Internet is to be able to share knowledge in open without the confluence of territorial barriers. The knowledge already has no barriers of access and is a world heritage site. For our part we fully agree with the interpretation and explanation given by SOZT"Conceptual Diagram of Dark Twin Positioning"

I. -let's start with the anomaly has been detected on 4 September 2011 in SOHO, detailed analysis of the image.

The object filmed on 4 September 2011 obviously, is not a reflection on the lens when the camera moves around this object, nor it is a reflection in the window of the car, which by the sounds of the traffic is obviously open remains stationary, in line with the Sun, and seemed to establish convergence with the sun. It can be seen where there is a clear mist, and that the sun is shining through the object that has definition, retains its shape, and even seems to have a shadow at the bottom, as if it were reflecting the sunlight, and as if it were aligned slightly below the Sun. Can phantom is a projection of the Sun, or a reflection of the shadow of the Sun within the camera?

If it were a ghost or shadow projection of projection, the image would be parallel to the shape and size of the Sun, but this object disappears before the sun sets on the horizon, what kingdom to the shadow in the bottom of fact implies that the object is just in front of the Sun along the ecliptic, settling in the first place.

DDO that Venus is located in the immediate vicinity, although you should follow the sun goes down, along the line of inclination of the ecliptic, but if it is slightly out of its orbit by the pressure of the compression within the area, might be found in that position. Therefore this object would be Venus, while closer to the Earth, due to the abnormal action of another object that alters both orbits (Earth and Venus) compared to Planet X.

Normally when Venus is only visible as the Lucifer of the morning or afternoon, when compressing closer to the ground and in the line of sight between the earth and the Sun, the sunlight reflected allows another object projecting their shadow on the satellite.

[Also appeared in a station in the Antarctic Station Newmayer] Watch?v=q8YkbpgjnJU * For the capture of the foreign object: See the article in SOZT 13/14/12

II. -Diagram Newmayer positions the day April 10 2012.

You can see the positions of the event in the Newmayer corresponding to the date and time of the April 10 2012.

Analysis of the incidence of the light of the sun. It is not a "Lens Flare". 

Top selection of images taken of the Newmayer.


 StarViewerTeam International 2012.

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The Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12


Thursday, April 26, 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/26/12
As channeled through Greg Giles

One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe. You are one race, the human race, but your genes are a special mix of many races who have formed an alliance to better handle universal political issues and sovereignties throughout the many different star systems that possess intelligent life.
It has been this way for many eons, where different beings from different parts of the universe have come together in peaceful cooperation to better themselves and the lives of others. This is the case here at this time on your planet, as many different races, worlds and star systems have combined their talents and their genes to create a race of beings who are a true representation of this great alliance of intelligent species. Each one of you is a cherished product of this great endeavor. Each one of you is loved, cared for and protected, as each one of you are a member of our family.
Try to see yourselves as the pride of many star parents and allow this to allow you to better understand our mission and why we are here with you at this time. As we have maintained all along and will soon have the opportunity to prove to you, we are not here for selfish reasons or to manipulate you or use you or your planet for any selfish reasons. We are here as your family and as our family, we love and respect you and only act for your better welfare in every way.

Many of you at this time are now being introduced to your Star Families in one way or another. Many of you are being contacted telepathically and are being given an idea of where it is you come from in the universe. All of you at one time or another in the days ahead will receive this information from your respective Star Families, and we wish you to know there is no prejudice or favoritism here, as those of you who are being contacted at this time are those who are not only ready to receive this information mentally and emotionally, but who are also able to receive this information telepathically. This way of communicating with you must be applied at this time for security reasons. This is why we cannot post publicly a list of names and your home worlds or communicate with you through more popular means. We assure all of you that are interested in such information that this will change in the days ahead when those who yet stand against your new world are removed from your society.
We have talked at length about the removal of these individuals aligned with the dark agenda and we wish you to know that this operation is not a ship that has sailed or an idea or a concept that has been abandoned and forgotten. These arrests will take place, there can be no other way, as these individuals present a roadblock to your new world and there will be nothing or no one permitted to remain here as an obstacle to what is rightfully yours and will be yours. This is one of the reasons we are here with you, and together we will not fail. This operation to remove these individuals is not our operation, but the operation of our Earth allies, and we are participating in this operation by offering our abilities in certain areas. This is a very involved operation and much planning has been and continues to be put into this process. At this time, this plan continues to move forward and you will, at the proper time, see the results of all the tremendous work and labors of so many of your people. This will be. There can be no other way.
Continuing on into the days ahead you will begin to see more fallout from the efforts of your brothers and sisters to remove those of the dark from their positions of power. Some of you are seeing at this time resignations and dismissals at many different levels of bureaucracy of individuals who have chosen to voluntarily clear the way for the incoming of individuals aligned with the light and your new world. These maneuverings are all part of the bigger picture, and each and every change of office is a step towards your new way of life. See each resignation or dismissal as a positive stride towards our shared goal, for indeed it is.
We wish for you at this time to keep the fire burning within your hearts for your new world, for it is much closer than you may think and it will be yours, there can be no stopping it. Far too much has been accomplished already to allow anything to stop your new day from climbing over the horizon. This day will come; you inch closer to it every day as we, along with our Earth allies, continue to work tirelessly towards our shared goals. We ask you, our Lightworkers in the field, to continue your efforts as well as this is not a time to slow down or take a break from your tasks, but a time to apply your talents and give your mission everything you have, for everything that we have discussed with you, everything that you have dreamed about and long for, is just beyond your reach and will only take a little more effort to bring everything to you that you have earned and all that you deserve.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

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"Please, please do all you can immediately to reverse Obama's hiring of Scytl, a private vote counting company in Barcelona, Spain, to collect local federal election ballots, merge them, and report th...

To view this discussion, go to:  "

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