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Roundabout - What's going on?

In my area on one of the main roads going into the city they took down a good bridge to replace it with a roundabout.  They are making the main road two lanes in each direction and putting in a roundabout in my town and also one in the next town two miles away.  Now I have wondered what dummy took out a good bridge to put in the dumb driving circle, when it hit me.  When the quakes start and the bridges fall down accross the roads below every thing comes to a halt.  But if there is no bridge to fall there will be less of a problem.  Simply cover the cracks with gravel and bulldose the piled up stuff.   Now my question is are any bridges comming down and being replaced by driving circles in your area of the country?  It realy is a good idea!  10957994462?profile=original

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Wonderful Friends

Just wanted to let my friends know this is how we all want to be to each other.

A Letter from Sendai


Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend’s home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful. During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.

It’s utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, “Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another.” Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often. We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.

There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time. Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains in Sendai are solid and with the crisp air, we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.

And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.

They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend’s husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.

Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don’t. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.

Thank you again for your care and Love of me, With Love in return, to you all,

(name withheld by request)

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Triangle of Life. I had a nightmare, last night.

Triangle of Life. I had a nightmare, last night.

I hardly ever have a nightmare. I had a nightmare, last night. My 25 years as an unpaid volunteer, saving 250,000 lives, at major disasters, around the world, gave me enough 'experience' to have a different throbbing, screaming, 'soaken wet', nightmare every night, for years. Nevertheless, I have one every couple of years. Last night, I had one worth writing about.
I had crawled inside of 896 collapsed buildings, witnessed many of the 650,000 dead, mutilated and decomposed corpses that these 'living nightmares' had caused. I had 3 buildings collapse, on top of me. I stood amongst the rubble of 3 'cities' without a single building left standing. I have witnessed more than 1 million collapsed buildings, with all the 'hell' that came with it. Only a 'series of books' can disclose what I have experienced. My 'life experience' is heavy.
My first 'search' was a school with all the children squashed under their desks; which was soon followed by saving the life of a new born baby, in a collapsed maternity ward...I had no choice other than to crawl over the squashed bodies of 'ripped apart' new born babies..The crawl space was too small to avoid save this 'crying' baby. I will forever remember the feeling of a squashed new born baby; 'rolling' under my stomach, as I crawled over it....!!!
I will forever remember the images of little hands and feet sticking out from under their school desks and my despair that all the school children were crushed under their desks when they could have easily survived by being in the aisle, next to their desks. (In fact 3 children had survived. Their 'testimonials' are on the ARTI website. Two (2) children were untouched. These 2 girls were located completely, in the aisles. Leona was only 'half lucky'. Her torso was in the aisle but her legs were squashed under her desk. Her legs were amputated but she survived.)
I have been permanently disabled, constantly sick and 'in pain' ; since, I was 'poisoned' while crawling 1.5 miles under the 911 rubble. I crawled 1.5 miles, from a little hole, at the bottom of a pit amongst the rubble ...all the way to the flooded subways..6 levels deeper. I did this while the 2nd and 3rd subterranean floors were still smoldering. All the computers, carpet, furniture, paintings and 'people' had been 'particalised'. It was 'all in the air'.
The air was thick with the jet fuel, soot and burnt remains. My lungs, sinus, eyes and skin were conduits for all this poison. The descriptive list of poisons that laboratories have found , in my body, at levels up to 5,000 x maximum 'normal' is 35 pages long. The 3 relevant leading medical experts, in the world, wanted to review my thousands of pages of medical file...simply because I was still alive..and nobody, in history, had survived such an astronomical amount of concentrated poisons. See for yourself, in my 100+ youtube videos which include searching under the 911 rubble.
The nightmare:
My wife usually 'gets up' earlier, than me. She came into , our bedroom, to wake me up. Half asleep, I told her: " Honey, I had a nightmare. Let me tell you about it."
I told her that I went back to crawling inside of collapsed buildings ( I am too sick to actually do this; although, I had searched inside of collapsed building, in Haiti and became hospitalized' because of it) ...that I was being blackmailed. A new campaign of discrediting me with outrageous lies was 'in the works'.
The insurance companies and USA 'emergency services' bureaucrats were using this as an opportunity to murder shut me up. Murdering me would be the last desperate attempt of 'some greedy, evil bastards' to stop the 'triangle of life' from negatively impacting their profits. I reminded her that major disasters are usually used to 'cover-up' murders ( In the midst of complete chaos and bureaucratic breakdown it is extremely easy "to get away with murder".).
The Triangle of Life is spreading around the world, in spite of, USA insurance companies 'unholy lust for profit' and School Board Officials who consider it "cheaper and less trouble" if school children are killed during earthquakes; rather than, survive and demand compensation for psychological or physical trauma.
USA Insurance Executives have warned school boards that the 'triangle of life' will allow school children to survive..that this would directly result in school boards insurance premiums ( all USA school boards are insured) increasing dramatically or possibly the complete refusal of coverage. (School Board Officials and their bureaucratic 'emergency managers' are determined to keep their payments low by maintaining 'duck and cover'.)
These are the same gigantically wealthy insurance companies that deny health coverage to sick children, to keep profits high...making the USA the only developed country that denies health care to any citizen. The USA Insurance companies use actuarial tables to maximize profits.
To Quote the Vice President of Muchener Re (one of the largest insurance companies that insure 'insurance company risk').
He said to me:
" We are in the business of maximizing return for shareholders..we are not in the business of saving lives."
Still half awake, I told her that I had read an article, in Japan , yesterday ( I actually wasn't part of my nightmare.). It described the battle between 'duck and cover' and the 'triangle of life'. The writer mentioned the involvement of USA insurance companies to guarantee maximum 'share holder profit' by continuing with 'duck and cover'. The 'Duck and cover' policy statistically, in every country, has a 2% survival rate ( and these survivors accidentally found themselves in a 'triangle of life'). You have a better chance of being proclaimed the 'King of England' than surviving an earthquake by 'duck and cover'.
*** by the way....Last week, I had a friend visit from Shri Lanka. I showed him the bullet hole, in my wife's car.******

You might think that someone who had the 'life experience" of so much horror would find it impossible to 'bear the burden' of so much ...horror, sickness and vitriolic attacks; however, quite the contrary... I love God and am grateful for having the opportunity to have done so much good, with my life.
'Duck and cover' is murder, for cannot stand..against the monumental force of people's intelligence, self-survival and parent's love of their children.
doug copp

founder of ARTI ( the world's most experienced rescue and disaster mitigation/management organization) and the Discoverer of the 'triangle of life' to take building collapse survivability from 2% using 'duck and cover' to 90% using the 'triangle of life'

ARTI is All Unpaid Volunteers willing to stand up to and fight USA insurance companies and bureaucrats who consider it cheaper and less trouble if victims die rather than survive with possible trauma and sue ( less profit for insurance companies and higher premiums for bureaucrats)

"Now, that my 911 injuries have made it impossible for me, to crawl into collapsed buildings, I thank God for allowing me to continue saving lives. I am willing to sacrifice my life, my health, my reputation and endure any attack, slander, burden or harm to fulfill this life purpose. PERIOD."

see for hundreds of pages of testimonials, videos, docs. Complete information to survive major disaster, learned from doug's searching 896 collapsed buildings and witnessing 1+ million collapsed buildings, at more than 100 major disaster events; throughout the entire
or our eye opening/controversial and mega informative blogs at

Go to youtube and watch MORE THAN 100 youtube videos at amerrescue and amerrescuegmail youtube channels

1-902-567-1227 home

" There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking." Above all .......overcome this.

doug copp

founder of ARTI ( the world's most experienced rescue and disaster mitigation/management organization) and the Discoverer of the 'triangle of life' to take building collapse survivability from 2% using 'duck and cover' to 90% using the 'triangle of life'
ARTI is All Unpaid Volunteers willing to stand up to and fight USA insurance companies and bureaucrats who consider it cheaper and less trouble if victims die rather than survive with possible trauma and sue ( less profit for insurance companies and higher premiums for bureaucrats)

"Now, that my 911 injuries have made it impossible for me, to crawl into collapsed buildings, I thank God for allowing me to continue saving lives. I am willing to sacrifice my life, my health, my reputation and endure any attack, slander, burden or harm to fulfill this life purpose. PERIOD."

see for hundreds of pages of testimonials, videos, docs. Complete information to survive major disaster, learned from doug's searching 896 collapsed buildings and witnessing 1+ million collapsed buildings, at more than 100 major disaster events; throughout the entire
or our eye opening/controversial and mega informative blogs at

Go to youtube and watch MORE THAN 100 youtube videos at amerrescue and amerrescuegmail youtube channels

1-902-567-1227 home

" There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking." Above all .......overcome this.
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