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First, she came for our guns.  Then, she came for our freedom of speech...

Feinstein reportedly "chastises other reporters as basement-dwelling, pajama-clad bloggers with no professional credentials."  I respond that she, and all her professional credentials and extreme bias against freedom, should be removed from office and tried for treason against the U.S. Constitution, in her pajamas.

Hodges concluded with, "At this point, we need to make collective decision about how important is a free and independent Internet. If and when the globalists are able to censor the Internet, what are we prepared to do about it? If we lose the war of words, we will surely lose everything and very quickly. If our First Amendment is taken away, are we prepared to withhold paying taxes? Are we prepared to engage in other forms of passive civil disobedience? We should begin to have the post-Internet preparation discussions, sooner rather than later, while we still have an Internet to communicate with."

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This is one of the most important Videos I have seen in a long time it explains what has been going on and how it is leading up to our demise that has been planned. Jerome Corsi a brilliant investigative reporter explains Bengasi and who did it, Syria, The back door plan for UN gun control, Obamas ties to the Muslim brother hood. How O was tied to the Kenya Massacre. What O has planned to do to America. He say's that the Economic implosion is the planned event that will take us down and the war with Syria is not over yet. Alex Jones is only on for a short time but he does lead Mr Corsi to answer some very important questions. NWO is coming soon.

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Is the FEMA Region III Alert a Red Herring?

Finally, an article questioning the FEMA III alert.  As I said in the last FEMA III post, October 1st is the beginning of the new Federal fiscal year.  Things could be targeted to be complete so they don't run over into the new fiscal year. Of course, there are plenty of events that have the potential of disruption, but they remain to be seen by the people.  The guys at the top would see the big picture. 

This article, too, could just be disinformation, to counteract the leakage.  I don't think former congresscritters fall off the map.  They still have connections.  (And, as confirmation on what I've mentioned several times before, removed youtubes can be used to forward disinfo as real info.)

One thing that didn't make sense to me though was the youtube showing the path of ISON over Florida on a diagonal path across the US to the PNW.  If that is the case, and that is the reason for the FEMA III alert, then why only FEMA III, why not the rest of the FEMA regions under that path?

I do agree, though, the disinfo guys are not stomping out the FEMA III alert, thus that in and of itself is suspicious.  But again, maybe this is another "we all know" they are playing.  At this point, anything is possible.  All information is suspect.  We'll finally know at least part of the truth once something happens.  Just continue preparing and be as ready as you can be for anything.

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Possible Cancer Cure

A cancer cure (DCA) shows great promise but needs research!

"But this is unlikely to happen anytime soon, as there is currently no patent on DCA, and thus no incentive for private industry to research its potential benefits as a cancer treatment -- it's all about the money, after all, not public health."

Pathetic state of affairs - isn't it!
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A new audit of selected ATF programs and investigations revealed that it  wasn’t several thousand guns that walked away from the ATF, but they also  allowed 420  million cigarettes to walk away in approved sting operations.  Not  only  are they missing hundreds of millions of cigarettes, but they allowed  informants  to keep millions of dollars they weren’t entitled too.

Rob  Storch, a spokesman for the DOJ commented about the AFT cigarette  operations, saying:

"Approximately $15 million of cigarettes were sold in an 18-month period, and  a confidential informant for the investigation was allowed to keep more than  $4.9 million of the $5.2 million of gross profit generated without submitting  adequate documentation supporting his expenses."

Believe it or not, cigarette smuggling is big bigness, especially for  organized crime.  They purchase large quantities of cigarettes in states  that have low tobacco taxes and then take them to states that have high tobacco  taxes and sell them on the streets, making huge profits.  Believe it or  not  a carload of cigarettes can generate a profit up to $30,000 in illegal  profits.  The DOJ estimates that local and state governments lose  approximately $5 billion a year in tobacco tax revenue.

ATF agents have used millions of cigarettes in numerous sting operations in  trying to bust illegal cigarette sales.  However, it seems that all  they’ve  done is help supply the bootleg cigarette sales, pay informants  millions of  dollars, lose track of 420 million cigarettes and all without  proper  approval.  Doesn’t that just build your confidence in our federal  government?

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Russia Considers Total Ban on All GMO Products

Posted on by Jean


September 25, 2013 in Sustainable Food, by Admin

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has ordered the relevant agencies to consider a possible ban on the import into Russia of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by October 15.

The order is addressed to Rospotrebnadzor, the Health Ministry, the Agriculture Ministry, and the Trade and Economic Development Ministry. They are ordered to “submit proposals on amendments to the Russian legislation aimed at tightening control over the turnover of products containing components obtained from GMOs together with the relevant federal executive bodies.”

Find the Full  Russian Government Announcement in Russian Here:

The aforementioned agencies are also ordered to submit proposals “on the possibility of banning the import of such products into the Russian Federation.”

A list of the prime minister’s orders was drawn up to fulfill the presidential orders issued after the meeting on the socio-economic development of the Rostov region held on September 18. Medvedev’s orders have been posted on the government website.

Russia is currently taking a hard line on GMOs – in August the first independent project for identifying whether Russian farmers are growing illegal GM crops started in the Belgorod region.

NAGS (The National Association for Genetic Safety) conducted the first checks of agricultural crops for the presence of GMOs.  No GMO plants were found in any Belgorod fields.

We remind you that currently according to the law in Russia 19 GM lines are allowed in foodstuffs, but the cultivation of GMOs is not allowed.

After joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Russia is obliged to simplify the procedure for registration of genetically modified products, seed and feed, to stop their safety checks and to stop controls over their distribution.

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Email from Sheldon Day...

Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 3:15:01 AM



  • 3 quakes in 3 different days show numerical counterclockwise
    7-based pattern
  • Mexico City Mega Quake Overdue, expected to occur by the end of the year
  • Possible BIG ONE to hit California in the next 24 hours if pattern continues
  • Non-human intelligences behind quakes?

“Beware the quakes of September.”—Alexander Backman, 2010

(CRN® SEP 26 2013) - For a third consecutive day... 3 strong earthquakes have occurred around the world. This sudden uptick in the seismicity and strength of the temblors  is a clear sign of events to come.
To recap, on Sep 24, a 7.7° slip-fault megathrust quake jolted Pakistan creating a new island, something heralded by Edgar Cayce, Tibetan Monks and the Bible.
Mark 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Also, mind you, on the very next day, September 25, a strong 7.0° struck off the Southern Peruvian coastline generating a tsunami warning for the Pacific coastlines. The warning was downgraded.
At the time of this report, being September 26, a 6.1° quake hit off the coast of Chiapas Mexico waking up the residents in the region. No people are known to be hurt as of this moment and the extent of damage, if any, is uncertain.

There is a very clear pattern of numbers forming.

That's 3 earthquakes off major coastlines in 3 recent days that all add up to a 7. (7+7+7=21).
But wait! There is more!
  • Pakistan was a 7.7!
  • Peru was a 7! On SEP 25 which is also a 7 (2+5)
  • Chiapas was a 6.1 (6+1=7)!
Almost as if this were a domino effect in a counterclockwise formation along the Pacific Ring of Fire..
This image collage I made from the Pakistan quake even shows a watermark over the image of the new isla that was formed off the Pakistani coast with what looks to be a 7 and a dot to the right of it. The point is the island and the 7 is the number-based sequence that interconnects all of these quakes.
Click Image to Enlarge
May I remind the readers that we are on the SEVENTH month. Yes, SEPTEMBER is a 7 too. Then OCTOBER... let's just pray that we do not get 8+ magnitude quakes in OCTober.... because we would have to say it is all over... (Pun intended) Get it? OctOVER, the month when it's all over. Someone also brought the ending EMBER as a suffix for SEPTEMBER.
A seismologist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has warned since 2010 that a major quake along the Guerrero Gap off the Acapulco coast is already overdue. He has stated that he expects an 8.0° or greater Richter event any time now. This seismologist was sinced silenced and forced to retract his statement by the authoritarian and fascist 'democracy'.
Another analyst has warned that there is a 98% probability for a megaquake in the same region that will occur before the year ends.

Random, Acts of God, or Premeditated Quakes?

It is eery almost to have these numerical patterns forming. Almost as if an intelligence was behind these events. Are these seemingly random events not just random at all but a sign from God? Or is there a more sinister agenda being played out?

They Are Here

Last year, in July specifically, a prestigious scientist, through a colleague of mine who is in contact with this scientist, reported that since February of 2012, a series of massive ships cloaking themselves entered the Earth's atmosphere. We are talking motherships here people. I remember in one of the encrypted communications I held with this colleague that these ships entered the oceans of the world at distinct points. From what I can recall, some of these massive craft embedded themselves off the coasts of Guatemala and Chiapas Mexico, France, Alaska and I cannot recall where else. The point is that it was mentioned that these motherships where found to be connected with seismic events in these areas and that this scientist confirmed that the US GOV knows that the quakes are also being triggered by these hostile visitors. The scientist also confirmed on-the-ground confirmation, I mean, boots on the ground confirmation and visual of these motherships cloaking and uncloaking themselves over Alaskan skies. Lastly, it was also mentioned that the motherships began to birth many more ships under the water where they are still thought to be and cloaked.


To end this report, I expect, based on the intelligent pattern discovered, that the Counterclockwise motion of these quakes will inevitably lead to a major earthquake in the San Andreas Fault or along the Juan de Fuca plate off the Oregon and California coasts.
After all, it could be that pesky Red Dwarf system known as Planet X that Alex Jones simply won't recognize as the CLEAR AND PRESENT THREAT that is driving all these Earth Changes and driving the economic collapse, the Elites going underground, and destroying his antiglobalist gun-ho 'let's save America' egomaniac alternative media Jesuit-sponsored outlet.
Oh yes, Alex Jones, publicly denied the existence of X once again yesterday. And once again, this serves as evidence of he also being an asset fo the ones behind the globalists, the Jesuits. You know, the ones who control the more than 66 observatories around the world and have the LUCIFER double lens telescope in Arizona. Those Georgetown thugs that tell Mr. Jesuit Jones what he should not dare say.
©2013 All Rights Reserved to the author. CRN- Conciencia Radio Network®



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Prices Set for New Health-Care Exchanges

Uh, how do the homeless and those without incomes pay for the insurance?  Subsidies don't work if you don't pay.   Say you're an out-of-work guy whose unemployment has run out and still can't find work.  Will these people have to pay penalties?  How about an nice big insult with that injury, Joe Citizen.

This still looks like shifting the expense burden of older folks (many of whom have higher salaries) onto the backs on younger people (many of whom make less).

My son is disabled and applying for SSDI.  If and until he is approved, he has nothing.  No income (except food stamps).  In Virginia, adults with no children are not entitled to Medicaid.  So, obviously, there are still those who will fall through the cracks. 

I have a radical idea.  Rather than implementing this mess, why not stop sending money to the MB and funding b.s. wars, and start taking care of Americans for a change?  Just a thought.

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Excerpted from Americans For Tax Reform: “Some things” means uninsured families, med devices,flex accounts, small businesses, people with high medical bills and even charitable hospitals.

During his Tuesday remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative, President Obama admitted that his health care law raises taxes: “So what we did — it’s paid for by a combination of things. We did raise taxes on some things.”

“Some things” is an understatement. Below is just a partial list of Obamacare’s new or higher taxes on Americans: Starting in tax year 2013:

Obamacare Medical Device Tax: Medical device manufacturers employ 409,000 people in 12,000 plants across the country. Obamacare imposes a new 2.3 percent excise tax on gross sales – even if the company does not earn a profit in a given year. In addition to killing small business jobs and impacting research and development budgets, this will make everything from pacemakers to artificial hips more expensive. Obamacare High Medical Bills Tax: Before Obamacare, Americans facing high medical expenses were allowed a deduction to the extent that those expenses exceeded 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI). Obamacare now imposes a threshold of 10 percent of AGI. Therefore, Obamacare not only makes it more difficult to claim this deduction, it widens the net of taxable income.

According to the IRS, 10 million families took advantage of this tax deduction in 2009, the latest year of available data. Almost all are middle class. The average taxpayer claiming this deduction earned just over $53,000 annually. ATR estimates that the average income tax increase for the average family claiming this tax benefit will be $200 – $400 per year. To learn more about this tax, click here. Obamacare Flexible Spending Account Tax: The 30 – 35 million Americans who use a pre-tax Flexible Spending Account (FSA) at work to pay for their family’s basic medical needs face a new Obamacare cap of $2,500. This will squeeze $13 billion of tax money from Americans over the next ten years. (Before Obamacare, the accounts were unlimited under federal law, though employers were allowed to set a cap.) Now, a parent looking to sock away extra money to pay for braces will find themselves quickly hitting this new cap, meaning they would have to pony up some or all of the cost with after-tax dollars.

Needless to say, this tax will especially impact middle class families.

There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children. Nationwide there are several million families with special needs children and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington, D.C. (National Child Research Center) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can be used to pay for this type of special needs education. This Obamacare tax provision will limit the options available to these families. Obamacare Super Saver Surtax: A new, 3.8 percent surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single). This tax hike results in the following top tax rates on investment income: Keep reading

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