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Hurricane Overdue, Experts Warn

"If meteorological history repeats, it should be a quiet hurricane season in Florida this year — even though conditions are ripe for more than a dozen named Atlantic basin storms.

That sums up Wednesday’s Colorado State University forecast that calls for 16 named tropical storms and hurricanes. The team says nine will become hurricanes, meaning sustained winds will reach 74 mph. Five are expected to be major hurricanes — Categories 3, 4 or 5 — with maximum wind speeds of 111 mph or greater."

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We were just hit with a very powerful thunderstorm, second one this week.  Rain wasn't pouring, it was thundering.  Thunder wasn't thundering, it was bombs exploding.  Lightning was fierce and brilliant. It was a hold-your-breath-and-hope-you-don't-get-hit kind of storm.  And then the silence afterwards.  Spooky.

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Inquiring minds want to know ...

OK.  I have a question to all of you.  Each one of us were called somehow.  When we heard about Nibiru/Planet X something inside of us sounded the alarm ... knowing instinctively this was true.  We started searching, preparing, and looking for like minded people.  It reminds me of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Maybe not at the level that Richard Dreyfuss's character was absorbed but enough to be here today.  I believe that there are psych ops being conducted toward the common man. But what has happened to us that it did not work?  What has set us apart?  I think it is a good question to ask.  If we could find out what the common component is then it could answer some other questions we may all have.  May be each one of us has had a spiritual event that has made us more in tune.  Or maybe none us are drinking water with flouride.  Maybe the spiritual event caused us not to drink the flouridated water.  Causes one to ponder ....
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Honeybees 'entomb' hives to protect against pesticides, say scientists

By sealing up cells full of contaminated pollen, bees appear to be attempting to protect the rest of the hive


Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent
Honey and bee : Entombed Pollen
'Entombed' pollen is identified as having sunken, wax-covered cells amid 'normal', uncapped cells. Photograph: Journal of Invertebrate Pathology

Honeybees are taking emergency measures to protect their hives from pesticides, in an extraordinary example of the natural world adapting swiftly to our depredations, according to a prominent bee expert.

Scientists have found numerous examples of a new phenomenon – bees "entombing" or sealing up hive cells full of pollen to put them out of use, and protect the rest of the hive from their contents. The pollen stored in the sealed-up cells has been found to contain dramatically higher levels of pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals than the pollen stored in neighbouring cells, which is used to feed growing young bees.

"This is a novel finding, and very striking. The implication is that the bees are sensing [pesticides] and actually sealing it off. They are recognising that something is wrong with the pollen and encapsulating it," said Jeff Pettis, an entomologist with the US Department of Agriculture. "Bees would not normally seal off pollen."

But the bees' last-ditch efforts to save themselves appear to be unsuccessful – the entombing behaviour is found in many hives that subsequently die off, according to Pettis. "The presence of entombing is the biggest single predictor of colony loss. It's a defence mechanism that has failed." These colonies were likely to already be in trouble, and their death could be attributed to a mix of factors in addition to pesticides, he added.

Bees are also sealing off pollen that contains substances used by beekeepers to control pests such as the varroa mite, another factor in the widespread decline of bee populations. These substances may also be harmful to bees, Pettis said. "Beekeepers - and I am one – need to look at ourselves in the mirror and ask what we are doing," he said. "Certainly [the products] have effects on bees. It's a balancing act – if you do not control the parasite, bees die. If you control the parasite, bees will live but there are side-effects. This has to be managed."


Read full article here:

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Leuren Moret - Scientists declare northern 1/3 of Japan uninhabitable and should be evacuated


In her interview, Leuren Moret highlights two prominent nuclear radiation scientists who have now publicly declared that the northern 1/3 part of Japan has become uninhabitable because of radiation due to the Fukushima March 11, 2011 quake/nuke false flag operation, and should be evacuated.

One of the radiation experts, Dr. Chris Busby, is a UK Govt. and European Parliament Low Level Radiation Expert. Dr. Busby developed the first radiation risk model to challenge the US government’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki studies model that underestimated internal exposure risk by a factor of 1000. Dr. Busby has conducted research on Sellafield nuke plant contamination and health risks, depleted uranium exposures in the Middle East, Yugoslavia, C. Asia, and Fukushima disaster.

The other radiation expert, Marion Fulk, is a Manhattan Project scientist who made the US hydrogen bomb work. Mr. Fulk was the radiation rainout/snowout expert for the US nuclear weapons program during atmospheric testing. He has trained and mentored Leuren Moret for 11 years on radiation issues such as the environmental and biological effects of ionizing radiation.

In a March 30, 2011 interview on Russia Today with Dr. Chris Busby. Dr. Busby declared that the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdowns will result in at least 417,000 new cancers.


Watch The Video Here:

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Dilution is no solution...

"Oh, now we'll just dilute all the poison to spread it around!

"But the wishful thinking will continue nonetheless. Says Jorgensen, "So hopefully the churning of the ocean and the currents will quickly disperse this [radiation] so that it gets to very dilute concentrations relatively quickly."

"By that same logic, we could all just dump raw sewage into the oceans, too, and hope that the trillions of gallons of ocean water would just disperse it all.

"This was, of course, precisely the strategy of BP following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Let's just dump a few million gallons of toxic chemicals in the gulf and then hope the ocean just disperses it all! (Oh, never mind all the dead sea turtles or the human side effects of Corexit... we'll just pretend those don't exist.)
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Many blog readers have already seen the latest pictures of the comet C/2010 X1 . They tail of a comet's tail extends only 1 arc minute of arc. Is the comet's tail a little or is it just an optical illusion? For their calculations, I used a picture Gustavo Muller (Gustavo Muler) received by him on March 7. Unfortunately, the confrontation of the comet, we could not get her shots on the large telescopes - the camera is out of order seven foot telescope Folkesa (Faulkes Telescope North, FTN).

So, back to the existing snapshot. When approaching a confrontation, when the comet, the Earth and the Sun would be in line (ie, the angle C-C-W will be close to 180 °), the tail of a comet is almost hidden from the eyes of the terrestrial observer, because the tails of comets are directed away from the Sun. At the time of shooting, we saw the tail of the comet at an angle of only 2.75 °! Adopting the length of the projection of the tail for 1 arc minute of arc and solving triangles we see that the actual length of the tail of a comet has exceeded 900 000 km! Although in fact the tail should be even more so as Gustavo used only 30-cm telescope, it is clear that by removing at the same time a comet on a 2-m telescope, we would see the weaker parts of the tail of a comet.

If the March 7 we could see the comet's tail in the profile, its length in the picture would have exceeded 10 minutes of arc! Comet comes into confrontation and we have a good opportunity to get pictures of the coma of a comet. Maybe it will be done and on large telescopes.10957970877?profile=original

You can check out this site at

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Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Observations II


Greetings: We return this day with more observations of your world and projections of what is to come. We begin with those humans who live under the yoke of tyranny or are a part of the physical oppression of others. They know quite well the role of physical force. It is the threat or the actual application of physical punishment, torture, or deprivation that keeps such families, clans, societies, and countries organized for the benefit of their tyrants. It is an age-old ways of controlling humans on your planet. Fears of physical harm force all into rigid structures.

Your so-call advanced societies have a much more subtle, but equally effective means of control; it is called money. Those who have it exercise various means of domination over those who do not. The elites, who have vast wealth, exercise absolute domination over the rest of such societies.

The illuminati, amassing wealth for hundreds of years, have played a largely behind the scenes role in controlling money. In the United States they created institutions such as the Federal Reserve to lend dollars to the government and in turn to the people of the U.S. Their amassed trillions of dollars insulates them from currency fluctuations, for they will always have more money than anyone else, will always hold more land, own more corporations, and control more banking institutions.

Those who have acquired wealth by playing the money game either through their inventive skills or through climbing to the top of the corporate or banking ladder have sold out to the money controllers. Oh they may be most generous in their philanthropy, but they do not give away enough money to make them one of the middle class, or even one of the lesser wealthy. Grand movies are made about the super rich. Comedies are made about the middle class and the poor.

Money invades the life of all in the developed economies. Money controls all aspects of people’s lives. You are told how much money you can borrow from a bank. You are told how much money you will pay in taxes. You are told how much money an item will cost at the super market. Money has become so widely accepted that few stop to question how it dominates their lives.

On the new Earth there will be no need to earn money. We know this is hard to conceive of, but that is the way it will be. Banks create money to lend. The Federal Reserve creates money to lend to the U.S. government. All of this money is created from nothing. If then money can be created from nothing and accepted by all as something of value, why not create money enough for everyone? This is a glimpse of what your future holds.

It is the affect of these controlling structures on individuals that we now wish to address. If you are living under the domination of a tyrant who uses physical force to control you, you are very aware of that domination. Your every movement is monitored and proscribed by soldiers or police. Your freedoms are few. If you choose, you may become part of the regime of the tyrant, and dominate others to achieve a better life for yourself and your family. But you will pay a terrific cost by betraying who you really are: a majestic soul who has incarnated to experience life in the density of Earth. The tyrant may just as well be a religious leader, still you are selling out part of who you are if you align with his or her dominating ways, if you become part of the tyrant’s clan, a follower, or a servant to his or her cause. And conscious people will look upon you with distain because they know that you have sold out.

In the case of a society that is ruled by money, a similar situation exists. Here people believe they are part of a marvelous scheme in which they may climb the ladder to financial success by playing according to the rules. Here they sell out by making the accumulation and use of money their goal. Here the tyrant is less visible, the rules of the game more obscure, and the rewards seemingly less tainted — from a very young age almost everyone is convinced that they want to be rich, and lead a wonderful life that only wealth can bring. So with a society structured around money as its controlling factor, everyone is led to believe that having money, being a part of the system, and selling out to the money tyrant is a good thing. The media glorifies those who are rich. Products and services are offered to those who have the money to pay. Neighborhoods are delineated by those who have money and those who do not. Whereas the selling out to the physical tyrant was an obvious abandonment of your friends and family, with money as the tyrant everyone is selling out to some degree, so there is no judgment by others because everyone is playing in the same game. However, those who make money and what it buys their goal are abandoning their true nature to a tyrant just a surely as those who become part of a physical tyrant’s favored few.

The energies of change are now impacting all on your world — land, sea, air, animals, fish, and most particularly, humans — dissolving the old to make way for the new. Recently there have been three of these energies: Energies of Truth, Energies of Freedom, and Energies of Oneness. From the first of these has arisen the unveiling of the corruption and deceit from governments, corporations, bankers, and religions. Julian Assange and others involved with whistle blowing are driven by the Energies of Truth. Reactions of people to the Energies of Truth are seen in the elite as they seek to label anyone who is not a part of their scheme a terrorist, as they seek to undermine what is beneficial for the many in favor of what benefits the few. The results of the Energies of Truth can be seen in payments by the Catholic Church for abuses by priests.

The Energies of Freedom are entering the lives of all humans. It is not just the courageous people in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other Middle East countries. It is the actions of wives who seek freedom from abusive husbands, children who seek freedom from domineering parents, and workers who seek freedom from domination by corporations.

The Energies of Oneness are the most recent. They are causing all to take a second look at who are their brothers and sisters. These energies are stirring a gratitude for Earth and all that she has provided. Oneness is exhibited by those who see poverty and hunger in a new light, see that the unfortunate are truly no different than their own family. Again the elites, the wealthy, the comfortable, and all who have used their money, power, and status to establish themselves as better than lesser humans are resisting this energy, and engaging in class warfare.

The energies of change are impacting all on Earth. This is not a temporary condition; Earth-humans will NOT return to the old ways of seeing and believing. The waves of change are seeping over all. There is no going back. All are sensing these energies of change, whether they understand them or not.

Those of you who are reading these words, and comprehend the magnitude of the changes, would do well to search within to determine how you are reacting. Are you going to fear, or embracing the light? Many of you will soon realize that you are the light bearers who others will seek out to gain understanding, and to inquire as to what they should do. Do not hide your light; let it shine by your example. You have much to give; decide how you will assist the transformation of your human sisters and brothers.

This all resolves itself then into the impact on individual humans and how they react to the many energies and changes. Do they see the changes and say, “Indeed this is the time of great change. We welcome this.” Or do they say, “I will resist these changes because I like things they way they are.” Or do they see the changes and go into fear for their personal safety? Or do they choose to ignore the changes, hoping all will return to “normal” in a short while? The choice is yours, humans of Earth, choose well for your choices impact all in the universe.

Now let us turn to those us who watch and wait. We do this because we may not interfere with your personal choices, your individual free will. We may not come to your assistance until you request it. In many of the recent “natural” disasters, the countries not affected came to the assistance of those in distress. The recent earthquake in Japan saw countries and organizations from around the world offering assistance. It was the choice of the Japanese people to ask for and accept this assistance.

So will be the case with your sisters and brothers from the stars. There will come a time in the near future when your entire world will be in a state of distress. There will be no other countries or organizations to come to the assistance of those requesting help. It is at that moment if you ask for our assistance that we will answer your call. We, your brothers and sisters from the stars, will deliver much-needed assistance — in much the same way that assistance has been provided to the people of Japan.

Despite our best efforts, we will not be able to assist every individual in a timely manner, nor will we impose ourselves on those who do not wish our assistance, nor do we wish to circumvent your opportunities to assist a neighbor or family member. Just as has been the case in Japan, people have assisted each other with food, water, and shelter. When your entire world is in distress, you too will be called upon to assist each other and we have no doubt that you will respond.

So it is wise to store some food and water and to secure shelter first for yourselves, then for your family members, friends, and neighbors. The period of distress will last for several months, until the necessities can be restored. Until electricity can once again be counted on to light your homes. Plan for such a time.

You will not be thrown back into the primitive state of your ancestors. At the same time, your major cities will become unsustainable. It is from the countryside and in smaller villages that the civilization of Earth will be reconstructed. Here we of the stars can be most effective in rendering assistance. So we say to you this day, plan well for the transformation is upon you.

Some have visualized the pending changes as the separation of the Earth into two parts. Others have seen a second Earth make an appearance and humans being transported to that sphere. In your earlier communications you foresaw such an event, Mark. What is more accurate is a separation of the Earth into different densities based on vibration.

Those who are of the 3rd vibration will experience the physical changes that Earth is projected to undergo, including earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. These will change the face of the planet, water will intrude over land, the poles will shift, and the crust of the Earth will rotate. The net result of this will be a more moderate climate and the greening of the deserts. It will take some time for the Earth to adjust to all that is new. The animals and fish will adjust quite rapidly; it is the humans who remain on the Earth of a higher vibration who will have the most difficult adjustments. Your need for shelter, food, and water will not completely disappear.

Those of you who are vibrating at a higher frequency will not experience the trauma as severely as those who are vibrating at a lower frequency. You will rise above much of the trauma, but you will see it nonetheless. Thus you will exist alongside those of the lower vibrations. You will walk among them but they will barely see you. In some cases you will be able to reach out to assist them. Entire communities will be distinguished by their combined frequencies: Individuals of the higher frequencies blending with those of the somewhat lower frequencies.

Those of you who have achieved a higher frequency will be able to see us, your sisters and brothers of the stars, as we come to assist your transition. Those of the lower frequencies will not see our assistance but they will benefit from it nonetheless.

It has always been that way. Over the centuries, we have worked with certain individuals to insure the progress of humanity. It has been seen as innovations in technology, government, and better ways to experience one another. We have been the helping hand behind the discovery of electricity and harnessing it for lighting. Many of our suggested innovations have been corrupted by those who would keep such innovations for themselves or use them to induce fear into the population, but we have seen enough good come from our urgings that we have continued.

Now it is your turn to provide assistance to those of a lower vibration. From your vantage point, you will assist the continued evolution of mankind on Earth. The greater advantage you have is that you will possess human bodies exactly like those of the humans of the lower frequencies; they will relate to you more readily than they have to us who have seemed strange. You are to be the Caretakers, not only of the Earth, but also of your human brothers and sisters.

This has not been done before: Humans who are of a slightly higher frequency assisting those of a slightly lower vibration. All who remain on Earth will slip into what you are calling higher dimensions, for none who are addicted to fear, hate, anger, war, or violence will survive what is coming. (Their dense energies will not enable them to move upward.) Those who consciously put aside lower vibrations will shift into a higher dimension and journey to the new Earth. Those of you who are vibrating at a higher frequency yet will interact with them as guides, mentors, and elders. It will be a glorious time when the new humans of Earth can vibrate at the frequencies of the animals and plants, can see the oneness of all, can relax into the beauty of Earth, and most importantly can assist each other in love and light.

The time of great change is upon you. Listen well to the various communications, and embrace the higher energies. Each must find his or her own way of being, for both your evolution and your uniqueness are valued.

As we currently see the situation, there will be continued earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and severe weather. How impacting each will be on humans is determined by a number of factors: Earth’s desire to cleanse herself in a particular area. The fears held by the human residents of that area. The illuminati’s use of HAARP, and other methods, to increase the severity of these events.

As we have told you before, we can see the Earth in the future. We are looking at a beautiful new Earth through the perspective of our higher frequency (where there is no time and we can see without distortions), so we see her somewhat differently than do you who are looking through a 3rd dimension vibration. Earth is much the same as today (mountains, oceans, etc.); it is that we see her differently from our lighter perspectives (as will you when you achieve faster vibrations).

Let us remind you once again that your individual future is determined by your individual frequency of vibration. You have been told by various lightworkers, and by those of us from the higher vibrations, of several methods to increase your vibration. If you have not already done so, it is not too late to undertake this process. Staying in a higher vibration means avoiding fear both now and when the climax of the transformation takes place. Much like the vibration of a tuning fork that can be quelled by holding it against your hand, so can fear dampen your vibration.

Now is the time to avoid anything that reduces your ability to vibrate at the highest possible level. Practice living in higher vibration daily. Practice it with your eyes open, practice in your home, in your place of work, and as you walk in nature. Practice it as you walk tall among those who are fearful. Practice it so that others who see you notice you are oblivious to the fears of 3rd dimensional surroundings, and practice it so that others inquire of you how also to do that.

We who exist in the density without time can assure you that Earth will continue. We can assure you that humans of Earth will continue, albeit at a higher vibration. Moreover we can assure you that everything will be quite different on the new Earth — that the new Earth will be a planet of love, light, and Oneness. We have seen the brilliant new Earth as she shines like a beacon for all in the universe. And you the humans who then reside upon her will be honored as those who transformed themselves from a density of fear into beings of love and light. And there will be great joy among all in the universe as these momentous events are realized. What you do for yourselves and each other reverberates through the universe.

Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.

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Hi to all,


Reading the news on CBS I found this one very interesting:


The link to verify the story is :


WASHINGTON -- The West Wing of the White House is vanishing.

In recent weeks, an expanding and sometimes earsplitting zone of excavation has enveloped the mansion's famous office wing. Heavy equipment and metal-and-concrete superstructures are part of the vast construction project.

The front door and the Marine who guards it have disappeared behind a high green-and-white plywood fence. From Pennsylvania Avenue, all that's visible is a sliver of second-floor roofline.

For years to come, the front yard at 1600 Pennsylvania will remain a noisy building site, say officials in charge of the White House's "Big Dig."

The White House describes the job as an overdue upgrade of underground utilities. That includes water and sewer lines, electrical conduits, pipes for chilled and hot water and steam heat systems, and storm sewers. Heating, air conditioning and fire alarm systems are being replaced. Some systems are getting backups.

A mysterious tunnel is being built, too.

Crews have poured huge concrete pylons, erected retaining walls and brought in truckloads of steel I-beams. The construction site has expanded from in front of the West Wing around to the side and across a parking lot to the next-door Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

Inevitably, the work has fueled speculation that what's really being built is some secret, new underground lair.

Fresh inquiries by The Associated Press to the General Services Administration, which is supervising the work, have elicited denials.

Spokeswoman Sahar Wali said the steel and concrete is needed "to create enough space and a pathway for replacement of the new utilities infrastructure at the proper depth and location." She said the construction is not putting in place longstanding plans for underground office space or an underground driveway entrance. She said it will not involve the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, the hardened bunker under the East Wing that's a shelter for nuclear attack.

As for that tunnel, she said it's not a new shelter — just a means of maintaining access to the utilities.

West Wing officials, especially those with offices nearest the construction, have endured painful spells of drilling and banging. Holding meetings and doing routine business amid the din has become a major challenge.

For example, Josh Earnest, a deputy in the press office, found himself doing phone interviews on President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech as a worker jackhammered concrete inches from his window. The next day, when a second jackhammer arrived, he phoned project managers to beg for a reprieve. The work was postponed.

"They have been very respectful of the fact that we still have to keep an important operation running here," Earnest said.

Visitors to the West Wing now must navigate a temporary walkway that curves behind Pebble Beach — as the zone where TV reporters do standups is called — and arches over the digging before swinging out of view behind the construction fence.

Foreign leaders arriving by motorcade often have to use another entrance. Beyond the main West Wing driveway, the construction has shut down one entrance leading to the White House residence quarters that's used for deliveries of flowers, produce and other supplies.

That fencing has cost some of the most coveted offices in America their sweeping views.

"I've threatened to go spray paint (it) and make it a little bit more esthetically pleasing," said then-press secretary Robert Gibbs before he packed up and left.

For most of those who work in the White House complex, the noise is the worst part. In addition to the jackhammers and bulldozers, a heavy crane that drills large earthen cores is the biggest offender, shivering and clanking as it shakes off dirt after each bore. TV correspondents facing nearby cameras have to shout to be heard.

Alas, the noise won't be going away any time soon.

The West Wing dig is but the first step in a multiphase project that will eventually progress across the White House grounds — and last for a total of four years.

Its scope can be gleaned from its hefty cost: $376 million. Of that, $86 million is just for the West Wing.

Complicating the job is the need to preserve the historic building and grounds. That's meant retaining an archaeologist to consult on what's dug up. The National Park Service painstakingly has removed historic trees and is caring for them elsewhere. When everything's finished, the entire North Lawn is supposed to be returned to its original state.

One other possibility the massive utility job has raised is that additional work will be required inside the West Wing, with some occupants relocated for the duration. That's what happened when the press room and basement Situation Room complexes were renovated in 2006.

But that's a possibility officials resolutely refuse to discuss. "GSA does not develop construction schedules for projects that are not funded," Wali said, adding that only exterior work and utility tie-ins are planned "at this time."

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"New seismic information shows that the risk of earthquakes damaging many of the country's nuclear plants — including TVA's — is higher than had once been estimated.

"The Nuclear Regulatory Commision says that the shift is incremental and that all of the nation's plants remain safe despite the new data."

[Unless, of course, there's a 9.0 earthquake.]

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Read if you agree Please sign your intent. Thanks


This Awareness has something to speak on that matter and thanks the energizer for her acknowledgement of assistance. It has long been put out that there is collusion between the existing government of the world and the extraterrestrial beings and forces that the governments have made contracts with. It has been put out that the Galactic Federation has not intervened earlier because the official governments of the world, particularly the United States of America and that which is known as Russia, the Russian Federation, previously the Soviet Union, who are more interested in a lucrative contract with aliens that would offer them technology and power, than the Galactic Federation that appeared and asked for assistance to be given, that the old ways of dominance and power and criminality and that a true willing to be of service towards humanity be pursued instead.

The Agreement is Null and Void at This Time

This was rejected by the United States government in favor of a more lucrative contract with those beings known as the Reptilians and the Greys, where there was an offer of technology in exchange for the permission to work surreptitiously in the events and affairs of humanity. The Galactic Federation withdrew at that time since they had not achieved a ratification from the existing governments, especially the United States and Russia; however, at this time, this Awareness wishes to speak of this and suggests that the agreement made by the governments is null and void at this time, for it was never made on behalf of humanity.

Even though it is touted that the Orion Empire is here because they were invited to be here, this no longer holds sway, or any power. It is the right for each and every individual to now cry out against this agreement which does not represent them. That which was their ignorance because of that which was held from them, needs to be broken, needs to be surpassed. That is why the importance of a First Alien Contact is so important at this time.

We Need to Cry Out a Welcome to the Galactic Federation! (An Internet Campaign with Petitions Should Begin Now)

This Awareness would suggest that the individuals now give voice of whom they wish to be in contact with, who they wish to work with. Rather than working with those powers that were hidden for so long, that worked behind the surface as they did; they being the Greys, the Reptilians, the Orions; that a voice go out calling for, and inviting back the Galactic Federation: the Sirians, the Arcturians, and all others of the Galactic Federation who are here to assist at this time. It is even seen that an Internet campaign may be launched, where individuals put out a proclamation, even a petition that is circulated on Internet, a petition requesting assistance at this time by the Galactic Federation, requesting that it be now seen and acknowledged that mankind is starting to understand and recognize that they have been duped by their own governments and that they wish to break free of this and get out of the contract their governments made on their behalf.

Individuals should state that they do not hold to the contracts allegedly made on their behalf and that they wish now to truly welcome the Galactic Federation, those higher forces that have been the guardians of mankind for so long, but have done so from beyond. This Awareness wishes even to say beyond the veil. They have stayed relatively hidden and have not exposed themselves as much as those current extraterrestrial forces that are prevalent in the skies. They are also in the skies above, have assisted where they can, but have been shackled largely from being more open in their assistance because of the alleged contracts made by the governments with those forces that would subjugate humanity to its own realm.

Indeed, many of those ruling powers, including the 13 powerful families, the Illuminati, the Free Masons, the Triumvirate; those controlling powers have long worked with those hidden extraterrestrial forces, against humanity, against the well-being and welfare of humanity. It is time now for humanity to rise up, and say "No more! Enough! This is not my agreement! This is not something that I say yes to! I call to those forces that would free us and assist us! I call to the Galactic Federation as an aware sentient being, that I wish to say YES to those beings who work with us, who would assist us, who would help us grow and expand.

Members Who Know the Internet Well Should Start Now

For those who have understanding of what this Awareness is speaking of, who know the Internet well enough that they could put together a proclamation that can be circulated into human consciousness, that can be passed out and passed along the cyber waves, that this Awareness recommends that this be done. It will have great value and give voice to those who know that the Galactic Federation, those higher forces who would work with society and with humanity are only waiting for the invitation to do so. Let the voice speak out. Let the voice now be heard.


(Thank you) I am hopeful, perhaps CAC will come forth and initiate this for us, so that we can all take part, and the rest of humanity can become aware of it, because we do appreciate whatever the Galactic Federation would offer. Thank you.
(Click here for sample email petitions)

Go to the lightnet Petition and sign your intent now

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