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The Internal Revenue Service unwittingly released thousands of Social Security numbers, according to the government transparency group
Members of nonprofit political organizations known as 527s were the victims as the IRS published highly sensitive information to a public database that reports the transactions of these groups.
Makes sense to me. Let's see how much we can sabotage ourselves, right?
I think we'll be seeing them sooner rather than later.
Is It Really News?
Think about this. All of us Army retirees receive a newsletter titled 'The Echoes Newsletter', containing news about and for retirees. The latest issue has a half page article directed at us. It was a reminder that we retirees are still subject to the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). The article explained that if we violate something in the code we can be recalled back to active duty and be Court Martial. I find the timing interesting. Could it be that they are afraid of us. All we're doing is trying to uphold our Oath and exercise our Constitutional Rights.
(This is probably a stock image.)
HAARP? ETs? Cosmic something?
Last week's regime change in Egypt reflects a bold geopolitical chess move by Russia's Vladimir Putin. In response to the US draw down of its forces in Europe and its' "pivot" to Asia, Putin has moved in force into the Middle East. The end game will mean Russian control over European energy supplies. As a result, the center of Western European power will shift from France and Germany to Russia and Germany. The Germans have already secretly agreed to this. The Americans will be too busy dealing with China and Asia to be able or willing to do much about this new balance of power.
This just the most visible sign of moves by the White Dragon Society, the Asians and the BRICs alliance against the criminal cabal that still clings to power in Washington D.C. and a few European capitals.
Cabal surrender has now become inevitable. Representatives from the committee of 300, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board have already indicated they are willing to fork over trillions of dollars to finance a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. They have also hinted they may do this by cashing some of the untold trillions of dollars' worth of bonds they issued in exchange of Asian historical treasure, including some of the ones shown in last week's newsletter. Negotiations on this issue are expected to last through the summer so, no announcement is expected before the Autumn.
However, representatives from the Vatican, the British Royal Family, the Japanese Imperial Family, the Russian government and the Chinese government, among others have all made it clear that no major power group is against the White Dragon Society's goals. The problems at this point are now more technical and logistical issues of how to make a move from psychological agreement to practical moves on the ground. For example, representatives from the Federal Reserve Board are now saying that the people who issued all of those trillions of dollars' worth of bonds to the Asians in the 1920's and 30's never intended to "bankrupt the US." Perhaps they thought the Asians did not know the difference between the paper money they burn as offerings to their ancestors and the money they use to buy groceries. The Chinese know the difference and are insisting the people who issued these bonds must pay their full value.
The people at the BIS and committee of 300, meanwhile, are threatening to dilute the value of the Asian $trillions or quadrillions by issuing $trillions and quadrillions of their own. Of course, funny numbers aside, it all boils down to a question of power and the White Dragon Society sticks by its view that all the new money to be created must be split 50/50 between East and West and spent on improving the planet. The Asians agree in principle to such a split and will continue upping the pressure on the cabal until a deal is reached, Asian and Western secret society sources promise.
In the meantime, there will be a lot of visible changes in world power structures before any deal is announced. The regime change in Egypt is a clear sign of this. To understand why this is so, it is necessary to look at oil and gas.
As most aware people realize, the war in Syria is financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia because they want to build a pipeline through Syria to send gas to Western Europe. Russia, which now dominates gas sales to Western Europe, does not want the competition so they are helping Syria fight against the pipeline mercenaries.
Here are a few indications of how the power balance has changed: The governments of France, the UK and Washington D.C. call for a "no-fly zone" in Syria. The Pentagon, Russia and China veto this. The pentagon repeatedly refuses hysterical requests by slave politicians in Washington D.C. to attack Syria. Turkey, which used to actively support the anti-Syrian moves, stopped doing so after a visit from Putin.
And now, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown because he called for armed action against the government of Syria. The new Egyptian government is composed of nationalists along the lines of Abdel Naser. Naser was aligned with the Soviet Union.
So, what about Israel? Here again, fundamental changes are being seen. The Pentagon has made it very clear that, after what happened with 911, they are no longer willing to fight proxy wars for Israel. All the bitching and moaning by bribed politicians in Washington D.C. and propaganda outlets like the New York Times is being ignored by a thoroughly disgusted US military establishment.
Fortunately for Israel, Putin is ready to come to its defense instead. One quarter of the population of Israel, and a third of its Jewish population, is Russian. The New Egyptian government has not made any anti-Israeli moves or statements. Instead, the new enemies in the region are the Salafist, Wahabi and Al Qaeda hate mongers and their Sabattean handlers.
Doubtless there is going to be a lot of turbulence in the region before the new balance of power settles in. The big question, of course, is what is going to happen to the Gulf Cooperation Council and Saudi Arabia. These countries will probably try to pay protection money to the new government in Egypt.
However, they might be wiser to upgrade their embassies in Moscow and Berlin. That might not be enough, though, to stop a payback campaign being planned against the Gulf countries by their many victims.
There may also be trouble outside of the region. Canada, for example, has begun to position itself as an alternative source of oil and gas to the volatile Middle East. This may be why a train carrying oil appears to have been sabotaged at Lake Megantic in Quebec.
Canadian government sources say the Rockefeller family has been financing "environmental activists" opposed to the building of a pipeline that would supply Canadian oil to the US. The Rockefellers were famous in the old says for sabotaging their competition. Let us hope, for their sake, they are not up to their old tricks in this case.
In any case, the entire Rockefeller, Bush, Morgan, Warburg, Rothschild etc. Federal Reserve Board control grid in America is falling apart. While "President" Obama failed to confess to his secret past on July 4th, as predicted by this newsletter's sources, he is clearly fronting for a failed regime.
The picture essay linked here: <a href=""></a>;, while clearly biased, nonetheless leaves the impression he is being forced to act like a fool by his controllers. Especially revealing are the pictures of him bowing to heads of the foreign regimes like Saudi Arabia, Japan, and China, that are keeping the United States Corporation, (as opposed to the debtless Republic of the United States), from going bankrupt.
Edward Snowden Safely Lands In Venezuela
Sunday, July 7, 2013 20:10
The Al Jazeera news agency is reporting that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has safely landed in Caracas, Venezuela. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had offered asylum to the former U.S. intelligence contractor on Friday who was believed to be waiting in transit at a Moscow airport.
Guillermo Thomas who is a spokesman for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela told that Snowden is currently in the country and that he is thrilled to be there. "We are very blessed to have Mr. Snowden in our country, it is a pleasure," Thomas said. "There were no direct flights across the Atlantic from Moscow to Venezuela. The only flight for Snowden to avoid U.S. extradition was to travel through Cuba. We would like to thank our friends in Cuba for making this journey possible and such a success." Thomas continued, "Mr. Snowden is a hero and should be treated as one. We are pleased to provide this hero a home where he can live and be safe."
Woo hooo! Finally! This man is safe, somewhat, from US authorities. My only grie about him going to Vnenezuela is that they have a high murder rate and the US does have a prescense there so it wold not look terribly awkwad if Mr. Snowden was killed even though it doesn't matter, If he were to die, everyone would be suspicious. In the meantime, congratulations Mr. Snowden. Good job Russia and Cuba for getting him there safe and sound. -Mort
3 U.S. Presidents Visit Africa During The Same Time Period...Unprecedented
Nibiru an interdimensional planet?