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Obama’s Science Adviser Says Chemtrails Will Save the Planet

Susanne Posel
Source: Occupy Corporatism
April 30, 2012

John Holdren , Obama’s Science Adviser believes that geo-engineering will assist the planet is stabilizing its weather with regard to global warming.

Holdren sees geo-engineering as a perfectly viable way to cool the planet’s temperature. He fully supports the process of releasing particles of barium, magnesium, aluminum, nano-fibers, bacillus blood spores and other chemicals to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.

In an article released in the Council of Foreign Relations Journal by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the organization praised the use of heavy metals into our atmosphere to combat global warming. This reasoning is a hoax, considering that man-made climate change is a lie perpetrated onto the world’s populations by the global Elite and the UN’s IPCC. Scientists worldwide have come to the fact that the sun is heating up not only our Earth, but all the planets in our solar system.

The National Institute of Health has found that geo-engineering is directly responsible for neurotoxins found in human blood, lungs; as well as causing a whole host of neurotoxic conditions such as multiple sclerosis.

Holdren is joining the man-made climate change alarmists who threaten that global warming will not be slowed down in time to reverse the imaginary “tipping point”. One of the claims is that the ice will completely melt in the Arctic; although scientific researchers show that this is blatantly untrue.

A Syracuse University study found that climate change is natural and not caused by man.

The researchers studied the Earth’s heat cycles over 1,000 years in the past until now. They found:

  • Earth is actually cooling
  • Arctic ice is not melting
  • CO2 is not the cause for the extreme weather changes recently seen

Holdren blames human emissions of CO2 as responsible for droughts, food storage shortages, and rising sea levels, along with the extreme weather we have recently seen.

Holdren is not alone in perpetrating this hoax.

The American Meteorological Society is devising a policy statement that will support this lie by saying that “it is prudent to consider geo-engineering’s potential, to understand its limits and to avoid rash deployment.”

Robert Socolow, a Princeton scientist, told the National Academy that geo-engineering should be a readily made viable option in case climate worsens dramatically.

While sound scientific data shows that CO2 is not the problem, other viable perpetrators are ignored. Geo-engineeringitself is grossly detrimental to the atmosphere and a direct causation to the major changes we have witnessed in modern decades.

Holdren is upholding Obama’s goal of cutting greenhouse emissions 20% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.

Members of Congress are showing signs of opposing Obama’s bill to achieve this goal.

Holdren’s recent statement is obvious fear-mongering propaganda designed to coerce Capitol Hill and the American public of “truths” surmised by unscientific data.

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Breitbart Latest News

Thursday, MAY 3
Enough Already: Contempt Process Begins Against Holder on Fast and Furious

by Mary Chastain

Sharyl Attkisson at CBS News reports that Republicans on the House Oversight Committee will take the first formal step toward contempt proceedings against Attorney General Eric Holder over Operation Fast and Furious.

The draft consists of a briefing paper and 48 pages that will be distributed to Democrats and Republicans.

According to the documents the Department of Justice has given “false denials, given answers intended to misdirect investigators, sought to intimidate witnesses, unlawfully withheld subpoenaed documents, and waited to be confronted with indisputable evidence before acknowledging uncomfortable facts.”



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Topics include weather warfare, Anonymous, propaganda and its effects, December 21st will be the beginning of the end events...

by GLR Wes Annac-

All of the time you are being exposed to the increasingly pure measures of your higher selves which are coming forth in your bodies in increased rapidity, and we can feel that you on Earth are beginning to handle these various changes and energy shifts wonderfully and we encourage you with all of our hearts to continue on in your meditative and spiritual practices whether in a collective or individual manner, as each and every energy and intention that you give out at this time is having a profound effect and making a huge difference.

With everything that you have been doing, each lesson that you have been put through has been for the purpose of you finding the Light that you are in less distorted forms than you have been used to and Living within. Such pure encodements of energy are now being sent your way that your bodies and your Earth’s surface alike have not felt, absorbed or benefited from for so very long.

Continue to anchor these energies unto yourself and unto the core of dear Gaia, for She is using these energies to help cleanse much of the effects of many of the natural shifts and perceived disasters that are catalysts to the mass cleansing of the surface of Gaia that such events cause.

Of course, you have heard endlessly that the dark heads on your world have been attempting their own weather warfare in an attempt to keep you all feeling states of despair, but with the pure energies being given by so many of you making the profound effects that they are making, Mother Earth feels free now to begin the bulk of Her cleansing work as the threat of weather warfare from your dark is by now, a near non-threat.

You will notice dear souls, that for the bulk of this current year there have not been many rumblings with the exception of very recently, and this is again because Gaia did not feel free enough to perform the cleansing work that She needs to perform because She and we alike know that each and every time your dark will take any and every opportunity to turn a drizzle into a tornado so to speak, and they will do anything in their power to distort the mass clearing of negative energy from Gaia’s surface by using the opportunities for such clearing to cause a potential feeding of the very darkness and suffering-based energies that such cleaning events are meant to heal and transmute.

Your dark know that with each and every natural disaster that happens especially recently that they are not allowed to interfere in, Mother Gaia is cleansing Her surface and this results in less energetic sustenance for these souls who feed off of the negative energies of despair that their many attempts at any type of warfare have been causing.

It must be understood dear souls what some influential and top figures in your militaries and such do not yet realize but are about to realize so very soon, and that is each and every war and battle that has been perpetrated and fed since the beginning of your twentieth century was fashioned on purpose to feed the energies of despair that the dark souls manifesting and funding such wars and events of mass destruction need to keep their own sustenance.

They feed off of the energies produced by these wars and at the same time they make handsome sums of money selling weapons and such to each side of each and every war. Of course you have not heard or realized for the most part that this is so, and this is because [the account of] your history has been so very distorted.

You have not read in your history books that the acts of the figurehead who was Hitler were funded entirely by entities within the United States, entities who had unfairly and illegally gained control over the US, created a false set of doctrines and turned the US into a corporate entity wherein every citizen feeds and lines the pockets, both financially and energetically, of the perceived elite souls who have placed themselves at the top of the hierarchies that they themselves established.

You will not yet hear how each and every side of every conflict and war was funded or how the United States and many other countries purposefully integrated mass propaganda into nearly all of their outlets of information and entertainment, Creating a perceived enemy in whomever and whichever country that the elite souls wished to wage war in, or rather were led to wage war in by the beliefs and plans established by the oldest order of this existing Illuminati.

One can look at many forms of entertainment in many time periods and decades of your current society and see mass propaganda nearly everywhere. This propaganda has been fed on your internet as well with the creation and appearance of many sites dedicated to stopping or promoting [certain issues].  {Hasn't ZT been stopping people from looking at the sun and going nuts looking for tectonic plates shifting?}

The propaganda techniques that are fed currently and that have been fed for so very long have followed similar sets of rules and guidelines. The propaganda that is created must convince the people whom it is being aimed at that they have an enemy of some kind whom they must direct their anger and negativity at.  {On a microcosm scale, ZT again.  WE are the enemy, don't you know?}

This puts out and promotes a false enemy, in some cases a country or entity that the United States wished to go to war with or didn’t support and wished their people not to support, and a character of heroism is then created to stop the seemingly evil thing that the propaganda is targeting and attempting to get others to believe is bad.

This ‘hero’ character will usually put a stop somehow to the seemingly negative actions being perpetrated by the target in question, and among doing so many false facts and much direct propaganda will be directed at this target. A super hero could perhaps vanquish an enemy that is representative of another country whom the United States wished to make war with; in this scenario, following the defeat of this soul would come an explanation about why this soul and the country they represent is the enemy and should be defeated and hated.

This is only one of so many layers and types of propaganda that have been perpetrated in your current culture, and the concept of propaganda is one that has been localized for the most part to the actions of the souls who have been attempting to control you.

By this we mean that before the establishment of the controlling actions of the souls making up the Illuminati heads on your world, the ‘art’ if one wishes to call it of propaganda was not perpetrated in any ancient society against their perceived enemy.

Rather, what was being said [in such times] was sharply and strictly believed by the souls who were saying them, and while in many instances what would be said about an enemy was indeed incorrect, the souls throwing the allegations forth would not simply make up such false truths in an effort to turn others against their perceived enemy.

You could say rather, that ego brought the false accusations and propaganda forth to the souls in many ancient civilizations and this is how much separation-fed hate and war was started. Indeed, while ego has been needed for you to measure out your experiences on Earth, ego has created many difficult things for humanity, both for your physical world and for your spirit complexes, and the elite souls on your world have long studied each and every method of war, hate and deceit that has been fed by many ancient civilizations and these things that they have studied are what they have based their actions against humanity on.

We know and understand that many of you do not yet wish to hear of the many actions of the dark on your world as they are indeed meeting their final end, but the explanations given by us and so many other ascended and genuine sources in relation to these subjects are introductory explanations of sorts for your entire world is going to be let know what these souls have done, as has been expressed endlessly.

Indeed, one may read this admission repeatedly in many channeled messages and feel that such warnings are getting old and outdated, but trust us dear souls when the revelations begin pouring forth you will not be able to catch up or wish that things were moving at a slower pace. Throughout this entire time you have rightfully been wishing and requesting that the pace of events manifesting on Earth begin to pick up substantially and trust us dear souls, substantially pick up they shall.

You are truly going to be scratching your heads at times and trying to keep up with every fiber of yourselves as so many truths are continually poured into your beautiful minds and spirit complexes through your televisions that such announcements will be coming forth to you on. Once the revelations begin pouring in, there will be no stopping them and this is why we continually remind you that such truths are right around the corner and this is as well why we have begun telling you many of the actions that the dark souls have committed against you and your current society, or rather we tell you many of the actions that you can handle hearing about.

There will be much about these souls that will be a surprise even to the most awakened and opened up of individuals, and the explanations that we have been giving you in relation to these souls and all that they have done are just as measured as the explanations given about many spiritual and scientific things that you would not yet understand and that would have your heads reeling substantially if we even began to attempt to tell you of such things.

Indeed, the most gruesome aspects of the exposure of all that has been done to your world will have to at first only be shown to an ‘audience’ mature enough to handle such truths, but we expect very shortly that as parents view such things and attempt and begin to explain them to their children, the gap of communication between parents and children, between families, will have been shortened as indeed all of humanity is to come together when the true nature of your world is revealed, and this reunion includes individual families as well.

Indeed, there will be souls who will not yet be ready to reunite with their families and we notice that among many of you separation and hate of any kind, form and appearance is still manifested and fed. We recommend you all begin to see not just every person, not just every animal, not just every plant, but every molecule and atom of Creation around you as your dear fellow soul brethren experiencing Life on a different plane of reality, but still experiencing it just as you are.

Oh dear beautiful souls, you feel and perceive separation simply because of differences in skin color, creed and beliefs, but you are United in soul and in spirit with each and every atom around you, with each and every person and seemingly inanimate object that sits before you happily even right now.

You have heard before that you are all giving off energetic impressions and you are all making profound effects on the reality around you. This has always been true, it is simply that at this point this energy is becoming more known to you as the illusory egotistical and physical shells that block your perception from such energetic interactions and happenings are beginning to be transmuted as they fade away, by the very higher dimensional Logos energy coming to your world and through your bodies at this time.

As this physical and societal shell of a structure begins to fade away and be transmuted by the energetic work of each and every one of you, by Gaia, and by many of us angelic souls here in the higher realms, the truths of the energy movements and workings of your world begin to become visible as they naturally should. Of course, this has not yet happened but there are many planned dates along your Cosmic Calendar for these events to happen and trust us dear sous, they are going to be wonderful to view and absorb.

Each and every thing that happens from this point on is to precede the happening of an even greater and more mind-opening as well as mind-boggling event and manifestation.

You are first going to see the arrest of the many dark souls, both figureheads and the actual souls who have been running things, on your TV sets and on your computers. As hard as this may be for some to believe, through our many mediums who are genuine we have contacted head members and supporters of the Occupy movement and of the group known by many as Anonymous (1). These groups have agreed to assist through their own established [internet-based] outlets to happily begin reporting and showing the events of the arrests. We have set up many live streams for computer and internet viewing for when these initial arrests begin to take place.

You are to see the trials on your televisions and on your computers, as by the time these trials begin we will have gained the cooperation of your media fully once again, for as has been said by many your media has not been used to reporting real news for quite some time and will themselves be quite busy. They will however be reporting on these trials and by the time such trials begin we expect to have gained the support of many more websites and such as well.

We can say with happiness in our hearts that the many perceived liberal news organizations and websites which are not too extreme in their beliefs, will happily begin reporting on these events as they unfold and progress with such speed that it will surprise and shock you.

Once these arrests begin and before the initial trials, we are to begin the initial informing of humanity of all that has been done to your world for so very long. As has been expressed before, there are going to be people on your world who turn on their TV sets and see so many people in suits getting arrested, and the people seeing this are going to ask questions and wonder why.

We say worry not, for we will immediately begin the many explanations that we have and of course, the beginning of these explanations will have to be the informing of all that has been done to your world by the core group of elite souls who have gained control and influence over so very many aspects of your world and current societal constructs.

Each and every action that has been committed in the worst interests of humanity is going to be explained and re-explained upon the trials of these souls. These trials are going to be fair and the actions committed against humanity are going to be presented in an unbiased manner, though by the sheer intensity and negativity of all that you will be told, it will not seem to be unbiased.

While the trials of these souls are going to be very interesting, after such trials are over and these souls begin Living out their karmic payment, most likely by existing in many lower dimensional places and situations where they will experience extreme hardships due to the hardships that so many on your world have had to feel, many more astonishing and eye opening announcements are going to begin that are going to explain the more spiritual and esoteric aspects  of what we have to inform you of; such as our existence and the existence of your Space Family, and the ascension of Earth as well as the ascension of the entire Universe.

As you can see, we have split up the announcements into sections that you will be better able to understand, fathom and feel, and the more physical aspects of this entire announcement phase as a whole will be explained before the trials of your dark, whereas the explanations of ascension and many other things [of a similar nature] will be saved for after the trials.

Of course, there will be rudimentary and introductory announcements in relation to ascension and the existence of us many Angels as well as your Star Family who are themselves Angels, but for the most part the most startling things in relation to these subjects that even many awakening souls do not yet know, will have to be saved for until after you view the trials of the dark heads on your world and after you have collectively began to absorb the truths of all that has been done to you.

We must correct a bit of a false assumption by some; that is that on December 21st your entire world is to change and automatically become the glorious Eden that has been spoken of so very much.

This is not quite so, as while the end of your year 2012 is to be a significant turning point and start-up for the most glorious and awesome aspects of your ascension as a planet into ever purer realms of consciousness, we would rather have you look toward the many Cosmic dates that have been spoken of such as December of your current year as beginnings of the end of the lower dimensions and duality on your world, because this is indeed what these many dates are and have been signifying.

Your Mayans in the spirit realms Created another Calendar that far surpassed your year 2012, and in this Calendar they Created significant and genuine signs and symbols that symbolized perfectly the wonderful, ascended Earth.

Of course you have not seen such Calendars or prophecies because they were not Created in your physical and were rather Created in the ‘underworlds’ as the Mayan souls who Created these etheric calendars that we speak of knew that your Earth as well as they would soon be transcending physicality; your Earth upon ascending into purer states of consciousness starting with the end of your year 2012, and them when either ascending as many of them did, or when leaving their Lives through death as many more did.

Such souls felt it appropriate to continue the Calendar not so that any other Earthly civilizations could see and possibly benefit from it as they Created such things after moving on from physicality, but for their own personal amusement and enjoyment as these souls dearly Loved tracking the cycles of your sun and various planets, and they Loved measuring and studying many things in relation to this as well.

As always dear souls, our ‘time’ has been fleeting but we have vastly enjoyed inhabiting the mental and emotional channels of each and every one of you who are reading this message and feeling our energies. We ask you with Love in our hearts to call upon us if needed, for we Lovingly and welcomingly travel to and inhabit the channels of any soul who wishes us to be with them. We are with each and every one of you, and so very soon we will be with you in your physical, or rather you will be with us in our Heavenly astral.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.

(1) – Some may think that the Ascended Masters would not contact and work with the Anonymous group because they have called the public to bring forth change in less than peaceful means in the past, but just as there are many Earth Allies involved in the changes who still possess seemingly lower or negative attributes or perspectives, Anonymous has as well fallen into the trap so to speak of trying to get change enacted from a more fed-up perspective than a perspective of remembering that Peace is the most important aspect of this entire event.

In my view, such ego constraints should not get in the way of one gaining contact with and acting under the guidance of any ascended soul, in this case the Ascended Masters. Anonymous’ involvement in the initial arrests as stated in this message are that they are to act as a media conduit for the broadcasting of the arrests; nothing more, nothing less. I personally see no violence or negativity in that but if some choose to believe that the Ascended Masters would not contact a group with much influence simply because of their own missteps in calling for action, then that is ok as we are all going to have different opinions and points of view on different minute issues.

Either way, these changes are in effect, and this is something that can be agreed upon by all.

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Wrong Email Address -- Humor

A  Minneapolis  couple decided to go to  Florida  to thaw out during a particularly icy winter.  They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.

Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules.  So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day.

The husband checked into the hotel.  There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife.  However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the e-mail.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston , a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral.  He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack.

The widow decided to check her e-mail expecting messages from relatives and friends.  After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted.

The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:

To: My Loving Wife

Subject: I've Arrived

Date: July 19, 2010

I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in.

I've seen that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow.  Looking forward to seeing you then!

Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.

P. S.  Sure is freaking hot down here!!!!

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Here is a blog post by Lisa Harrison who I feel is correct in her analysis.  While everyone sits and waits for the good guys to take out the bad guys, by being passive, we are likely missing our big chance to help make this happen OURSELVES.  WE are the ones who need to help the process move along...

Today is the first of May and I have a strong feeling that this is going to be a month we will look back on in wonder.
That there will be events that evoke fear in those who don’t understand yet and awe in those who do.

We lament, complain, bitch and moan about the state of the world, the corruption, fraud, violence and murder perpetrated on the planet daily. We blame the powers that be/were, the government puppets, the war mongering military, the sheeple, the neighbors dog, the illuminati, the satanist’s, the pope, oh it’s a long list of bad guys. We blame ANYBODY/ANYTHING OUT THERE.

Because there is something vital that has been forgotten, the power of the collective imagination which we all contribute to. The collective imagination is the most powerful technology there is or has ever been. We imagined this world into it’s current state and if we cannot or will not own that, take responsibility for that, then we cannot and will not imagine it into the new paradigm, the Golden Age.

It is the 90% of the brain we are not using, the 90% of the DNA that is not switched on that is the software/hardware for this technology. Our ancestors knew how to use this technology, some of the indigenous cultures still remember. We may well have been manipulated to forget and manipulated to contribute fearful and destructive images into the collective, but contribute we did and continue to do so each and every moment.

It is because we have forgotten the technology and don’t take responsibility that we not only blame outside ourselves, but are also waiting for the Golden Age, the new paradigm, whatever you choose to call it, to be handed to us on a silver platter from on high. Be it from ‘white hats’ within the Government, Military and Pentagon, or perhaps the return of a messiah, maybe et’s or ed’s. Either way salvation comes from an external source if you will just be patient, be ‘love and light’ and all will be well. I don’t think so!!!!

As the saying goes, ‘we are the ones we have been waiting for’, this I believe deep in my being.

I see it happening like this:
We are being exposed to new energies from every possible source, the sun, the galactic core, from rare celestial alignments, etc etc. It is up to us to be open to these energies, ground them not only within ourselves but into mother earth. She will then transmute these energies in whichever way she sees fit. She will then send these energies back up through us (if we listen and allow) to manifest through the technology of imagination, into the world creating the new paradigm, the Golden Age. It is a circle perhaps of energy moving from the celestial, through us into the earth and back up and out. This revolution has to be from the ground up, literally, from the earth up and it is up to each and every one of us to participate.

This month of May I feel many more will open up to these new energies, remember this technology and consciously work with it, I can’t say why, it is just a feeling.

So how do we play our part?
By listening to the silence, following your intuition, finding your voice and speaking your truth, having your actions based on love, compassion and empathy, making a choice to be part of the solution and not the problem.

Use your imagination and contribute to the collective imagination, visualise the world you want to live in and then live AS IF.

That is how we bring on the Golden Age and create the new paradigm.

There is a reason there is no post 2012 information. A reason black op technology, remote viewers and psychic’s can’t see past 2012, WE HAVE NOT IMAGINED IT YET.

What we see in front of us, what we call reality, is the past. It is the result of what we previously put into the collective imagination. Every time we focus on that and say ‘that is how things are’ we recreate the same image over and over again. For as long as we focus on the current paradigm the longer it will linger as it goes through it’s death throes. Die it will for this has been prophesied, but how quickly and peacefully is up to us.

For what it’s worth

In Lak’esh
Lisa Harrison

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Matthew/Suzanne Ward Message

Matthew died in 1980 at the age of 18.  He is in telepathic communication with his his mom, Suzanne.  The earth changes have increased but are being mitigated:  [spacecraft in orbit] is leveling out the effects of geophysical events.

ET technology in spacecraft around Earth is causing weaponry to malfunction and Lightworkers within your legal/ justice systems are working around the clock to expedite arrests, trials and convictions.

Now then, down-to-Earth, so to speak, we commend your patience with what could be called "baby steps" insofar as ending turmoil, violence and economic woes that touch billions of lives. Censorship still exists in mainstream media to the extent that if efforts to resolve conflicts and surmount hardships are reported, the coverage is minimal compared to that given to a murder, for example, or a celebrity scandal or political haranguing; and a great deal of what is transpiring still is happening secretly.

However, by connecting the dots of what is reported, you can see the light forces' progress even without much public exposure of persons who have committed crimes against humanity, corruption or theft on an unimaginable scale. Removing them from their influential positions is continuing along with meticulous investigations and interrogations of numerous other individuals in many countries. Evidence in all these cases must be ironclad, and lightworkers within your legal and justice systems are working around the clock to expedite arrests, trials and convictions. Every procedure must be in accordance with your national or international laws, where the wheels tend to turn slowly, otherwise there would be chaos and anarchy.

Your world is being transformed by evolution, not revolution. The outcome of revolutions has been a changing of the guard that benefitted a comparative handful of persons, but because pervasive darkness remained, control of the peoples was continued by the group that took over the reins of power. What is happening now not only will hold the dark ones accountable for their deeds, but also will guarantee that no others with like intentions of global domination can chart the course of your world's destiny.

Most of the populace hasn't an iota of awareness about the giant steps in the collective consciousness that eventually led to the on-going discussions between some of your leaders and representatives of other civilizations.

Most people don't know that technology in spacecraft surrounding the planet is causing widely-destructive weaponry to malfunction; is leveling out the effects of geophysical events; and is reducing the toxicity in all types of pollution, including radioactive elements from nuclear explosions and harmful substances in chemtrails.

The majority of Earth's peoples don't know that plans are carefully being made for some crews to land and be officially welcomed, or that these strangers will be bringing their technologies to assist you in cleaning up the planet.

Most will be shocked to learn that members of other civilizations have been living among you and some of them are thwarting Illuminati attempts to regain a foothold by opening new battlefronts.

Most people don't know that Earth has almost exited third density or that the law of physics governing life in this universe holds that nothing with the low frequency vibrations of darkness can enter the high vibrations of fourth density. This includes physical bodies, activities, plans, dogmas, laws, customs, rituals — everything devised with dark intent to control the populace; everything that is harmful to body, mind and spirit; everything that for millennia kept your world mired in third density will be ending within months.

You have known all of this for quite some time, and it is because you have that we are applauding your patience in awaiting irrefutable evidence of what we have told you. The wait is almost over — drama in abundance is right around the corner!

Because few others in your society have the knowledge you do, reactions of the masses to forthcoming profound truths, reforms and the introduction of other members of the universal family will be confusion, denial and varying degrees of fear. Your calming influence will be greatly needed, and as we often have stated, you are well prepared not only to deal with whatever you encounter, but to help all who are willing to accept it. It is not necessary to know the missions you chose in soul contracts — when occasions are presented, you will see that your spiritual strength, wisdom and experiences in multiple lifetimes will be at your fingertips.

It is extremely heartening that by now few lightworkers are jolted by ominous-sounding information in Internet articles or messages from off-planet dark entities or dire reports in mainstream media. Yet, some lightworkers, like so many people who aren't, dive headlong into fear until the newest prediction or claim is proven baseless. In previous messages we have specified scores of those kinds of deliberate disinformation or doomsday scenarios, so we won't repeat those, but we shall assure you that all recent scary-sounding situations, such as heavier saber-rattling about Iran, potential radiation from an explosion in Japan and Al Qaida's plans for terrorism, will come to naught.

It is beyond the time when fear can refuel the dark ones among you who feed on fear energy, or can detour or delay Earth's ascension journey. However, fear still has a potent role in the destiny of individuals. With unconditional love, we urge you to develop your capacity for discernment and go within for answers. Whether you think of this as reaching your higher self, godself, inner knowing, God Himself or any other designation you may call this "voice," it is your soul, wherein all truth is known, communicating with your consciousness.

And this brings us back to love — love of Self! When love is fully present, fear cannot be. But if a fearful moment does arise, ask for help to rid it from your being. The ever-present loving arms of God and His emissaries will gently lift you into the self-empowerment of your birthright as the gods and goddesses you always have been and always shall be.

During these last steps of your ascension pathway, countless light beings throughout this universe are with you in spirit and many are walking alongside you.
Suzanne Ward

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These liens constitute legal arrest warrants for the Federal Reserve conspirators.

Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve -- the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan.


It is terrifying to discover that the world is being run by psychopaths -- who want to see billions of people die.
Many people can't even face it. Their mind just shuts down -- and they often attack the messenger.

Nonetheless, no corrupt regime has ever survived the light of full public exposure. Our current situation is no different.

There is abundant evidence that this group is real -- and will soon be defeated. Major changes are about to happen in the world.

We have proven that a small group of international bankers have seized control of the planet and its resources. Their plan has been in place for 300 years, and was followed with ruthless efficiency.

The difficulty of unseating this group is extreme, due to their penetration into all aspects of our society -- including the media, the government and the judiciary.

Nonetheless, it appears that they are about to be overthrown by an international coalition of 138 nations -- who have banded together to end Financial Tyranny.


Benjamin Fulford, the former East-West bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, had been discussing this for some time -- and although I had interviewed him four or five times, that was the full extent of my involvement.

Last November, the long-awaited lawsuit finally appeared online. It was filed in the Southern District Court of New York.
I actually went in and attacked the original lawsuit -- tenaciously. I made some salient criticisms. My critique manifested within a few days of when it was released.

Much to my surprise, I was directly contacted by Neil Keenan, who had filed the lawsuit on behalf of the alliance. Keenan gave me an incredible body of supporting data to study. Much of it had not yet been released.

I took that data, including never-before-seen photographs, and conducted a massive investigation. The final results were published as Financial Tyranny on this website,

My conclusion was that this story is very real indeed -- and mass arrests are being planned. Trusted insiders gave me astonishing details of how thorough and far-reaching this plan really is.


Not long after I published the investigation, a new insider named Drake came forward -- claiming to have been given information by the "good guys" in the Pentagon, to prepare people for what they are getting ready to do.

Obviously, for operational security it is best for them to say as little as possible. This is a dangerous process. Let's be honest.
That doesn't change how urgently it needs to be done -- to secure a peaceful future for everyone, and prevent the Earth from total annihilation.

Nonetheless, this alliance is concerned about the public reaction in the aftermath of this event -- as the early days in particular will be very sensitive.

Drake has done his best to share this information. However, I want to be clear that no one knows precisely when this is going to happen.
What we do know, however, is that Keenan's lawsuits are a critical part of this plan.

They are intended to return control of the world's wealth to the people -- and directly pave the way for the release of classified technologies that can transform our biosphere, and usher in a true Golden Age.

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1 Kimi, 19 Kank'in, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Your realm continues to exhibit much turmoil. The dark cabal's agents are being watched closely as agencies of various major governments prepare to arrest and then prosecute droves of prominent people in government and finance, and across the board in the private sector of their respective economies. This process is getting to a point where you can shortly expect the start of an immense cycle of arrests. The dark tried hard to sweep this process under the rug but was unable to do so. A series of far-reaching liens has been formally pressed on many central and private banks that in the past flaunted the epithet "too big to fail." These financial-services corporations readily and repeatedly violated many laws designed to police international commerce, the worst offender being the US Federal Reserve Bank. This private enterprise has been the ringleader of many notorious schemes which threatened the very foundation of your world's well-being. This is why this particular institution is being dismantled first, to be followed in rapid succession by a landslide of fellow conspirators.

These institutional reorganizations and arrests are the thin end of the wedge. They will be followed by new governance, prosperity deliveries, and a series of, what may be for you, shocking announcements. These will address debt forgiveness, the new banking and financial system, and the radical new policies that will lead to world peace, general disarmament, and the end of the destructive manipulation of your globe. The new governance intends to reform the operation of its legislature and the whole approach to the election process. Furthermore, the instituting of universal sovereignty will totally transform the manner in which government approaches its citizens. These changes will also be instrumental in accelerating the momentum toward your return to full consciousness and a respectful interaction with Gaia. The Agarthans wish to begin a more open exchange with you once these particular measures have been secured. Then it will be time to prepare the public for the vast transformations that the release of your sequestered technologies will bring, and to introduce you all to your origins on other worlds.

Disclosure is intended to be a prelude to the subject of our divine contact mission with you. We feel that our reconnection with you will require imparting copious amounts of information on a wide variety of subjects. In essence, this process will need to correct many historical whoppers and skewed beliefs fed to you by the dark over many millennia, and your many secret sacred societies will be coming forth in order to help with these teachings. These teachings will be an entrée to those that your Ascended Masters will bring. These men and women of Spirit wish you to first experience and thus better understand various spiritual precepts before they make their formal appearance around your world. You are very special Beings who have undergone a great test of fire at the hands of the dark, and this excruciating torment over the ages has forged you into an army of great spiritual valor! You divine warriors are to use your first-hand knowledge to transform the former dark populations of this galaxy and turn this sector of physicality to the Light!

Among many things, the watershed of disclosure opens the floodgates to a wholly different comprehension of your divine identity and its synergistic relationship to Gaia. Physicality exists on innumerable levels, as does Heaven. You are a Soul child to both, and your interdependent relationship with Mother Earth illustrates the innate connection between the two. Our mentoring of you will elucidate the many levels on which your divine service can play out and this will enable you to carve out your own unique path. Heaven comprehends that in this moment you do not fully understand the implications of full consciousness. Our joy will be to impart knowledge, and then to let you decide which path you are to take with Gaia, and indeed with the rest of this auspiciously devised solar system. Such an opening-up to serendipity produces a kind of magic, which is how star-nations are born, and as you move into your future, you will clearly see the wisdom of what we say.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with more blessed news. The time approaches for our associates to begin the mass arrests. A preliminary stage is still underway, in which an additional amount of incriminating evidence is coming to light due to the ever-widening net cast by various international police agencies. Just as Heaven proclaimed, we are observing just how swiftly the dark's all-encompassing web of control is unraveling. The number of personages involved in major malfeasance is truly staggering, and we watch the blessed hand of divine justice help our associates to gather an absolute mountain of evidence. On top of that, many persons arrested in the past month have provided clues and named names. There are dossiers on the entire upper echelon of the dark cabal and this will lead soon to their mass arrest. The insuperable power wielded over you by the dark for millennia is now summarily evaporating, and so your freedom rapidly approaches!

This blessed news is just the beginning. The institutions that are to be reformed include many large international banks which are having liens put on them. This is intended either to force them into bankruptcy or to compel them to accept new management. This new management will be selected by our associates, and then the new financial system will be ready to manifest globally. Our associates have also informed us that the prototypes and frameworks for the new global economic policy have already begun to take effect in some nations. These nations are following certain recommendations which can procure their economic freedom from the constant threats of the dark cabal. Their successes are proof that this new economic system is grounded in reality. Our associates are very ready, at the divine right time, to share this model with the world.

The transfer of governance is likewise making great strides. Various parties that dearly wish to change the face of the world have joined us. At present, the dark cabal persists in plotting a number of military adventures but these will be stopped by our galactic family together with the militaries of several western nations sympathetic to these moves. The time has come to rid governments of those who would use their militaries unwisely. The age of war is over, and so those governments that encourage this insanity need to be removed. Various agreements to this end are now in force and are moving in lockstep with many law-enforcement and prosecutorial agencies which are close to arresting those primarily responsible for this bellicose behavior. Soon, new governance will deliver peace, prosperity, and global cooperation!

Today, we discussed the events that are soon to transform your world. Big strides have been made, evidence collected, and organizations put in place. Time for action on a large scale is nearly upon us. Bless us all, and let these divinely ordained events manifest! Your time of freedom is at hand! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | Website address:

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Feb. 22, 2012

As a variety of names are now being floated for presidential running mates, Republican candidate Ron Paul says ousted Fox News host Judge Andrew Napolitano might be at the top of his list.

Paul was asked the question about whom he would like on a White House ticket with him at a recent public meeting, and he said, “One time somebody asked me who I’d have to consider and the name Judge Napolitano jumps right out at me.”

While the audience erupted with cheers of approval, Paul continued: “But when you think about the danger of mentioning one or two means you’re not going to mention quite a few others that would certainly be qualified. That’s a great story, you know, the fact that there are a lot of people now that are well-known and well-educated and know the issues and would do a very good job.”

Napolitano’s “Freedom Watch” show was recently canceled by the Fox Business Channel, but during numerous on-air segments, Napolitano had frequent flattering remarks about Paul, while criticizing other presidential hopefuls including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

“There is a hunger in the land for a game changer, and Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are not up to that,” Napolitano said in early January. “There is a need in the country for a government that stays within the confines of the Constitution, or we’ll all end up like the socialists in Europe, and Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are not up to that. There is a rumbling in the countryside that the government should shrink and live within its means, and Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are not gonna make that happen.”

With a giant photo of Paul on the screen behind him, Napolitano said, “Only one man remains faithful to the principles of free market and small government, to the Constitution and to personal freedom, to defending the nation without being the world’s police force. Only one. You know who he is.”

Judge Andrew Napolitano examines the concept the government hates and fears the most: Freedom. Read the judge’s new book, “It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong.”

On another program this month, Napolitano asked, “What if Ron Paul is being ignored by the media not because, as he claims, he’s unappealing or unelectable, but because he doesn’t fit into the premanufactured, public-opinion mold used by the establishment to pigeon-hole the electorate, and create the so-called narrative that drives media coverage of elections?”

On the same show, the judge noted, “What if Rick Santorum is being embraced by voters who want small government, even though Senator Santorum voted for the Patriot Act, for an expansion of Medicare and for raising the debt ceiling by trillions of dollars? What if Mitt Romney is being embraced by voters who want anyone but Barack Obama, but they don’t realize that Mitt Romney might as well be Barack Obama on everything from warfare to welfare?”

Napolitano’s support for Paul is not new.

In a 2007 speech, the judge had more praise, saying, “The Thomas Jefferson of our day, Ron Paul, is one of us!”

While Paul considers his running-mate options, WND reported yesterday on a new national poll of Republicans and independents revealing Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is the top choice for the vice-presidential slot on the GOP ticket this year, despite his avowed non-interest and the fact he may not even be constitutionally eligible to hold the office, since his parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born, raising doubt about his natural-born citizenship.

The national survey of 800 registered voters by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind shows Rubio receiving 66 mentions, more than 8 percent of the time, followed by Santorum, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and, surprisingly, Democrat Hillary Clinton.


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