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Jim McCanney On The November Power Outage Drill

September 05, 2013 ... i will be 1st hour guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio show this evening with Host George Noory discussing the upcoming November planned international electrical power outage ... this is a complex story ... for further details listen to my radio show archived of September 05 ...

September 05, 2013 ... my weekly radio show archive is posted on the archive web show ... it includes an EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT ... i have been announcing for some time that i fully expected a false flag electric grid outage (falsely blamed on a solar flare) in the near future ... in November there is an international exercise involving the USA Canada and Mexico to simulate a full scale power outage being coordinated by a group that i am trying to get to the roots of this "organization" ... i discuss this on my show with its implications ... what is interesting is that it is being done coincident with one of my predictions of an electrical alignment of comet ISON and what i called the beginning of a period of weeks in which we could see serious solar flaring ... many government agencies will be involved in the coordinated "simulated" power outage ... every federal department has issued warnings and many have told staff and family to prepare for an extended power outage ... this is a complex issue so listen to my show tomorrow night for details AND BEWARE OF the many false information postings that will arise as a result of this ... things are about to get crazy ... be prepared and be water independent and able to take care of yourself and your loved ones ...

My Radio Show here-

jim mccanney

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The Fukushima catastrophe is not getting better; it's getting worse. More radio-nuclides are leaking into the Pacific today than were, over two years ago, in the wake of the explosion and triple meltdown, which began then and continues to this day.
I'm very sorry for all of you folks on the West Coast of North America. This is a big part of why I left the area. I am passionate about the ocean, swimming in it and eating fresh, locally-caught (sometimes by me) seafood.
With the 20-odd existing plants in the US of the same basic design, vintage and equipment - plus, the 130-odd additional existing plants in the US, not to mention hundreds of other nuke plants operating throughout the world, one can't help wondering if the ultimate goal of the financiers and promoters of these hideous contraptions might not be full-scale genocide?
The current wars and rumors of wars actually pale in comparison to the final outcome of the existence of nuke plants - and the complete lack of a solution for managing the constantly-accruing piles of spent nuclear fuel - a substance which is MUCH MORE radioactive and hazardous to life than even the unspent fuel.
If you're not already an anti-nuke activist, you might want to start consider becoming one. Now.
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Obama To Do Six Prime Time TV Interviews Monday To Make Case For Syria Attack

Home  »  Politics  »  Obama To Do Six Prime Time TV Interviews Monday To Make Case For Syria Attack
Sep 7, 2013 No Comments ›› Jack Flash

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about Syria during a joint news conference with Swedish Prime Minister in Stockholm

Excerpted from BuzzFeed: President Obama is set to a TV blitz while making his case for Syria Monday. That’s according to the latest White House press pool report citing a White House official.

“According to a White House official, President Obama will tape interviews on Monday afternoon with three network news anchors, as well as with PBS, CNN and FOX,” the pool report reads. The interviews will be taped and air at night during the network news broadcasts. Keep reading

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I do want to mention something else here as well. Once I have better internet access at my next location, I will probably write a new post about this, perhaps early next week.

The insider leaks on the efforts to defeat the Cabal had dried up for a while these past few months, at least within my own immediate contacts -- but not now.

There are some very encouraging pieces of news I've been hearing that could explain why I've been pounded with such intense dreams preparing us for something really big -- and positive. 

Only a few of those dreams have been released here, due to time constraints -- but there have been a number of them lately.

At this point I want to be extremely careful about specifics, and only reveal things publicly that would help the effort, rather than hinder it.

Let me just say that if the things I'm hearing are true, it verifies and further extends what we've been hearing from both Neil Keenan and Fulford lately.

This new information came to me from three different sources.

One of those sources got completely independent verification of key details from three separate insider contacts, with very high-level access.

If I were to write down what I heard, it would polarize the audience. Some people would believe it and think it is amazing, and others would refuse to believe it.

I really do hope we see action and not just more talk. If the action does happen, it will be the most significant historical event in any of our lifetimes.

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Syrian Nun Says She Has ‘Evidence’ Proving Video Footage Of Chemical Attack Was A Fraud

Home  »  Politics  »  Syrian Nun Says She Has ‘Evidence’ Proving Video Footage Of Chemical Attack Was A Fraud
Sep 7, 2013 No Comments ›› Infidel Alie An image grab taken from a video uploaded on YouTube by the Arbeen unified press office on August 21, 2013 shows a man comforting a Syrian girl in shock as she screams in Arabic “I am alive” following an attack in which Syrian opposition claim the regime used chemical weapons in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus (AFP Photo)

Excerpted from RT: There is proof the footage of the alleged chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT. She says she is about to submit her findings to the UN.


Mother Agnes, a catholic nun, who has been living in Syria for 20 years and has been reporting actively on what has been going on in the war-ravaged country, says she carefully studied the video featuring allegedly victims of the chemical weapons attack in the Syrian village of Guta in August and now questions its authenticity.

In her interview with RT, Mother Agnes doubts so much footage could have been taken in so little time, and asks where parents of the supposedly dead children are. She promises to send her report to the UN.

The nun is indignant with the world media for apparently turning a blind eye to the Latakia massacre by rebel extremists, which left 500 civilians including women and children dead.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has called on the international community to pay attention to revelations made by Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib.

RT: The United States has used internet photos and video footage of the supposed chemical weapons attack in Eastern Guta to build a case against the Syrian government. Have you been able to look at these files? What do you have to say about them? Mother Agnes: I have carefully studied the footage, and I will present a written analysis on it a bit later. I maintain that the whole affair was a frame-up. It had been staged and prepared in advance with the goal of framing the Syrian government as the perpetrator.

The key evidence is that Reuters made these files public at 6.05 in the morning. The chemical attack is said to have been launched between 3 and 5 o’clock in the morning in Guta. How is it even possible to collect a dozen different pieces of footage, get more than 200 kids and 300 young people together in one place, give them first aid and interview them on camera, and all that in less than three hours? Is that realistic at all? As someone who works in the news industry, you know how long all of it would take.

The bodies of children and teenagers we see in that footage – who were they? What happened to them? Were they killed for real? And how could that happen ahead of the gas attack? Or, if they were not killed, where did they come from? Where are their parents? How come we don’t see any female bodies among all those supposedly dead children?

I am not saying that no chemical agent was used in the area – it certainly was. But I insist that the footage that is now being peddled as evidence had been fabricated in advance. I have studied it meticulously, and I will submit my report to the UN Human Rights Commission based in Geneva.

RT: Recently you’ve visited Latakia and the adjacent areas, you’ve talked to the eyewitnesses to the massacre of civilians carried out in Latakia by Jabhat al-Nusra. What can you tell us about it?

MA: What I want to ask first of all is how the international community can ignore the brutal killing spree in Latakia on Laylat al-Qadr early in the morning of August 5, an attack that affected more than 500 people, including children, women and the elderly. They were all slaughtered. The atrocities committed exceed any scale. But there was close to nothing about it in the international mass media. There was only one small article in “The Independent”, I believe.

We sent our delegation to these villages, and our people had a look at the situation on-site, talked to the locals, and most importantly – talked to the survivors of the massacre.

I don’t understand why the Western media apply double standards in this case – they talk about mass murder that the use of chemical weapons resulted in non-stop, but they keep quiet about the Latakia massacre.

RT: Do you know anything about the fate of hostages captured in Latakia? MA: In the village of Estreba they massacred all the residents and burnt down their houses. In the village of al-Khratta almost all the 37 locals were killed. Only ten people were able to escape.

A total of twelve Alawite villages were subjected to this horrendous attack. That was a true slaughterhouse. People were mutilated and beheaded. There is even a video that shows a girl being dismembered alive – alive! – by a frame saw. The final death toll exceeded 400, with 150 to 200 people taken hostage. Later some of the hostages were killed, their deaths filmed.

At the moment we are looking for the hostages and negotiating their release with the militants, but so far we haven’t managed to achieve that.

RT: We often hear reports of Christians being persecuted by the militants. Just the day before yesterday there was an attack in the village of Maaloula, where the majority of population is Christian. Are Christians in Syria facing grave danger?

MA: Everyone in Syria is facing grave danger. There was a case of Muslim religious leaders being kidnapped and beheaded. They were humiliated and tortured. Ismailis, the druze, Christians – people from all parts of Syrian society – are being mass murdered. I would like to say that if these butchers didn’t have international support, no one would have dared to cross the line. But today, unfortunately, the violation of human rights and genocide in Syria is covered up on the international level. I demand the international community stops assessing the situation in Syria in accordance with the interests of a certain group of great powers.

The Syrian people are being killed. They fall victim to contractors, who are provided with weapons and sent to Syria to kill as many people as possible. The truth is, everywhere in Syria people are being kidnapped, tortured, raped and robbed. These crimes remain unpunished, because the key powers chose international terrorism as a way to destroy sovereign states. They’ve done it to other countries. And they will just keep doing it if the international community doesn’t say “Enough!”

RT: You’ve managed to get hold of some sensitive information. Does this make you fear for your life as someone who keeps documents that may compromise the militants? Has anyone threatened you?

MA: You are right. I do get threatened. They are trying to discredit me. I know there is a book coming out soon in France that labels me as a criminal who kills people. But any believer should first and foremost trust their conscience, their belief in God, and that will help them save innocent lives. I don’t care much about my own life. My life is no more precious than that of any Syrian child, whose body could be used as evidence to justify wrongdoing. This is the biggest crime ever perpetrated in history.

RT: What should the Syrians do to stop the tragedy they are going through?

MA: The Syrians themselves can do nothing to stop it. They can only rely on the international community, friendly nations, world powers, such as Russia, China, and India. With a lot of enthusiasm we did welcome the news that the British parliament voted against the participation of their country in the possible war against Syria. There is a terrorist war going on against Syria right now. The international community and Syria’s friends should join forces and say: Enough! And they need to use every opportunity to do that. Otherwise this threat Syria is facing now will turn into a threat to universal peace.

RT: What should the Vatican and other hubs of Christianity do to put an end to this tragedy?

MA: The Pope says he has no planes, no bombs, and no armed forces. Instead, he has the power of the truth, and the truth he has told. There are messages coming from everywhere in the world urging against a military intervention in Syria. Those who want to hear them will. The Pope, the patriarchs, Nobel Prize winners, including women, keep saying the same in unison: Let’s stop fighting. No conflict can be solved by military means. Stop adding fuel to the flame! All the prominent public figures in the world have risen to speak against the war. Everyone has spoken their mind, but the US prefers to turn a deaf ear. The world public opinion has turned against the US. It’s the first time in history that America is alone. They are claiming that they are backed by ten countries. But I insist they aren’t, because the people of these countries disagree with their governments. Even the American people disagree with their government.

RT: Do you believe that this tragedy will end and Syria will remain a homeland for all Syrians, regardless of their ethnical or religious identity?

MA: I’m not Syrian myself, but I’ve been living in Syria for 20 years. I’d like to remind everyone that Damascus is the most ancient capital in the world. I would like to remind everyone that Syria is the cradle of civilization. I would like to remind everyone that this is the holy land that gave birth to the main world religions. What is happening in Syria should serve as a lesson for everyone. I mean that in existential rather than political sense. I am convinced that with God’s help the Syrian people will be able to remain strong, heal their wounds, reconcile and chase out all the foreign mercenaries and terrorists. I believe there will be peace in Syria. But for that we need help from the international

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Colorado Town Overwhelmed With Drone Hunting License Requests

Home  »  US News  »  Colorado Town Overwhelmed With Drone Hunting License Requests
Sep 7, 2013 No Comments ›› Infidel Alie

Shooting Drones

Excerpted from BizPac Review: The measure hasn’t even been approved, but the town of Deer Trail, Colo. has more applications for drone hunting licenses than it can process – nearly 1,000 at last count.

Shooting a droneVoters in Deer Trail will decide whether to allow the controversial idea of issuing hunting licenses to shoot down drones next month, according to NBC News.

The idea was brought to the town board by resident Phillip Steel, who drafted an ordinance that would create hunting licenses and offer bounties for anyone who shoots a drone down in this community, located about 60 miles east of Denver.

Steel is opposed to drones of any type flying over his town, but while it is against the law to destroy federal property, he said it is probably merely a symbolic ordinance.

After the town board failed to decide the matter in a tie vote of 3-3, the measure was moved to a vote of the 380 resident voters in Deer Trail, according to Fox News. Town Clerk Kim Oldfield said the town has been inundated with applications for the permits. She has received $25 checks from all over the country — from as far away as Britain and Canada. “I stopped counting when it hit 985,” she said, according to NBC News. “Our intention is really not to allow people to shoot things out of the sky.”

Oldfield is holding the uncashed checks until voters decide the issue, and if it doesn’t pass, the payments will be returned.

Steel said that while some see it as a novelty, he is serious about the surveillance state aspect. He is selling his own mock permits online, has already sold about 150 and donated part of the proceeds to the town.

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Published on Dec 6, 2012 The Political Port discusses a supreme court ruling that infringes on parental rights, religious beliefs and other...
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