Joe Bastardi of Accuweather, who is on TV frequently, is predicting a very cold winter based on the fact that both the Arctic and the Antarctic are amassing much more sea ice. The Arctic did not melt as much as it has been, and the Antarctic has been packing on the sea ice shelves. Now the ETs ... say that the north pole of the Earth has been facing the Sun more than usual this summer, bringing huge heat to the northern hemisphere while freezing off the southern hemisphere. They say that Planet X is moving toward us with its' north pole causing ours to bounce back and forth toward the Sun more than usual.
I don't know what to think personally, but I see lots of little signs. One is the common 2" fuzzy caterpillar we see at the end of the summer with black on both ends and brown fuzz in the middle. It is said that the width of the brown stripe indicates the severity of the winter. I started seeing those caterpillars last week, which are common in Maine and New England. The first three I saw had 1/2 inch of black, with one inch of brown in the middle. BUT today I saw one I have NEVER seen before: it was ALL brown, no black. That would mean it is going to be a bitterly cold winter with lots of snow! If I spot that one again, or others like it, I will have to take a photo.
Feel free to write me if you have any further thoughts or information. Usually at the end of the summer you hear a zzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzz from grasshoppers I guess. They say that on the day you first hear that, the first frost will be 6 weeks away. I heard it on August 1st and that would make the first frost September 15th. Usually here on the coast we do not get a hard freeze up until between Christmas and New Years. We have gotten snow as early as October and as late as May, but our usual snow season starts after Thanksgiving and ends the beginning of April. That is because being on the coast, the ocean makes the winter more temperate. Usually even if it snows in October or before Thanksgiving, it melts or isn't much.
We have just gone through the biggest heatwave here in Maine, over 90 degrees 5 days in a row, since July 1999. And next week is supposed to be 25 degrees or more colder. It seems hard to believe that we might be entering a major cold spell. I wonder what the Farmer's Almanac is going to say for 2011. It is interesting that Los Angeles had its coolest summer in years. They hardly broke 90 degrees at all.