- 3 quakes in 3 different days show numerical counterclockwise
7-based pattern
- Mexico City Mega Quake Overdue, expected to occur by the end of the year
- Possible BIG ONE to hit California in the next 24 hours if pattern continues
- Non-human intelligences behind quakes?
“Beware the quakes of September.”—Alexander Backman, 2010
(CRN® SEP 26 2013) - For a third consecutive day... 3 strong earthquakes have occurred around the world. This sudden uptick in the seismicity and strength of the temblors is a clear sign of events to come.
To recap, on Sep 24, a 7.7° slip-fault megathrust quake jolted Pakistan creating a new island, something heralded by Edgar Cayce, Tibetan Monks and the Bible.
Mark 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Also, mind you, on the very next day, September 25, a strong 7.0° struck off the Southern Peruvian coastline generating a tsunami warning for the Pacific coastlines. The warning was downgraded.
At the time of this report, being September 26, a 6.1° quake hit off the coast of Chiapas Mexico waking up the residents in the region. No people are known to be hurt as of this moment and the extent of damage, if any, is uncertain.
There is a very clear pattern of numbers forming.
That's 3 earthquakes off major coastlines in 3 recent days that all add up to a 7. (7+7+7=21).
But wait! There is more!
- Pakistan was a 7.7!
- Peru was a 7! On SEP 25 which is also a 7 (2+5)
- Chiapas was a 6.1 (6+1=7)!
Almost as if this were a domino effect in a counterclockwise formation along the Pacific Ring of Fire..
This image collage I made from the Pakistan quake even shows a watermark over the image of the new isla that was formed off the Pakistani coast with what looks to be a 7 and a dot to the right of it. The point is the island and the 7 is the number-based sequence that interconnects all of these quakes.
Click Image to Enlarge
May I remind the readers that we are on the SEVENTH month. Yes,
SEPTEMBER is a 7 too. Then OCTOBER... let's just pray that we do not get 8+ magnitude quakes in OCTober.... because we would have to say it is all over... (Pun intended) Get it? OctOVER, the month when it's all over. Someone also brought the ending EMBER as a suffix for SEPT
Another analyst has warned that there is a 98% probability for a megaquake in the same region that will occur before the year ends.
Random, Acts of God, or Premeditated Quakes?
It is eery almost to have these numerical patterns forming. Almost as if an intelligence was behind these events. Are these seemingly random events not just random at all but a sign from God? Or is there a more sinister agenda being played out?
They Are Here
Last year, in July specifically, a prestigious scientist, through a colleague of mine who is in contact with this scientist, reported that since February of 2012, a series of massive ships cloaking themselves entered the Earth's atmosphere. We are talking motherships here people. I remember in one of the encrypted communications I held with this colleague that these ships entered the oceans of the world at distinct points. From what I can recall, some of these massive craft embedded themselves off the coasts of Guatemala and Chiapas Mexico, France, Alaska and I cannot recall where else. The point is that it was mentioned that these motherships where found to be connected with seismic events in these areas and that this scientist confirmed that the US GOV knows that the quakes are also being triggered by these hostile visitors. The scientist also confirmed on-the-ground confirmation, I mean, boots on the ground confirmation and visual of these motherships cloaking and uncloaking themselves over Alaskan skies. Lastly, it was also mentioned that the motherships began to birth many more ships under the water where they are still thought to be and cloaked.
To end this report, I expect, based on the intelligent pattern discovered, that the Counterclockwise motion of these quakes will inevitably lead to a major earthquake in the San Andreas Fault or along the Juan de Fuca plate off the Oregon and California coasts.
After all, it could be that pesky Red Dwarf system known as Planet X that Alex Jones simply won't recognize as the CLEAR AND PRESENT THREAT that is driving all these Earth Changes and driving the economic collapse, the Elites going underground, and destroying his antiglobalist gun-ho 'let's save America' egomaniac alternative media Jesuit-sponsored outlet.
Oh yes,
Alex Jones, publicly denied the existence of X once again yesterday. And once again, this serves as evidence of he also being an asset fo the ones behind the globalists, the Jesuits. You know, the ones who control the more than 66 observatories around the world and have the LUCIFER double lens telescope in Arizona. Those Georgetown thugs that tell Mr. Jesuit Jones what he should not dare say.
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