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Are you kidding me ?????


Report: CIA Arranged Bride for Terrorist in Plot to Kill Him

PHOTO: The CIA paid an al Qaeda spy $250,000 to help find a bride for American-born terrorist Anwar al Awlaki in a plot to locate and kill him, according to a report in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
Terror Bride: Awlaki Courts Wife by Video
By BRIAN ROSS (@brianross) and LEE FERRAN

The CIA paid an al Qaeda spy $250,000 to help find a bride for American-born terrorist Anwar al Awlaki in a plot to locate and kill him, according to a report in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

The CIA declined to comment when asked about the published account. But if true, it provides a revealing look at the lengths to which the CIA went to find and eliminate al Awlaki, who was among the most wanted terrorists in the world after the death of Osama bin Laden. Al Awlaki was linked by US authorities to a number of terror plots, including the failed effort by the underwear bomber to blow up a US jetliner over Detroit and the attack at Fort Hood in which 13 people died and dozens were injured.

WATCH Awlaki and his bride talk by video.

In the case of the terrorist bride, the purported CIA double agent, Morten Storm, a Danish convert to Islam, provided the newspaper with “proposal” videos and e-mail texts he says al Awlaki exchanged with the woman, a 32-year old Croatian named Aminah who said she was an admirer of al Awlaki.

“I am 32 years old and am ready for dangerous things,” she wrote, according to texts posted by the paper. “I am ready to die for the sake of Allah.”

WATCH Jyllands-Posten’s English-language video on the alleged Awlaki ‘terror bride’ plot

The report says the plot failed when the woman reached Yemen but was told by al Awlaki’s aides to abandon her suitcase which had been bugged with tracking devices by the CIA without her knowledge.

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Politics, Legislation and Economy News

Wars and Rumors of War  :  War on terror – Hypocrisy – Psy – Ops – Fraud

US intelligence admits Syria arms aid goes to Al Qaeda

By Bill Van Auken

American Intelligence officials are acknowledging that the bulk of the weapons flowing into Syria for the US-backed war to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad are going into the hands of Al Qaeda and like-minded Islamist militias.

A lead article appearing in the New York Times Monday confirms the mounting reports from the region that jihadist elements are playing an increasingly prominent role in what has become a sectarian civil war in Syria.

“Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster, according to American officials and Middle Eastern diplomats,” the Times reports.

The article reflects the growing disquiet within US ruling circles over the Obama administration’s strategy in Syria and, more broadly, in the Middle East, and adds fuel to the deepening foreign policy crisis confronting the Democratic president with just three weeks to go until the election.

In the distorted public debate between Democrats and Republicans, this crisis has centered around the September 11 attack on the US consulate and a secret CIA headquarters in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi that claimed the lives of the US ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans.

Republicans have waged an increasingly aggressive public campaign, indicting the Obama administration for failure to protect the American personnel. They have also accused the White House of attempting to cover up the nature of the incident, which the administration first presented as a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Islamic video, before classifying it as a terrorist attack.

In Sunday television interviews, Republicans pressed this line of attack while Democrats countered that it was a political “witch-hunt” and that the initial description of the attack was based on available intelligence at the time.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, appearing on the NBC news program “Face the Nation,” argued that the description of the fatal attack in Benghazi as a spontaneous event was politically motivated. The Obama reelection campaign, he charged, is “trying to sell a narrative that… Al Qaeda has been dismantled—and to admit that our embassy was attacked by Al Qaeda operatives undercuts that narrative.”

What is involved, however, is not merely the disruption of an election campaign “narrative.” The events in Benghazi blew apart the entire US policy both in Libya and Syria, opening up a tremendous crisis for American foreign policy in the region.

The forces that attacked the US consulate and CIA outpost in Benghazi were not merely affiliates of Al Qaeda, they were the same forces that Washington and its allies had armed, trained and supported with an intense air war in the campaign for regime-change that ended with the brutal murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi one year ago.

Ambassador Stevens, who was sent into Benghazi at the outset of this seven-month war, was the point man in forging this cynical alliance between US imperialism and forces and individuals that Washington had previously branded as “terrorists” and subjected to torture, rendition and imprisonment at Guantanamo.

The relationship between Washington and these forces echoed a similar alliance forged in the 1980s with the mujahideen and Al Qaeda itself in the war fostered by the CIA in Afghanistan to overthrow a government aligned with Moscow and to bloody the Soviet army.

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Video 92
Friends of our channel and YouTubers welcome.
Answers of an alien from Andromeda – video ninety-two - October 15, 2012.
- Friends, I got a news that, depending on the analysis of the accuracy of facts by the Community Galactica, may
change the current course of events. A motion of dissent lines of your elites managed to contact the leadership of
the "fleet Pleiadeans" that is on the planet and are trying to manage another solution for the planet. They do not
agree with the plans of the other elitist faction to eliminate much of the population, and are trying to sign some
agreements of conduct with the galactic community. Even if these agreements happen and the plans of the other
faction are neutralized, they do not represent the planet as leadership; will be treated as part of the population.
Any social reorganization that goes into effect on the planet after the implementation of a new context will be
consigned to direct approval by the board of the Community Galactica. They are requesting the direct intervention
of the Community Galactica over the control of natural disasters that are expected, the control of large solar
emissions that are about to happen any time by the approach of Nibiru system, the control of internal pressure on
the planet that is about to cause a huge cataclysm, minimization of climatic effects generated by the reversal of
the poles because of the approaching galactic hemisphere, and the neutralization of military actions of the
"opposing faction." To do so, would be giving detailed plans of all actions planned, and all deposits and secret laboratories that comprise the current organization of the global elite. The board of the Community Galactica will
be examining all details pertaining to this query to give some advice. This is a decision that should generate a lot
of work for the Community Galactica in the administration of this colony, as it would against natural events that
should filter the new colony. This filtering would account for the time it would take until all the "zero level" being
transferred by natural death to their new places of settlement. It will be difficult to obtain an opinion of the board
of the Community Galactica with so little time left, so do not count much with this possibility. Your elitist takes
long to decide to request such assistance, and that could derail the implementation of any plan at this time
remaining. I personally think that the Community Galactica will not take responsibility for changing the natural
course of events, because they would have to take the direct administration of the colony due to lack of proper
leadership at the time of this transition. In this case, you can imagine what can happen when aliens begin to
interact with your various ethnicities? For this reason, I believe that there is not much time to plan global action of
this magnitude. But as the Community Galactica has virtually unlimited resources, anything can happen. Any of
the possibilities, it will be a big change for this whole colony of Earthlings. Be prepared to assist us in this process
if this option happens. We will n
list of coordinates received from CB contains only 250 people that may possibly help us, if it happens we will need
many more to help in this great mission.
- Now I'll answer some questions accumulated.

Mythi, NASA is announcing the coming of a super bright comet, called 2012S1, which must pass through the solar
system in November 2013 ... this, would be the Nibiru?
- No, that great body is really a comet. It will interact with the system as any large comet or "wandering planet. He
is so bright because it suffers a natural process of cold fusion, like what happens in the suns of Sirius, Rigel, among
many others. It’s totally different from the context of light emission from your sun, which is caused by atomic
reaction. Do not worry about it; several important things should happen until you can see it passing by. As I said,
I'll let you know when the "system Nibiru is coming to be seen by all.

Mythi, since you is a behavioral scientist I wanted your professional opinion on this subject. Mat asks, "Since
humans have evolved for at least 14 billion years throughout the universe and reproduction requires the opposite
sexes, do you consider homosexuality to be unnatural and a psychological disorder and if so will it be treated like
all other disorders and eliminated in the future with the new society."
- Mat, homosexuality is not a disease, it is a state of mind. Many details can make this state of mind manifest.
Often it manifests come from experiences in previous incarnation or in early childhood, where traumas were
printed in subjective memory. Wars where "men" had a duty to participate; abuses suffered in both boys and
girls, dominant and violent partners, problems between parents, fear of not being reciprocated or fear of failing to
prove their status to a sexual partner of the opposite sex, many factors can have influenced the condition of
mood. This state of mind will fit, as the individual can assume your identity, and that only he can set with the time
and own experience. Homosexuality curiosity is also a form of self-affirmation, and who needs this experience is
getting to know yourself better somehow. Any physical experience that is the result of a desire to learn more is
the best way to self-adjust within himself. Each individual has its own characteristics, inherited or not the factors
above; each is solved according to their own wills. The important thing is that everyone can be understood,
respected and loved, each with their different needs, for which the society be really of free beings. Of course, in
societies of level one, these social problems will cease to exist, so there are no causes, the effect will cease to exist
over time.

Mythi, Tina asks, does marriage exist in the universe or is it just an invention of the religions, made by people here
on earth? Is there a special bound between the love of man and woman in the universe or on another planet? Are
you married?
- Tina, all humanoids, started their colonies in the same way; reproduction is a form peculiar to all. Marriage in
itself is an invention of your planet, but the fact is that life in pairs is almost a constant also for other humanoid
races. If you decide to live together to procreate or simple company, communicate the families and assume each
other. No further legal complications as those imposed here by your society. I have a girl on my planet, but I still
do not live together due to my constant absence. Maybe one day.
- Belfoth, yes, all the ancient structures, temples, caves, pyramids, monoliths, etc were gifts given by teams of
astronauts to the civilizations of the past here on planet Earth.

Mythi, Michael ask if it is true that American soldiers have found in a cave in Afghanistan a 5000 year old Vimana
and that 8 U.S. soldier are missing. It is said that the owner of this Vimana was a Prophet name Zora Aster.
- Michael, what you call "vimanas" is small transportation devices, which were presented to those that spread
philosophies of life given to the tribes by certain breeds. The operation of these "vimanas" were conditioned
molecularly to specific touch of gifted, or do not work with anyone else. Therefore, after the death of the owners,
they ceased to be of any use and were left in caves or tombs. These are units with technology that may cause bad
effects if disassembled by personnel without the necessary qualification. You will find many traces of alien
technology by the planet, in Russia there are weapons of defense-ray energy buried for centuries, if dismantled by
unskilled personnel can cause serious consequences for the entire region.
Mythi, Leo asks, why do you say that wanting to be humanoid is laudable? What makes us so special? Also why
can't other races colonize other planets from the beginning like us? I'm a little confused... are they spiritually
different from us?
- This is an interesting question. The descendants of the reptilian and insects are totally different physically from
humanoids, but not only in the physical. Their spirits also develop through the fourth dimension to its incarnation
in planets in the third dimension, but the development is different. They do not have the same kind of feelings,
their priorities are different. In the case of the descendants of insects, they take almost 10 times longer to reach
the levels of frequency than humanoids. The reptilians, not counting on primordial instincts of affection and
family and also take up to 7 times more than the humanoids to pass levels. For this reason they want the ability to
incorporate feelings of humanoids to their brains cold-blooded, to increase speed of development. When societies
of these races, reaching the level 10 of the third dimension, will move to the fourth, along with the humanoids,
and there will be no more differences. The problem is getting there. The humanoids are far from perfect, we make
mistakes a lot to learn something, we are too proud to admit our mistakes, and we are very heterogeneous in
terms of culture, but we have feelings too developed, which generates a more effective interaction between our
colonies by the whole universe. This is a characteristic of mammals in general, not only of the humanoids, the
difference is that we have activated our brains and can think, philosophize and develop technologies, when the
rest of the animals not. But the primal instincts are present in all warm-blooded mammals. A dog may adopt a
kitten as her offspring, an alligator never adopt a turtle, but it's always a good snack...

Be well friends, the light will be with you all.
Thanks for watching, join our channel!You are welcome there!
Captain Bill – October, 2012

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"Enhanced warming of the Arctic affects the jet stream by slowing its west-to-east winds and by promoting larger north-south meanders in the flow. Predicting those meanders and where the weather associated with them will be located in any given year, however, remains a challenge.

"The researchers say that with more solar energy going into the Arctic Ocean because of lost ice, there is reason to expect more extreme weather events, such as heavy snowfall, heat waves, and flooding in North America and Europe but these will vary in location, intensity, and timescales."

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Everything Is Rigged--How To Beat The System

Adding my two cents, don't deal with companies whose service centers are offshore.  Don't buy products from big corporations, this deprives them of lobbying money.  Buy USA products as much as possible.  You don't like what America is becoming?  Then vote with your wallet.  Voting at the polls is meaningless if you want real change.

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